Dear Cameroonians and enemies of dictatorship and corrupt tyranny
The heat of freedom is on and the temperature of corrupt tyranny and dictatorship of CPDM of Cameroon is rising and falling , and they are trembling and crying foul all over the place.The walls of Jericho are destine to fall as we, the people continue to march round the walls of dictatorship and tyranny in Africa. Here I release the 15 Theses of President Paul Biya’s Code of Doom against Cameroon Society a. No dispute and controversy as we navigate towards a virtuous and free Cameroon society after the hurly-burly is over.
This is a sorry reminder of where we are in Cameroon and with the continuous cry for salvation and freedom from the madding crowd of good men living in fear!
Today, I also crack President Paul Biya's Code as well as reassure you of our international movement to free Cameroonians. President Paul Biya's cunning and deceitful tactics have lasted for three decades and now we must distant ourselves from it as reasonable and civilized people. It is incumbent upon us to make our case known to a vigilant society that our survival as a sovereign nation must only be possible under a Democratic Federal Union of Cameroonians (DFUC).If it is otherwise, then we have no union at all.
It must be you and I working together. We have overcome fear and denial because the responsibility rests on our shoulders to take back our country from unreasonable and corrupt people. So, take a moment to explore all these and pass it on. Manner won't fall from heaven without human effort. We must be proactive. The time is now. The platform, vision, and conviction speak for themselves about where we stand and where we are going.
The grand master of corruption and tyranny, Chairman and Dictator Paul Biya has not ceased from his unfamiliar chorus of theoretical moral perfection as a propaganda to look good in the eyes of humanity. This code is only an extension of the 1985 facade of “Rigor and Moralization”, which was translated into torture, murder and immoralization for 27 years now with one of the worst human rights violation of Cameroonians ever in Cameroon
It is nothing short of a precipitated laughing stalk, which must be thrashed into the dustbin of history because it is a shame to African Scientific Scholarship. What I mean is there is no empirical evidence to support claims of such ideals Mr Biya's Code espouses whereas he has not even for one moment in his entire life respected or honored the constitution of Cameroon.
We must wonder how a man uses his cynical political vantage point to impose his code of misconduct on the political landscape forcing innocent University Students to tap into their mediocrity and cynicism. Let me define that Code and put it into proper perspective.
The Da Vinci Code and Paul Biya's Code against God and humanity
Like Da Vinci 's Code against God and Jesus Christ, Dictator Paul Biya's Code is yet another manifestation of cynicism that has engulfed the Cameroon Peoples Democratic Movement (CPDM) regime for 29 years. It is against God and humanity. We can't fold our arms anymore. We have been patient for too long. We are tired of waiting and today I decided to crack Biya's Code in its entirety in order to expose his undemocratic and unpatriotic corrupt tyranny in clear terms;
- Paul Biya's Code of corrupt tyranny and dictatorship
- Paul Biya's Code of corruption public system
- Paul Biya's Code of torture and immoralization
- Paul Biya's Code of murder, arbitrary arrest and illegal detention
- Paul Biya's Code of hypnotism, manipulation and brainwashing
- Paul Biya's Code of intimidation, threats and harassment against Free Speech
- Paul Biya's Code of colonization, enslavement and exploitation of innocent Cameroonians
- Paul Biya’s Code of violation of the civil and human rights of innocent Cameroonians
- Paul Biya's Code of fraudulent election laws and Bogus ELECAM
- Paul Biya's Code of conditional love for CPDM is Sino quo nun for appointments
- Paul Biya's Code of disgracing English Speaking Cameroonian Intellectuals as errand men and women of corrupt tyranny in spite of the fact that they studied in the United States
- Paul Biya's Code of no vision for a country he has ruined to enrich himself and his clique and can't declare their assets
- Paul Biya's Code of facade that Cameroon is a democracy and yet dictates Governors and Government Delegates against the will of the people
- Paul Biya's Code of colonization of the minority people of Cameroon
- Paul Biya's Code of infallibility and unlawful leadership
Cameroonians and our sympathizers must stand up against Dictaor Paul Biya’s Code of doom and oppression propagated through loud sounding speeches and media gymnastic. No political Party or regime as CPDM should torture, murder and dehumanize innocent people and be allowed to walk away. I urge you to support our struggle to hold tyrant Paul Biya of Cameroon and his regime accountable for gross violations of human rights of Cameroonians and crimes committed against humanity by the CPDM regime ,which include but not limited to MrPaul Biya himself,his evil government and corrupt parliament and others.
The world must stand up and come to our rescue.We have suffered for too long inside Cameroon.We cannot continue to be violated like this again and Lied to by the reincarnation of an evil god in Cameroon in the form of Paul Biya. This man is evil and wicked. He murdered his wife and married a new young woman. This man should not have been allowed to rule Cameroon after he murdered his first wife. He is supposed to be in jail serving time and not walking on the streeets of the International community.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Jonathan Awasom
For and on behalf of Democratic Federal Union of Cameroon (DFUC)
Ambassador Joseph Foe-Atanga
The Democratic Party.
The Republican Party.
The Cameroon Community
Friends of Cameroon
The US, State Department
The President of the United States
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