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Friday, December 30, 2011


My fellow Cameroonians and members of the beloved International Community, friends and sympathizers of Cameroon champions

      Cheering up Champions of truth for freedom

We , as the champions of the oppressed , I mean the voiceless and forgotten, have a very good reason to be in this world and so long as one never wrote an application to be born and sort of entitled to some acceptable sacred and inalienable human rights, packaged and served on a platter of gold to everyone from birth, it is not up to those who oppress us in total defiance to these values to decide whether we should stand up relentlessly  or cease from protesting. How can we stop  protesting when the oppressors have not stopped oppressing us? Where  there is oppression there is  a protest and the day oppression will stop, this protest will also stop. I hope  I am very clear.

My fellow champions, here we are again marking yet another milestone in history even at the cross-roads of  people struggling to keep the statusquo  and others struggling to bring down all humpty-dumpties. How I wish I knew how better this can be done as I watch with great admiration and concerned how other dictators have crumbled at a very short notice under a heavy resistant movement they waged against freedom fighters.

I wonder indeed when will the Cameroon dictatorship and corrupt tyranny also crumble and why it has not yet fallen in spite of a portracted period of advocacy and protest from us. I see myself as a peaceful freedom fighter and advocate. It sounds like there is nothing like a peaceful freedom fighter? So, what should we do? You mean keep praying 24/7 like the pharasees for God to change Paul Biya and the CPDM Party? I don't think so.

A protest does not have to be a big size to make it credible moreso when it is tailored within the unfolding struggle  to defend the univeral principles of human dignity. By the same token, one can successfully fight for freedom of his country and people  from any possible safe distant so long as there is a measuring rod that links the distant of operation and the point of contact or impact. A safe distant in this case is only an opportunity that providence has provided to nurture and race the level of consciousness that is required to crerate the desired impact.

What I am insinuating is simple for those who have a metaphysical perception of life and understand that  it is no longer any kind of mystery for me to phone Cameroon from the United States and speak to someone within 1 minute whereas it would take me about two days to travel to Cameroon to meet the same person and vice versa. I have seen the CPDM Party left Cameroon and campaigned to stay in power within the United States of America where we are on political asylum! How contradictory is this?

I am very humble by the fact that I have expanded the battle field for the freedom of Cameroon the moment I discovered that my political asylum was a platform and immediately swung into action. By being proactive,  our actions in myriads of ways forced the CPDM Party to  exend the political landscape of Cameroon to Europe as well as North America. In fact, they fell into the trap set up by the wiseman!

That is why I am not giving up and will never look back until Cameroon is free from bad guys and women. I have grown up in this life and world very certain that when people do not choose to survive under a government those who represent such a government must know that it is their responsibility to account for the state of their dignity  under their reign of terror.

It is sickening to even imagine that any Cameroonian leader within the political,religious or traditional structures do have a great admiration for Western civilization where they have dispatched all their children and yet cannot understand that the children they are oppressing now inside Cameroon are also deserving in this life. One does not have to be forced and subjected under any kind of very bad government when in our present world there are endless possibilities and opportunities for everyone to live a happy and normal life.

The idea that some people can fake a political system and government ,and  then get away with it because they are well armed to butcher anyone who dare oppose them has been completely shattered and behold today it is now a myth.Those who call us " small rats" must be aware that God is listening to the cries of the oppressed and helpless people and there is time when the long awaited miracle will happen.We will never value someone who has not earned the mandate of the people of Cameroon to govern.

We have refused to be noted anywhere on this earth as some kind of dumb Cameroonian people who cannot stand up for ourselves like some extremely radical folks who can do anything just to get justice or freedom. We just have a different approach to this matter and our protest  for many years now could not be overbelabored. I  believe everyday of my life that those who have armed Mr Paul Biya and the CPDM regime over the years to oppressed us  have understood  our cry for freedom and justice by now.

I can only continue to  mount the  acceptable pressure that is required to spin the wheel of change and transformation on the high road of peaceful transition of Cameroon  into a virtuous and free society that will uphold the rule of law.It is clear that 2011 will soon be history as we focus onto the future. When one is compounded by the heavy burden of a seeming endless tunnel of agony of oppression, future means more than just a talk about 2012 resolutions.

The fact is we  are  on a journey to  build a virtuous and free Cameroon society for all Cameroonians as well as all white people who have come to admire and love Cameroonians and Cameroon at different levels.

In the past 2011 some very strange things happened ,which never came to anyone by surprise because we had earlier on seen the handwriting on the wall many years back.It  is the fact that innocent Cameroonians  have been betrayed by some Cameroonians who called themselves opposition leaders and yet had absolutely nothing  for ,which they were opposing since 1990.

Now after several years, we have come to realize that we are back to square one because a few individuals with their intense selfish agendas deliberately took advantage of our people and enriched themselves by using their false cry about opposition to milk the same people they have lied to.We are still hopeful because we have not lost faith in God and I must add that we are now on a safe side because we know those who have betrayed our people.

No matter how they have tried so hard to game the system and the people, their conscience will live after them.We must  continue to stand together as well as renew our commitment ,and determination to forge ahead since a better tomorrow awaits those who never give up.Our cause is a very sacred and noble cause. Indeed, no matter the twists and turns, the bumbs and potholes on our path, history is very factual about those who survived the great depression, persecution, slavery, racism, apartheid and even some of the terrible natural disasters ,yet.

This is because in the face of all odds, great thinkers and humble souls are resilient and faithful to the voices of the people for whom their toils and labors of love are dedicated. For me and my family, we will never fail you.We have come thus far and in spite of the trials and tribulations, we have been blessed by an endless list of friends whose immense contributions to our common cause for happiness and peace has been very enriching and inspiring. I remain very humble and grateful to all the amazing friends all over the world who know that good people must never be withdrawn becase evil must be put down.

As from January 2012, I intend to go the extra-mile  for us to hold the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon( PCC) accountable as well as the Presbyterian Church ,USA(PCUSA) who are missionary partners of the PCC  because I believe that it is about time for the  PCC church leaders to take an active part in the liberation of Cameroonians from the CPDM bondage. I will enlist your support andf cooperation in this effort because the church ought to stand up for the truth.

I  humbly stand together with those who believe in what  I stand for since 1999 till date. By the end of January 2011, I must have been able to  take a look at how far we have come with this protest against the injustice of the CPDM regime and evil perpetrated by their  CPDM Party officials against our people.Be rest assured that we will never give up so long as we are seeking the truth  towards a virtous and free world. History is on our side and "we  shall overcome".

Always visit my blog and be informed.

To God be the Glory for 2012 and beyond

Jonathan Awasom 
 The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village