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Friday, October 18, 2013

The Church and the oppressed: Why Pope Francis must not succumb to the dangerous tricks of Cameroon dictator Paul Biya and his regime

     My fellow Cameroonians and concerned citizens of the world

There cannot be peace  anywhere  on earth without justice   no matter how silent and quiet it may seems.  This is true of Cameroon and we should not fail to raise awarness about the  fact that Cameroon is a travesty of peace, justice, democracy, transparency, accountability, good governance and the rule of law. In this age , we have learned to speak out for ourselves because we know it is the right thing to do.  A virtuous and free Cameroon on google will  lead anyone reading  to substantive information about our struggle to free Cameroon from  dictatorship+tyranny =kleptocracy

For these reasons, we urge the Vatican  officials to know that we do not agree with their shocking disclosures about Cameroon because Cameroon is off the path that God has charted for humanity through the Church. Mr Paul Biya's regime has targeted and murdered Priests, Nuns , Pastors and unarmed civilians since he came to power. In 2008 , he ordered the execution of over 200 unarmed civilians who were protesting against the high cost of living especially fuel prizes.

This is a dangerous humanity to everything that sounds Godly and  virtuous and we should never encourage evil. The Vatican is called upon to investigate these murders as well as distant themselves from any government that is against human dignity. Dictator Paul Biya  of Cameroon is the post-modern Hitler , Stalin, Saddam Hussein etc and we cannot pretend to be quiet or afraid to call a spade a spade because the Church is God's vehicle to lead people to  freedom, liberty and social justice.

He has orchestrated the brutal murder and execution of unarmed civilians as well as ordered the arbitrary arrests and illegal imprisonment of his political enemies within and without his political party. He has no rule of law.He comes across as invincible and untouchable. 

That is why the  visit of this corrupt  Cameroon dictator to the Vatican is under  scrutiny.For those who already know where we stand on the rutheless and corrupt reign  of Mr Paul Biya, we must speak out about this visit and call upon the Vatican  not to yield to this tyrant and dictator. 

However, since the visit has taken place already, we will like to see the Vatican play a different role in Cameroon  with respect to our struggle for freedom. We call upon the Pope and the Vatican to support our struggle to free Cameroon and it requires Mr Paul Biya and his regime to be removed from power immediately. He has ruined the future of Cameroonians and he should not be allowed to die in power at the expense of a vibrant generation that he has held hostage.

Mr Paul Biya is not a Priest in Cameroon to represent the Roman Catholic Church at the Vatican. The  growth of the church is the work of God and not of man. The fact that he is using the church as a guise to manipulate  the Vatican as well as the Catholic Christians in Cameroon  is a pointer  to the twisted mind of Mr Biya and his regime. But we are not weaken by his manipulations because the truth will prevail one day.

There are many of us who wil like to honor an invitation from the Pope to visit and also share our own side of the story because this move undertaken by Biya is a cloak of a dark design to cajole the Pope to endorse his regime so that he would continue  with his dark activities against Cameroonians.

Is Pope Francis being misled? 

Pope Francis  may be  misled but we will get to the Pope through some other means to ensure that the Pope knows the truth about this  murderer and embezzler ruining the destiny of Cameroonians.Mr Paul Biya and his CPDM regime  are a LIE and we will undertake a mission to eduate the Pope about the LIES of Paul Biya!Those Cameroonians within the United States who are part of these lies should be ashamed of themselves.Unfortunately for some of  them this Pope will not endorse thieves. 

Why did Mr Paul Biya precipitate a visit to the Vatican?  Did the Pope invite him or he asked to meet with the Pope? Paul Biya  thinks that the Vatican should be protecting him to sleep in power while God's people are suffering or what is this man doing at the Vatican for heaven sake? If this is a matter of grace, well, let him  have his grace but grace or no grace, we cannot endure  for too long again. 

We, the people urge the Pope to ask dictator Paul Biya of Cameroon these questions;

  • The Pope should  ask Mr. Biya why he murdered his first  wife , First Lady Jean Irene Biya and two Catholic Nuns. The present wife, Chantal Biya is the second wife he married after the murder/assassination of his first wife , Jean Irene Biya on July 29th, 1992. He paid his propagandists to say that the story is a rumor in order to cover up. He planned her murder and then left the country , otherwise why did he leave his wife behind while on an official visit to Dakar ? 
  • The Pope should ask him why he has been reigning in power for more than 30 years without respecting the constitution of the country?
  • The Pope should ask him why he has amassed over 250 millions dollars while our people are suffering and deprived?
  • The Pope should ask him  why he wins all elections in Cameroon since  he came to power  ?
  • The Pope should ask him what  is the Catholic Church 's teaching on social justice and freedom in relation with our faith in God? 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Understanding pro-dictatorship/colonial christianity as a hindrance to the freedom of Cameroon

Dear Dr.  Tumansang Martin ( International law expert) ,

Understanding pro-dictatorship/colonial christianity as a hindrance to the freedom of Cameroon like pro-nazis , pro-apartheid,pro-slavery and pro-segregation christianity

Wow, your  academic and professional credentials make me look "very little" but I believe that I have the moral credentials by virtue of my ability to capture and articulate the truth. In  every struggle, the moral dimension is shaped by the propensity of activists and advocates to hold onto tested truths which is a  moral compass as an integral part of their faith in God with the determination to seek and win justice. You constantly propagate a notion of Southern Cameroons Restoration but what has happened to West Cameroon? Is it morally just to inject a Southern Cameroons narrative into the debate without explaining to us what happened to West Cameroon? 

I  am unwillingly  sick and tired of your legal literature and jargons against the background of addressing Cameroon's problems because I am looking for the truth and  substance but cannot find one. There are universal principles that should govern every nation and race regardless of where we are in this post-modern global economic and political village where humans should be free from oppression, tyranny and dictatorship. Let me remind you that pro-nazis, pro-apartheid ,  pro-slavery  and pro-segregation Christianity did not last and by the same token, PRO-DICTATORSHIP/COLONIAL CHRISTIANITY being practiced in Africa is the main problem. 

Those who have been perpetrating pro-dictatorship /colonial christianity are on the wrong side of history and truth must be told before the law can be applied. What is pro-dictatorship/colonial  Christianity ? I will  address this in the future but you definitely have understood the point.We have to restore the truth to its original place before we can forge ahead. Is dictator Paul Biya a Christian? So, too was Hitler and others. These tyrants, dictators and murderers brag about being Christians .So, too was Pa Muna, Pa Foncha , Pa Achidi Achu, Pa Musonge and many others. 

For this reason, let me share with you my own personal perspective and frustration with the hope that you and others might be sensitive to the sentiments that shape our activism and advocacy for a virtuous and free Cameroon. Only the truth should be the guiding moral compass in this struggle and regardless of our different level of moral , spiritual and intellectual consciousness, we must never embellish the truth or distort the facts of  the past and present to suit us. You write as though  all the West Cameroonian leaders were saints victimized by La Republique but like many others who wallow in your shameless denial, I am bewildered by your deep seated dishonesty to the greed and wickedness professed  by these leaders that remain a stumbling -block to the self-actualization and self-fulfillment of the Cameroon people. If you don't come to terms with their role in our plight, God will punish you for that. 

The notion that a separate Cameroon entity will be a solution to the problem of Cameroon is a fallacy.I am now very convinced beyond any reasonable doubts that the exponents of the theory of separation have not dealt into the doublestandard and hypocrisy of West Cameroon leaders since 1961 to 2011. I have chosen these dates because by 2011 we came to the conclusion that we could no longer be manipulated and fooled by the Biya's regime and these thief West Cameroon leaders. That is why we condemned the fake and fraudulent 2011 Presidential elections. Since then we have stood our grounds and continue to distant ourselves from any political ambition of the CPDM regime along with their allies because it is absolutely clear to us that Cameroon is a lawless country run by a bunch of thieves and liars. 

Let me reiterate a very familiar diagnosis of our problem . Cameroon is not owned by Cameroonians since it is still under the control and domination of colonial and post -colonial masters with unethical vested interests in the country. This is good enough for everyone to know that under this circumstance, it poses a serious problem of legitimacy and ownership which explains why we have thieves and plunderers governing the people. The current kleptocracy orchestrated  by Mr Paul Biya and his CPDM gangsters has been perpetrated by foreign companies/corporations that have more stakes in Cameroon than Cameroonians. 

While we cherish the notion of celebrating our common humanity and working together in partnerships across nations and regions , the unethical business practices of some foreign companies/corporations in Cameroon has fallen short of  the virtue of transparency, accountability, development, progress and respect for human dignity. It is a big sin to deprive a people of their right to be stakeholders in their own God- given land endowed with abundant natural resources. To this end, I am of the opinion that we deserve reparation without any qualms. This has been underminded by the supporters of the kleptocracy residing overseas and lying to the West. Over the years we have reviewed our strategy by going after the children and supporters of the kleptocracy in Cameroon (  a government  run by a bunch of  thieves)

One of the foreign stakeholders is Great Britain where you are resident. I am afraid,  you are addressing the wrong audience because the problems of West Cameroon were created by Great Britain and West Cameroonian leaders at the time. In order to start solving our problems, Great Britain, France and Germany have to come back to the table of reason and commonsense to explore their role and involvement in Cameroon  during the last 50 years. Most importantly, we have to hold all the WEest Cameroonian leaders in the  past and present accountable. That is why article 66 of the constitution is very pivotal since we need to know how they acquired their assets and ill gotten wealth into feoign countries. We cannot continue to fool ourselves and pretending to be serious  in theory with no grounding in the litigation arena.

If these countries have been operating under the virtue of freedom and democracy wherereas we, Cameroonians are under oppression due to their post-colonial policies of domination and control, then someone needs to bring charges against them before the International  Court of law. We have the right to know the nature and scope of their involvement as well as the part played  by the Cameroon authorities with regards to the exploitation of the natural resources and riches of Cameroon. I am very convinced that there are laws out there that need to be evoked and brought to limelight  for this matter.However,  it requires lawyers who are well  trained and conscientized to stand up and file legal charges against these foreign corporate  investors who are supporting dictator Paul Biya.

I am  honestly  amazed at  your legal capabilities in theory but I lack admiration for you because you are not courageous.To me,  you 're a noisemaker because you don't have the stamina and skills to litigate on any of the problems affecting Cameroonians in the former West Cameroon territory being dressed in borrowed robes as Southern Cameroon.If you could match words with legal action, I will consider you a lawyer. In the meantime, you seem only interest in displaying your knowledge of the law which is extremely inadequate and deficient from an impirical standpoint. 

Therefore, you need to practice the law by taking on issues in the court of law where you are granted the opportunity /chance  to prove yourself. Lawyers who step out of their comfort zones and embark on tough issues in the area of civil and human rights have always  earned a great reputation for their commitment to humanity. If you are not in this category, then you may end up as a colonial lawyer like many others. 

The Southern Cameroon that you represent legally in theory is not convincing to your readership. To begin with how many legal cases have you pursued since you became an international lawyer?. Here are some issues that may fall under the international jusrisdiction . 

  • Is it the Buea University Crisis where the human rights of students is under violation?
  • Is it the crimes against humanity committed by the Biya's regime in 2008 resulting in the murder/massacre of over 200 innocent and unarmed civilians?
  • Is it the Herakles Farms saga?
  • Is it the hijacking of the universal suffrage of Cameroonians by the thief CPDM regime?
  • Is  it the murder of  the former first lady Jean -Irene Biya and the two Nuns  ?
  • Is it the rights of Cameroonians under political asylum overseas?
  • Is it the human rights of Cameroonians to good roads and public safety?