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Friday, October 7, 2011


The USA Government is now well informed and  other important US Officials  and International Organizations as seen below.Thanks for supporting the struggle to bring down tyranny and dictator for the seek of the oppressed.Pass it on 

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jonathan Awasom <>

 Urgent Telegram to the United States Government about Cameroon

           My dear United States Government and people 
           Through the United States Ambassador to Cameroon
           Through the US Department of Justice, Newark 
           Through the US Immigration and Naturalization Services
           Through the US State Department 
           Through Congressman Chris Smith , Chairman of African
            Sub-Committee on Health and Human Rights
We, the Cameroonian people in good faith and with a good conscience have unanimously agreed that the CPDM Party and their chairman, President Dictator Paul Biya like other dictators in Africa must wrap up their reign of  dictatorship, oppression,bribery and  corruption, arbitrary arrests, torture and illegal imprisonment, retaliation and persecution of Cameroonians effectively as soon as possible . 

We, the people of Cameroon all over the world refuse to condone but we also cannot be cowards to set up ourselves and people to be slaughtered by this heartless CPDM system of government. President Paul Biya must step down peacefully and leave our people alone in peace.

We, the people strongly condemn any form of military intimidation against my fellow Cameroonians by President Paul Biya and his CPDM regime on the eve of their fake Presidential elections come October 9th,2011 in the name of sovereignty! Sovereignty of nations is only as good as respect for human rights and where this is absent, sovereignty must be a myth.

That is why we have debunked it for many years. On behalf of all the victims of the CPDM regime who are apparently powerless and helpless, I stand before the twilight of history within the United States of America as their voice.
  • In this light and granted the unwavering commitment to end the reign of terror on innocent, and well deserving citizens of Cameroon
  • Mindful of the fact that I am a true citizen of the world with a heart for humanity and have great respect for nations and people who value our common humanity
  • Knowing that all CPDM officials in Cameroon have sent all their children overseas to virtuous and free societies 
  • Disturbed by the fact that they absolutely  do no longer care about the human dignity of every other Cameroonian since their children and other militants are heavily present overseas and very safe and peaceful
  • Considering the fact that I am a genuine  Cameroonian on political asylum within the United States who has  called on President Paul Biya to step down as well  as advocating for a transitional government 
  • Inspired by the ideals and principles of democracy and  the universal quest for human dignity
  • Captured and driven by the history , vision and  virtuous character of a free people and free societies,
  • Convicted by the truth and empowered by my faith in God, our maker and creator
  • Humble by the beauty of the human race and the diversity of people from different backgrounds and nationalities
  • Fascinated by the amazing feats and achievements of this post-modernism  that has improve on the lot of humankind
  • Touched by the greatness of the American Constitutional liberal federal system of government
I am calling on the United States and other UNO member Countries with vested economic and strategic military interest in the West African region of Cameroon in the war against terrorism  to  make sure that the current corrupt tyranny and dictatorship of the CPDM Party of  Dictator President Paul Biya does not hijack the destiny of Cameroonians again.

Cameroonian people are peace loving people who deserve a good government and we are no longer in one accord with this criminal CPDM Party regime, which has violated our country's constitution, grossly violated the human rights of  Cameroonians and plundered all the natural resources of Cameroon into foreign banks and investments overseas.

By so doing these fraudulent and corrupt regime has rendered our people helpless and trapped under substandard living conditions, beaten down by poverty and poor health, lack of good roads, good and clean drinking water, horrible sanitation conditions even among children in schools, rampant corruption in all sectors of Cameroon and arrogant embezzlement  of State funds into extravagant living, and vicious arbitrarily arrests and illegal imprisonment of fellow Cameroonians, dilapidated buildings due to lack of maintenance because public officials embezzle budgets for such projects.Therefore, these charges are good enough  for this HUMPTY-DUMPTY CPDM Party and regime to be rounded up and held to account for crimes against humanity.

The United States must take immediate steps  to freeze all the assets of all Cameroon  officials and their children within the USA and other countries pending litigation.

We, the people cannot stand another 7 years of a dictator and his cohorts.We, refuse to cowards.I hope that I am understood that our actions  does not in anyway hamper your interests in Cameroon except that I want a free country from corrupt tyranny and dictatorship.

Why would the CPDM Regime be circulating the military all the place if Cameroon is a democratic society in , which the CPDM Party is open to fair and transparent elections?

Such acts of military intimidations must be condemned and the military must make sure that they uphold the destiny of all Cameroonians as well as all people resident inside Cameroon. The United States government must also consider protecting the citizens of Cameroon while protecting the citizens of the United States in case of any form of  brutal violence against the people by the CPDM Party and regime

Clearly Mr Paul Biya and the CPDM Party are using intimidation tactics to scare people or force the people to vote him out of fear of retaliation and persecution. This kind of military atmosphere is very suspicious and of course we already know that it is a plot to hijack the people's civil rights again.

The United States and the UNO officials as well as the Civil Society International must know that we are very vigilant .We will not settle for anything less than a government that will represent the people  with the political will to create an environment where they can dream and aspire  to reach their full potential in life.

Our people have suffered for too long. They have been beaten down for decades and must be very tired of the continuous nonchalance of all our stakeholders. In short, President Paul Biya and the CPDM Party and regime are not and will not be above the law this time around. They must be within the bounds of our laws as well as international laws.

Any further crack down on innocent Cameroonians must not be tolerated again by the United States of America , UNO and the International Community. All these CPDM people have never declared their assets according to article 66 of our country's constitution and it is not right to violate the human rights of others and at the sametime trying to use the military to suppress, intimidate innocent and unarmed civilians when we have barely two days to go for their fake and corrupt Presidential elections.

Dear  United States government  , we the people are calling on you to stand with the voices for freedom, democracy , human rights and good governance and the rule of law.
 Jonathan Awasom
  • The voices for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
  • The Rallying-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
  • Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village
  • Through political advocacy , we are engaging, energizing,mobilizing, organizing and empowering Cameroonians, Africans, international community and concerned citizens of the world with interest in Africa to support our drive for genuine change.Pass it

             The public confession  about Jonathan Awasom
--- On Tue, 8/23/11, COLLINS EZEBUIHE <> wrote:

Now, unto Cameroun:
"Have you ever heard of a Cameroonian guy named Jonathan Awasom? He's no coward like some of his fellow nationals you rightly described and some of them that you are giving undeserved recognition, and he's determined to see democracy in Cameroun. Please get the facts about Cameroun, because,  unfortunately, some of the Cameroonian people you praised here may be the ones actually in the pockets  of Biya. Thats the truth my brother, and you can ask Mister Awasom and numerous other Cameroun nationals.And talking of Cameroun, if you actually want to know who is actually bringing real French vandalism intoAfrica by way of Cameroun, Paul Biya --the life president of Cameroun, is the man. "Pronto!!!"Anyway, thats it for Cameroun for now, unless somebody wants to declare a wider Camerooon topic " Collins Ezebuihe, Nigerian Political Activist

From: Madiba Saint <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2011 12:46 PM
Subject: Re : [camnetwork] Be warned, be ware« Nous appelons les populations à rester chez elles le dimache" -Biya doit parti


Cameroonians should freely go out on the 9th oct 2011 to decide who's going to lead them. Any attempt by whatever group to disstabilise the peace and tranquility reigning now, during  and after the election will regret for life, the consequences of its action!  Be warned, beware!

The circulation of armed forces, is for the security and safety of all peace loving Cameroonians!


De : "" <>
À :
Envoyé le : Jeudi 6 Octobre 2011 2h47
Objet : [camnetwork] « Nous appelons les populations à rester chez elles le dimache" -Biya doit parti




The USA Ambassador to Cameroon copied
The Cameroon Ambassador to USA copied
All International Organizations of Interest copied as seen below;
----- Forwarded Message -----From: Jonathan Awasom <>
To: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; """" <>; """" <>; """" <>; """" <>; """" <>; """" <>
Cc: """""" <>; """""" <>; """""" <>; """""" <>; """""" <>; """""" <>; """""" <>; """""" <>; """""" <>; """""" <>


Dear Dr  Louis  Mbua and all other Fellow Cameroonians and friends of Cameroon during this very hard times in our history,

This HUMTY-DUMPTY  CPDM Party WWW  campaign Manager called Madiba
has failed the debate, which is why he recently resorted on a trick of  escape  from the main issues.He does not know how many phone calls I have made since 2009 , emails and memos I have sent out to the world. He thinks that I would have had results immediately. Even a mother has to endure pregnancy for at least 9 months before birth can happen naturally.
What more of a struggle to end evil against innocent citizens? I asked Madiba and CPDM Party to publish the  Cameroon population data base to the public but so far there is known. How can Presidential elections be democratic and pass the test of fairness and transparency if we don't have factual  population data base of all Cameroonians at home and abroad?

The Diaspora revolutionaries came to water the seeds of the revolution sown in Cameroon long before we were born and behold , what we must do is continue to pray to God to make our seeds to grow and become a fruitful  plant. This is where we are now. We need God's intervention in our nation, Cameroon  more than ever  before.Every major revolution to bring about meaningful change has its ups and downs but still the vision, goal, mission and course of action has always been the same. Let Madiba and all his other fellow CPDM-USA up to the their Central Bureau take a look at the course of action I am undertaking.

I am   planning a UNO and State Department  operation stop CPDM and President Paul Biya.This will take  place  at the State Department and UNO until Paul Biya  steps down and hand over to the military for 30 days and then over to the Civil Society to form a transitional government for 24 months. I am going  to the State Department and UNO  tomorrow , Thursday  and Friday to continue networking and making the appeal for a UNO Mission to Cameroon   to refuse to  state that " the elections were free and fair although some irregularities were reported in this or that district...". No, we want UNO officials and the Security Council  to remain neutral but at the sametime they must  intervene immediately in the event of any revolutionary sparks and to call on President Paul Biya to step down immediately.

If President Paul Biya and any member or officials of the CPDM Party and regime should shed the blood of any Cameroonian again, let them know that they will be prosecuted by the ICC.I  am  also waiting for all CPDM-USA members who are on political asylum to vote Paul Biya and CPDM Party in their fake USA voters registration, then I will take the CPDM Party to court on 3 counts;

1)The CPDM Party has been  operating illegally within the USA against the foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). The CPDM Party is not the same as the Cameroon government although they like to take us for granted by trying to manipulate people to think that CPDM Party is equivalent to Cameroon government. No, the Cameroon Ambassador represents the Cameroon government and not CPDM Party here in America.That is why he has diplomatic immunities but no CPDM Party members within America have such diplomatic privileges. That is why CPDM must register as a separate political entity but to the best of my knowledge they have not done so in spite of repeated calls for them to register legally with FARA.

2) CPDM Party has been sponsoring Immigration fraud through political asylum scams for its members for decades and once upon a time they went after the SCNC and wanted to tarnish their image to the US immigration and FBI as a terrorist organization, which prompted me to fight back by filing a complaint against CPDM-USA in 2009. This case will likely prompt an investigation into all the people who have voted for CPDM because if they are on political asylum and then vote for the same people whom they claim persecuted them, then they had committed fraud and perjury under oath.

3) CPDM Party intentionally conspired to hijack our civil rights within the United States knowing well that we are here on political asylum and won't participate in an election that is organized by the same Party and regime that persecuted us. This intimidation tactics was intentionally designed to usurp our suffrage because under normal circumstance, if we were resident in Cameroon without fear of being killed because of our stand on free speech, human rights and justice , we would not be overseas on political asylum. Therefore the CPDM will be charged in accordance with the USA laws and other international laws for pursuing those they have persecuted right into the countries where they have sought refuge.

Finally within 24 hours I will also have to research and learn more on the laws that CPDM Party has violated and also to explore what are the legal options in terms of filing the case at the Federal Court in Trenton, which is the headquarter of New Jersey. I will also check in with the US Department for Justice as well as USA immigration to make sure that they know that as a political asylee , it is unacceptable for other Cameroonians to mislead us on false claims of political asylum whereas they are still part of the CPDM Party and regime ,which persecuted us and our families back in Cameroon.

What will be the remedies and redress?
I will discuss this later.So far this is heads up about  some of the actions that I intend to undertake within the next one week     independent  on the state of affairs in Cameroon. What does this mean to all Cameroonians in the Diaspora and Cameroon?

We, the people here in the USA want to reassure all of you that we are never going to back down.
President Paul Biya and the CPDM  Party must have all their assets and ill gotten wealth frozen within the United States and other countries. This is one of the major requests I will make in Court before the Federal Judge and I will site the President George W Bush 2004 NO SAFE HAVEN LAW against foreign corrupt nationals and their assets within the United States of America. These frozen assets will be cross-examined under article 66 of Cameroon's constitution and internationals laws and most of it will be  returned to the Cameroon people.

I am very humble that we have created the impact we wanted to create since we made up our mind to unseat President Paul Biya and also remove the CPDM Party from power. The main reason why this revolution had to be reframed in order for it to  have a Diaspora flavor and involvement is because Cameroon could never change the way we want without the Diaspora being factored into the debate and action for change.Most importantly, we wanted to speak truth to power here in the Diaspora and what I mean is confront  all the Stakeholders who know that the CPDM regime is a bad government with one of the worst human rights records.

This action was intended to cajole and convince them with time that we were no longer in a  the 17th century world of  corrupt tyranny and dictatorship , and that this kind of political , social, economic and cultural system was counterproductive in human kind's search for meaning; freedom, life, prosperity and happiness. By standing up and speaking out, we sent a message across  the world that we do not believe in the political system in Cameroon. After all, was it not the same system that persecuted us and forced  us into exile and political asylum here in America? 

We will continue to raise awareness and educate the world to know that although Cameroon is a small country compared to others but size does not matter in this case. What  has been so important is the wisdom, brain, energy, drive, commitment and hardwork in this struggle.By the same token, just because we may appear harmless people in the eyes of President Paul Biya and CPDM is no grounds for them to take us for granted. So long as we are still human beings and entitled to sacred and inalienable rights as well as bound by the universal principles of human rights and dignity, we the people have the right to stand up for our country and by standing up and speaking with action at the sametime, we have proven to the world that we are in charged of our destiny ,which can no  longer be entrusted into the hands of the CPDM Party and President Paul Biya.

I believe that we are on track and riding onto victory n the mighty presence of  God. We are up and against the Goliaths of this life but the Davids who walk by faith, in faith and with faith in the almighty God will bring down Goliath. The people of Jericho walked around the walls of Jericho seven times until the walls fell down. I can see the walls of corrupt tyranny and dictatorship in Cameroon falling down very soon. All of us have walked around this wall for many years now and the foundation of falsehood has been undermined by our collective actions. We must speed up action and create the impact that will catapult to the ground revolution at home.It is my fervent hope that this revolution will be peaceful so long as the military and army are divided as some of them now know that  government exists for the people and not against the people.

So, we are just about to complete this mission. There is no turning back. It is my hope that all Cameroonian Religious leaders , Traditional authorities, Imans, opposition leaders and various organizations take notice that we will not tolerate a President Paul Biya's Life Presidency at all. So, if any of them have taken bribes from the CPDM in order to downplay on the people revolution, well, they will have themselves to blame because Cameroonians on the ground are just waiting to take action now. Our actions from the diaspora has solely been to change the mind set of members of the international community as well as convince them that the CPDM Party and President Paul Biya are no longer desirable governments in this century.

Thank you and God bless all Cameroonians and friends of Cameroon

Jonathan Awasom
  • The voices for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
  • The Rallying-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
  • Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village
  • Through political advocacy , we are engaging, energizing,mobilizing, organizing and empowering Cameroonians, Africans, international community and concerned citizens of the world with interest in Africa to support our drive for genuine change.Pass it

             The public confession  about Jonathan Awasom
--- On Tue, 8/23/11, COLLINS EZEBUIHE <> wrote:

Now, unto Cameroun:
"Have you ever heard of a Cameroonian guy named Jonathan Awasom? He's no coward like some of his fellow nationals you rightly described and some of them that you are giving undeserved recognition, and he's determined to see democracy in Cameroun. Please get the facts about Cameroun, because,  unfortunately, some of the Cameroonian people you praised here may be the ones actually in the pockets  of Biya. Thats the truth my brother, and you can ask Mister Awasom and numerous other Cameroun nationals.And talking of Cameroun, if you actually want to know who is actually bringing real French vandalism intoAfrica by way of Cameroun, Paul Biya --the life president of Cameroun, is the man. "Pronto!!!"Anyway, thats it for Cameroun for now, unless somebody wants to declare a wider Cameroon topic " Collins Ezebuihe, Nigerian Political Activist

From: louis <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 5, 2011 2:37 AM
Subject: Re : FAKE ELECTION PANEL FOR FAKE ELECTIONS Re: [camnetwork] Cameroon Elections Panel, Columbia University, Tues 10/04, 4-6pm


Thank you for this excellent expose. You hit this Madiba fellow and his cohorts with the Mighty Arm of God. The Devil fears the Blood of Jesus Christ.

Madiba et al, it is both an intellectual and spiritual war. Man no run.

The Mighty Army of God is before us. This is a fight of Good against evil. Good will prevail.

--- In, Jonathan Awasom <cameroonfreedomadvocate@...> wrote:
Re : FAKE ELECTION PANEL FOR FAKE ELECTIONS Re: [camnetwork] Cameroon Elections Panel, Columbia University, Tues 10/04, 4-6pm


Yes, the revolution from without will take you people unawares.The first phase has just ended with CPDM being forced against their will to go diaspora as well as unable to harrass,intimidate, threaten, arbitrarily arrest, torture and jail the so called opposition like he has done to his own country-man Prof Titus Ezoa. The Truth is, I will expose Paul Biya and CPDM their anus in court very soon. Why is Prof Titus Ezoa still in prison while the number one embezzler, Paul Biya is roaming the streets campaigning for his Life Presidency? Those who are tolerating this drama are really smoking and eating cocaine in this world.

Just wait and see what will happen here in America.
Paul Biya and his clique are ripe for the Hague.It is only a matter of time.Keep hoping that he will rule Cameroon again for 7 years. That will happen in space and not on this earth.
CPDM have children and families in the Diaspora, too.The better not fool around with our people back home because we also have CPDM here in the USA and other places. The world has changed and we have contributed in a big way to influence and shape the way we want things to happen. Instead of Paul Biya controlling us as they used to do, we have all of them in our hands and will fight till the end. You can't be this bold defending so much injustice and wickedness against innocent people just because you can read and write , and have some ties with CPDM. It is wrong and you are backing the wrong horses.

Can you account for the reasons why you are campaigning for President Paul Biya when he is not eligible to re-run as President of Cameroon?

Was it democratic for President Paul Biya to singlehandedly tampered with the Constitution to make it feasible for him to be life President? If the constitution was so important to him, then why not article 66, too? Just calm down your emotional involvement with CPDM regime and answer all these questions because we are watching at all the manipulation, intimidations and threats you people are dishing out to our innocent Cameroonians to vote against their will.

What are you campaigning? Can a normal human being have the clear conscience to be campaigning for a terrorist regime to continue reigning down injustice on its people? Can you be more organized and tell us what you are campaigning about when it comes to CPDM and President Paul Biya well known as champions of corruption and gross violation of human rights of Cameroon? Where do I start to begin educating people like you who think that might is right?

You are scared of the truth. You keep writing stuff and fighting tooth and nail defending the evil CPDM criminal regime but there is no substance in what you write except gimmicks about Paul Biya. Just because of a hand full of misguided persons called opposition have tolerated him to stand for President does not make it right. Yes , of course , history is watching and the world is taking notice.

There is absolutely no way for people like you and all others who crying for crumbs to fall down from the CPDM greedy people to twist and tamper with history books. We have told our own story and like Stalin, Hitler and Saddam Hussein, Paul Biya has a choice to make. We are no longer in the dark ages when you people would take advantage of our people and get away with.

If the world had two of you with your backward and cowardice mentality, then there will be no invention and innovation at all.This means stagnation and degeneration.We can't stand the CPDM regime at this hour in history. Those elections are fake and very fake. I don';t know why any person in their normal senses would be trying to believe in such fantastic lies and deceit.It is very shameful.

You are just following behind a system that is well organized to oppress people.
Why can't you create your own meaning instead of dying behind such anti-God systems?
Don't you think it is really funny that a tyrant and dictator would be campaigning?
Madiba , answer me now. Did Paul Biya dictate Governors on the Ten Regions of Cameroon?

Did Paul Biya appoint Judges in all the courts in Cameroon?
Did Paul Biya appoint all Generals and Police Commissioners in Cameroon?
Did Paul Biya issue a decree offering 30 million frs CFA to 23 Presidential candidates or not?

What is the point? Does he need to campaign when he is a dictator ? If he believes in campaigning to make his case then why has he not respected the constitution as well as upheld article 66, as well as free all political prisoners?
Are there political prisoners in Cameroon right now as we speak or not?
What kind of Presidential elections are you CPDM Party and Opposition getting into when we have fellow Cameroonians languishing in jail simply because of free speech?
Why has he not declared his assets as demanded by law?
Why has he never taken questions and answers before the press and media?
Why has he never been to a Town forum ?
Why has be never had a public debate with other Cameroonians?
What kind of history are you people trying to write in this age of freedom and civilization?
Don't you know this is a post -modern age where commonsense and reason have long triumphed over ignorance and intolerance?
Are we so foolish to be fooled all the time by you people?
No Madiba by the time you will start looking for answers to these unending questions, the wind of change would have swept you off your feet.
Keep day living in lies and pretending as if you are not aware of the times.

The voices for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
The Rallying-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village
Through political advocacy , we are engaging, energizing,mobilizing, organizing and empowering Cameroonians, Africans, international community and concerned citizens of the world with interest in Africa to support our drive for genuine change.Pass it

The public confession about Jonathan Awasom

--- On Tue, 8/23/11, COLLINS EZEBUIHE <collyezebuihe@...> wrote:

Now, unto Cameroun:

"Have you ever heard of a Cameroonian guy named Jonathan Awasom? He's no coward like some of his fellow nationals you rightly described and some of them that you are giving undeserved recognition, and he's determined to see democracy in Cameroun. Please get the facts about Cameroun, because, unfortunately, some of the Cameroonian people you praised here may be the ones actually in the pockets of Biya. Thats the truth my brother, and you can ask Mister Awasom and numerous other Cameroun nationals.And talking of Cameroun, if you actually want to know who is actually bringing real French vandalism intoAfrica by way of Cameroun, Paul Biya --the life president of Cameroun, is the man. "Pronto!!!"Anyway, thats it for Cameroun for now, unless somebody wants to declare a wider Camerooon topic " Collins Ezebuihe, Nigerian Political Activist

From: Madiba Saint <madibasaint@...>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 4, 2011 3:07 PM
Subject: Re : FAKE ELECTION PANEL FOR FAKE ELECTIONS Re: [camnetwork] Cameroon Elections Panel, Columbia University, Tues 10/04, 4-6pm

Quotation of people's good work is always around your shapeless lips! When will others quote or learn from you?
stay out there and continue to make Cameroon a laughing stock with your archiac revolutionary ideas.When was the last revolution in America, France, Germany, Belgium etc? Yet you keep on organising revolutionary marches in the name of protest march against Biya/ELECAM which is cutting the T's and dotting the I's ensuring that elections are hitchfree.

De : Jonathan Awasom <cameroonfreedomadvocate@...>
À : "" <>; Balafon <balafoncommunications@...>
Cc : "" <>
Envoyé le : Mardi 4 Octobre 2011 2h02
Objet : FAKE ELECTION PANEL FOR FAKE ELECTIONS Re: [camnetwork] Cameroon Elections Panel, Columbia University, Tues 10/04, 4-6pm

Forwarded Message -----
From: Jonathan Awasom <wisesayings10@...>
To: "" <>; Balafon <balafoncommunications@...>
Cc: "camnetwork@..." <camnetwork@...>
Sent: Monday, October 3, 2011 8:56 PM
Subject: FAKE PANELS Re: [AfricanTalk] Cameroon Elections Panel, Columbia University, Tues 10/04, 4-6pm

Fake, fake, fake, fake, fake, fake, fake, fake, fake, fake election panel.Stop aiding and abetting injustice, corruption and evil against the oppressed. Try to grow up and take some classes on Jean -Jacque Rousseau even if you can't learn anything new from the American political philosophers.You people should stop making us Cameroonians and Africans look stupid before the American people.Why can't you just stop all these your propagandas and go do something different with yourself?

Click and listen to Jonathan Awasom on California,USA, Radio
The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village


The public confession about Jonathan Awasom

--- On Tue, 8/23/11, COLLINS EZEBUIHE <collyezebuihe@...> wrote:

Now, unto Cameroun:

"Have you ever heard of a Cameroonian guy named Jonathan Awasom? He's no coward like some of his fellow nationals you rightly described and some of them that you are giving undeserved recognition, and he's determined to see democracy in Cameroun. Please get the facts about Cameroun, because, unfortunately, some of the Cameroonian people you praised here may be the ones actually in the pockets of Biya. Thats the truth my brother, and you can ask Mister Awasom and numerous other Cameroun nationals.And talking of Cameroun, if you actually want to know who is actually bringing real French vandalism intoAfrica by way of Cameroun, Paul Biya --the life president of Cameroun, is the man. "Pronto!!!"Anyway, thats it for Cameroun for now, unless somebody wants to declare a wider Camerooon topic " Collins Ezebuihe, Nigerian Political Activist

From: P. Sylvie Yonke <africaninformation@...>
To: Balafon <balafoncommunications@...>
Sent: Monday, October 3, 2011 8:51 PM
Subject: [camnetwork] Cameroon Elections Panel, Columbia University, Tues 10/04, 4-6pm


Tuesday October 04th 2011
From 4pm to 6pm
Columbia University, International Affairs Building
420 West 118th Street, Room # 1501, 15th floor, New York, NY 10027
between Amsterdam Ave and Morningside Drive
Take train #1 to 116th Street
Tel: 212-854-4633
Book sales and signings available
Patrice Nganang ("Contre Biya, Proces d'un tyrant, Tribunal Article 53", Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies, Stony Brook University, New York)

Dickson Eyoh ("Ethnicity and democracy in Africa", Political Science and African Studies, University of Toronto, Canada)
Dominique Malaquais ("Architecture, pouvoir et dissidence au Cameroun", Political Science, CEMAf- Universite Paris 1, Pantheon-Sorbonne)

