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Friday, May 27, 2011


         --- On Mon, 8/15/05, Jonathan Awasom <> wrote:  


    Ambassadors for Peaceful Political Reconstruction of Cameroon


Nothing else could be more inspiring and empowering to me than the echoes of the words of President Ronald Reagan to Gorbachev against Communism. The real question and challenge of the day is how to engage his followers and successors, people who shared in his conviction and vision of a free world to take responsibility to unpack dictatorship in Cameroon. Dictatorship is bad and evil as was communism. Thus, if communism has fallen, then dictatorship should not be embraced. United States and Cameroon are in a cordial diplomatic relationship and I applaud that but there is a “wall” there that should be broken to free God’s people. That wall is an insult to the very values that free and democratic nations on earth celebrate.


It is not impossible to “tear down this world” if we summon the kind of heart and courage that President Reagan and Pope John Paul 11 had. I wanted to engage you in this real debate and conversation so that you know how that statement touched me. Therefore, if you are comfortable with this consider my thoughts as opinions and embrace them if you can, otherwise what other options are there and where do we go from here? My take on free and fair election is essential because it is the cradle of freedom for the meantime and a good platform for better things to happen in terms of safeguarding the peace, empowering people and working toward peaceful reconstruction. Therefore, I feel very strongly that;

The US should use their moral authority to lead a coalition of advanced democracies to intervene through the various diplomatic networks in the world by listening to the different voices and complains from both the citizens and civic leaders in Cameroon. The Regime in power and the opposition cannot agree on the process of democratization and on how elections could be free and fair. If the big democracies are aloof, how else can two people disagreeing resolve their conflicts/differences without the potential moral authority of the third parties? We are only about 16.000.000 people and I don’t think we can be more than the international community if pressure is brought to bear on the regime to open up and be transparent with discussions and the debate to implant democracy. Since, 1990 when multi-party rule was enacted into law, we are still to witness a free and fair election.

The regime in power has the military capacity to intimidate, bully and torture the citizens supporting the opposition whenever they rise up against fraudulent elections. But if the international community believes that people should rise up all the times and be killed before they step in with peacekeeping troops to keep the peace, why can’t they step in on time when there is material evidence of warfare? The moral authority of the US /international community is the deliberate ability to question and challenge dictators to give up or recant. The foreign policy of the countries in diplomatic relationship with Cameroon should also include vigilance on the general conduct of political affairs and seeking ways to ameliorate the situation. In this case of Cameroon that particularly concerns election fraud, I think the US State Department should not hesitate to condemn the immorality and dishonesty of the regime.

If US, the biggest democracy on earth should fold their arms and watch at a country led by dictators since independence take the people for granted, what will be the essence of their diplomatic relationship and foreign policy? Even the Government of Cameroon is hiding behind the so call sovereignty of nations to keep the international community away but the fact is that majority of the people and opposition have always wanted the big nations to intervene and free them from the regime. If the international community dines with them ,it is possible to use  their moral authority to transform them or change them. 

Independent Non-profit Organizations and churches could begin to participate in the effort to help curb poverty and empower Cameroonians. Cameroon is blessed with many Non-Profit Organizations that could potentially help the people. However, the lack of a viable political system continues to pose a huge problem because thousands of young graduates from universities and professional schools are jobless and helpless. People need to be taught how to fish and not only be given fish all the times. The idea to empower people will alleviate poverty, idleness and give majority of people opportunities to live responsibly. In order for this to occur we have to work for peace. The opposition parties have advocated for national reconstruction and reconciliation through dialogue but to the best of my knowledge the regime in power does not bother.

Considering the situation in other African countries, I have an unending admiration for the courage and compassion for people who have left their comfort zones to help in the reconstruction process. One of such organizations is The Pilgrim Center for Reconciliation founded by Arthur A. Rouner, Jr. working for reconciliation in Rwanda and Burundi. Also, after the collapse of apartheid in South Africa, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission emerged. In as much as I applaud their outstanding contributions to heal and reconcile people, I also feel that some substantial work could begin now in Cameroon. There is more than enough tension and fear for civil war that could be instigated by some politicians taking advantage of the diverse ethnic groups that make up our country.

It is my hope that we could explore a different kind of conversation to prevent these wars in order to protect the innocent victims.When there is civil anarchy ,warfare or genocide,who really suffers?  I salute and congratulate missionaries, Peace Corps and the various humanitarian organizations and people that are making a difference in Cameroon. I will rather beseech more friends of Cameroon to work faithfully and courageously for a peaceful political transformation, what is well known as peaceful revolution.

Cameroonians want free and fair election, which is one of the bedrocks of democracy. Elections in every democracy set a different tone for the political events of the time and it is usually an exciting event when it is conducted in a climate of fair play where the choice of the majority is honored. It is not fun to boycott from an election and to not boycott but forced to participate in an election that is predetermined is a political nightmare and suicide. It should not be celebrated at all. You could become an ambassador for peace and I pray that you will be inspired to work for peace in Cameroon.  Join us in this effort.

A Voice for the Voiceless
A voice of reason and Conscience

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