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Saturday, December 17, 2011


On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 11:23 AM, Jonathan Fru <> wrote:

My fellow Cameroonians and members of the beloved International Community
Mr Paul Biya is not the President of Cameroon: He must not get away with injustice and hijacking of our constitution and future again. He has no right to appoint Ministers because he is not legitimate  under all laws considered.
Imagine,  this scenario  in Cameroon as we speak; our nieces and nephews  are born under this evil CPDM empire and appear to be raised under abnormal people, corrupt, selfish and heartless. Yes, your nieces and nephews , too fall in the same group of Cameroonians who appear to be  condemned under a government that they never asked for but are told that theyhave no other alternative but to remain trapped! This means their destiny has no clear destination when those who purport to be leaders or a government have no vision for their future.
It is beyond the mere quest for a transitional government that I continue to embark on this path. I am making the case  for a virtuous and free Cameroon. This is a very anointed vision ,which I have been very  humble to articulate in the light of the ancient principles of the founding fathers of America, which inspired them to build a virtuous and free society in the name of the United States of America. Anyone who is inspired by the United States ought to see things the way I do because only  people who in some state of moral and spiritual comatose would be oblivious of the American spirit.
We have seen our own hard times in Cameroon and witnessed the  innocent blood of Cameroonians also shed in the struggle for  justice and freedom.I believe that it is about time  to stop any further bloodshed  of innocent lives  but the appeal for a peaceful transition is not a sign of weakness.Instead only cowards fight blindly in this age of exceeding enlightenment  otherwise called post-modernism. Wise people do not resist the wind of change.They must not insist to keep the statusquo when the time for change has come.Do not underestimate the young ,wise visionary nation builder. God is at work and no evil will prevail.
Mr Paul Paul Biya is not the President of Cameroon since October 2011.Consequently, he has no legal basis  by virtue of the Constitution of Cameroon to appoint Ministers or even govern Cameroon.What he has done tantamounts to treasonable acts against the Statehood of Cameroon nation and humanity.He was well informed along with his government  and CPDM Party that they were not and will never be eligible to stand for President because it was first of all criminal for him to tamper with  our constitution  in order to run again as President.
Mr Paul Biya can go ahead to appint people to work in his private plantation the way he likes but I don't remember since  I was born 42 years that Cameroon has become a private property for the CPDM regime, CPDM Party and the French government. I thought slavery was abolished and outlawed? If, we the people have stakes in our country,then those who are helping Mr Paul Biya and his corrupt government to stay in power must remember that we are not condoning injustice.We have a place and a say in what belongs to all of us.
Now, Mr Paul Biya made things worst by bribing 23 other fake Presidential candidates to participate in his smooth charade called democracy and each time he has tried to take action against the vision God has blessed me with for Cameroon, he has only landed himself into a buttomless hole! Cameroonians and the world deserve a visionary leader who knows that it was wrong  to intentionally bribe candidates to take part in a falsehood , I mean a visonary leader with character  who still  knows it will be wrong to knowingly embezzle State funds to bribe a group of opposition candidates to support his cause of corrupt tyranny and dictatorship. We have come of age in our level of moral and spiritual consciousness to the point,which it is quite indecorous  for  a leader to look at the post-modern  world from their narrow standpoint.
I am a strict person who strives to live by the rule of law but most importantly, I did not make those rules in the first place. It is very troubling that the same people who created these rules seem to tell us that it is just Ok  for them to break the rules again! Is this what we are teaching the younger generation of Cameroonians?I believe that no matter what Mr Paul Biya does with the CPDM regime against our Cameroonian people,  all of you are fully aware that I am the only most competent Cameroonian at this twilight in history to move Cameroon forward into the 21st century. I have the inalienable right to be President just as Paul Biya and even so I am  eligible and qualified than him all things considered.
So, it is very wrong for  them to stand in the way. I feel good about the fact that  we have succeeded to push the corrupt humty-dumpty CPDM Party and regime against their own of stone wall of oppression, injustice and corruption ,which forced them to leap around like a toad from a hot pond cajoling for sympathy from the corporate world. Me, too I can talk to the corporate world. Let the CPDM regime and Party not think that the doors of the corporate world are only opened to them. It is wrong for any government to play with our future like this. I want a new and better Cameroon for  our nieces and nephews.After all what does the CPDM folks get to loose?  They have killed enough Cameroonians to sponsor their families overseas who live in unthinkable affluence while our people are suffering!
In 2009, I was the first ever candidte to declare my candidacy with a  compelling vision and a plan of action that launched  the call for a transitional government.I have neither backed down nor changed my position on any of the issues and ideas that I have articulated with excellent temperament and moral tenacy.A statesman is one who takes a big dream for his or her country and turns it into a practical vision along ,which lines inspires well informed citizens to become fellow nation builders and  public servant leaders with respect to the constitution and promise of the country.
In this light, the Presidency and government of Cameroon is for the people who have earned the  birth and naturalization right to be governed by  way of their consent  following the Constitution of Cameroon. The Presidency is not a kingdom for a king Kong! This must be made abundantly clear because if we  are not stakeholders then a negligible number of people from the otherside of the old Federal structure  neither represent me nor speak on my behalf because I am educated and matured enough to know the difference between evil and good to the point where any PM or Minister who is appointed cannot satisfy the broad provisions of good governance and rule of law ,which surpasses ethnic politics.
It is very certain to Cameroonians and  members of the international community, that Cameroon has a leadership vacuum right now created by the stubborn refusal of  dictator Paul Biya to hand over to  a transitional government as I demanded since 2009. We must uphold the Constitution of Cameroon now and I believe beyond any reasonable doubts that all normal human beings  on this  planet whether white or black understand that we have no other reason to be called Cameroonians if the Constitution is not binding as well as enoforced to the fullest extent. I find  it hard to believe that  someone would want to get away with the hijacking of our destiny without the slightest sense of shame!
It should be noteworthy that I had predicted the outcome of a  CPDM  and Paul Biya's resistance to change , which is why I took Cameroonians and the world unwares with a different kind of  cyber revolutionary protest, advocacy and campaign against the statusquo. Following an aggressive onslaught against the CPDM regime and CPDM Party, somehow because they had the ability to steal and embezzle from state treasuries all over Cameroon, the CPDM regime and Party sponsored an advertisement on one of the major News Medias in the Usa  to portrait Paul Biya and his regime as " a model of peace and stability in West Africa", which angered me because there is no question about the fact that our people are oppressed and even so have become victims of media manipulation and lies told by the CPDM corrupt establishment. Peace does not necessary mean the absence of war or street protest, which is what the CPDM regime was referring to. To talk  about peace, one must take into consideration all things
There is no room for one man to think that he and his clique would have to hold a country like Cameroon ,which belongs to all of us hostage for life. He has reigned for more than 29 years and that is enough! One cannot be forced to  put  up with mediocrity simply because the perpetrators are some kind of mad people who erroneously think that the rule of law has lost is value and essence in the wake of global politics. Cameroonians and the new world needs a leader, a statesman and nation builder with a vision and courage that is required to inspire and empower Cameroonians to transcend factional ethnicities and regroup as one people under God to rebuild Cameroon under a Federal system
I will make the best President for Cameroon during this transitional period  because I have  overcome the trials of temptation and corruption,which have soiled the reputation of others who were shortsightedness to see what I saw since 2009 before standing up to the CPDM regime.The truth is when you look at the 24 people who were bribed with at least 15 millions frs cfa  to participate in  the fake Presidential elections ,which has catapulted Mr Paul Biya into a  rare stubborn dictator and  corrupt tyrant, you will come to the realization that I was right. Let me explain this very clearly.
Remember, I was not out to seek the Presidency  for mere fame except that I have been motivated by a sheer sense of love for my country and people oppressed to galvanize Cameroonians to come together so that we will  rebuild  a new nation.I dream of a new Cameroon where we shall all explore the difficult challenges we have encountered in our own journeys as a people who once upon a time were blessed with a flourishing promise- a promise that is yet to be tapped  into but for this to happen, Mr Paul Biya and his corrupt CPDM Party and regime must understand that  history is not in their favor.
We must uphold the laws of our country and once again, we want no war and we want no dictatorship and corrupt tyranny.However, I will do whatever is necessary under the amrpit of the legal system in America and the world to wage a legal battle against the CPDM Party and regime. For details about this unending protest , please, always visit the people's blog for information and the speed of advocacy and activism for a virtuous and free Cameroon.
 Thank you all
Jonathan Awasom   

The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village

