I have never lost faith in humanity in spite of the injustices I have faced in the struggle for justice. Truth is a prerequisite for justice and liberty. My vision is for a virtuous and free society. Here is a catalogue of wikitruths. I speak truth to powers as the most effective tool for change since I was blessed with this exra-ordinary gift.Yes, I have infleunced world leaders and millions of lives changed already with wikitruths. Truth is the greatest force for good
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Saturday, June 16, 2012
CAMEROON: THE CPDM-PCC UNHOLY ALLIANCE OF OPPRESSION AND CORRUPTION: When the church has lost her voice as the conscience of the State:CPDM - PCC Synod Regime in Cameroon
My fellow Cameroonians
My fellow Presbyterians
My fellow Christian brothers and sisters of the Christian Church
Members of the International community
The Church officials must not make friends with government officials who oppress the people except they are also oppressors because "birds of the same feather flog together"
Foreigners running the government and the church while committing crimes against the innocent citizens of Cameroon. These foreigners are Cameroonians both in the government and the church who became American citizens but continue to hold positions of responsibilities in our beloved country for the wrong reasons. They are violating the US laws and must be brought to justice as soon as possible.
They run the church and government like a private plantation. They steal , embezzle and exploit the christians as well as misappropriate church and State funds into foreign bank accounts for their children living overseas. These PCC Synod officials are some rare thieves who have never accounted for their ill-gotten wealth. They hide behind the CPDM regime in order to get away with their corruption by going after any Pastor or Christian who speaks up ! Their names will be written on their graves and tombs for their roles in aiding and abetting criminal crimes against the people of Cameroon. They hide behind the bible to steal from the poor while enriching themselves !
If we think about the role of the church during the Nazis, apartheid, slavery, racial segregation,Berlin Wall, genocide in Rwanda and more, one will understand why I am x-raying the dangerous entente between the CPDM regime of Cameroon and the Synod of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon( PCC).The CPDM has tormented the PCC Synod with their demons to the extent,which Synod Officials are like toys in the hands of the CPDM officials who do everything to pass through CPDM people within the PCC Synod to crack down on Pastors and Christians who stand for truth, justice and freedom for all Cameroonians.
I am speaking out because I want to educate the US Congress on this conspiracy between the CPDM regime and PCC Synod against the backdrop of " Entrenched Leadership in Africa with the case of Cameroon". The US Congress implies the PC(USA) as well.
In fact, we cannot fully examine the roots causes of entrenched leadership in Africa without x-raying the lurking entente that exist between the State and the Church with the sole aim to control, manipulate and enslave God's people.I believe that the intentions of the missionaries who came with Christianity to our shores was not to use the gospel to manipulate, brainwash and mislead the people of Africa. That is why I have also articulated a political theology of freedom for Africa in a bid to set the records straight. I want to expose these PCC Synod officials to the world because every society where people of God perpetrate some form of evil or injustice against the people must be exposed and held to account.
A brief understanding of the CPDM-PCC Synod conspiracy to persecute and crack down on Pastors and Christians of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon. CPDM stands for Cameroon Peoples' Democratic Movement while PCC stands for Presbyterian Church in Cameroon.
This brief understanding is necessary because I have made up my mind to file a complaint against American citizens who have hijacked either the government of Cameroon or PCC very much so in gross violation of the US laws
I see the PCC Synod like the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in denial ,which was always boasting to be waxing strong in spite of their obvious moral and spiritual decadence ,which eventually let to their spiritual downfall.No doubt the PCC Synod as a church leaders have lost their voice as the conscience of the State and as a voice for the voiceless.
The horrible abuses and gross violations within the PCC against Christians and Pastors has long been perpetrated by agents of the CPDM regime who sit within the Synod Office passing ungodly and inhuman laws motivated by their disconnect from the mission of the church on earth.
These manipulative and greedy Synod officials see any Christian and Pastor rooted into their calling or ministry as a threat to their business and capitalistic agenda to loot and steal from the resources of the church as well as misappropriate mission funds meant for the commongood. Yes, for years these Synod officials kind of feel that the PCC is their private plantation where they exploit, abuse and oppress Christians hiding behind the CPDM regime to crack down on decent people who care about the moral and spiritual life of God's people.
Shortly after the corrupt CPDM regime banned one Nigeria Pastor who heals through miraculous prayers, their immediate focus was on the PCC. This is the statement regarding the banning of Pastor Prophet TB Joshua from Cameroon because of his miraculous- healing prayers. Therefore the dismissal of Rev Warah Solomon and Rev Fokam is no surprise since this is all masterminded by the CPDM regime as usual.
The Cameroonian government has blacklisted Prophet Temitope Balogun Joshua of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, saying that he is an agent of Satan hoodwinking unsuspecting members of the public with "diabolical miracles". Cameroon Foreign Affairs Minister, Mr. Henri Eyebe Ayissi, in an official communiqué he issued this week titled "The Devil Is In the House", described T.B. Joshua as a "son of the devil" pretending to be "a man of God" . The Minister warned hundreds of Cameroonians trooping to Lagos, South West Nigeria, for miracles in Joshua's church, to desist from taking the trip or face the consequences as the country will not stand by them"
"Rev Warah Solomon and Rev Fokam" are both victims of a long standing conspiracy between the CPDM regime and the Rev Dr Nyansa-ni-Nku in collaboartion with his pro-CPDM regime Synod Committee members to perpetrate the whims and caprices of the CPDM regime against God's people. For more than 30 years Nyansan-ni-Nku embraced the corrupt CPDM regime making bold and outrageous friendships with CPDM big wigs in order to protect his own unbriddled materialistic conquest of the PCC that the CPDM regime backed him to run the PCC like a private plantation.
Rev Dr Nyansa-ni-Nku who was not a Cameroonian citizen when he hijacked the position of Moderator was never honest before the US government nor Cameroon Presbyterian about his newly acquired US citizenship through the DV-D Green card lottery through ,which his entire children relocated to the US . Under US laws he was not supposed to hold any position of responsibility inside the PCC or Government of Cameroon except he was performing such a function as an employee of the PC(USA) or US government.
By all account it is clear that there are crimes that have been committed against the Chrisians and people of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon by a foreigner in the person of Rev Dr Nyansa-ni-Nku who conspires with the CPDM regime to violates the human rights of Pastors and Christians whom the CPDM consider a threat to their regime. Shortly after his reign of terrorizing Pastors and Christians was over about three years ago , they handpegged the Rev Dr Festus Asana as Moderator to continue with the CPDM-PCC Synod policy of cracking down and persecuting any Pastor or Christian that indulges in theological as well as Christians practices that pose a serious threat to their evil CPDM empire.
The current Moderator of the said PCC , Rev Dr Festus Asana studied within the United States of America but like most Africans , when they return to Africa, instead of applying the knowledge they studied in order to change the lives of the people, these privileged class of Cameroonians with prestigious degrees from foreign Universities and other professional institutions tend to condone the political system of oppression through totalitarian corrupt tyranny and dictatorship.
While not everyone is like some of these individuals, a few who do their most to contribute constructively towards building a virtuous and free society are unfairly targeted by the entrenched leadership of the CPDM regime. It is therefore, very crucial for this matter be viewed from all angles in order to hold the perpetrators accountable.
Thank you for your interest. Pass it on
Jonathan Awasom
Click and listen to Jonathan Awasom on California,USA, Radiohttp://www.4shared.com/audio/ErSczpCR/Awasom_on_CNE_Radio_Talk_Show.htmlThe voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village
Blog: http://virtuousandfreecameroon.blogspot.com/
Mr Peter Essoka's reflections can be found at end of this page following the rebuttals of Msjoe Evelyn and Jonathan Awasom.
Monday, June 11, 2012
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