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Tuesday, June 14, 2011


 Look at the date and year I used the words "Time"
--- On Mon, 12/21/09, Jonathan Awasom <> wrote:

Part One
Birthing of  a New  Cameroon Consciousness and Political Leadership  
The time has come for us to lead.
Join the new generation of like minds and make a difference.The time for a new Cameroon has come and this means a new direction under a new set of leaders with a new vision and new ideas that will champion the cause for a new meaning and civilization for all people that dwell within Cameroon.  When I say all people what I mean is all stakeholders.Pass on the message to free the mind and spirit from denial and ignorance.
I do not by any stretch of my imagination claim to know as much as any other person who has opined or may opine on this.However , by delving into this issue  intoto my hope is that all of us will seek to develop ourselves as  others( Founding Fathers of other free and civilized societies) have done in similar circumstances.
 In that way become an addition to what is already existing as opposed to trying to eradicate a tradition that has empowered some people for decades. For how long shall some of us handle the hypocrisy of some Cameroonians and Africans who have benefitted from their so called colonization and often trying to recruit us to become cry-babies?
No, we are ready to move on and lead our societies to become part of the happiness and prosperity that is shaping other great societies.Why should Cameroon be an exception? The issue at stake is simple. The CPDM political Party and regime have violated the Constitution in its entirety.
There is no point for them to prove tough or try to distract us. President Paul Biya and his government should step down peacefully and hand over to the new generation of Cameroonians. All we want to do is build a new Cameroon society for all people including but not ,limited to their own generations.
When people have failed to deliver to us they some sort always want to manipulate us by introducing subjects,which have no basis for an argument.The task for nation building is neither for one man nor two people. It must be  all us working together to solve these problems.
A new Cameroon is very possible. I used to doubt but I am very confident now than ever before because we have made a perfect diagnosis of our problems.We have simply overcome fear and replaced it with courage and faith.Cameroon Politicians cannot fool us again because we have known their tricks for a long time.
They prey on the ignorance of the people in order to always change the subject of utmost importance, which is accountability. That is why I took time to make sure that people see the connection of CPDM political Party with Niccolo  Machiavelli 's work the Prince. In order to understand the case I am making for the unfolding new vision for our country, please click this link and download the article;
How Niccolo Machiavelli infleunced the CPDM Political Party and System against humanity.
What I continue to insist among my fellow country people is we have a Constitution, which should be respected accordingly. All Cameroonians regardless of their region, tribe or colonial nationality( Francophone or Anglophone) are expected to comply with article 66 of the Cameroon Constitution.
The CPDM political Party and regime have not declared their assets since they came to power in 1985. Even if we were to disregard the previous years during, which many of them served under President Ahidjo the facts before us point to gross violation of the rule of law. Neither Francophone nor Anglophone within the current CPDM political establishment should manipulate us to think that the Constitution or rule of law is of no importance.
The only way to confirm the moral and spiritual decadence of the Cameroon society is to hold all people to the same standard of accountability. In the meantime that standard of accountability is the Constitution of Cameroon. We must start exploring the problems of Cameroon from where it all began through the lens of the Constitution and colonization.
When both the President, his government and Parliament  have failed to be accountable , why should they expect the rest of the people to be accountable when as leaders they do not exemplify good behavior? They are not able to hold the civil society accountable enough because they are first and foremost unaccountable themselves. Can anyone be surprised about the chaos and rampant corruption that has plagued Cameroon for so long?
The problems of Cameroonians could be overwhelming regardless of how what perceives them. The reasons could be attributed to the fact that the context and culture in which we wrestle with these problems have created the kind of unnecessary polemics and distractions we constantly have to deal with.
I notice that in the distant past and even presently we might be dwelling on stereotypes more than finding our voice and developing what I call a Cameroon Consciousness  and political Leadership, which are lacking.  Why because some of our fellow Francophones and  Anglophones on both sides of the isle who have failed us in the past continue to think that we are bound to them as our seniors.
I think that  Anglophones within the CPDM political  system could join the campaign  to enable everyone declare their assets before we proceed in Cameroon. I do not doubt the excellence of Anglophone in the former west Cameroon and I am yearning for the glorious past! However, we have to deal with the truth and reality today. If the Constitution states that all public servants must declare their assets I think it will be unfair for Anglophones within the system to start distracting us by making us feel that they  should be given a free pass because of a former West Cameroon. I was born after 1967.
Concomitantly , if other societies have sustained Federalism as one of the smart ways to resolve and deal with their complex cultural differences, I think it is also unfair for Francophone Cameroon to reject this notion, which is working in other societies. The dignity of the Anglophone Cameroonian regardless of their tribe has been compromised politically as a result of the dissolution of a former Federal structure.It is hard to say if the falling moral standards of the anglophone is as a result of association with the Francophone. I make this comment because if the former West Cameroon society was almost perfect granted the high degree of accountability then what could have happen that things felt apart?
Why was the Federal Structure dissolved when Federalism is very much alive in Switzerland and the United States? Why was the one in Cameroon a problem to the majority Francophones? This is the one million dollar question I want to be answered by the those who championed the abolition of a federal system. 
I love the Federal System and all people must read and study the Federal Papers,which inspired this fine American Government. The fact  is both Franco- Cameroonians and Anglo-Cameroonians who could be traced as residents of the United States make this case for a federal system very compelling. We are still different and complex. It does not matter if the French or British colonized us because without the French and British,  Cameroon is one kind of  a society that is rooted in tribes and ethnicities. If we subtract those who we blame for colonization we would be fighting everyday and killing each other because of our tribal affiliations.
Jonathan F Awasom



--- On Wed, 7/14/10, Jonathan Awasom <> wrote:

From: Jonathan Awasom <>
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 2010, 5:16 PM

May the souls of the departed ones rest in perfect Peace and may their good deeds go with them as we continue the good fight for freedom, liberty, democracy , human rights and Peace in the world. Their good deeds will continue to shine and inspire generations to come.

President Barack Obama spoke directly to the African Parliamentarians calling on them to check abuses of power. This means we are right to call upon Cameroon Parliament to check the abuses of power by their President, Mr Paul Biya.

 "What we will do is increase assistance for responsible individuals and institutions, with a focus on supporting good governance — on parliaments, which check abuses of power and ensure that opposition voices are heard; on the rule of law, which ensures the equal administration of justice; on civic participation, so that young people get involved; 

President Barack Obama, Ghana Parliament on the 11th of July 2009

Fellow Cameroonians and Friends of Cameroon



Greetings.There is no doubt that we have succeeded in raising enough awareness against the ills of the CPDM regime to the rest of the world.We have contacted the Congress of the United States and various international bodies and authorities .

Where do we go from here to see the results? Our Free anc change Cameroon ( FREECCAM'A)  is moving forward towards freedom and democratic change in Cameroon. 

There is one more problem. We lack the cooperation of the Parliament of Cameroon. Lack of action on their path is a major setback to our campaign.So, we must hold Parliament accountable now. We know that everything about Cameroon is not like rotten tomatoes in the garden.

We understand and applaud the endeavors of some of them and their achievements. However, if they are representing the people who elected them, then they should free all political prisoners and end human rights violation of Cameroonians.

There can never be democracy in any society where people are termed "Political prisoners". This actually means that such a Nation and Society is under dictatorship. In spite of this, in almost all dictatorships, some Parliamentarians have learned to stand up for the people. We have often blamed the President of Cameroon alone forgetting that there is a Parliament and Parliamentarians who earn great benefits. Out of curiosity haven't we asked to know what is their function?

PM William Wilberforce stood up against slavery in the British Parliament and it was abolished. So, since we have a Parliament in Cameroon, FREECCAM'A is calling on all  Cameroon Parliamentarians to spice up our campaign in the Diaspora to Free all Political Prisoners immediately.We have a constitution that has been violated by the President of Cameroon and all of them ought to hold the President accountable as well as themselves.
For the sake of National Unity that most people want, our Parliamentarians should tell the Chief Justice and Commander in Chief, President Paul Biya to sign their Parliamentary request to free all political prisoners.

We, Cameroonians all over the world have this distinguish opportunity in history to ask the Speaker of the Assembly as well as all Parliamentarians of all political Parties especially CPDM Parliamentarians to know that we are deeply troubled by their silence over the gross violations of the human rights of Cameroonians by the Executive and Judiciary branch under their watch.The Parliament ,which constitutes the legislative branch must provide the necessary check and balances, which we require to steer the ship of governance and the rule of law. This was ab observation that President Barack Obama stated in his speech in Africa on July 11th,2009.

We take this matter very seriously because nothing is more disturbing than the misrepresentation of a democracy ,which is far from it.The President and his government and also the Parliamentarians of Cameroon  should support the Diaspora action  to free political prisoners.Our position on this matter is very clear because we cannot achieve any democracy in Cameroon under dictatorship and violation of human rights and extra-judiciary killings.

We are calling on the Cameroon Parliament to wake up and take action on   this matter in the next coming weeks immediately. We will ask you to email and also call them as soon as we gather all their contact information. As we contact the government, congress and Parliament of other societies, we must first of all have the audacity to ask Cameroon Parliament and Parliamentarians to perform their job. This is our focus this coming week.

Our main premise is that before we can even have democracy in Cameroon or allow President Paul Biya and CPDM regime  and government  to organize another elections, the human as well as the civil  rights of Cameroonians must be respected and all political prisoners released immediately in order to create an environment where people are safe and able to participate in the democratic process. As of now, it is abundantly clear that among other human rights violations, the violation of political prisoners is counterproductive to democracy, good governance and rule of law.

As you all know in the past several weeks we have been calling on many of you to support our grassroots initiative to advocate for the freedom of Political Prisoners in Cameroon.We will not rest until they are free. We are continuing down that path by asking all of you to take action. We will not rest until we succeed to free all political prisoners.

First of all you should visit our website and register as a member to allow us the opportunity to connect and work with you. We need your support in order to engage Congress and other International bodies who are monitoring our campaign to free our political prisoners. That is why you are receiving this email from us to reiterate the fact that in the past we have stepped over corpses and people oppressed and failed. This time we risk making another grave mistake.Our Parliamentarians should come clean before Cameroonians and the world because we have not heard a lot about them lately.

In the meantime, take a moment to acquaint yourself with the case we are making on this matter.We urge you to revisit our previous grassroots appeals calling on you to contact Senator John Kerry and Congress  of the United States  as well as all the elected officials of your States about our quest for Justice and Freedom for the oppressed.

In another breaking sad news, yesterday we received this very sad news about one of our political prisoners in Africa  held in bondage by one of the world 's worst dictators, President Paul Biya. This is what was reported to us courtesy of Debussi Tande:

"Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2010 06:22:17 -0700
From: wnumvi@yahoo. com

Justice Muluh Mbuh was at last yesterdday, the 29th June 2010 at the high court of Mezam charge for secession. The matter was again adjourned to the 6th July 2010. It should be noted that he has been  at the Bamenda Central prison awaiting trial since the 2nd  of Sept,2009. The presiding judge, Justice Taminang Ignatius was the one who insisted on a short date, this was as a result that the persecutor wanted the matter to be delayed for another month.Let's wait and see the outcome"
We must not wait and see the outcome. We must determine the outcome by taking action against injustice and free speech. My fellow Cameroonians and Africans, join us and stand up for Justice Mbuh, Titus Ezoa, Lapiro De Mbanga because their fate is into our own hands within the Diaspora. Even if the CPDM regime disagrees with them that should not call for gross violation of their civil and human rights rights.

They were arbitrarily arrested and falsely charged by the CPDM corrupt judiciary because they were either  the voices of the voiceless or voices of conscience. If Justice Mbuh is free already then all other SCNC members still in that Kondengui be freed, too as well as Titus Edzoa and Lapiro, SDF militants and Human Rights advocates and activists.

This is a reminder of our Target

All Cameroonians who opposed President Paul Biya within the CPDM Party and regime and got victimized by him deserve human rights and dignity. They should be free from jail.

All militants of SDF who have been victimized over the years because of their ardent opposition to the CPDM regime and President Paul Biya should be free from jail

All members of the Southern Cameroon National Council who seek to enforce the Constitution of Cameroon calling for the enforcement of certain agreements as well as minority and indigenous rights of such persons within Cameroon should be free from jail.

All members of the civil society identified as Cameroonians by birth in their functions as either Journalists, newspaper reporters and mass communication through the media, families, civil and human rights activist victimized by the CPDM regime and President Paul Biya should be free from jail.

Our goal is to paint the Biya regime and system as a vicious cycle that even President Paul Biya and those who claim to be better Cameroonians than others are not safe there. As a result they see each other as a threat to them. A vicious cycle is self-destructive and counter-productive. The only correct solution to such a system is Freedom for both the oppressed and oppressor.

However, we have issues with the office of President Paul Biya and want him to Free all political Prisoners including but limited  to Titus Ezoa, Lapiro, Justice Mbuh, all SCNC, SDF and human rights activists he has arbitrarily arrested over the  years and locked -up in order to stay in power. We will not go to sleep until President Paul Biya complies.

We want to reiterate that the government of Cameroon must not get away with systematic destruction of other Cameroonians for the sake handing a  Life Presidency to Mr Paul Biya out of selfishness. We have no ill- intentions against Mr Paul Biya,  his government and Parliament as  persons with  their own  families. We are very loving, forgiving and gracious people who understand the joy of a father and mother.But they must also have consideration and compassion on other fathers and mothers,too  arbitrarily arrested and either jailed or tortured and killed.


Jonathan Awasom


--- On Thu, 7/22/10, Jonathan Awasom <> wrote:
Thank you for your questions of curiousity about Presidential Elections in Cameroon. I don't know of any Presidential elections planned for 2011 in Cameroon. There are a lot of things, which we need to put in place first before we can conduct any Presidential elections in that country. For instance we need an Independent Electoral Commission among other demands we had made to Cameroon government in the past , which are still pending.
You know I am more  concerned about the plight of political prisoners and other human right violations in Cameroon than Presidential elections. As far as I am concern, we patriotic and conscientious Cameroonians and Africans should never tolerate any Presidential elections under the current political system in Cameroon. Any elections by President Paul Biya and CPDM party will be a big fraud as usual.
It is true that I have Presidential aspirations like any other Cameroonian.In fact it is our sacred and inalienable rights as citizens of Cameroon and I have encouraged other Cameroonians not to be afraid to declare their intent to seek the Presidency  just as I had done.
Moreso,I believe that I will make a wonderful Presidential candidate because my advocacy for freedom and change is grounded in my political asylum by ,which I am not suposed to bea citizen of the US.
Most importantly, my resume and experience in fighting for humanity and especially Cameroonians and Africans gives me an absolute advantage over any other candidate at this particular time in history. By the time I will be returning to Cameroon, I will have to recieve an authorization from the US government before I enter Cameroon. This is important because I am here on behalf of the US government and not CPDM regime.
You know I have worked so hard since I entered into this country raising awareness against human trafficking by Cameroonians and Africans, poverty,injustice, corruption, human right and civil rights violations and oppression of powerless and helpless people in Africa.Often,I used Cameroon as a case study to make my case to both politicians, NGOs  and religious leaders involved in mission work in Africa. You can tell that my no-nonsense advocacy has inspired and empowered many Cameroonians ,too.
As you know in 2006, I burst out and landed a memo to the White to President G.W Bush after he returned from G-8 Summit. Some people said that I was looking for trouble and that I would be deported or killed.
Then in 2009,I formally filed a complaint against the CPDM -USA for, which we have been persecuted by CPDM-USA led by  Jesusman Prince Hamilton Ayuk and Joe Mbuh , the leaders of this corrupt CPDM-USA. Jesusman  once resigned from CPDM Party citing gross violation of human rights.Then when he was corrupted he recanted and went back, and since then they began persecuting me for reporting CPDM-USA  to the US government.
Then in 2010,I thought I could work with these Cameroonians who were attracted to my courage,vision, truth and perhaps the spotlight.So, I opened up and embraced them but never knew  that they were corrupt and full of tricks. However we have come a long ways since I encountered  some problems along the way with the Pro-CPDM regime faction within that organization I was once part of.
I do not expect any elections in Cameroon in 2011 because there is a leadership vacuum  in that society for a long time now. The President of Cameroon , his government and Parliament have failed the Cameroon people. These three people have lost their sense of patriotism and any elections in 2011 will not be different from what happened in 2004.
You know the frustration of the civil society in Cameroon is that some Cameroonians in the Diaspora who work at certain high profile organizations  are toothless bull dogs who cannot employ their offices and resources to enable change. Their fear is that some of these Cameroonians are instead part of the problem and seem to be afraid to speak the truth to the organizations where they work.
Some of them are just seeking ways to continue to support the statusquo because they wasted their own time to bring about change. Now, is a new and different generation.Let them support us and if possible be advisers because they don't understand that we are living in a new age.
I think that where we are in Cameroon right now is not a good place to mislead Cameroonians again into a quagmire of  democracy.
Let me very clear to all Cameroonians and friends of Cameroon that so long as we do not respect the inherent and sacred rights of all Cameroonians as enshrined into the Constitution, any Presidential elections where President Paul and CPDM regime participates in will be a sheer folly.
President Paul Biya and his government  should respect the constitution of Cameroon and honor our request following empirical evidence about how he and his government have mismanaged Cameroon society for more  than 30 years.
I have made my position clear  several times through the  collective memorandum dispatched to the Congress of the United States through Senator John Kerry as chairman of Foreign Relations Committee with absolute clear 7 and 8  demands to President Paul Biya and the stakeholders of Cameroon. The work I am carrying behind close doors is to make sure that the world knows we are serious against corrupt tyranny and dictatorship in Cameroon aided and abetted by the US government.This is wrong and it has gonbe on for too long.
I am very convinced that these officials have been sharing intelligence with one another as regards the intense advocacy we have been carying out since 2006.Lastly, recently I called upon the Cameroon Parliament to stand up and take action . This request was made on behalf of our fellow Cameroonians. So, we have reached a point where the President of Cameroon, his government and Parliament will have to answer to Cameroonians and the world about the crimes they have committed against humanity.

On these bases, it is needless to participate in any Presidential elections in 2011. We have urged President Paul Biya and the Cameroon government to show their fear for God since every claims to be a Christian by refraining from making a mockery of God.
Thank you very much for your questions and while I am working towards announcing our new Grassroots organization for freedom and Change in Cameroon and Africa, please , continue to visit my blog
Jonathan Awasom


Done on this Day of 01/25/2010 for the sake of humanity.



January 26th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments
50 Years of Dependence on Foreign influenced Dictatorship against the Oppressed in Cameroon is enough.
Cameroon Diaspora for Freedom and  Change  is calling on President Paul Biya to step down immediately in wake of the overwhelming cry of Cameroonians in the Diaspora and within Cameroon for change. President Paul Biya and his government have violated the Constitution of Cameroon in myriad of ways, which has been highlighted by many Cameroonians at home and abroad.
Therefore, any government, organization or individual that will support the dictatorial regime of President Paul Biya and his unconstitutional quest for the presidency in 2011 will be held accountable at the International Court of justice for violating the civil rights of Cameroonians. The Cameroon people have suffered for too long under inappropriate foreign influence of dictatorship whose corporate economic interest in Cameroon has resulted to outstanding corruption and swindling of public funds by Cameroon CPDM Officials. As a result any government, financial institution or organization that will carry out monetary transactions with the Biya administration would be taken to the international court of justice by the Cameroon Diaspora For change.
We believe that all people on this earth regardless of their race, sex, origin or creed must respect and value the rights of others to pursue liberty, life, prosperity and happiness as proclaimed by President Thomas Jefferson. Therefore, we value the universal principles of human dignity as well as uphold the call of Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr for the Beloved Community whereby Justice and democracy must prevail for all people.
The Government of President Paul Biya actually claims that Cameroon is an Independent Country like France! But since 1959 history has it on record that the French people have experienced different leaders as General De Gaulle, President Francois Mitterrand, Jacque Chirac and now the young Nicolas Sarkozi.
These different democratically elected Presidents and their political parties translate to us as transparent and accountable democratic governments with a constructive exit strategy that preserves civilization. Yet, in Cameroon the same people have aided and abetted dictatorship and corrupt tyranny which, they would not tolerate in their country. This is what we find unacceptable and mind boggling warranting us to speak truth to the power of the French Government and Congress.
Plato once said; “The unexamined Life is not worth living” and the French Government and Citizens must all examine themselves and their unethical business policies in other societies. If Colonialism resulted in francophonism then the parts of Africa once colonized by France ought to have been clothed by the same system of transparency and accountability in France.
President Paul Biya has best served corporate interests in Cameroon against, which background his government and the corporate people have conspired with him to perpetuate a selfish political and economic system against Cameroonians. This system has presided over one of the worst forms of deprivation, corruption and exploitation of Cameroon people.
The government of President Paul Biya and his French counterpart must know that some of the finest economic and political thinkers of the 18th century were of French Nationality like Frederic Bastiat. To learn more about him, download him on the internet. One of his famous works is “The Law”.
He was one of the most influential political economists of his time who blasted legal plundering which today is being practiced by France and the Regime of President Paul Biya against the oppressed. He argued that the law was a perverted /twisted weapon that was used by selfish people to perpetuate legal plunder. 
Yes, President Paul Biya’s government is liable to the above charges by Frederic Bastiat. The lawlessness that reigns in our societies makes us wonder why we have law schools, Professors of law, the Bar Association, Professional lawyers, Courts, Judges and Law Students. It is not late to heed to the moral outcry of Frederic Bastiat calling upon his fellow-citizens of French Government and Cameroon to turn over a new page.
Therefore, President Paul Biya cannot speak about a democratic process in Cameroon when his government has failed to account for the flagrant violation of the human rights of Cameroonians. We mean those who are daily bombarded with scare tactics to force them to become part of the unconstitutional manipulating selfish minority motion of support launched by the CPDM Machine. We are sick and tired of these calibers of citizens who knowingly pervert the law of Cameroon without impunity.
We as true and patriotic Cameroonians are calling on President Paul Biya and the French government to know that we can become partners and not master and servant anymore. Slavery was abolished a long time ago and human beings have learned to understand that no nation should ever treat another nation as slaves or second-class citizens by enriching a few and enslaving the majority.
President Paul Biya must understand that the first democratic step toward the protection of public funds is for his government to step down for failing to respect the rule of law, which governs all democracies in Europe and North America, and Africa. They cannot effectively curb corruption among Cameroonians when the government continues to reshuffle and recycle the same corrupt individuals at will. We have never known of any democratic process that exists in a dictatorship and corrupt tyranny.
By mentioning this President Paul Biya has again failed to tell us how they have achieved that democratic process in the light of the Constitution of Cameroon. Yet, he even dare said in his New Year’s Message that; “We have worked diligently to start up ELECAM”. Diligence starts up with diligent compliance with the rule of law and from what we know the Constitution does not confer absolute right to the CPDM Party to start up an Election Commission. President Paul Biya cannot pretend that they have not heard us. Besides, even the European Union has expressed concern against the CPDM’s ELECAM because it lacks democratic flavor and consensus.
But most importantly, under a democratic process all people are expected to know how their country is governed in order to be more involved. Everyone can make promises about what they intend to accomplish in the next decade for Cameroonians. However, they are the same persons who for the past Five decades have destroyed the whole fabric of Cameroon economy.
When President Paul Biya took the oath of office, he swore to uphold the Constitution, unfortunately, he has failed to hold his government and the Cameroon Parliament accountable, and they too have failed to hold him accountable per the Constitution and the Rule of Law. The reason is simple; all of them are now birds of the same feather because they have all broken the laws thereby evoking the notion of unconstitutional, illegal and criminal majority of the CPDM Party and regime.
These are some portions of the Constitutions violated by President Paul Biya and the CPDM Party and Government.
“We, the people of Cameroon….
Declare that human person, without distinction as to race, religion, sex or belief, possesses inalienable and sacred rights; -The State shall ensure the protection of minorities and shall preserve the rights of indigenous populations in accordance with the law; -Freedom and Security shall be guaranteed to each individual, subject to respect for the rights of others and higher interest of the State;”
“The President of the Republic hereby enacts the law set out below: CONSTITUTION of the Republic of Cameroon PREAMBLE
In another respect, you have neither dissolved your Parliament nor have they taken the bull by the horns and impeached you. All of you intentionally engaged in a criminal conspiracy against the State of Cameroon and the people by flagrantly violating our Constitution with no conscience Articles 5 “He shall ensure respect for the Constitution “He shall through arbitration ensure proper functioning of public authorities” For instance Article 47 (2) one of the ways to ensure proper functioning of public authorities and all of you has failed to leave up to expectation.
Article 20, 21,22,23,24 and 36 The Senate and Functions of Senators in relationship with the President and Parliament. “The Senate shall represent the regional and local authorities…” We have come to realize that we, Cameroonians are also an INDISPENSABLE part of the human race that are entitled to be free and endowed with inalienable and sacred rights. “Mr. President gives us that same opportunity your predecessor gave you” by stepping down.
We must remind President Paul Biya and the corporate interest in particular that their injustice against the oppressed in Cameroon and abroad would never be tolerated by the Civil Rights Movement led by Rev Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The violation of the Cameroon Constitution and the Civil Rights of the Citizens of Cameroon is a threat to peace and stability in that region. President Paul Biya must step down and comply with the recommendations of Cameroon Diaspora for Change for a transitional government to be created to reorganize Cameroon for all.
For the Attention of
French Ambassador to the United States of America
The United States, Secretary of State
United States Congress Leaders
The Canadian Ambassador to the USA
The German Ambassador to the USA
The European Union
The African Union
The GOP Party
The DFL Party
Done on this Day of 01/25/2010 for the sake of humanity.
Jonathan Fru Awasom
For and behalf of the oppresed in Cameroon, West Africa


--- On Wed, 11/17/10, Jonathan Awasom <> wrote:

From: Jonathan Awasom <>
Date: Wednesday, November 17, 2010,

Dear Cameroonians and Friends of Cameroon
The foundational case for the freedom of Cameroon rests with the ability for us to employ the power of the  constitution, which has been grossly violated and dishonored by the CPDM government of  Cameroon.
The world is watching and we are waiting for Mr Paul Biya and his government to deliver their resignation speech and move on peacefully. There is no way for the CPDM government to manipulate us and the world again.

This  worldwide internet background of this communication is a reminder of what I said  about 4 years ago. I said that we shall smoke CPDM out of their hole of dictatorship and corrupt tyranny just with the click of the computer buttons. It is working and we are getting there.

No matter where you're are located in the world, we are connected through the worldwide web. This is what CPDM government cannot handle. Now back to the real issue about CITIZENSHIP.

Any corrupt government like the CPDM government of Cameroon cannot determine who becomes a citizen of Cameroon alone. This is because whatever they have  been doing is not to defend the sovereignty of Cameroon by respecting the constitution.
Citizenship without  consideration to Cameroonians on political asylum overseas cannot be a precondition for eligibility  to run for public office in Cameroon. CPDM regime will be disgraced at the supreme court,ICC and other courts even right in Cameroon if they "make erreur"

The problem is not centered on citizenship. The main issue is about patriotism. If someone is a citizen of Cameroon and yet violates the constitution as well as abuse the citizens they are supposed to govern, then their citizenship is of no importance.

We must get to the bottom of this matter because if we were persecuted by the CPDM government, then by all account we remain citizens of Cameroon even though we are out of Cameroon.These are serious legal matters, which shall be tabled before the world because we  will not allow CPDM government to abuse us again
The truth is so long as we have not given off our citizenship, we remain citizens of Cameroon. It was not our fault that the corrupt CPDM government was a nuisance to us and forced or framed us up to leave the country.

If the constitution of Cameroon has  been violated granted the political, economic , physical, mental, psychological and professional abuses that both white and black Cameroonians have suffered from for more than 400 years, then it goes without saying that the CPDM government has no mandate to question ones citizenship. What we are saying is that corrupt citizens have run their cause.
Also, there are thousands of CPDM militants and children of CPDM officials within the United States who also filed for political asylum against their parents and god fathers in Cameroon.
If they have condemned the CPDM government of Cameroon, then what a great testimony or evidence we have to change the system. That is why my political asylum case is a compelling window of opportunity in this effort to change Cameroon.
Thank you  all
Jonathan Fru Awasom 



--- On Sun, 4/17/11, Jonathan Awasom <> wrote:

From: Jonathan Awasom <>

Fellow Cameroonians, Africans  and Concerned Citizens of the World
I am oncemore standing firm on the principles and ideals of free societies to call upon the United States Government under the DFL Party to honor this Memo that was sent to the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Senator John Kerry on May 25th,2010. As a Cameroon citizen, I am entitled to my sovereign right to question the presence and practices of certain nations within Cameroon as well as make my case  known to a world that is curious to know why the United States granted me political asylum, anyways?
Secretary of State Madam Hilary Clinton, President Bill Clinton and the DFL Party must respect our own sacred and inalienable rights to be free from corrupt tyranny and dictatorship under the CPDM government of Cameroon. They must value us and our values, and be true to the ideals of the United States of America with their dealings with Cameroon in the light of our quest for freedom or we meet in the Federal Court to tackle the subject of my political asylum in the light of my struggle since 2006  for America's freedom to be exported to Cameroon and Africa.Make no mistake.
Since 2010 we have made our position clear to them but they are pretending not to realize that we are serious. We are indeed serious and especially,my humble self, Jonathan Awasom, the designated freedom fighter for Cameroon under political persecution and retaliation within the United States by the DFL Party. Cameroon must be free or remain oppressed and enslaved  by America, France, Germany, Canada and Great Britian.Choose this day to be free or remain slaves under Madam Hilary Clinton , President Bill Clinton and the DFL Party who are playing games to manipulate and distract the world from our vision and focus.
This memo is to oncemore reiterate without fear or favor that we are not begging oppressors to stop oppressing powerless and helpless people. We want our freedom. It is long overdue and enough is enough. The United States was founded for free people and not for people who practice democracy within America but practice corrupt tyranny and dictatorship abroad. This double standard must cease immediately.

  --- On Wed, 6/2/10, Jonathan Awasom <> wrote
Fellow Cameroonians and concerned Citizens.Let the world know we are talking and walking the talk. Let your elected officials in your countries, Cities and States see the truth.
Let all Religious Missionaries know we are sick and tired of genocides and civil wars in Africa because of corrupt tyrants and dictators like President Paul Biya of Cameroon.
Let all your friends, relatives and neighbor know we have launched a rare campaign,movement and revolution to change alter free political prisoners and stop human rights  violation and corruption in Cameroon.
Dear senator John Kerry                                                               May 25, 2010
Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
The United States Congress
218 Russell Bldg.
Second Floor
Washington D.C. 20510
(202) 224-2742 - Phone
(202) 224-8525 - Fax
Website at www.kerry.senate. gov
Dear Senator John Kerry

“The God who gave us Life, gave us Liberty at the sametime...that to secure these rights government are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed-That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is  the  Right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them seem most likely to  effect their Safety and Happiness"  President Thomas Jefferson
Sincere Greetings in the name and spirit of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America. Besides the Founders, we have come across another amazing American Patriot in the person of Dr S Cleon Skousen. He is the author of many books and works among, which is one of his finest entitled “ The Making of America. The Meaning and Substance of the Constitution. It is catalogued into the Library of Congress. As the Founder of the National Constitutional Center( NCC) he writes in his book as follows;
"But America has much more to share than their wealth. They have the world’s greatest political success formula to share. In this respect they have been at fault. They have been too self-conscious about their system and its accomplishments. At times they have been almost apologetic that they have such a remarkable system when the rest of the world did not. The world needs to know this formula. It worked for Americans when they were an underdeveloped country. It will work for underdeveloped countries today…Freedom should be America’s Greatest Export. In the near future carefully trained Americans should commence exporting the Founders’ greatest success formula. The world is waiting for it…We must regain our footing, reexamine our game plan, and then begin exporting our formula for freedom, prosperity, and peace to the rest of the world. It is fundamental to the progress of, happiness, and self-actualization of all mankind. It is what the Founders expected of us"
The Cameroonians for Freedom and  Change in Cameroon FREECCAM'A is a political advocacy organization of Cameroonians and concerned citizens in the United States and around the world with the goal to export the political freedom of the United States of American to the tyrannical Republic of Cameroon under the dictatorship of President Paul Biya. We have discovered the Founders and their vision for America and the world through our study of Dr S Cleon Skousen’s book. This has inspired and instilled into us a passion to free Cameroon that the Congress and the UNO needs to know.
We, Cameroonians for Freedom and Change in Cameroon resident within the Diaspora as a result of political persecution by the government of Cameroon are asking your help to enable us free political prisoners and also stop human rights violation of our fellow citizens in Cameroon by the corrupt tyranny and dictatorship of President Paul Biya.By the same token we will like to advocate your help to free and change Cameroon as expected.
H.E. Paul Biya of Cameroon has held on to power for over 28 years via unconscionable means, including but not limited to human rights abuses, election rigging, battery and intimidation of citizenry with a ruthless military, constitutional violations, economic mismanagement, arbitrary rulership through "Decrees and States of Emergencies", closure of free press, torture of Journalists, political leaders, civil society leaders and systematic incrimination and killing of political opponents.
You and your colleagues need to know about the untold story of one of the worst human rights violation of Cameroonians by the Dictatorial President Paul Biya in, West Africa. As disturbing as   it is we have come to realize that it is a pattern of insanity. These violations are made available on this site at  for graphic photos of the dehumanization of children in Cameroon as well as the discreet and bloody crackdown of unarmed civilians by President Paul Biya's government.
We can no longer fathom the outrageous violation of human rights of political prisoners in that society as well as the horrible violation of the rights of women and children in Cameroon everyday by that government. Your action to support us  today will avert this strange tragedy at this moment.
They have acted viciously against our people for more than 50 years now. We are seeking the unconditional freedom of all political prisoners because every human being must be entitled to the First Amendment (Free Speech), which is very basic to the ideal of freedom
We believe very strongly that the cornerstone of US foreign policy in Cameroon should also include but not limited to working with Cameroonians who desire good governance and the rule of law for their fellow citizens in bondage. It is our sacred moral duty to our fellow human beings.
We believe that you and the Congress are a very important partner in this action. You know how much we respect and value this country, people and her ideals. Therefore, we cannot fathom the humiliating dehumanization of innocent people under that 17th century corrupt tyranny. Let us together overcome gross violation of human rights in Africa through the power of our democracy and collective action.
This freedom and democracy was handed down to us all by the Founding Fathers and framers of the Constitution. Since we have lived in America and experienced this freedom, we feel strongly that it is about time to export it to our country in partnership with concerned citizens
It is very appropriate to make our solid democracy effective and most importantly save the lives of about 2000 children a day from the corrupt tyrannical government under a greedy dictator. They have no right to arbitrarily arrest, torture and murder citizens. They are absolutely and universally wrong after the Declaration of Independence in 1776.
Dear Senator John Kerry , the Congress of the United States and UNO
Our demands from Dictator Paul Biya and CPDM regime are outstanding and obvious within the realm of possibility;

Stop human rights violation

Free all political prisoners and comply with their Constitutional Rights to Safety

Enforce and respect the First Amendment (Free Speech)

Create a Justice and Reparation Council for victims of political persecution

Declare your assets according to article 66 and stop corruption

Show proof of repatriation of funds from Cameroonians imprisoned for embezzlement and corruption

President Paul Biya should comply with these demands and step down from power  or face the music of International Criminal Court (ICC).
         Our Demand from the Congress of the United States of America and the UNO

Congress should enforce the 2004 No Safe Haven law against corrupt dictators, supporters and their families from Africa into the USA.

Congress should enforce immigration laws against people with violent and criminal acts against other human beings in their country

Congress should take seriously into consideration our demands from dictator Paul Biya

Congress should take immediate steps to work with Africans who cherish the expansion of America’s freedom and democracy to their societies in order to promote good governance and the rule of law for human dignity

Request the President of Cameroon to decentralize and federalize the system of government in Cameroon before resignation or retirement in 2011.

Call on Mr. Paul Biya to grant the Autonomy of the Judiciary, the autonomy of the legislature and Autonomy of the Regions of Cameroon as expected.

Congress should take seriously, and implement the vision of the President to Ghanian Parliament for Africa in collaboration and partnership with true Africans and Americans through the vision of Dr. Cleon. Skousen, Founder of the NCC in blessed memory.

Congress and the UNO should oversee the organization of  transparent and democratic Presidential Elections in Cameroon through an Independent Electoral Commission from the UNO to enable a peaceful political transition. CAMDIAC IN and members of the Opposition standing in support of these demands will cooperate with the Congress and UNO Commission to make our task of nation building peaceful and productive.
We plead your indulgence to take action as true American Citizens but most importantly as a concerned human beings against the gross violation of the human rights of others.
History is on our side and the calling for all of us to stand up as free people to expand or export our freedom to those who are oppressed is more than ever before very compelling. This action is worth saving the lives of about 2000 thousand children a day. Without your action about 2000 children die a day because of human rights violation.
People are being brutalized and killed silently and the world is unaware.
Please, urgently and kindly request a hearing on Senate or House with regards to the Case of Cameroon and President Paul Biya, after which a foreign commission should be expedited to the Cameroons to inspect all jails for the release of Political prisoners. At your request, we shall be available to testify before the Congress on these problems.
                       Thank you for your Compassion  and Cooperation in this matter

Jonathan F Awasom ( Rev) 
Phone: 973-282-6461