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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Fellow Cameroonians and members of the International civil society

Illegitimate and illegal Government  of  President Dictator Paul Biya of  Cameroon will not be recognized by us the People of Cameroon. We, believe that Paul Biya is as guilty as his counterpart , President dictator Hosni Mubarak and must be  prosecuted accordingly 

Outsted President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt is likely going to face execution if things get really worst for him and his cohorts. The prosecutors charged that President Mubarrak order the shooting and killing of unarmed Egypt civilians during sporadic occasions of street protest against his regime thereby violating their right to free speech. If he does not get the death penalty by execution, he might be given a life sentence without the possibility of a parole!  Through out my protest against the regime of Cameroon , I have been a voice of reason and peace appealing to them to understand and cooperate with us to usher in a transitional government so as to avoid a bloody revolution.

Dictator Paul Biya of Cameroon was ousted by the constitution of Cameroon. He  and his regime like President Hosni Mubarak's is guilty of all the crimes  and injustices against humanity. Therefore, Paul Biya of Cameroon must cooperate with us to pave the way for a peaceful transition to allow us move on. He and his CPDM Party and regime along with their 23 corrupt  Cameroon opposition looters whom he bribed with over 20 millions frs CFA  to condone his corrupt and fraudulent Presidential elections in October ,2011 are guilty of crimes against humanity and conspiracy against the constitution of Cameroon to perpetrate corruption.

Whatever the outcome of  the case of Mubarak,  my point is even before the Egyptian people took to the streets forcing Mubarak to step down,perhaps peacefully under pressure, his counterpart in Cameroon dictator President Paul Biya had committed worst crimes against humanity , too. Besides, we the people of Cameroon had also protested bitterly against dictator Paul Biya and asked him to leave power. They are resisting through every means necessary.

In 2008, dictator Paul Biya ordered the killings of hnundreds of unarmed Cameroonian civilians and when that came to my attention while seeking asylum within the United States, immediately I took action till this day and many of my fellow Cameroonians as well as African friends have supported the call for Paul Biya to step down from power but he does not want to. Well, it is wrong and we want the world to honor our wishes  to end that bad government. Any crimes committed against Cameroonian people by the regime of Paul Biya has been compounded by the whimsical behavior of the 23 opposition ,which means they are guilty by association and participation in the crimes committed by the Paul Biya's regime against the Cameroon people.

When in the course of history, a certain individual or a small collective few who by virtue of their birth and inalienable rights are entitled to the life that others have acquired by crook or hook, come to the full consciousness that they, too deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, and by their conclusion believe that they ought to be listened by the world now persist in their quest for justice as well as insist on the importance of truth, humanity must consider the serious moral obligation at their disposal to give justice a chance.

I want to continue building the case against the corrupt regime of President Paul Biya of Cameroon in the light of the country's constitution with respect to article 66 and electoral laws. I want the whole wide world to know that no nation or people are small to be undermined by a professional corrupt elite as such. Mr Paul Biya and the CPDM regime must not be embraced by the world. We will defeat the essence of our common humanity if we knowingly continue to grant loans to a thievery and corrupt regime when they will never account for that money according to article 66 of our country’s constitution.

The case I have been building has to do with the struggle to promote good governance and the rule of law by uprooting corrupt practices within the ruling elite that has taken a huge toll on the country including children. But most importantly to arrest, charge and prosecute all these ruthless and corrupt Cameroonians who are ruining our country.

Under the proposition of good governance and the rule of law, the first immediate asset for ensuring that this comes to fruition is the constitution of the Country. We must uphold the Constitution of Cameroon and the rule of law as is, which had disqualified President Paul Biya from acting in any form , manner or shape as President of Cameroon. If Cameroon is now a plantain like country as it used to be prior to Independence, although now hijacked by Mr Paul Biya and his cohorts, well, we want to remind all of them that we are also entitled.

The regime of Mr Paul Biya of Cameroon has been rejected several times by the Cameroon people  in myriad of ways. I think we have saturated the different ways through, which we have poured our genuine anger and frustration against that kind of bizarre monstrous political system that is governed by irresponsible men and women.

I mean pure injustice and evil that should not be tolerated. The idea about a nation being sovereign rests with the capacity of that nation and the citizens to be able to hold those who claim to govern the people accountable. If we have no ethical apparatus or mechanism by, which we can inject a sense of decorum and fair-play in both management and governance, then we, the people must be forced to be turn elsewhere  for help

Life becomes something else when those who were given some opportunity to govern turn into monsters, tyrants, dictators and terrorists against their own fellow citizens. We will never close our eyes again when all these criminals have their children comfortably resident in foreign countries at the expense of our people trapped under their evil and selfish political system. Yes, they kill, steal, embezzle, and violate our human and civil rights for the sake of their children enjoying life, liberty and happiness overseas! You want to look at what motivates these  kinds of corruption in Cameroon.

These are the same people who have massacred, brutalized and oppressed Cameroon innocent families for decades for the sole aim to keep their children living in affluence overseas while our people are enslaved and confused. There must be accountability  in and out of Cameroon among Cameroonians about where all of us as well as the sources of our well -being overseas beginning with the children of all these corrupt Cameroon cabinet.

We will not lie low and allow these evil to ruin our destinies and shatter the prospects for a better Cameroon for this new generation. We must believe that this  injustice will end soon and that someone mightier than them will crumble this seemingly impossible clique of senseless corrupt people who have tortured and impoverished our people for too long 

We may appear like ants in the eyes of these corrupt men and women but we are right and this is the only reason why the truth will prevail. No government or organization or civilized people who believe in this present moment in history as well as certain about the virtue of good governance and the rule of law should ever embrace this kind of government. This is pure evil. A man is born into this world  as a baby and eventually he grows up and become  some hellish human being who does everything necessary to  corrupt the opposition clique  including his members of his cabinet,  , Parliamentarians ,governors and Ambassadors to aid and abet his do or die wish to be President for life.

Cameroon has Constitutions and laws, which must respected within the realm of International laws as regards universal principles of human dignity. President Paul Biya and these men and women are forcing their  reign of corruption, embezzlement and terror  on Cameroonians again and again. We do not want them. They are supposed to be arrested and jailed for life for corruption and crimes against humanity. We are not cowards. We know that they are on the wrong side of history and will leave no stone unturned in our quest for justice for ourselves. These are the men and women who  have been killing Cameroonians for more than 29 years in order to sponsor their children overseas into lavish and wasteful living.  

The CPDM regime of Cameroon under Mr Paul Biya and his french corporations who do not care about the human and civil rights of Cameroon people are on the wrong side of history. We cannot fight all the time when the fight is uncalled for except insist that those who perpetrate injustice and evil against us because they think that we are ants must be mindful of the fact that history beckons on us all to be true to what we all stand for as fellow human beings within the global human family and human kind's quest for safety, peace and prosperity ( freedom and dignity) as an individuals, families, communities and nations.

The list below are some of the leading Cameroon looters in defiance of article 66 . We must stand firm until all these looters are held accountable under all appropriate laws that govern us all.

  Jonathan Awasom 
The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village

--- On Fri, 12/9/11, Pa Fru Ndeh <PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM> wrote:


Breaking News: Paul Biya remanie le Gouvernement

YAOUNDE - 09 DEC. 2011 - 22h
© Cameroon-Info.Net

La lecture des decrets du Chef de l'Etat vient de prendre fin...

En attendant plus de details, l'on peut dores et Deja, retenir les faits marquants suivants:

Le Premier Ministre

- Premier Ministre: Philemon YANG

Les Ministres

- Vice PM, Ministre charge des Relations avec les Assemblees: Amadou Ali

- Ministre d'Etat, Ministre du Tourisme et des Loisirs: Bello Bouba Maigari

- Ministre d'Etat, Ministre de la Justice, Garde des Sceaux: Laurent ESSO

- Ministre Delegue a Presidence, charge de la Defense: Edgar Alain Mebe Ngo'o

- Ministre Delegue a la Presidence, charge du Controle Superieur de l'Etat: Henri Eyebe Ayissi

- Ministre Delegue a la Presidence, charge des Marches Publics: ABA SADOU

- Ministre de l'AT et de la decentralisation: Rene Emmanuel SADI

- Ministre des Affaires Sociales: Mme Catherine Bakang Mbock

- Ministre de l'Agriculture et du Developpement Rural: Lazarre ESSIMI MENYE

- Ministre des Arts et de la Culture: Mme Ama Tutu MUNA

- Ministre du Commerce: Luc Magloire Mbarga Atangana

- Ministre de la Communication: Issa Tchiroma Bakary

- Ministre des Domaines, du Cadastre et des Affaires foncieres: Mme Jacqueline Koum a Bissike

- Ministre de l'Eau et de l'Energie: M. Basile Atangana KOUNA

- Ministre de l'Econonmie, de la Planification et de l'Amenagement du Territoire: M. Emmanule Nganou Djoumessi

- Ministre de l'Education de Base: Mme YOUSSOUF nee Adidja Alim

- Ministre de l'Elevage, des Peches et des Industries animales: Dr TAIGA

- Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Formation Professionnelle: M. Zachari PEREVET

- Ministre des Enseignements Secondaires: M. Louis BAPES BAPES

- Ministre de l'Enseignement Superieur: M. Jacques Fame Ndongo

- Ministre de l'Environnement, de la Protection de la Nature et du Developpement durable: M. HELE Pierre

- Ministre des Finances: M. Alamine Ousmane MEY

- Ministre de la Fonction Publique et de la Reforme Administrative: M. Michel Ange Angouen

- Ministre des Forets et de la Faune: M. Philippe NGOLLE NGOUESSE

- Ministre de l'Habitat et du Developpement Urbain: M. Jean-Claude Ngouentchou

- Ministre de la Jeunesse et de l'Education civique: M. Ismael Bidoung Kpwatt

- Ministre des Mines, de l'Industrie et du Developpement Technologique: M. Emmanuel BONDE

- Ministre des PME, de l'Economie Sociale et de l'Artisanat: M. Laurent Serge ETOUNDI NGOA

- Ministre des Postes et Telecommunications: M. Jean-Pierre BIYITI bi ESSAM

- Ministre de la Promotion de la Femme et de la Famille: Mme Abena Ondoua nee Obama Marie-Therese

- Ministre de la Recherche Scientifique et de l'innovation: Mme Madeleine Tchuente

- Ministre des Relations Exterieures: M. Pierre Moukoko Mbonjo

- Ministre de la Sante Publique: M. Andre Mama FOUDA

- Ministre des Sports et de l'Education Physique: M. Adoum GAROUA

- Ministre des Transports: M. Robert NKILI

- Ministre du Travail et de la Securite Sociale: M. Gregoire OWONA

- Ministre des Travaux Publics: M. Patrice AMBASSALA

Ministres delegues

- Ministre Delegue aupres du Ministre de l'AT et de la Decentralisation, charge des collectivites territoriales decentralisees: M. Jules Doret NDONGO

- Ministre Delegue aupres du Ministre de l'Agriculture et du Developpement Rural, charge du Developpement Rural: Mme Ananga Messina nee Beyene Clementine Antoinette

- Ministre Delegue aupres du Ministre de l'Environnement, de la Protection de la Nature et du Developpement durable: Dr. Nana Aboubakar Djalo

- Ministre Delegue aupres du Ministre de l'Economie, de la Plannification et de l'Amenagement du Territoire, charge de la planification: M. YAOUBA Abdoulaye

- Ministre Delegue aupres du Ministre des Finances: M. Pierre TITI

- Ministre Delegue aupres du Ministre de la Justice, Garde des Sceaux: M. Jean-Pierre FOGUI

- Ministre Delegue aupres du Ministre des Relations Exterieures, charge de la Cooperation avec le Commonwealth: M. John Ngute Joseph

- Ministre Delegue aupres du Ministre des Relations Exterieures, charge des relations avec le monde islamique: M. ADOUM Gargoum

- Ministre Delegue aupres du Ministre des Transports: M. Oumarou MEFIRE

- Ministres charges de Missions a la Presidence de la Republique:

MM.: Hamadou Moustapha, ATANGA NJI Paul, MENGOT Victore Arey Nkongo, Philippe Mbarga Mboa

Secretaires d'Etat

- Secretaire d'Etat aupres du Ministre de la Defense, charge de la Gendarmerie Nationale: M. Jean-Baptiste BOKAM

- Secretaire d'Etat aupres du Ministre de la Defense, charge des anciens combattants et des victimes de guerres: M. KOUMPA Issa

- Secretaire d'Etat aupres du Ministre de l'Education de Base: M. NDONG SOUMHET Benoit

- Secretaire d'Etat aupres du Ministre des Enseignements Secondaires, charge de lenseignement Normal: M. Mounouna Foutchou

- Secretaire d'Etat aupres du Ministre des Forets et de la Faune: Mme K. Aladji, epouse BOUKAR

- Secretaire d'Etat aupres du Ministre de l'Habitat et du Developpement Urbain, charge de l'Habitat: Mme DIBONG nee BIYONG Marie-Rose.

- Secretaire d'Etat aupres du Ministre de la Justice, Garde des Sceaux, charge de l'Administration penitentiere: M. Doh Jerome Pen Baga

- Secretaire d'Etat aupres du Ministre des Mines, de l'Industrie et du Developpement Technologique: M. Fu Calistus Gentry

- Secretaire d'Etat aupres du Ministre de la Sante Publique, charge de la lutte contre les Epidemies et les Pandemies: M. Alim AYATOU

- Secretaire d'Etat aupres du Ministre des Travaux Publics, charge des Routes: M. Hans NYETAM NYETAM

Presidence de la Republique & Autres

- Ministre, Secretaire General de la Presidence de la Republique: Ferdinand NGO NGO

- Secretaire General des Services du Premier Ministre: Louis-Paul MOTAZE

- Ministres, SG Adjoints de la Presidence de la Republique:

M. Agbor Tabi Peter, M. Fouda Seraphin Magloire

- Ministre, Directeur du Cabinet Civil de la Presidence de la Republique: M. Belinga Eboutou Martin

- Directeur Adjoint du cabinet Civil de la Presidence de la Republique: M. Lee Joseph Aderson

- Conseiller Special a la Presidence de la Republique: Contre Amiral Joseph FOUDA

- Conseillers Speciaux a la Presidence de la Republique: M. Luc SINDJOUN, M. Narcisse Mouelle KOMBI

- Ambassadeurs Itinerants a la Presidence de la Republique:

M. Albert Roger Milla, M. Joseph Charles DOUMBa, M. MEDJO AKONO Marcel, M. KEUTCHA Jean, M. Ahidjo Mohamadou

Secretaire General du RDPC: Jean NKUETE

From: Pa Fru Ndeh <PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM>

Dépêches Cameroun

Alamine Ousmane Mey, nouveau ministre des Finances

JDC, 09/12/2011 22h59le DG d'Afriland First Bank a été nommé ce Vendredi Ministre des Finances par le président Biya

Marafa Hamidou Yaya, Jean Kuete, Messengue Avom et d'autres quittent le gouvernement Biya

JDC, 09/12/2011 22h48Marafa Hamidou Yaya, Michel Zoa, Jean Kuete, Siegfried Etame Massoma, Michael Tomdio, Clobert Tchatat, Messengue Avom quittent le gouvernement

Le nouveau gouvernement Paul Biya du 9 Decembre

JDC, 09/12/2011 22h46Amadou Ali, Vice Premier ministre charge des relations avec les assemblées
Laurent Esso, Ministre de la Justice
Eyebe Ayissi, Minitre du Conseil Superieur de l'Etat
Ministre delegue a la presidence en charge des marches publics : Aba Sadou
Ministre d'etat du tourisme et du loisir : Bello Bouba Maigari
Ministre de la Defense : Edgard Alain Mebe Ngo'o
SED chargé de la gendarmerie : Jean-Baptiste Bokam
Rene Emmanuel Sadi, Ministre de l'Administration territoriale et de la decentralisation
Ministre délégué en charge de la décentralisation : Jules Doret Ndongo
Catherine Bakang Mbock, Ministre des Affaires Sociales
Ministre de l'Eau et de l'Energie : Atangana Kouna Basile
Ministre du Travail et de la Securite Sociale, Gregoire Owona
Ministre des Sports et de l'Education Physique : Adoum Garoua
Ministre des Finances : Alamine Ousmane Mey
Ministre des Relations Exterieures : Pierre Moukoko Mbonjo
Ministre de la Communication : Issa Tchiroma Bakary
Ministre de l'Agriculture et du developpement rural : Essimi Menye
Ministre des affaires foncieres : Mme KOUM ABISSEKE
Ministre de l'enseignement superieur : Jacques Fame Ndongo
Ministre des PME : Laurent Serge Etoundi Ngoa
Ministre du Commerce : Luc Mbarga Atangana
Ministre de la Jeunesse et de l'education civique : Ismael Bidoung Mkpatt
Ministre de l'Economie, Planification : Nganou Djoumessi Emmanuel
Ministre de l'Elevage et des Peches : Dr TAIGA
Ministre de l'ENvironnement : Hele Pierre
Ministre des Forets : Ngolle philippe
Miknistre des Mines et et du Developpement technologiuqe : Bonde Emmnanuel
Ministre des Arts et de la Culture : Ama Tutu Muna
Ministre de la Promotion de la Femme : Abene Ondoua
Ministre de la Recherche Scientifque : Madeleine Tchuente
Ministre des travaux publics : Ambassala Patrice
SG de la presidence de la republique : NGONGO Ferdinand
SG des services du Premier Ministre : Louis Paul Motaze
Ministre délégué au ministère de la Justice : Fogui Jean-Pierre
Ministres chargés de mission à la presidence de la republique : Philippe Mbarga Mboa, Atanga Nji
Ambassadeur itinérant : Ahidjo Mohamadou Badjika

  Jonathan Awasom 

 The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village


Dear Cameroonians and friends of Cameroon

It is essential that I wish you all a hopeful and prosperous new year, 2011. This is a very defining moment for Africa and we must be resolute and determined to navigate the complex hallways of corrupt tyranny to good governance and the rule of law.

President Paul Biya and his government are expected in all fair play to wrap up his reign of corrupt tyranny on Cameroonians by December 30th,2011 to hand over to the transitional government all things being equal to the rules and enforcement of our laws.

The unfolding political upheaval in Ivory Coast is a reminder that any complex society that is founded on the rule of law will never see its leaders fighting over power. A free and better political system that reflects the reality of the people in terms of ethnicities and regions will guarantee appropriate procedures for entrance to power and exit from power.

Therefore, those who contributed to inject bad governance into the Africans societies with the complicity of its gatekeepers must also shoulder the responsibility to prevent conflicts from escalating. We are sick and tired of two elephants fighting while the grass is trampled and crushed.

The Ivorian and Cameroon governments must respect the law because this is our time for opportunity and prosperity. If someone comes to power in good faith, they should be willing to leave in good faith, too. This is pure and simple.

years ago, I became a political refugee and prisoner within the USA because of the corrupt and cruel CPDM regime. When President Paul Biya delivers his final New Year Speech to Cameroonians and the world, it will be up to him to embrace the peace plan to enable a smooth transition of power but the CPDM government cannot fool us again. Article 66 is the law and there is no dispute over this.

We are undertaking a very powerful underground move, yet to ensure that the world understands our position against money laundry, fraud, corruption and gross violation of the rule of law by any member of the CPDM government. Make no mistake about this. The world will continue to witness the powerful tornado of truth in exposing the corrupt tyranny and dictatorship of the CPDM government with a compelling argument to be chronicled as wikitruth.

Then during the past 4 years within the USA, our quest for the freedom of Cameroon has taken an unprecedented dimension forcing the CPDM regime to hit the USA based ABC News Media for propaganda. Concomitantly, the " Motions of Support to the head of state" by a group of CPDM youths in Yaoundé is outmoded and unconstitutional. There is a practical way of holding public servants accountable and article 66 provides a good clue to this.

I have made a very practical request to the Congress of the United States to allow all of us under political asylum or as refugees to have the opportunity to testify. This is because some pro-government Cameroonians have been very sneaky by cutting ahead of us to misrepresent us. I have insisted to the Congress that they cannot speak on our behalf.

I also want to take a moment to reiterate to all of you that we will never ever compromise our advocacy and fight to free and change the political system of Cameroon. The CPDM regime must respect our human rights and dignity by complying with article 66 of the constitution.

It is clear that we want change very badly after the last Presidential elections in 2004 was yet another fiasco, which retained Mr Paul Biya as President of Cameroon.Now again he has began his usual tricks by stretching their tentacles of corruption and tyranny all over the world to cajole people for motion of support! .

Unfortunately, the world is no longer what they have always conceived in their egocentric political mind set.We are on rampage. This is the fact about life.We understand our plight and know exactly how to solve our problems under the canopy of our constitution. The fact that Mr Paul Biya signed the Constitution into law does not mean that the signer should undermine its sanity and sacredness.

We must be bear in mind that each of us with a good conscience have stakes in the future of Cameroon as a young nation that deserves to grow up. The proposition for a transitional government, which I opted for since 2009 as President for the transitional government continues to shape the political discourse among Cameroonians and anxious onlookers.

The manifesto for the freedom and change of Cameroon has been particularly defined by the spirit and wisdom of the founders of America. The clarity and conviction of FREECCAM'A stance on the destiny of Cameroon in terms of political methodology drawn from the parable of the sower speaks volume about Jesus Christ's and Socrates' unmatched wisdom, which inspired the founders of America. It is amazing how, we, too are inspired by the same principles and ideals toward rebuilding Cameroon

While Free and Change Cameroon, Africa ( FREECCAM'A) has trapped the head of CPDM government with article 66 of the Cameroon constitution, it is now very clear that the Social Democratic Front Party( SDF) is also consciously clinging unto its tail with the unconstitutional ELECAM. You need to know something about this powerful home and domestic political strategy that will strangulate the CPDM government and pave the way for a new life for us all.

We cannot afford to miss this kind of political opportunity reasons for ,which all Cameroonians who have been vigilant and celebrating our advocacy and activism for a very long time now must begin to have great hope and a sense of greater involvement and commitment. We cannot always agree with the SDF party on everything but we can find common grounds and unite to free and change our society. This has been my plea and you will see more of this happening as we connect all the dots in the days ahead.

Our goal is to forge a proactive partnership that will galvanize and unite the civil society within and without around our common dreams and aspirations to ensure that good governance and the rule of law begins to manifest within the Cameroon new political system.ELECAM is crucial to the SDF Party, which is right on the home front and have a proper understanding of the electoral fraudulent system from the experience of being hurt in the process.

Meanwhile Article 66 is crucial to FREECCAM'A. FREECCAM'A is preoccupied with the principal subject of a republic, which is the rule of law ( The Constitution).Most importantly, very soon, the document on " The Nation of Thieves" will be released explaining why our nation's thieves must be held accountable, which means all their assets and monies overseas and at home must be confiscated and frozen pending a complete investigation into their ill-gotten and stolen wealth.

The recent Political Romance sought by Mr. Paul Biya with his incompatible partner Mr. Ni John Fru Ndi must have been triggered by the scary best man article 66 of the Cameroon constitution, which calls for Mr. Paul Biya and his CPDM government to declare their assets to mark a new beginning in our struggle for freedom and change of the Political system in Cameroon. The political cynicism of the CPDM government which can only be compared with that of Machiavelli as a ploy to avoid article 66 will never work.

We are very observant. We do not need emergency institutions to be created by decrees, with the hope to cajole and mislead people. A free and organized political system won’t have to wait for so long to be granted Universities and Hospitals. These institutions will only have a meaningful impact on the lives of Cameroonians if the political system is free and transparent with high regards and respect for human rights of all citizens especially University Professors who live under fear

There cloud of fear over the refusal of CPDM party officials and public servants to declare their assets as public servants in order to set the stage for good governance and the rule of law is only being deepened as Article 66 sharpens our teeth for freedom and change.They have every reason to be afraid because they never listened to the voice of God when they were advised from several fronts to stop corruption and foster good governance and transparency

It is important for Mr Ni John Fru Ndi and SDF party to understand that 20 years after, we Cameroonians seeking the freedom and change of the political system as well as individuals who embody that system will never be blind folded by any strange political window dressing. If a stretch of handshakes do not represent the dreams and aspirations of the Cameroon people as dictated by the constitution and the new world order, then we must say “thanks but no thanks for the handshake, please, Mr President, declare your assets”

It is true that Ni John Fru Ndi is serious about transparent elections reasons for ,which he constantly alludes to ELECAM as a farce. But ELECAM is not embedded into the constitution like article 66. ELECAM was a creation by Mr. Paul Biya and CPDM regime to suit them. It can be scrapped off just as he signed a decree and established it but Article 66 is the law.

By all account the rule of law must be enforced accordingly. This is the case we are making to the human race at this awesome moment in history because we shall never go to sleep until Mr Paul Biya and his government understand that they should never have taken us for granted as if they were and are anymore entitled to this life than any of us. We, the people were born free and entitled to know how they have managed the country following article 66.

Thank you oncemore and have a great New Year Celebration

Jonathan Fru Awasom
Advocate for  a free and virtuous society in Africa
Political Refugee
Presidential Aspirant for a 24 Transitional Government of Cameroon

Dear Cameroonians and friends of Cameroon

It is essential that I wish you all a hopeful and prosperous new year, 2011. This is a very defining moment for Africa and we must be resolute and determined to navigate the complex hallways of corrupt tyranny to good governance and the rule of law.

President Paul Biya and his government are expected in all fairplay to wrap up his reign of corrupt tyranny on Cameroonians by December 30th,2011 to hand over to the transitional government all things being equal to the rules and enforcement of our laws.

The unfolding political upheaval in Ivory Coast is a reminder that any complex society that is founded on the rule of law will never see its leaders fighting over power. A free and better political system that reflects the reality of the people in terms of ethnicities and regions will gurantee appropriate procedures for entrance to power and exit from power.

Therefore, those who contributed to inject bad governance into the Africans societies with the complicity of its gatekeepers must also shoulder the responsibility to prevent conflicts from escalating. We are sick and tired of two elephants fighting while the grass is trampled and crushed.

The Ivorian and Cameroon governments must respect the law because this is our time for opportunity and prosperity. If someone comes to power in good faith, they should be willing to leave in good faith, too. This is pure and simple.

10 years ago, I became a political refugee and prisoner within the USA because of the corrupt and cruel CPDM regime. When President Paul Biya delivers his final New Year Speech to Cameroonians and the world, it will be up to him to embrace the peace plan to enable a smooth transition of power but the CPDM government cannot fool us again. Article 66 is the law and there is no dispute over this.

We are undertaking a very powerful underground move, yet to ensure that the world understands our position against money laundary, fraud, corruption and gross violation of the rule of law by any member of the CPDM government. Make no mistake about this.The world will continue to witness the powerful tornado of truth in exposing the corrupt tyranny and dictatorship of the CPDM government with a compelling argument to be chronicled as wikitruth.

Then during the past 4 years within the USA, our quest for the freedom of Cameroon has taken an unprecedented dimension forcing the CPDM regime to hit the USA based ABC News Media for propaganda. Concomittantly, the " Motions of Support to the head of state" by a group of CPDM youths in Yaounde is outmoded and unconstitutional. There is a practical way of holding public servants accountable and article 66 provides a good clue to this.

I have made a very practical request to the Congress of the United States to allow all of us under political asylum or as refugees to have the opportunity to testify. This is because some pro-government Cameroonians have been very sneaky by cutting ahead of us to misrepresent us. I have insisted to the Congress that they cannot speak on our behalf.

I also want to take a moment to reiterate to all of you that we will never ever compromise our advocacy and fight to free and change the political system of Cameroon. The CPDM regime must respect our human rights and dignity by complying with article 66 of the constitution.

It is clear that we want change very badly after the last Presidential elections in 2004 was yet another fiasco, which retained Mr Paul Biya as President of Caameroon.Now again he has began his usual tricks by stretching their tentacles of corruption and tyranny all over the world to cajole people for motion of support! .

Unfortunately, the world is no longer what they have always conceived in their egocentric political mind set.We are on rampage. This is the fact about life.We understand our plight and know exactly how to solve our problems under the canopy of our constitution. The fact that Mr Paul Biya signed the Constitution into law does not mean that the signer should undermine its sanity and sacredness.

We must be bear in mind that each of us with a good conscience have stakes in the future of Cameroon as a young nation that deserves to grow up. The proposition for a transitional government, which I opted for since 2009 as President for the transitional government continues to shape the political discourse among Cameroonians and anxious onlookers.

The manifesto for the freedom and change of Cameroon has been particularly defined by the spirit and wisdom of the founders of America. The clarity and conviction of FREECCAM'A's stance on the destiny of Cameroon in terms of political methodology drawn from the parable of the sower speaks volume about Jesus Christ's and Socrates' unmatched wisdom, which inspired the founders of America. It is amazing how, we, too are inspired by the same principles and ideals toward rebuilding Cameroon

While Free and Change Cameroon, Africa ( FREECCAM'A) has trapped the head of CPDM government with article 66 of the Cameroon constitution, it is now very clear that the Social Democratic Front Party( SDF) is also consciously clinging unto its tail with the unconstitutional ELECAM. You need to know something about this powerful home and domestic political strategy that will strangulate the CPDM government and pave the way for a new life for us all.

We cannot afford to miss this kind of political opportunity reasons for ,which all Cameroonians who have been vigilant and celebrating our advocacy and activism for a very long time now must begin to have great hope and a sense of greater involvement and commitment.We cannot always agree with the SDF party on everything but we can find common grounds and unite to free and change our society.This has been my plea and you will see more of this happening as we connect all the dots in the days ahead.

Our goal is to forge a proactive partnership that will galvanize and unite the civil society within and without around our common dreams and aspirations to ensure that good governance and the rule of law begins to manifest within the Cameroon new political system.ELECAM is crucial to the SDF Party, which is right on the home front and have a proper understanding of the electoral fraudulent system from the experience of being hurt in the process.

Meanwhile Article 66 is crucial to FREECCAM'A. FREECCAM'A is preoccupied with the principal subject of a republic, which is the rule of law ( The Constitution).Most importantly, very soon, the document on " The Nation of Thieves" will be released explaining why our nation's thieves must be held accountable, which means all their assets and monies overseas and at home must be confiscated and frozen pending a complete investigation into their ill-gotten and stolen wealth.

The recent Political Romance sought by Mr. Paul Biya with his incompatible partner Mr. Ni John Fru Ndi must have been triggered by the scary best man article 66 of the Cameroon constitution, which calls for Mr. Paul Biya and his CPDM government to declare their assets to mark a new beginning in our struggle for freedom and change of the Political system in Cameroon. The political cynicism of the CPDM government which can only be compared with that of Machiavelli as a ploy to avoid article 66 will never work.

We are very observant. We do not need emergency institutions to be created by decrees, with the hope to cajole and mislead people. A free and organized political system won’t have to wait for so long to be granted Universities and Hospitals. These institutions will only have a meaningful impact on the lives of Cameroonians if the political system is free and transparent with high regards and respect for human rights of all citizens especially University Professors who live under fear

There cloud of fear over the refusal of CPDM party officials and public servants to declare their assets as public servants in order to set the stage for good governance and the rule of law is only being deepened as Article 66 sharpens our teeth for freedom and change.They have every reason to be afraid because they never listened to the voice of God when they were advised from several fronts to stop corruption and foster good governance and transparency

It is important for Mr Ni John Fru Ndi and SDF party to understand that 20 years after, we Cameroonians seeking the freedom and change of the political system as well as individuals who embody that system will never be blind folded by any strange political window dressing. If a stretch of handshakes do not represent the dreams and aspirations of the Cameroon people as dictated by the constitution and the new world order, then we must say “thanks but no thanks for the handshake, please, Mr President, declare your assets”

It is true that Ni John Fru Ndi is serious about transparent elections reasons for ,which he constantly alludes to ELECAM as a farce. But ELECAM is not embedded into the constitution like article 66. ELECAM was a creation by Mr. Paul Biya and CPDM regime to suit them. It can be scrapped off just as he signed a decree and established it but Article 66 is the law.

By all account the rule of law must be enforced accordingly. This is the case we are making to the human race at this awesome moment in history because we shall never go to sleep until Mr Paul Biya and his government understand that they should never have taken us for granted as if they were and are anymore entitled to this life than any of us. We, the people were born free and entitled to know how they have managed the country following article 66.

Thank you oncemore and have a great New Year Celebration

Jonathan Fru Awasom
Advocate for the Freedom and change of Cameroon
Political Refugee and Prisoner
President for Transitional Government of Cameroon

Dear Cameroonians and friends of Cameroon

It is essential that I wish you all a hopeful and prosperous new year, 2011. This is a very defining moment for Africa and we must be resolute and determined to navigate the complex hallways of corrupt tyranny to good governance and the rule of law.

President Paul Biya and his government are expected in all fairplay to wrap up his reign of corrupt tyranny on Cameroonians by December 30th,2011 to hand over to the transitional government all things being equal to the rules and enforcement of our laws.

The unfolding political upheaval in Ivory Coast is a reminder that any complex society that is founded on the rule of law will never see its leaders fighting over power. A free and better political system that reflects the reality of the people in terms of ethnicities and regions will gurantee appropriate procedures for entrance to power and exit from power.

Therefore, those who contributed to inject bad governance into the Africans societies with the complicity of its gatekeepers must also shoulder the responsibility to prevent conflicts from escalating. We are sick and tired of two elephants fighting while the grass is trampled and crushed.

The Ivorian and Cameroon governments must respect the law because this is our time for opportunity and prosperity. If someone comes to power in good faith, they should be willing to leave in good faith, too. This is pure and simple.

10 years ago, I became a political refugee and prisoner within the USA because of the corrupt and cruel CPDM regime. When President Paul Biya delivers his final New Year Speech to Cameroonians and the world, it will be up to him to embrace the peace plan to enable a smooth transition of power but the CPDM government cannot fool us again. Article 66 is the law and there is no dispute over this.

We are undertaking a very powerful underground move, yet to ensure that the world understands our position against money laundary, fraud, corruption and gross violation of the rule of law by any member of the CPDM government. Make no mistake about this.The world will continue to witness the powerful tornado of truth in exposing the corrupt tyranny and dictatorship of the CPDM government with a compelling argument to be chronicled as wikitruth.

Then during the past 4 years within the USA, our quest for the freedom of Cameroon has taken an unprecedented dimension forcing the CPDM regime to hit the USA based ABC News Media for propaganda. Concomittantly, the " Motions of Support to the head of state" by a group of CPDM youths in Yaounde is outmoded and unconstitutional. There is a practical way of holding public servants accountable and article 66 provides a good clue to this.

I have made a very practical request to the Congress of the United States to allow all of us under political asylum or as refugees to have the opportunity to testify. This is because some pro-government Cameroonians have been very sneaky by cutting ahead of us to misrepresent us. I have insisted to the Congress that they cannot speak on our behalf.

I also want to take a moment to reiterate to all of you that we will never ever compromise our advocacy and fight to free and change the political system of Cameroon. The CPDM regime must respect our human rights and dignity by complying with article 66 of the constitution.

It is clear that we want change very badly after the last Presidential elections in 2004 was yet another fiasco, which retained Mr Paul Biya as President of Caameroon.Now again he has began his usual tricks by stretching their tentacles of corruption and tyranny all over the world to cajole people for motion of support! .

Unfortunately, the world is no longer what they have always conceived in their egocentric political mind set.We are on rampage. This is the fact about life.We understand our plight and know exactly how to solve our problems under the canopy of our constitution. The fact that Mr Paul Biya signed the Constitution into law does not mean that the signer should undermine its sanity and sacredness.

We must be bear in mind that each of us with a good conscience have stakes in the future of Cameroon as a young nation that deserves to grow up. The proposition for a transitional government, which I opted for since 2009 as President for the transitional government continues to shape the political discourse among Cameroonians and anxious onlookers.

The manifesto for the freedom and change of Cameroon has been particularly defined by the spirit and wisdom of the founders of America. The clarity and conviction of FREECCAM'A's stance on the destiny of Cameroon in terms of political methodology drawn from the parable of the sower speaks volume about Jesus Christ's and Socrates' unmatched wisdom, which inspired the founders of America. It is amazing how, we, too are inspired by the same principles and ideals toward rebuilding Cameroon

While Free and Change Cameroon, Africa ( FREECCAM'A) has trapped the head of CPDM government with article 66 of the Cameroon constitution, it is now very clear that the Social Democratic Front Party( SDF) is also consciously clinging unto its tail with the unconstitutional ELECAM. You need to know something about this powerful home and domestic political strategy that will strangulate the CPDM government and pave the way for a new life for us all.

We cannot afford to miss this kind of political opportunity reasons for ,which all Cameroonians who have been vigilant and celebrating our advocacy and activism for a very long time now must begin to have great hope and a sense of greater involvement and commitment.We cannot always agree with the SDF party on everything but we can find common grounds and unite to free and change our society.This has been my plea and you will see more of this happening as we connect all the dots in the days ahead.

Our goal is to forge a proactive partnership that will galvanize and unite the civil society within and without around our common dreams and aspirations to ensure that good governance and the rule of law begins to manifest within the Cameroon new political system.ELECAM is crucial to the SDF Party, which is right on the home front and have a proper understanding of the electoral fraudulent system from the experience of being hurt in the process.

Meanwhile Article 66 is crucial to FREECCAM'A. FREECCAM'A is preoccupied with the principal subject of a republic, which is the rule of law ( The Constitution).Most importantly, very soon, the document on " The Nation of Thieves" will be released explaining why our nation's thieves must be held accountable, which means all their assets and monies overseas and at home must be confiscated and frozen pending a complete investigation into their ill-gotten and stolen wealth.

The recent Political Romance sought by Mr. Paul Biya with his incompatible partner Mr. Ni John Fru Ndi must have been triggered by the scary best man article 66 of the Cameroon constitution, which calls for Mr. Paul Biya and his CPDM government to declare their assets to mark a new beginning in our struggle for freedom and change of the Political system in Cameroon. The political cynicism of the CPDM government which can only be compared with that of Machiavelli as a ploy to avoid article 66 will never work.

We are very observant. We do not need emergency institutions to be created by decrees, with the hope to cajole and mislead people. A free and organized political system won’t have to wait for so long to be granted Universities and Hospitals. These institutions will only have a meaningful impact on the lives of Cameroonians if the political system is free and transparent with high regards and respect for human rights of all citizens especially University Professors who live under fear

There cloud of fear over the refusal of CPDM party officials and public servants to declare their assets as public servants in order to set the stage for good governance and the rule of law is only being deepened as Article 66 sharpens our teeth for freedom and change.They have every reason to be afraid because they never listened to the voice of God when they were advised from several fronts to stop corruption and foster good governance and transparency

It is important for Mr Ni John Fru Ndi and SDF party to understand that 20 years after, we Cameroonians seeking the freedom and change of the political system as well as individuals who embody that system will never be blind folded by any strange political window dressing. If a stretch of handshakes do not represent the dreams and aspirations of the Cameroon people as dictated by the constitution and the new world order, then we must say “thanks but no thanks for the handshake, please, Mr President, declare your assets”

It is true that Ni John Fru Ndi is serious about transparent elections reasons for ,which he constantly alludes to ELECAM as a farce. But ELECAM is not embedded into the constitution like article 66. ELECAM was a creation by Mr. Paul Biya and CPDM regime to suit them. It can be scrapped off just as he signed a decree and established it but Article 66 is the law.

By all account the rule of law must be enforced accordingly. This is the case we are making to the human race at this awesome moment in history because we shall never go to sleep until Mr Paul Biya and his government understand that they should never have taken us for granted as if they were and are anymore entitled to this life than any of us. We, the people were born free and entitled to know how they have managed the country following article 66.

Thank you oncemore and have a great New Year Celebration

Jonathan Fru Awasom
Advocate for the Freedom and change of Cameroon
Political Refugee and Prisoner
President for Transitional Government of Cameroon