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Thursday, September 1, 2011



--- On Sat, 5/22/10, Jonathan Awasom <> wrote:

Fellow Cameroonians and Concerned Citizens

Thank you for your inquiry, questions and concerns about Prof Titus Edzoa. I was just about wrapping -up with my response to you when  a fellow Cameroonian weighed in with such clarity, eloquence and conviction to say the least that the imprisonment of Pro. Titus Ezoa was politically motivated and not really about embezzlement because all the CPDM officials are embezzlers including but not limited to President Paul Biya. Mine will be an addition with total analyses of the environment or setting in, which we are first of all talking about all our political prisoners including but not limited to Prof Titus Ezoa who was your main concern. Our goal is to paint the Biya regime and system as a vicious cycle that even President Paul Biya and those who claim to be better Cameroonians than others ( CHOP PEOPLE DEM MONEY) are not safe there. As a result they see each other as a threat to them. 

A vicious cycle is self-destructive and counter-productive. The only correct solution to such a system is Freedom for both the oppressed and oppressor. CAMEROON IS A DICTATORSHIP RULED BY A DICTATOR .HE DEFINES THE RULES OF THE GAME TO SUIT HIM AND SO THOSE WHO ARE NOT "LOYAL" TO HIM ARE DOOMED EVEN IF THEY ARE PATRIOTIC AND LOYAL TO OUR BELOVED COUNTRY.  However, we have issues with the office of President Paul Biya and want him to Free all political Prisoners including but limited  to Titus Ezoa, Lapiro, Justice Mbuh, all SCNC, SDF and human right activists he has arbitrarily arrested over years and locked -up in order to stay in power. 
We will not go to sleep until President Paul Biya complies. We want to reiterate that President Paul Biya must not get away with his systematic destruction of other Cameroonians for the sake of his Life Presidency. we have no ill- intentions against Mr Paul Biya as a person with his own family. We are very loving, forgiving and gracious people who understands the joy of a father and mother. But President Paul Biya must also have consideration and compassion on other fathers and mothers, too. 

Among the over 1700 Cameroonians registered on camnet, we believe that about 500 of them are members of Paul Biya's government and  about 10 are permanent employees of the Presidency. We suppose their presence is to monitor what is going here in Diaspora. So, our campaign, movement and revolution is not hidden in the closest of fear. Our demands are clear.

Now coming back to the crux of the matter.
The Principal Charge against Prof Titus Ezoa  was not embezzlement. We said before that, Titus Ezoa like any other Cameroonian was a Presidential aspirant within the Beti clan of President Paul Biya.His clan man Paul Biya felt threatened by his public aspiration to seek the Presidency. So he rallied those who were loyal to him within that same clan like Professor Joseph Owona and others to support him  to  go after Prof Titus Ezoa. So he framed him up and brought those charges of embezzlement as a stepping stone to keep him away. Whether they were right or wrong, we must be deeply concerned about the timing vis a vis President Paul Biya's selfish  political agenda.

Honestly as a Cameroonian what he has done will set a very very dangerous precedence in our society if  we just ignore and assume that people are in prison because of charges of corruption.
I think this kind of vindictiveness practiced by the Biya's regime must be strongly condemned because if we have to go with the argument that he was charged with embezzlement then here are some serious issues to consider;

1) Which other Cameroonian Minister including but not limited to Professor Joseph Owona and all other Beti government loyal to President  Paul Biya have been charged for corruption and embezzlement?

2) The Constitution of Cameroon states that all government officials must declare their assets according to article 66. It has been more than 25 years since President Paul Biya came to power and neither him nor any of his government officials from all ranking positions have declared their assets with respect to this article. Therefore, it is disturbing that any of them would claim that Titus Ezoa is in prison because of embezzlement.

3) President Paul Biya himself as head of State has not declared his assets  as we speak.He is the number one corrupt person and has perpetrated corruption and embezzlement in Cameroon against Cameroonians in order to cover -up his own misdeeds. There must be an aspect of the law that discredits his actions because had he been honest and transparent with Cameroonians, then his case would be genuine

4) President Paul Biya is a dictator. Dictators do not like or want rivals.
 We know this too well from his decrees and veto powers against policies and laws that threaten his grip unto power. We also know this through all the fraudulent elections he has organized in Cameroon and won all. In fact, once upon a time he saw the Chairman of SDF as his number one enemy and we certainly know that if  he had a way he would also frame  -up Ni John Fru and lock him up. I think they tried several times to bring charges of treason against him and it never quite worked. 

5)The Cameroon political environment must be a big concern to us Cameroonians in terms of Free Speech. Every Cameroonian has the right to seek public office so long as they are citizens of Cameroon and decide to engage in politics. What we see here in the case of Titus Ezoa, Lapiro and Justice Mbuh is a gross violation of the First amendment, which Paul Biya himself signed into law according to the Constitution. He is ripe to be charged for crimes against humanity.

In a nutshell, Titus Ezoa would not be arrested and charged of embezzlement had he been LOYAL  to the Dictator.  This is exactly what we must guard against because he rewards people who are Loyal to his totalitarian political system and punishes those who oppose him and seek to better the system. That is why million of Cameroonians have to practice false loyalty to CPDM regime, Party and President Paul Biya in order to survive.

There must be an International law against what President Paul Biya is practicing against his personal enemies. It is not acceptable to fake loyalty in a nation. Patriotism is a big part of being a true citizen and it should be expressed in the rights and privileges of citizens to participate in the democratic process if at all there is any.Have a great day                 Jonathan Awasom  

To: camnetwork@yahoogro
From: mbahchesami@
Date: Thu, 20 May 2010 21:52:59 -0700

Dear Jonathan,

Please can you tell us how you arrived at the conclusion that Titus Edzoa is a political prisoner up to the extent of asking Cameroonians to sign a petition for his liberation? Please can you enlighten us about the principal charge against him?What makes him a political prisoner different from other embezzlers of public funds? Tell us also about how you arrived at your logic strongly defending somebody charged of embezzlement and sentenced to serve a 15 year jail term.Has he contacted you to reframe and reverse the principal charge on which he was arraigned, judged and sentenced? Please we kindly wait for your answers.
Thanks. Emmanuel  Chesami