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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Derick Jing:The rule of law in action against CPDM embezzlers and thieves ****Re: [camnetwork] Rev. Awasom and the Oppositions HAVE MADE THE NDEH's FAMILY NAME COMPARABLE TO THE CLINTON'S IN POLITICAL LANDSCAPE IN CAMEROON.


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jonathan Awasom <>
To: "" <>
Cc: "" <>; SDF <>
Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2012 3:51 PM
Subject: Fw: **** Derick Jing:The rule of law in action against CPDM embezzlers and thieves ****Re: [camnetwork] Rev. Awasom and the Oppositions HAVE MADE THE NDEH's FAMILY NAME COMPARABLE TO THE CLINTON'S IN POLITICAL LANDSCAPE IN CAMEROON.

Pa Derick Jing, CPDM-USA
Your letter is quite amusing ! Many of you CPDM-USA and the Regime in Cameroon have sat and watch at this agent of the regime fighting me on WWW and while this was going on some of you were enjoying it and thinking you 'll win ? We re down to the wire right now and facts and evidence is what matters in the US and in other civilized societies. Do not panic! The time is coming for real accountability !

Yes, you can compare and contrast whoever you want with President Bill Clinton but don't also forget that President Bill Clinton was under fire and investigation for the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal and he almost lost his Presidency. Does that sound to you like some transparency and accountability, and is the John B Ndeh family and his foolish son Kenneth Fru Ndeh ready to account for their role in theft of public funds into foreign accounts, embezzlement of poor farmer's money ,and aiding and abetting the CPDM criminal regime against Cameroonians?
Can Kenneth Fru Ndeh who has resorted to insulting and slandering us since 2009 explain to the US Department of Homeland Security where he took 50.000.00 for a down payment for a house worth 500.000.000.00 dollars in Virgia, USA as clearly documented in the court documents leaked to the public to their shock and embarrassment? See the detail account of the tip of the iceberg about the ill gotten wealth of the Cameroon corrupt thief Minister John B Ndeh operating under guise of his son, Kenneth Ndeh here in the USA.

On August 4, 2005, appellant Kenneth Ndeh ("appellant ... Ndeh filed suit Virginia state court. contract violated See id. at 8--11. provisions of Ndeh alleged ...

Go and tell Mr John Ndeh and his son to stop slander and come and face me on a one-on -one debate on the issues of Cameroon and let me put them in the dustbin! By the way, one Presbyterian Pastor who was the Pastor of Presbyterian Church Ntamulung where Mr John B Ndeh attends as a member was a victim of a sophisticated CPDM sponsored armed robbery, which led to the murder of that Pastor ! The former Pastor of that Church one Rev Andongatou and other members of CPDM are currently under investigation for conniving with CPDM tugs to broke into the house of the Pastor, which is besides the church , murdering him because of political differences.
The Pastor is burried by the church and Rev Andongatou who resigned from the PCC to become the Chairman of CPDM fraudulent ELECAM for Momo is still at large with his gang being protected by CPDM thieves in the NW province behind the assassination of that PCC Pastor! What does Mr John B Ndeh know about this mafia ?

All of you CPDM people hiding in this country and running your mouths must be extremely careful because some of you are playing with serious issues that affect our lives in Cameroon! If the CPDM police does not ensure that the truth is known as to who is behind the plot to assassinate that Pastor, someone else will get to the bottom of this matter beginning with some of you here who are aiding and abetting ! We will not be intimidated by lies and manipulations.
The fact that the John B Ndeh have no vision and virtually no ideas and have resorted to nonsensical rantings is clear indication that I remain a thorn in their flesh and capable of sending them to jail for corruption and embezzlement. These are serious moral and criminal issues they are still to address and you're here talking about public office ! May be only within the CPDM because one by one they shall be cast into jail along all those CPDM thieves in the NW province!
Only CPDM machine will condone the nonsense of the CPDM embezzlers and murderers because in a real world, the Cameroon transitional government will not tolerate any member of the CPDM regime who has not declared their assets according to article 66 of Cameroon's constitution to seek public office or even serve on the Councils under the Transitional government as I have proposed. In case, you don't understand the text of article 66, click on this link on Cameroon's constitution to explore article 66.

Adobe PDF
Cameroon Law No. 96-06 of 18 January 1996 to amend the Constitution of 2 June 1972 The National Assembly has deliberated and adopted; The President of the Republic ...

Cameroon does not LACK different Cameroonians other than CPDM family of thieves, embezzlers and murderers. So, you have to stop speaking as if without CPDM we can't proceed in Cameroon! We have to defeat CPDM and arrest the top ranking corrupt officials as well as call upon the current US administration to track down CPDM-USA according to the rule of law as a breeding ground for CPDM terrorists hiding here in the USA and aiding and abetting dictator Paul Biya, the grand thief -in-chief to steal our democracy to his grave.
Pa Jing, trust me, justice is already rolling on the wheel of law right now as I speak and you can rant all you want ! The time for noising making is over as the CPDM ship wreck is inevitable

For the love of humanity
Rev Jonathan Awasom

The force of truth is at the center of my faith in God and love for humanity
I am a Cameroonian citizen for freedom of Cameroon from corrupt tyranny and dictatorship.

Click on his blog and download 150 articles, a trail blazer of speaking truth to power, a fearless advocacy and persistent activism that is shaping African policies in 21st century

The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century for the Magna Carta( Freedom Charter for Cameroon and Africa)

The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy( human and civil rights) and prosperity for all

Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village that builds bridges

Advocating for the proven free three arms of Constitutional Federal System of Government for Cameroon , too ,which is one of the most multi-ethnic and tribal diverse societies in Africa with over 180 languages.

Pass it on and thank you for your interest and cooperation

To:; cpdmnortheastern <>; cpdmga <>; 2022512224 <>; Cameroon Politics <>
Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2012 2:51 PM

The Clinton's were unknown before they headed for the White House,it seem's to me as if, like Rev. Awasom has taken an oath to make the Ndeh's household name a center of Cameroon politics. The question is anything unsuccessful is lavished praises or abandoned? If the son of Minister Ndeh was such a nonentity will it be good enough to have keep most people especially Rev Awasom from sleep,instead of praying for the helpless. Comrade minister Ndeh is better and well equipped to head Cameroon anytime if granted the opportunity, as a matter of fact i don't know of any Cameroonian who thinks otherwise, at this point can anyone imagine of any opposition Leader with any sense of direction except Rev. Awasom ! Atleast he says what he believes even if he is shouting on the net,he doesn't votes,but even if the God's curse's Cameroon for him to be a ruler,will he rule from abroad.A president in abstential. The Ndeh's political machine has destabilized the Diaspora opposition,even created a so call group call PAAWCE that is known only to Awasom bc it's not registered anyway in Cameroon. The fact that Kenneth Fru Ndeh is the most successful CPDM spy-per Rev. Awasom only shows how sophisticated this Family is strategizing to the next Level. The fact that Rev. Awasom has been successfully diagnose by this Kenneth Ndeh,has cause our next President to be Rev. Awasom to be talking of Bipolar,Dementia,Alzheimer's instead of his plans for Cameroon.The Awasom's were known as the pillars of Presbyterian church is Cameroon,and it went bankrupt, no new schools were built,zero churches,accounts beyond repairs,teachers were poor than the wine tapers,education a disgrace,religion comparable to tradition rights,they stumbled and had no brakes......The Ndeh's are a force to reckoned with,like it or not.


Sunday, December 16, 2012

The manifesto for a virtuous and free Cameroon to be admitted into the concert of normal nations under good leaders and not bad dictators and tyrants

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jonathan Awasom <>

Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2011 4:55 PM


                 01/09/2010 WASHINGTON, DC , USA
                 Revised July 10, 2010 Newark,NJ,USA

                 Revised June 3, 2011 Newark ,NJ,USA


We are profoundly conscious that we Cameroonians\Africans encompass an integral part of the human race that are entitled to be free and endowed with inalienable and sacred rights within the cosmos.

We are inclined to become part of the unprecedented global "Truth Commissions" movement  in South Africa, Liberia, Kenya etc through the eyes of Prescillia Haye and former UN Secretary General, Mr Kofi Anan , which have successfully helped other nations in the process of healing, reconciliation and reconstruction to advocate for the Cameroon Truth Commission as soon as possible( CTC)

We believe in a loving God to whom we are answerable with our conscience and that all people are born free.That freedom must not be reserved for a “selected few”. We are inspired by the vision of the Founding Fathers of the United States under the leadership of President Thomas Jefferson as follows;

“That all human beings are born free and equal,  that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and


-  Mindful of more than 50 Years of corrupt tyranny and Dictatorship since Cameroon acquired a partial Independence from France and Britain;
-  Conscious of the vast natural wealth and endowments of the lands and peaceful peoples of Cameroon ;
-  Conscious of  the fact that the Government of Cameroon has flagrantly violated the Constitution of Cameroon in its entirety as well as usurped the inalienable and sacred rights of Cameroonians by multiple violations of the Constitution;
- Conscious of the ungodly dictatorship cultivating and sustaining mismanagement, misinformation, misrepresentation, misdirection and underdevelopment of our nation;
-  Granted that a free and democratic society be effective  and have a lasting impact on the civil society under good governance and  the rule of law;
-  Disappointed by the fact that there are many Cameroonians in the Diaspora on exile and political asylum due to the extensive misdeeds of the Government of Cameroon;
-  Inspired and strengthened by the true spirit of patriotism for our country Cameroon derived from the hunger to make life safe for all;
- Considering the fact that it is increasingly urgent for us patriotic and concerned Cameroonians to articulate a new vision towards a free Cameroon to enable all people who are part of Cameroon to dream like others and see their dreams come true;
-  Believing that there are other nations and people who are free and serve as an example of progress and prosperity founded on a visionary foundation;

WE therefore Resolve:
- To empower a new political  citizenry\leadership with patriotism, courage, wisdom and compassion to lead Cameroonians to participate in building a free Cameroon in the light of the socio-cultural ,economic and political needs of all. In that way, enhance respect for human rights and promote human dignity through justice, peace and prosperity
- To enhance and absolutely uphold a transparent framework for the fundamental respect of human rights and freedom as a prerequisite to nation building and nationhood above all other obligations.
- To act as an alternative movement for democracy grounded in good governance and the rule of law.
- To adopt the vision  of the “Founding Fathers of the United States” that all human beings are born free and equal,  that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness;
- To connect, network, dialogue and mobilize Cameroonians and stakeholders around the world to support the vision of building a new Cameroon for greater possibilities and opportunities for every citizen within Cameroon regardless of origin,  ethnicity, sex, religion, language, culture and political linings.
- To adopt the vision  for a 33 Council for a 24 months  transitional government to empower Cameroonians and stakeholders from all walks of life to invent a new political paradigm that guarantees freedom and democracy through transparency and accountability under the rule of law and Constitution.
- To adopt a decentralized federal form of Government to enable regional participative economic and social development.
-To create a Nation on the basis of equal Economic and Social
Justice, equal economic opportunities and African Economic Ownership & Empowerment.
- To promote and enhance a value-based society wherein people are respected and honored on the basis of their Character and Service rather than by alien\internal Machinations of Corporate interference, personal gullibility, intellectual and psychological classism, and devaluation of self-authorship.
- To engage in global advocacy and humanitarian relief of all natures to liberate, re-enliven, democratize, moralize and develop our nation boundlessly and empower the people to be part of this endeavor according to their aspirations and dreams.

 Jonathan  F. Awasom

Pastor, Reformer and voice of Truth
Freedom Fighter and Nation builder
Civil Rights Advocate
Human Rights Campaigner
Peace Advocate for Peaceful Transition of power
Senior Community Organizer and voice for the voiceless
Scholar, consultant and Truth Speaker to Powers 
