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Monday, December 10, 2012

The US presence 's inside Cameroon must be an epitome of freedom and democracy

Fellow  Cameroonians and Sympathizers

              USA in Cameroon as an epitome of freedom and democracy

Click on these links below to the graphic human rights report compiled against the terrorist CPDM regime and kleptocracy under Dictator Paul Biya an his cohorts;

This memorandum is worth passing on to the world  and Sundry. We must rise up to take charge of the moment by capturing the spirit and energy of free, and democratic people. This is my third and final memo to Cameroon Embassy, USA operated by the CPDM Regime. It has laid a perfect groundwork for the memorandum I will address to the Congress of the United States of America against President dictator Paul Biya and his reign of terror on Cameroonians. Thank you for passing it on.

Memo Three                                                                August 27, 2009
Ambassador Joseph Foe Atangana                                                            
Cameroon Ambassador to the USA
Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon
2349 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20008
Tel: 202-265-9890
Fax: 202-387-3826
Jonathan Awasom
Political Asylee within the USA from Cameroon

              Dear Excellency Ambassador Joseph Foe-Atangana

   Stopping the Insanity of the CPDM Regime against Cameroonians

U.S.- Cameroonian relations are close, although from time to time they have been affected by concerns over human rights abuses and the pace of political and economic liberalization”
US   State Department Report

The powerful presence of the United States Embassy in Cameroon must be viewed as an epitome of freedom, democracy and human rights. By the same token, the embassy is named as Avenue Rosa Parks   to trigger the Civil Rights of all people who dwell within Cameroon as stakeholders. As stakeholders we must build-bridges and not divide and conquer.

This is very important because I have heard some of you within the CPDM regime boast that the US does not care about what we say against your corrupt tyranny! Well, it is up to us to make our case. We must convince the United States government and people to care on these terms. We must debate and argue just as the Founding Fathers of America to sell our International Movement to free Cameroon from insanity of an organized and corrupt tyranny.
There is nothing to hide because it is very appropriate to seek liberty and justice for the oppressed. I want you to know that I understand the meaning of sovereignty of nations.

There are two types of sovereignty namely, absolute and conditional sovereignty. Absolute sovereignty is applied to any nation that is free and democratic while conditional sovereignty is applicable to those that are not free and democratic like Cameroon. This report against the CPDM regime and President Paul Biya is clear testimony that Cameroon is a corrupt tyranny;

" Biya won single-candidate elections in 1984 and 1988 and flawed multiparty elections in 1992, 1997, and 2004. His Cameroon People's Democratic Movement (CPDM) party holds a sizeable majority in the legislature following 2007 elections--153 deputies out of a total of 180” US State Department Report on Cameroon.

Herewith below are "excellent-terrible" evidence of flagrant violation of human rights of Cameroonians especially minority people of the North West and South West Provinces. Also included is the report of Amnesty International. Consequently, how can any of you within the CPDM -USA and regime in Cameroon under the corrupt tyranny of President Paul Biya claim that you are a Democratic Party rallying Cameroon people? You rally some Cameroonians together because of either their regional, tribal or political affiliation to arbitrarily arrest, torture and murder them.

Yet you go on a wild campaign in the world lying to yourselves that you’re a democracy and republic. No regime that terrorizes its people like the CPDM regime be tolerated. I want all of you and your immediate boss, Cameroon Minister of Foreign Affairs to respond to me and the Congress of the United States of America in the light of absolute and conditional sovereignty. It is time for you and us to appear before the United States Congress to listen and be held accountable.

Your Excellency Ambassador Joseph Foe- Atangana and His Excellency President Paul Biya, can you explain to us why these human rights violations will be rampant in Cameroon under your rule? These abuses are a testimony to your intolerance as Cameroon People Democratic Movement (CPDM). It demonstrates that you are not a Democratic Party although you have controversially used the word "Democratic” to blindfold the world. Here are the Amnesty International site which depicts and reinforces  the gross violation of the human rights of Cameroonians by the terrorist CPDM regime;

[1] http://www.amnesty.

The corrupt -tyranny of the CPDM regime and Mr. Paul Biya is obsolete for the 21st century. Once you bear that in mind, you'll sooner or later discover that reasonable and refined men and women can't debate injustice and tyranny. Concomitantly, the Founding Fathers of this great country rejected the tyranny of the King of England since the 17th century. Therefore, the presence of CPDM regime within the United States is an assault to their values and ideals. The aim of politics, government and civil society was to inspire and empower people to rise up to the level of freedom. Similarly, to open windows of opportunities and possibilities for a life of dignity for all people. It was not meant for a few to oppress humanity. You must stop.

I know the truth. I am a Cameroonian and you can't lie again to me. Can you explain to me how come one man is President of a democratic society for 27 years now? I have never heard of any democracy where one man rules a country for more than 15 years. It happens only in a tyrannical society. Cameroon is a perfect example of a tyrannical society under the rule and reign of the CPDM-Taliban.Therefore, you must stop deceiving the United States government and citizens that you are a democratic society and a republic because you are not.  This is what civilized and reasonable people say against tyranny and tyrants;

“Tyranny is the worst form of government. It is unmitigated evil" because the tyrant is an enemy of the city he rules by force   Richard W. Sterling and William C.Scott

This is my third memorandum to your office. It serves as a reminder. I am waiting for the response to all my correspondences to your office contained in Memorandum one, two and three. You know in the United States, when a letter is written to elected officials or politicians, the rule of freedom and democracy warrant that you must acknowledge receipt and indicate when you will give answers to the concerns brought to your office. I thought I let you know because I noticed that you probably forgot that I am right here in the United States where free speech is a great asset for the growth of this society.

When a free and democratic person like me writes a letter as a voice of the voiceless, you are supposed to be grateful and take my concerns seriously. I must assure you that this is the real democracy of President George Washington, President Thomas Jefferson and President Abraham Lincoln and Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr. in action. Because I am in the country, which in many ways they worked hard to build, I must pay tribute to them by being a truly free and democratic human being. This is the most I can give back to them in deep appreciation for their great contribution to freedom, democracy and justice for all people.

For nine conservative years now, the Human Rights report card of the Republic of Cameroon published by Amnesty International, the US State Department and various Cameroonian Activist groups have been appalling to me as a political asylee within the United States of America. As a free, patriotic and democratic Cameroonian, I have been very troubled by the State of affairs and union in that society. These are details reports against the flagrant violation of the human rights of Cameroon by your CPDM regime. I want to hold this up to you as a mirror so that you’ll see for yourself first hand and let me know if you are bothered by these abuses?

You are definitely aware of the fact that thousands of talented kids have been buried in Cameroon because your CPDM regime is very inhumane. Those kids will never sparkle and shine because their leaders who were supposed to protect them instead became the monster against them. How can our own leaders be against us? How then can we build a better future if the future of children is entrusted into the hands of cruel men and women? African-Cameroonian leaders, you have hurt your own people for too long while pointing accusing fingers at the White people. Can any of you fool us again?

One of the rights I have as a free and civilized person is to see with my eyes and mind, and think with my head and write. This is an inherent and inalienable right that Mr. Paul Biya and CPDM regime will never take it away from me again.  You are probably expecting me to come and demonstrate in front of your Office before you take me seriously. In today’s world, we now have advanced technology, which has enhanced easy communication. So, it is needless for me to be protesting around the Cameroon embassy with placards whereas I can either make a phone call, fax and email or post my concerns through the postal service. In this postmodern world, we expect people to evolve in their mentality and become more conscious of the current trends of modern civilization manifest in the spirit of communication and dialogue.

It is quintessential that we take advantage of these opportunities to help move the world forward. It is quite clear to me that some of you are holding us back since you are having enough for yourselves. It is not right to block others from being part of the narrative of civilization, freedom, democracy and development. First and foremost, it is against free and civilized people to ignore me or try to pretend as if you have not received my letters.

I know this reminder will make you feel uncomfortable but it is just the way things work in this country and age. An age of Cameroon sensitivity and consciousness brought about by the moral obligation to stop the CPDM regime from killing innocent Cameroonians in order to maintain their statusquo of corruption and tyranny. Consequently, if you want to operate here smoothly, you must dance to the drumbeats of free and civilized people and not to those of corrupt-tyrants in Africa. The United States operates under the rule of law and we must respect and enforce these laws against the criminal activities of the CPDM regime against humanity.

In every society, human beings who have acquired citizenship by birth or naturalization must be allowed to freely express themselves in order to freely unleash their full potential. This is called free speech, which is a very important component of human rights. Whereas, people are tortured or killed because they dare ask the ruling party to redress their grievances, the Congress of the United States should abolish such a party on their shores in accordance with the Constitution.

I am shocked that the Ambassador and the regime of President Paul Biya have a friendship with the United States for more than 30 years and have failed to emulate their examples in terms of democratic principles and practices. It is your responsibility to tap into the energy of the American Political system and culture. It is always available for all of us because Americans are very generous with their civilization.

Why don’t you folks use your eyes and heads?
Dear Ambassador Joseph Foe-Atangana and CPDM-USA, what is really wrong with you black-African Cameroonians that you are so blind to the values and ideals of this great nation? You and all the CPDM-USA must explain to the people why you have been misleading and lying to the United States Congress and citizens that your party is a Democratic Party? Your predecessor was arrested by your boss, President Paul Biya and thrown in jail for corruption but President Paul Biya is himself very corrupt.

You know about this and why have you not reported him to the Congress of the United States against his facade of democracy and republic?  Why have you not told the truth to the United States Officials and partner with us to free Cameroon? Is it not part of your moral responsibility or you don’t have any moral obligation in life? How could he claim that Cameroon is a democracy and republic whereas he dictates Governors and Government delegates on the people? How could he claim that Cameroon is a peaceful country with such horrible graphic photos of abuse?

How can you be representing a corrupt tyrant within the United States who has never respected the Constitution of Cameroon since he became President?  Has President Paul Biya and the CPDM regime ever declared their assets according to article 66 of the Constitution since he became President? If yes, when?  If not why not? I am a true and serious Cameroonian who believes that the CPDM regime is of no relevance in this particular century.One of your job descriptions as Ambassador is to speak truth and expose Mr. Paul Biya’s Code of doom against innocent minority Cameroonians.

 As an Ambassador from a corrupt and oppressive society like Cameroon serving in an open and free society, you ought to be inspired by it. Right now, I don’t know why you have not performed your job, yet? If you stand up like others have stood up, what do you think he will do against you? So, I urge you not to be afraid of him. President Paul Biya has no idea about what democracy and republic means. He is not a free man and has never understood the importance of freedom.

He is an opportunist who has tapped into the old and rejected French System of government under Louis 16th and Marie Antoinette. While in France he obtained a degree  in political science but since he became the President of Cameroon he has headed one of the most corrupt and unlawful political systems ever. If anyone ones to leave behind a legacy worth celebrating, please, they must comply with the universal values and principles of human rights and dignity. President Paul Biya and CPDM regime of Cameroon have not complied with these universal principles and values of human dignity.

Ambassador Foe-Atanga, it is time for accountability and the great issues of our time will not only be resolved by great speeches alone without a blueprint. For more than 35 years I have heard speeches but Cameroonians oppressed by President Paul Biya and his CPDM Party are sick and tired of flamboyant speeches that do not translate. “Excellent” is an ideal way to distinguish an Ambassador who is representing “His Excellency” the Head of the government of thieves, President Paul Biya (L’etat c'est moi).

So, I want “His Excellency” the Ambassador to understand the ethical obligation to connect the dot from excellent theories/speeches to excellent deeds among, which must be the excellent respect for Human Rights. The current Human Rights situation in Cameroon is far below expectation. For this reason, I do not find it appropriate to engage you and President Paul Biya as “Excellent” human beings. I can engage him with the full understanding that he is a tyrant and no corrupt tyrant is my President.

You are exceedingly infallible because both of you are perpetrating and representing a political system, which has been described in myriad of ways as corrupt- tyranny or dictatorship. That political caricature under the CPDM regime is responsible for the demise of million of Cameroonians. This is because they are trapped under its rubbles of abuse especially the minority English Cameroonians residing in the Southern part of Cameroon in the regions of NW and SW Provinces. I feel strongly that I have a moral obligation to call your attention to this well known hoax of “Excellency” as well  as establish this to the minds of a frank and free society.

It is critical for the CPDM Party and regime to recognize the fact that the United States of America is a society for free and civilized people. The people of this country ought to be those who fled from tyranny from different parts of the world to seek freedom here. From my understanding of the history and constitution of the United States, it is clear to me that the CPDM party should not be present or represented in this country whereas they are champions of arbitrary arrest, illegal detention, torture and murder of innocent Cameroonians. Why on earth will a political party in power be so cruel and brutal against its own citizens and yet parading the shores of free and democratic societies without impunity?

Ambassador Foe-Atangana, recently President Paul Biya amended the constitution of Cameroon in order to reinstate himself again as President in 2011. This is very likely to happen granted that he has been the only President of Cameroon since 1982. It is undemocratic and unrepublic for one man to rule a country conservatively for 26 years. By 2011, he will be President for 29 years. As a practical political scientist based on comparative politics between Cameroon and the United States, any society that has no term limit to the President will never have free and fair election because the incumbent is bound to win always by foul play.

 The fact that anyone man or woman has a large appetite for power and does not believe that political power and leadership should revolve and evolve, is a justification to the bogus electoral system. Therefore, I believe strongly that President Paul Biya and his CPDM Party have misled Cameroonians and the United States in every Presidential election since 1994.

Come to think of it, he is Chairman of his Party and simultaneously the President. I find all these very bizarre because one of the main reasons why the United States Political culture is free and democratic is because the Constitution spells out the Presidential term limit to only eight years maximum. Also, whoever is President of the country cannot be the Chairman of the Party at the sametime. This is how a democratic society functions because clearly there is power sharing and fairplay, which allows others to become willing participants. CPDM party and regime are acting directly opposite to what I have learned here and you know it is absolutely unacceptable.

Do not tell me that every society has their own definition of democracy. I have vehemently disagreed with you folks. As far as I am concerned the values and principles of democracy must be the same from one society to other. From what I know, democracy was designed in ways that it would have the propensity to speak to every culture and society so long as people are different. The democracy, which is practiced within the United States of America is exactly what we need for Cameroon complex society. Once Cameroon is free from the corrupt CPDM tyranny it will be easy to democratize the society and people. If you have any contrary opinion, you are free to convince me. This is the time for us to make our case known to free people.

  In God we, Believe

  Jonathan Awasom

International Movement to Free Cameroon ( IMFC)
Cameroon Global Conscience ( CAMGLOC)
The Democratic Federal Union of Cameroon( DFUC)
The US Secretary of State
The National Democratic Institute (NDI), DC
The Democratic Party, USA
The Republican Party,USA
The US State Department
Foreign Agent Registration Act,USA
The Minnesota Senators and Congress leaders
The Minnesota House of Representative
The President of the United States of America
The Cameroon Community in the United States and Diaspora
The Cameroon Civil Society, Republic of Cameroon.
Human Rights Organisations and all concerned friends of Cameroon