From: Jonathan Awasom <>
To: "Nico RVan Dijck" <>
Date: Friday, February 11, 2011, 1:19 AM
Dear Mr NicoThank you for taking my phone call and for emailing me your contact. The first document you will read from me is the vision for the exportation of freedom to Africa. This is very important because I want everybody to have a good picture of where I have been coming from all these years.Most importantly ,why I have been resilient.Herewith are evidence of my longtime political advocacy and activism for the Exportation of freedom to Africa. In many ways I used Cameroon, my country as a base for this vision.This was a very special training that I recieved in 2006 and it lasted for two years. During this period I was exploring my vision for the freedom of Africa ,which started with an open letter I wrote to President Bush in 2006.My letter to the White House was accompanied with a Blueprint on how to end poverty and injustice in Africa following the G-8 summit in Gleneagles Scotland in 2005. The State Department also have copies of every memorandum I dispatched to the White House and Religious Leaders in this country involved in mission work in Africa.Every detail of this incredible journey will be brought to your attention in the next emails..."
--- <> wrote: On Thu, 6/17/10, Jonathan Awasom
From: Jonathan Awasom <>
Date: Thursday, June 17, 2010, 4:20 PM
An Open Letter to Canadians and United States Political,Religious and Business Leaders and Citizens of the Free World INVOLVED IN AFRICA.
My Fellow Patriotic and Concerned Citizens
In additions to all I have said to you, I am very excited to inform you about this vision I conceived since in 2007 and was constantly exploring ways to acquaint you with it. My longing for freedom for the oppressed in Africa is no longer a secret and our demands for the freedom of political prisoners, stop human rights violation and end corrupt tyranny and dictatorship are not foreign to the history of free people. I am deeply rooted into God -centered Principles and values that shaped the making of the Constitution of the United States of America.
As a researcher, consultant and visionary leader, I am introducing this platform to enable me work with all of you to realize my vision for Freedom for Cameroon and Africa. I am looking for MEMBERS TO SUPPORT ME WITH MY VISION. Take a moment to explore the case I am making as well as visit my blog in order to learn more about me and my vision. I am driven and determined for this mission.
I have developed different creative strategies through, which the vision to free Cameroon and Africa will materialize.To this effect, I am calling on all of you to help me to start the Founding Fathers Freedom Institute International( F.F.FREEDOM INSTITUTE INTERNATIONAL. This vision has been around since 2007 and I believe that we should not postpone it again.Why should America Export Freedom to Cameroon and Africa in the 21st century?
I love Canada and the United States of America . I am patriotic. I am an honest beggar. I don't beat about the bush. I go for what I know has value and meaning. I crave for that,which inspires. I have only one pain in my life, which is righteous anger transformed into no-nonsense political advocacy and activism to change, alter and abolish the unjust systems in our societies,which have hurt me and millions of innocent people also known as the oppressed.
There is always a motivation ,inspiration and vision,which drives someone in life. I have learned about this from successful American Patriots who led successful revolutions and changed the world forever beginning from the 17 th century through the 20th century. The 21st century is bearing the fruits of the labors of the 20th century and these fruits should be enjoyed by everybody born into this world and who are entitled to be free
If the History of Canada and United States of America are true, if the Constitution is correct, if the vision of the Founders incredibly brought about this freedom and prosperity for humankind in ways beyond my grasps, if political and religious persecution are indicative of any corrupt political system out there that President Thomas Jefferson and the Founders opposed and absconded from them, if the Holy Bible and Holy Trinity are true and if the Founders were empowered by their faith in God and reliance on the wisdom of the Holy Bible, then I believe that I am also right today as a descendant. I have to focus on the vision God has deposited inside me for the people. My responsibility as a visionary person is to reach out to everyone regardless of race and politics to support us.
My constant seeking, asking and knocking makes some people uncomfortable. It is not my desire to incite anyone to be angry at me. All I had wanted to do is point you to the positive energy that is flowing and circulating only within this part of the world. I want to tap into this energy and export it to Africa . If you want me to stop bothering you then all you need to do is give me what we are entitled to, which is FREEDOM. William B Benet observed in the Book of Virtue that Americans should be grateful for the political freedom, which was bequeathed to them by the Founding Fathers. This gratefulness calls for its preservation, sustenance, maintenance and most importantly its exportation to other parts of the world that are underdeveloped.
After successfully being trained for 40 days in the wilderness with the Political History and Education of the Founding Fathers of North America( Canada and United States of America) and thereafter following 2 years of intensive and extensive research through reading, mentorship and experience, I began to realize the urgency to export the Founding Father's brand of Freedom to some parts of Africa, which are NOT FREE.
Considering the fact that Africa is a vast continent, I decided to narrow down this vision to Cameroon. Over the years , I have been terribly devastated by the civil war in Goma-Congo,Liberia,Sierra Leone etc which has taken a huge toll on the lives of innocent children and women. I know that these civil wars, conflicts and genocides are destructive rebellious activities ,which hardly result in nation building if not checked and stopped as soon as possible.
It was reported that about 45.000 people were killed every month and my no-nonsense political activism under the guidance of the Holy Trinity galvanized the City of Edina, Churches and concerned Citizens of Edina to stand up for Goma-Congo led by Christ Presbyterian Church of Edina where I was a member.By the same token, my vision to reform the Church in Cameroon,which led us to a rare constructive revolution that shock the church system in 1999, also mobilized Westminster Presbyterian Church Down Town Minneapolis and PC(USA) to begin changing their missionary approach in Cameroon b y being more open and accountable.After discovering the truth through my research, reading and experience, I also became self-conscious of the corrupt tyrannical and totalitarian political system in Cameroon. This is unlike the political freedom of Canada and the United States . As a consequence, I knew immediately that the time to Export this political Freedom to Cameroon and Africa had come.
I am yet to sensitize the Cities of the USA in order to mobilize, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Bethlehem Baptist Church and Grace Church to stand up for Africa just as Edina is standing up for Goma-Congo following the revolution of the conscience I led. I operate from a very realistic standpoint, which is every stakeholder in Goma-Congo and Cameroon, and Africa as a whole automatically are partners with us to Free these countries and help us to build it like Canada and the United States of America and Europe . I am making concrete plans to contact the officials involved.This is no easy task for me articulating my vision and seeking to market it to my fellow patriotic Canadian and American leaders and citizens. I am sure many of you have read my works and feel the passion, enthusiasm and spirit.You can tell that I hear voices from beyond echoing through my non-violent no-nonsense practical advocacy and activism in a bid to enlighten and educate people about freedom, democracy and human rights of all people born into the continent of Africa.-The Founding Fathers Freedom Institute (F.F.FREEDOM INSTITUTE)“In the immediate future, carefully trained Americans should commence exporting the Founders’ great success formula. The world is waiting for it… we must regain our footing, reexamine our game plan, and then begin exporting our formula for freedom, prosperity and peace to the rest of the world. It is fundamental to the progress, happiness and self-realization of all mankind (humankind). It is what the founders expected of us”W.Cleon Skoussen, National Center for Constitutional Studies (NCCS) in his Book, “ The Making of America, the Meaning and Substance of the Constitution”The Founding parents of America (men and their wives) thought deeply about the success formula for America and others. None of the States in America were accomplished in a single day. Unpacking their independence after 1776, they realized that they were not yet free and that is why they began charting the path to freedom after the Declaration of Independence.Freedom is a critical need in life because people can be independent and yet not free. This is the case with Cameroon. Even though we gained independence in 1960 and 1961, we are still not free. I believe I have the moral duty to fulfill the wishes of the founding fathers after I discovered the truth. “Where there is a will there is a way”.Why am I advocating for freedom?I am a surviving victim of colonization, dictatorship and slavery. Today, I see myself more like a resilient moral agent for change and not as a victim again. Therefore, I resonate with W. Cleon Skoussen who writes in his Book that “Freedom should be America’s Greatest Export”.This is the more reason why we have to discuss with the American people how this freedom should be exported to The United Tribes of Cameroon (UTC) or Federated Provinces of Cameroon (FPC). But before we get Americans involved, we have to train them.My vision from this point will be for us to connect with all Americans who are involved in one business or the other in Cameroon so that we explore how this freedom should be exported. Americans involved in Cameroon include; mission churches and missionaries, Peace Corps, diplomats, tourists, professionals and other volunteer Americans who believe in the freedom of this country. Let me share with you very honestly that preventive measure against any possible civil war or genocide in Cameroon at this time in history is crucial.The Founding Fathers Freedom Institute (F.F.FI). This institute will be a research and training center for Americans interested in exporting this freedom to Cameroon and Africa. “American citizens” refers to all people who currently have this status whether by birth or naturalization regardless of their political or religious affiliation.My desire is that this center will attract admirers from all over to expose themselves to resources and training programs about this mission. In the meantime, Cameroon is my preoccupation now because my goal is to work for a peaceful transition after more than 50 years of dictatorship and corrupt tyranny.Our population is only about 19 million and about 85% of Cameroonians are unemployed. This is a clear recipe for civil war. We are also a nation of complex tribes, which in the midst of dictatorship, oppression, corruption and injustice could culminate in genocide. We have the moral duty to prevent any unforeseen situation.If you will like to learn more about these ideas, please feel free to contact me. I thought I throw this out and hear what your thoughts are because I will be asking for your support and help.-Jesus Christ and the abolition of slavery on African Colonies”-The audacity for freedom: Why US should export freedom to Cameroon ”These are my two manuscripts awaiting publication for the FFFREEDOM INSTITUTE. I have also drawn from the life of William Wilberforce, President Thomas Jefferson and President Abraham Lincoln, Dietritch Bonhoeffer and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King in a bid to explain how their moral Leadership was shaped by their faith in God. All of them were passionate followers of Christ and believed in the love of God and the beloved community.They did not compromise with evil or negative forces that infringed upon the human dignity. Yet, after they labored in love, unfortunately under very tragic circumstances with the exception of William Wilberforce and President Thomas Jefferson, I owe them a lot.They made a huge difference no doubt and the world changed forever. For me, I humbly stand on their shoulder blades because while growing up and learning about them one after the other, I have come to the highest level of inspiration. I now believe that it is time for me to tell the story from experience, testimony and research.Call for actionBefore I ask for your support and help, I am deeply convicted about what I stand for in terms of freedom, liberty, justice and peace, which are some of the essential ingredients for human dignity. For Seven years that I have been in America and following my research, I will be doing disservice to humanity if I fail to educate and enlighten humankind about the state of affairs in my country.Today, I am delighted because at last I am able to figure out what we can do together. As you know I am a visionary person and after conceiving this, now I need your expertise, moral, physical or your financial support to translate this vision into reality. So, if you know others who might be interested in my vision, ideas and passions, please share with them.Sometime toward the end of summer or fall, I will like us to launch the Founding Fathers Freedom Institute. I will endeavor to identify and contact all missions, diplomats, professionals and others involved in Cameroon with this letter, too. I am desperate to prevent civil war or genocide in Cameroon and I trust that you will join me with your passion and gifts to step up to this responsibility.How can you be involved and who am I looking for? What, When, How, Why?- Experts to help shape my vision so that it can be translated- Scholars and visiting Fellows for the Founding Fathers Freedom Institute (Trainers)- Volunteers and advocates- Fund raisers- An administrative assistant- Board members and advisers for the Founding Fathers Institute ETCThanks in advance for being a Freedom Exporter.This is who I have always been according to my faith in God.Jonathan Awasom ( Reverend)Political refugee within the US from Cameroon, West AfricaPolitical Advocate for the Exportation of America’s Freedom to AfricaPastor and Missionary to the USACareer Development FacilitatorReformer and Nation BuilderCivil Rights leader and Community OrganizerPolitical Advocate and CanvasserVoice for the VoicelessVoice of ConscienceMobilizing and Organizing and empowering Cameroonians, Africans, friends of Africa and concerned citizens of the world ; Missionaries, Peace Corps, Diplomats and the International Community to free and change Cameroon from corrupt tyranny, and dictatorship under the CPDM regimeFor more information about what what I stand for, visit thisCellular Phone: 973-282-6461
I have never lost faith in humanity in spite of the injustices I have faced in the struggle for justice. Truth is a prerequisite for justice and liberty. My vision is for a virtuous and free society. Here is a catalogue of wikitruths. I speak truth to powers as the most effective tool for change since I was blessed with this exra-ordinary gift.Yes, I have infleunced world leaders and millions of lives changed already with wikitruths. Truth is the greatest force for good
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Saturday, May 28, 2011
--- On Fri, 2/11/11, Jonathan Awasom <> wrote:
Pendulum of change swings toward Government and Social Policy in Africa
The Noble Doctrine of "We the People" : A perspective
There is no controversy over the fact that we are in a post-modern age otherwise called post-modernism, which marks the progressive outcome of human civilization dating as far back as the 17th century. There is a great expectation that people who have captured the spirit of post-modernism have a different mentality and attitude towards life. First and foremost the characteristics of post-modernism are what makes it very amazing and unique for further exploration. Africa has hardly been a measuring rod for excellent social policies, which is one of the main reasons why I am articulating this. I believe that social policy is the bridge between Government( public servants) and the civil society( the citizens being governed)
The existence of unbelievable communication networks through advanced technology and science of human interaction has defined this age. This has landed the world into what others call globalization on one hand and global village on the other. Those who stick to “globalization” perpetuate corporate greed through the unrestrained practice of owning shares in most of their unethical investments anywhere in the world while those who see the world as “a global village” emphasize the doctrine of both shareholders and stakeholders through the universal principles of human dignity.
In fact it is a period during, which reasonable and civilized people have resolved to distinguish themselves from beasts and primates by behaving themselves like real human beings with a soul and conscience. No doubt around the 17th century the founders of America emerged with the noble doctrine of “We, the People” in order to underscore the importance of community and society as the constitution of every government. So how can the global village be transformed into a caring or beloved community with respect to “We the People”?
The pendulum of change will swing towards a comprehensive Social Policy as a measure necessary to raise the standards of living among our people in Africa. As we suggested the other day, why should we be talking about social policy? Why should we focus on public policy? Why do we have institutes of Public Policy like the Humphrey Institute in Minnesota, JFK Kennedy School of Government, Rutgers University and Seton Hall University within the United States of America?
A government that is insensitive to the social needs of the people creates a statusquo of resistance to change. What we mean is the lack of social policy as a consequence of colonial and neo-colonial practices in Cameroon and Africa leads to domination, enslavement, oppression, inequalities and exploitation of the majority by the minority corporate ruling class. A perfect diagnosis of the problem has made it possible for us to explore the importance of Social Policy as one of the indicators of fundamental change.
“We, the people” own the government and if we cannot hold government officials accountable, then why do we come together as a nation with people from all walks of life and backgrounds? If the government does not know that the people own them and that without the people they would not be any government, then where are we heading to in the 21st century after more than 450 years of the violation of our human and civil rights of our people in Cameroon and Africa?
It is important that all Cameroonians and Africans join the new train for truth, justice and liberty for change because Cameroon is off the rail and is heading to a crash but we are able to avert any disaster and put it back on track. This must be a new decade for change because now we know what we want from a democratic government. Thom Hartman in his book “What Would Jefferson Do? A Return to Democracy” notes;
“The major innovation of the founders was the idea that the government is us. It is owned by us, run by us for the benefit of us, exists solely because we continue to approve of it, and is 100% answerable to us”
Therefore, if the government knows very well that they have not been democratic then they should quit deceiving our people. Just because people appear sometimes powerless or helpless or ignorant should not be grounds for oppressing them. The worst crime that a government can commit against the people is to take advantage of their innocence whereas they never wrote an application to be born and to become citizens of their own country. To come to think that anybody would be guilty for making our people who are entitled to own the government, natural resources and mineral wealth suffer in any form or shape in this world is totally unacceptable. Again Thom Hartman notes that;
“There are somethings we all own together referred to as “the commons”, this include the necessities and commonalities of life: our air, water, waste/sewage systems, transportation routes, educational system, radio and television spectrums, and, in every developed nation … health care system. They also include those things held in common trust for us by our government: the nation’s parks, and forestland, the mineral wealth and grazing rights under and public lands; our beaches, sky, waterways, and ocean. But the most important of the commons in a democracy is the government itself. We’re supposed to own our government and it is meant to be solely responsible to us, the individual voters and not to corporate special interest. And make no mistake it is democracy that some want to replace with corporate aristocracy”
It should be noteworthy that any government in a nation that claims to be democratic should be the function of the civil society. That means they derive their constitutional powers to govern from the people who empowered them to lead them. Therefore, “We the People” must never allow the government to bully, intimidate, threaten and scare the people worse still torture, arbitrarily arrest or kill the people. Once we discover that the government is violating the dignity of the people they claim elected them into government, we have a moral and direct obligation to stop such irresponsible citizens (government) from such abuses of our people.
This pendulum will not stop swinging like the tie of a restless social policy advocate because of the forces of our common humanity and the common things we own together. Our common humanity is the desire for people to attain their livelihood in life through involvement and participation in the civil society. To the extent, which they become stakeholders in their societies and communities, by birth, right or privileges they must be educated to organize themselves in appropriate ways (under better governance and rule of law) so that the resources of the community, society or country are tapped into for the good of everyone at home and abroad.
If the President of Cameroon is always rushing to France to meet their colonial masters to help them form a government or reshuffle the government, then the President and government is not owned by us the people. We, the People must question ourselves about why our government would hate us that much? The Pendulum for change desires a government that will be owned by the people and not by some foreign corporate individuals who look down on us and dehumanize us with their unjust and most often no social policies. I declare this period in history to be one in, which we must build nations and uphold governments with social policies directed to empower and improve on the lot of “we the people"
The Pendulum of Change Swings to Social Policy to be continued
Jonathan Awasom
Done on this day of February 5th, 2010
Friday, May 27, 2011
--- On Mon, 8/15/05, Jonathan Awasom <> wrote:
As Cameroonians brace for yet another political transition, I began to discuss the past in a bid to prepare us to face the future like matured and reasonable people. In 1982, I was in form one at the Presbyterian Secondary School Mankon as a junior grammar student, excited and curious about studies. It was fun for me to be a boarding student in a prestigious Presbyterian mission Grammar School. One bright morning in October 1982, after breakfast, we were basking ourselves under the warm sunshine (vitamin D). Out of a sudden, there was some commotion and noise, loud talks and commingled noise, which came from the senior students. They were more informed than some of us the junior students. What had surfaced, as news item that shock the political landscape of the country was that our “President” had resigned and power was handed down smoothly to the Prime Minister who was Mr. Paul Biya.
As Cameroonians brace for yet another political transition, I began to discuss the past in a bid to prepare us to face the future like matured and reasonable people. In 1982, I was in form one at the Presbyterian Secondary School Mankon as a junior grammar student, excited and curious about studies. It was fun for me to be a boarding student in a prestigious Presbyterian mission Grammar School. One bright morning in October 1982, after breakfast, we were basking ourselves under the warm sunshine (vitamin D). Out of a sudden, there was some commotion and noise, loud talks and commingled noise, which came from the senior students. They were more informed than some of us the junior students. What had surfaced, as news item that shock the political landscape of the country was that our “President” had resigned and power was handed down smoothly to the Prime Minister who was Mr. Paul Biya.
I learned that he had resigned because his health was fast deteriorating. I believed what was said and there were no qualms about the issue because it had come to our notice that the President was not very healthy. The fact is that many Cameroonians were surprised when Adhijo resigned as President and handed over to his Prime Minister. It was unbelievable that he would resign because he was gradually transforming himself into lifetime President. Even though he had ruled Cameroon as a dictator for 30 years many citizens hailed and respected him so much and I may argue that people were used to the system and many were brain washed while others had to be obedient or else face the odds. Yet, when he resigned many Cameroonians immediately switched their attention toward the new “President” as they yearn for somebody "new".
Prime Minister Paul Biya becomes the next Dictator of Cameroon in 1982
According to the constitution of the country, in the event where the President resigned or become incapacitated, the Prime minister was automatically seated as President. I don’t know if the constitution did make any provision for election to be conducted after the Prime minister took office. But, I do not bother that I have not provided this information because no such things existed in a totalitarian regime. When Mr. Paul Biya became the next dictator, he had the prerogative power to alter the constitution to suit him. He could choose to organize election or simply impose himself as President as long as he wanted. Of course that is exactly what happened. He came to power with his own agenda under the same totalitarian system of government.
After all, he was Prime Minister and was very versed with the political machinery of one party rule that he was part and parcel of. Cameroonians were convinced by the “king makers” that he was the right person to lead the country since he was acclaimed as President. In that connection there was no need for election and nobody could dare challenge that. Majority of Cameroonians were cajoled to embrace him wholeheartedly as a new leader. He toured the country and greeted the people. After he successfully reached out to the people, he returned to the capital, Yaoundé, as next dictator spanning the year 1982-1984. It was also during that period that he enjoyed his honeymoon as President preceding the popularity that was growing after he had toured the country. One would imagine that he would settle down peacefully afterwards but he had to face a major conspiracy.
The Conspiracy to overthrow President Paul Biya.
In 1984, a plot was staged in order to overthrow him. It was alleged that the brain behind it was his predecessor. The agreement with his predecessor to resign was attributed to his failing health situation. It was alleged that he was advised to resign as the best option because his life was short- lived if he had to continue shouldering the colossal duties of President. He was obedient to the will of the Doctor and in that way he precipitated his resignation. Even though he resigned, he thought that he would continue to be the Chairman of the ruling party that was still CNU, while his Prime Minister, Mr.Biya Paul would be President of the country. From every indication, I am guessing that such discussions transpired between them before he finally agreed to peacefully resign. If he continued as chairman, it meant he would indirectly have an undue influence over the President in terms of the business of the country. For goodness sake, it would have been a surprise to me if Mr. Paul Biya had succumbed to such a political fantasy.
As soon as he was officially acclaimed as President, he rapidly changed his mind and some internal conflicts took place within party ranks pitying the former President and the latter between 1982-1984. I consider that period a transition and political reawakening for both of them since it dawned on Ahidjo that his end had come unexpectedly while it paved a smooth way for his successor. Yet, it was a major diplomatic victory for the French Government, which had grown tired of some of Ahidjo’s policies, probably affecting their interest in Cameroon. In the same vein, it also marked a new beginning for his successor who in a stream of self- consciousness was very sensitive to the sinister plans of his predecessor.
His powers were taken, he had fallen and had no control over anybody including the Biya who was his prime minister and friend. That was the immediate lesson of signing off as President. He probably did not the know the implication of his actions but everything worked for the ultimate good of his successor. Following that state of affairs within the party, I learned with dismay that a “bloody coup” was precipitated to overthrow President Paul Biya. I did not know when that was plotted and who was behind it. In any case, it was alleged that his predecessor wanted a comeback as President after they could not agree over power sharing. When the plot to overthrow his successor failed, he fled the country for the better because, there was no joke about it, the same people who bowed before him when he was President would have arrested him and killed.
He knew that Paul Biya would not tolerate his presence in the country following that power struggle and besides he was a suspect in the failed coup. To be on the safe side, he left to Morocco on self -exile. He died in Morocco and his corpse have not been returned to his home country. It is believed that President Paul Biya and his administration cannot allow his corps to return for the meanwhile because it would arouse a lot of hysteria among his die heart supporters and that might cost him politically. To be on the safe side, he preferred to leave the corps there. One fact though was that after the coup failed Ahidjo was blamed for masterminding it in order to kill the President. That was a crime punishable by death if he was found guilty. A hasty military tribunal did try Ahidjo in absentia and found him guilty.
He was sentenced to death and a warrant of arrest was issued for his arrest but he was never arrested. However, his assets were confiscated and account in the country frozen. One cannot doubt the fact that all such things were politically motivated, as a scheme to suppress his followers and to bring order into the country again due to confusion, fear and insecurity after the coup was abortive. Some Cameroonians still believe that after Ahidjo shall be buried in Cameroon some day in the future. He is widely respected and acclaimed as one of the architects and founding fathers of the independence of the country and had impacted the country in different ways for 30 years.
He was sentenced to death and a warrant of arrest was issued for his arrest but he was never arrested. However, his assets were confiscated and account in the country frozen. One cannot doubt the fact that all such things were politically motivated, as a scheme to suppress his followers and to bring order into the country again due to confusion, fear and insecurity after the coup was abortive. Some Cameroonians still believe that after Ahidjo shall be buried in Cameroon some day in the future. He is widely respected and acclaimed as one of the architects and founding fathers of the independence of the country and had impacted the country in different ways for 30 years.
The abortive coup worked in the interest of President Biya because it ignited sympathy and support for him among a majority of Cameroonians. To begin with, he was fresh in power and very promising to many people who wanted him “just for a change”, you know. Of course, there were others who really wanted Ahijo back but generally, many had mixed feelings about the coup especially as they did not know the real circumstance behind it. Many Cameroonians were ignorant and could not figure out the internal struggles for power within the system. Mr. Biya ‘s life was saved partly due to the fact that he was very popular at the time and people were certain that a change of leadership would make a difference. However, after the coup, there was an outcome.
The Transformation of the President Paul Biya into an Enlightened Despot
It was an abortive coup yet it only made things worst because it transformed him into another different kind of dictator. In due course, he consolidated his powers and made political arrests, tortures and imprisonments. Many of the people behind the coup were killed and majority of them were the supporters of his predecessor. He went ahead, like his predecessor to have a firm grip on the nation. He was the man in control and he reshuffled his cabinet and filled key positions with his own tribesmen. It is not unusual because any Cameroonian would do the same thing after overcoming an assassination attempt. It was done for the sake of guaranteeing his own security.
In 1995, he began carrying out sweeping political changes and one of such dramatic changes was the formation of “his own” party. As Prime minister under one party rule, he was bound to pay an unquestionable allegiance to the CNU party of Ahidjo. Now he wanted his own party that will bear the stamp of his own political ideology and with which his followers and administration will identify with. That was his dream when he became President. He too, like his predecessor wanted to become Chairman of the party and also President of the country.
Therefore, it was certainly embarrassing that his former boss wanted to change the rules of the game during his own turn as President. In that way, he launched what he called the “New Deal Congress”. It was preceded with the building of a big congress house in Bamenda, the base of his political power at the time. No doubt Bamenda (English Speaking part of Cameroon) was chosen as the birthplace of his party in 1985 as a political strategy to cajole the English speaking Cameroonians. The big picture in the wake of the “New Deal Congress” was to assemble all Cameroonians and unite them under the same thinking cap, which was the CPDM.Such a congress also sent a strong message that CNU was dissolved and was not a recognized political party anymore in the country. Everybody was forced to identify with the CPDM and participate in the activities of the party.
It was that congress, too that marked the beginning of another severe form of enlightened despotism. Anybody who associated with CNU was at risk. His opponents that were staunched supporters of his predecessor were tracked down and held as political prisoners. Biya immediately scrapped off the post of Prime Minister and was the only “king of the jungle”. Imagine, the same post that he had occupied before coming to power, was the one that he erased. He made several changes including mutilation of the constitution in order to built a power cult around himself, toughen security around himself, made very crucial appointments, mostly his ethnic men and women and coaxed ethnic groups by appointing ministers from very specific tribes.
He advertised ministerial posts and other crucial positions as a reward to anyone who was ready to propagate the doctrine of “New Deal Congress”. It was a package of loud sounding and flashy ideals that were hardly translated into practice. Many Cameroonians who had fled the country under the reign of his Predecessor made a patriotic come back. Some immediately became faithful and profited from the system. Those who did not comply with his ways were tortured in various ways. Still, some Cameroonians, who had fled the country since the days of his predecessor and after the coup, were still skeptical when he purported that all Cameroonians were welcome back home. It is commonplace that anybody who poses as a threat to such dictators in Africa are always a target. If they don’t succeed to buy one over, they will seek alternative means to deal with them. That is the more reason why many Africans intellectuals who were outspoken fled their countries prior to the introduction of multiparty politics.
After the congress of 1985, we expected the best for our country. We thought we had seen the light of another new day in Cameroon. It not was long, Mr. Biya became something else. Cameroonians started complaining and questioning his powers and governance. I experienced widespread dissatisfaction with his rule at the turn of each year. Me, too I started questioning as I learned about democracy and western powers. Unfortunately, time was running out for Mr.Biya because the world was opening up to rapid democratic changes. The wind of change did not avoid blowing in Cameroon especially when some of his key opponents could not continue to withstand his dictatorship. His greatest challenge was to appease and contain the English part of Cameroon who had issues with “La Republique du Cameroun” after the reunification in 1961.
We, Cameroonians are still searching for common grounds and meaning out of this situation. We do not necessarily blame the French and the British for our circumstance. We don’t even know how Cameroon would look like today if it was not divided in that manner. All we bother about is how do we make the best out of the situation so that Cameroonians can be comfortable and enjoy life as any other nation. Many Americans who are not acquainted with the history of Cameroon may not know about this. It is my experience of Cameroon struggling to end one party rule and dictatorship. Cameroon is unique, often known as Africa in miniature and the most peace loving country in Africa.
The spirit and desire for democracy
As Mr. Paul Biya finished the job of becoming a dictator, he was just about to relax like the rich fool in the Bible. Little did he know that he had not pleased the English speaking Cameroonians.Mr Biya’s greatest critics were the English Cameroonians because after the plebiscite in 1972 during which the two states were merged together, the English people of Cameroon had expected that it was for good but in due course it turned out that it was a trick.
Such assimilation resulted to subjugation and marginalisation in every aspect of the country in terms of ministerial appointments, distribution of resources, employment, budgeting, economic opportunities, infrastructure and education. Some outspoken political figures of the English speaking Cameroon who had earlier on participated in his one party rule began to be concerned about the political future of the country and especially the situation of the English speaking Cameroonians. When the plans to start another political party were hatched I was still in Grammar school but it finally materialized when I was in high school.
Prior to the launching of the Social Democratic Front, SDF as the first main opposition party to challenge the one party rule under Dictator Paul Biya, they were tracks circulated and news had spread through the country, and especially in Bamenda, the birthplace of the party. Great plans were made such as connection with the international news media and organizations about such an unprecedented event in the political history of Cameroon. The idea was not welcome by Mr. Biya and his administration at all. People were ready to stand up and support the new party. People were fed up with one party rule and especially with the kind of dictatorship that existed at the time. People wanted real political change.
Coming up next ;
--- On Mon, 8/15/05, Jonathan Awasom <> wrote:
Country of birth and citizenship: Republic of Cameroon
Country of birth and citizenship: Republic of Cameroon
Location: Central, West Africa
Aim: Creating awareness about dictatorship in order to safeguard and promote human dignity
My experience of Dictatorship in Cameroon
A true story of an immigrant from Cameroon and how he grapples with the questions of Democracy from a society that is still bed ridden by dictatorship, Exporting and importing democracy, American foreign policy, the call and greatness of America, International Community, 2004 Presidential elections in Cameroon, Preemptive Peace Building in Cameroon. An outside perspective can make a huge difference in the way we see others and ourselves.
Multi-ethnicity in Africa
The origin of every country in Africa is embedded in a complex multi-ethnic group of black multiple races of people. These people of color by no fault of theirs were linked up with a particular cultural identity and ethnic heritage. The natural shifts in customs and other occurrences in the socio-cultural and political relationships and interaction among different tribes and ethnicities resulted into land acquisition and the establishment of boundaries separating one ethnic group from the other. People were easily drawn together through a common element of tribal language, which facilitated communication and social interaction under shared customs and values per their cultural heritage.
In that way, they regrouped and made their own local leaders known as Fons, Lamidos and chiefs in the particular stretch of land( region or territory) where they settled. These traditional leaders represented the heritage of the people who gave ultimate loyalty to them. They ruled the tribes through their own local councils, quarter heads and wise men. It is hard to keep track of how each tribe or ethnic group came into being but the separation of people from one multi-ethnic group to the other across the continent of Africa was made easy through the creation of countries. Countries were separated from each other through territorial boundaries due to the influence of the western colonial powers during the scramble for territories in Africa in the 19th century. Each country was left to deal with their own ethnicity especially as colonial languages and cultures were imposed on them to ease national communication.
I found myself as a Cameroonian in this context. I could be a citizen of any of the countries of Africa if my great grandparents were not Cameroonians. Any African had to be a native of one ethnic group or the other. In fact, they were bound to be in the continent and be defined by the reality of ethnicity, tribes and colonialism. Africans would be neither French speaking nor English speaking if the colonial powers did not storm Africa for territories. Therefore, the history of each country cannot be told without due consideration to the impact of colonial powers on it.
In recent times, the history of Cameroon within the eyes of the international community does not reside with the internal challenges of ethnicity, at least, it is only mentioned in passing whereas a lot of attention is paid on the activities of the colonial powers. In the light of this assertion, it is proper that I proceed to state the history of Cameroon through the lens of colonization . I strongly believe that it will be a fitting account that will suit the purpose of this book on my experience of democracy in Cameroon and the question of imperialism.
History of Cameroon
The Republic of Cameroon also known in French as La Republique du Cameroon is located in the Central West Coast of Africa near Nigeria, Garbon, Chad and Central African Republique and has a population of about 19 million people. Cameroon was colonized by three great powers in Europe. The Germans annexed Cameroon until the end of the First World War one. They built relationship through the local leaders. In the North West Province of Cameroon, a significant landmark of the Germans is the palace of the Fon of Bafut, the Governor’s office and the British Library in Bamenda.It is one of the greatest touristic sites in the North West Province reminiscent of German foothold in Bamenda.
The Germans did not retain their acquired terroritories after losing in the 2nd World War. They were forced to relinquish the terroritories ,which were divided between the French and the British. The French were given the largest portion of Cameroon and the British had a small part of Cameroon closer to Nigeria. The reason being that the British had already taken colonized Nigeria and the small part of Cameroon was only an addition to the colony of Nigeria. It should be noteworthy that the French part of Cameroon constituted 80% of the country and the English part was 20%. That part of Cameroon under the British rule was further divided into North West and South West of Cameroon now also called Southern Cameroon
These two distinct administrative parts of Cameroon was under the control of both colonial masters as each of them administered the states in accordance with their political systems. The French rule was more direct whereas the English rule was indirect. These gab in the style of administration affected the development of both states. As a matter of fact, the French part of Cameroon was more developed than the English part due to the fact that the French were directly involved in the day-to-day running of the country. As colonial conquest started wavering due to an increasing sense of nationalism, Cameroon was placed under a UN trusteeship after the Second World War 11 in 1946.
At that juncture, Cameroon was still a two separate state with different cultural characters, which was bequeathed to them by their masters. The French people injected their culture into the French part of Cameroon and the British did the same thing to the English part of Cameroon. As a consequence, both parts had different perceptions and appreciation of life out of the circle of their indigenous cultures. The French and British cultures were legalized as the dominant cultural heritage engraved in the French and English languages. These two official languages were the most accurate medium of communication among the numerous tribes and different languages. I have the feeling that it helped to facilitate the cause of unification among the people even though that leaves much to be desired today.
When, Cameroon was placed under UN Trusteeship, Cameroon’s People Union (UPC) was the first nationalist movement geared toward the unification of the two parts of Cameroon. Unfortunately, it was sidelined by the French and projected as a communist movement with a divisive revolutionary desire against the people. It suffered a serious setback and was crushed. Some of the ring leaders were killed. However, part of its agenda was secretly carried through when in 1957 Cameroon became an independent autonomous State. The part that was scary to the French was the campaign of UPC to completely break up from French rule whether direct or neo-colonial and be purely independent from any colonial influence.
The French saw that as a threat to their interest in Cameroon. This was not all about the autonomy. The front-runners to every cause regarding the fate of the two parts of Cameroon were the undisputed persons empowered to form an autonomous government. This was achieved under the leadership of Dictator Ahmadou Ahidjo in 1959. A year after, in January 1960, Cameroon became an independent Republic and he became the first President of Cameroon. As you would notice, such a sequence of political and diplomatic events took place within the setting of the French part of Cameroon. The English part of Cameroon had a different political set up that was not connected with the French. Yet, there seem to have existed a compelling and appetizing need for the English to reunite with their “brothers and sisters”, known to be the French. That act was committed in February 1961 after all things were considered. It later became a phony agreement because the terms were not respected.
The request that the English part of Cameroon should choose to join either Nigeria or their French brothers and sisters did not have to pose any controversy later. It was deeply rooted in the sub-conscious minds of the English Cameroonians that they should belong together with the French and that their separation was caused by the activities of the colonial masters. Also, the time difference for them to rethink such a reunification with either French or Nigeria was relatively short for a lifelong decision to be made. I wonder if the decision makers such as Hon S.T Muna and Hon J .N Foncha had enough time to explore the consequences of their actions.
I wonder if they were given sufficient time to question the political and diplomatic implications of such an action. Finally, by the time the two parts of Cameroon were reunited, the British were completely out of the show. The only colonial power with a heavy influence on Cameroon was the French. Until this day, Cameroon is known as a former French colony and unofficially Cameroonians know that the French is the post –colonial master of Cameroon, which is also universally acknowledged. I grew up to realize that Cameroon was in two unequal parts. Therefore, those who seek Federalism are justified because it is one of the ways to enhance balance of power.
Post -Colonization
At this period in history, colonization and post –many Africans often view colonization with skepticism. They make a strong case like in the case of Cameroon that because of French investments there and given that it is one of the main markets of French products, the government of France will never be impartial in their relationship with the country. I think they argue further that the French is only interested in themselves and have not bothered about the common people in Cameroon. They accused the French for sponsoring a totalitarian regime composed of people who will protect their interest from real nationalists who rather want to break up from them. This allegation and accusation sounds legitimate because it was the French Government that frustrated the first nationalist party, the UPC.
Cameroon “freedom fighters” see the French as a threat to the prosperity of Cameroon and their wish is that the French should change their ways and deal with Cameroon in a different way. Even though they do not say this out rightly, I have figured out that they are concerned about the post-colonial rule of the French. That is not all the concerns because after the reunification of the two parts of Cameroon in January 1961, the English Cameroonians have not been contented with the reunion. Many of the people of Southern Cameroon have accused the French government and the French part of Cameroon for not being honest in the reunion. The political and cultural landscape is totally imbalance and this has created problems of domination and marginalization by the French Cameroon.
There are also language and communication barriers because the two official languages are French and English (not everybody is able to speak both or even either of them), accusations and counter accusations between the French and English Cameroonians over the reunification question and how the piece of pie is shared between the French and the English. The switching of the political and national identity from United Republic of Cameroon to Republic of Cameroon was a major shift that happened after Paul Biya became President in 1982. This was not embraced by the English speaking Cameroonians because of the history of the former two Federated States of Cameroon. Political experts saw that shift as contempt of the reunification treaty in 1961. As a result Southern Cameroon nationalist started advocating for a revisit of the past.
As a minority part of Cameroon, many believe that a return to the former Southern and Northern Cameroon would be a definite solution to the problem of marginalization by the corporate French meaning France and French Cameroon. Within the rank and file of Southern Cameroon leadership, a consistent message is articulated in the struggle to be free from domination and marginalization. To show that they are serious, the Southern Cameroon National Conference (SCNC) is now a pressure group that is campaigning for the return to the two states. Though there is a flagrant resistance of this notion by the French, it is one of the national movements that cannot be ignored when talking about the English Cameroon and the political problems in Cameroon.
The history of Cameroon was built over time with a dedicated and conscious effort to ensure that the people were united as one and indivisible nation. Both, the founding fathers of the two states did not envisage that such a reunion would cost so much frustration to the English Cameroonians. The English representatives were serious that they wanted to reunite with their brothers and sisters of the French Cameroon. But as human beings will have it, people have not been honest in their interpretation of the reunion and that is why many English Cameroonians feel terrible and betrayed.
I cannot argue completely against colonial rule in Africa or gainsay the benefits of the partition of Africa. On the contrary, many of the powers of the west that colonized Africa made a huge difference in ways that one could not undermine it. They affected our country in the area of education, health care and infrastructures. The British and Germans, like missionaries had no bad intention even though they were accused of exploiting the natural resources of Cameroon and rendering the country poor. I am not sure that the idea of post-colonial rule can be blamed only on the Western powers because the leaders of our country are in a position of changing the state of affairs and turning our country around.
These leaders have enriched themselves with the country‘s natural resources and foreign banks can testify that Cameroonian leader have orchestrated an illegal practice capital flight. The French like any other smart businessperson has benefited from the greed and the divisions among Cameroonians to keep their businesses functioning smoothly in the country. Therefore, I also hold Cameroon leaders responsible for our plight because of their lack of patriotism. The rest of the Cameroonians who want the French influence to be checked are branded as enemies of the unity of the country while the Southern Cameroon advocates are sometimes branded as trouble a makers. To the best of my knowledge, they are fighting for their human rights as a separate state, which in my own standpoint could be achieved through the federal system.
However, the history of Cameroon justifies the quest for the separation of the two states even if it that is no longer desired by the administration. One of the metaphors used to underscore the significance of this separation was the use of religious symbol of marriage. Many described the reunion as a marriage of inconvenience, which will eventually fall apart. One Cameroonian journalist, Victor Epie Ngome described it in strong religio-political terms as “What God had put asunder”. This religious rhetoric insinuates that people had put together the two states, which was not what God wanted.
This was a spin on “ what God had put together, let no man put asunder” and in as much as it is a pointer to the challenges that arise from a marriage that is not authentic so too it is with a reunion that was not constructed on sound principles such as freedom, honesty, truth, conscience and transparency. As of today, Cameroon has ten provinces and out of the ten provinces two are English speaking and eight of them are French speaking. Like Canada, Cameroon is bilingual but the French dominate in Cameroon while in Canada, the English dominate!!
This is the country that has defined me for the 29 years that I lived there as an English Cameroonian in the middle of French and English ways especially in language. I have lived the experience and known the troubles and the challenges of adapting in a country where one was obliged to study both languages in order to survive. Yet it is rewarding to be multi-lingual since I speak three languages. Cameroon like other countries in Africa is a broken union of tribes and ethnic groups that have infiltrated the socio-political and economic landscape of the country. The colonial masters cannot be completely held accountable for the troubles of Cameroon.
In fact, they seem to have resolved some of the problems because I am just wondering how our country would look like without the influence of the western powers? I am really wondering and trying to figure out how life would have been without the British and the French. May be we would have been fighting always and killing ourselves over the rich natural resources and over other issues. I want to be clear that I am completely incompetent to establish a case against western influence because the good of it override the bad of it. I will welcome any contrary thoughts to this anyway from the Cameroon academia. In the meantime, was colonial rule a necessary evil ?
The Totalitarian Government in Cameroon
I lived in Cameroon since I was born till I was 29 before leaving to the US. Before I left Cameroon, I was already aware of its political culture and democracy dating particularly from 1990. I was born and raised in Cameroon. I belong to the Mankon tribe out of more than 150 tribes. I attended the Presbyterian Elementary School in Mankon, Presbyterian Grammar School Mankon, Government High School, Mbengwi in Memo Division in the North West Province and at the Protestant Faculty of Theology in Yaounde, the capital of Cameroon. My story is not about the days before independence and up to 1969 when I was born. If you would like to refresh your memory about Cameroon prior to my existence and awareness, you need to go back to the history of Cameroon, which I have briefly examined above.
Even when I was 12 years, I could barely figure out what was happening in the country in the political realm. I was not very much in tuned with the political games regarding the question of sovereignty, cultural identity and reunification. I know that one thing was clear. When I was in Grammar School we were bound to participate in National Day celebration, which is 20th of May every year. On this day in 1960, Cameroon became independent from the French. Another National Day was 11th of February, which marks the day the English part of Cameroon reunited with the French part of Cameroon.
After independence in 1960, President Admadou Adhidjo became the first totalitarian President and he ruled Cameroon from 1960 till 1982 through totalitarian principles. During that period, there were periodic Presidential elections conducted in a wishy-washy fashion in which they were no rival candidates whatsoever. He had denounced the formation of political parties and the citizens who were behind UPC, for instance fled the country for fear of being killed. We had only one party rule and all Cameroonians were forced to identify with. He was chairman and President of his party known as Cameroon National Union (CNU) and no opposition, debates, arguments and moreso no liberals and conservatives in the parliament.
Parliamentarians were often called hand clappers or stooges who did not resonate with the people they were representing. It is essential to know that the disconnect between the parliamentarians and the people is a glaring testimony to the impact of totalitarian rule on Cameroonian political landscape. Parliamentarians were appointed through party organs in the different constituencies and the people were forced to vote them by acclamation. Every moment when Presidential election was announced, it was no event because people were manipulated to vote for one candidate. They unequivocally gave their mandate to President Adhidjo by a kind of acclamation after being rallied and forced to show up at polling stations to vote.
I recall that my father had a voting card and it was unheard of for anyone not to possess one. At one point in time, it was one of the identification papers that men moved about with because if the police asked for it and they did not present it, they would be arrested, tortured and locked up. It was unheard of to criticize the administration or dare say anything that was contrary to the statusquo. After Presidential elections was conducted, the results was an overwhelming score of at least, 99.5 % as an approval of the leadership and government of Dictator Adhidjo.Such political exercise were conducted after every five years and there was a slogan that “five more years”. It went like that after every five years for 30 years before he was overthrown through a bloodless revolution.
Around 1982, I was still in grammar school and we knew very little about the state of affairs at the capital and Presidency. However, based on the constitution of Cameroon, the President was all-powerful in all the arms of government especially as the constitution did not make provision for the separation of powers. As a result, the President would appoint and dismiss the Prime Minister, Judges of the high and supreme courts, Ministers and Governors and other key positions in the national territory. The President had preponderant powers vested on him by the constitution that was drafted to suit the whims and caprices of a few individuals and may be the post-colonial power. In the wake of this circumstance, Cameroonians were subjected to a totalitarian rule marked by unfair trials and hasty judgments and unjust practices by a bunch of unjust judges. The judiciary system was one of the most dangerous arms of the government, which operated in the dark in favor of the regime and mostly the rich. This type of government transcended the regime of President Ahidjo to that of his successor.
The Resignation of President Ahmadou Ahidjo coming up Next
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