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Wednesday, May 25, 2011


         Dismantling the dictatorship of President Paul Biya of Cameroon

         The case for a peaceful democratic political transfer of power
President Paul Biya cannot impose himself on all of us like that for life whereas he has run out of ideas and vision. He should leave and have time to enjoy his life with all the wealth he has acquired while in Power. He is one of the opportunists who should be grateful and spare us the trouble of dealing with the remnants of a broken and fallen society after war. It is unacceptable that anyone should encourage him and his regime to continue oppressing the people. For all my life since I studied and read God's vision points to human dignity and freedom.

The United States Department published its annual Human Rights Report against Cameroon on purpose. It is up to me now to benefit from that report by making a strong case against the people who allow such abuses to persist. When we seek to hold people accountable on this earth, by no means are we suggesting that they ought to be angels or perfect. On the contrary the reason why we hold people accountable or confront oppression and injustice is because we are fully aware of human nature. That is why we have check and balances, and other apparatus to curb such abuses and maintain an upward thrust of society. 

                        The unique orbit of Change in the 21st century

As I said before, these are critical moments in our world. In this wise, Cameroon and Africa must not be left outside of the orbit of change. The pattern of abuse in Cameroon under one man's rule for decades has taken a huge toll on Cameroonians. What strikes me is the comment you made about turning things around. It is a huge call. A u-turn, change and transformation. This means a total reversal of the way things were going before. But before us is the same human rights reports, which have occurred in Cameroon over and over again. How do we expect to turn things around under this type of horrible and deplorable Human Rights Records by the same people for 50 years? As a political asylee in the United States of America, I believe that in order to turn things around, President Paul Biya must quit power sooner than later. This will pave the way for change to begin happening. This is the US State Department's version of the Human Rights situation in Cameroon.

 This is the Amnesty International’s version, too on the same matter on Cameroon.

One can adopt either of them. This report to the best of my knowledge and understanding are the root causes of genocide and civil war or perfect recipes for serious trouble and severe crisis in Cameroon. The sign posts are not disputable because they appear in black and white. This is too much of evidence to show for. President Paul Biya has been the same face and person who has dominated the Political landscape of Cameroon since he was Prime Minister until he became President in 1982.So, they are no other Cameroonians who could become President and turn things around? It is impossible at this moment in History for President Paul Biya to clean up his own mess.

People are given the chance in Power to do things, enact their vision for reforms/ changes and follow through with them for at least 4 years and at most 8 years. If they fail within a particular period to do so, then it is their fault. They should have the humility to leave power peacefully or step down peacefully and allow others to stir the ship of the State and Nation. The United States of America understands this. They know that unless a President is really bad, he or she should rule for at most 8 years in order to be effective.

For 28 years since 1982 that President Paul Biya has been in Power how many Presidents have ruled the United States? Let all of us do some research in order to get the historical facts straight. Why on this earth should others stay in power for life? The Presidency of Cameroon is not a monarchy but it has been made so. It is a travesty particularly as the Cameroon government operates an embassy in a free and civil society as the United States of America. I am shocked that they are very comfortable here.

How is it possible that one man would be elective as President for 26 years?

There have hardly been any free and fair elections in Cameroon since I was born. People can belong to any Party or organization/movement of their choice in Cameroon. It is their right to free speech and right of association. The point is we should hold each other accountable to the extent, which if anyone make mistakes, they should be open to accept those mistakes , get out of power and reflect over those mistakes. This is what happens in the United States where we all are under protection in one form or the other because we could not be well protected in Cameroon.

I always point out that the modest authority I have is the fact that I am currently in the United States as a political asylee because of President Paul Biya and his CPDM regime.What bothers me is that CPDM according to this report is more of the same since 1982 and when will the President turn things around? President Obama acceded the Presidency and it is not up to a year he has already delivered about 5 Press Conferences and addressed a joint session of Congress amid mounting pressures from opposing forces.

Even from the quarters that elected him into office to explain his vision and projects. This is holding the Presidency and President, and his administration accountable. It is on these grounds that people will Judge his work and if he does not deliver, they would vote him out. Because he and his wife are conscious of this just as previous Presidents, they cannot fool around with the White House and the duties that accompany that office and home. I applaud and celebrate the US.


I tell people all the time that I admire and respect the United States a lot and they would say, it took a long time before they could arrive here! That is true. I know this and my heart goes out everyday and single moment to lives sacrificed for the sake of this nation during slavery, civil war and civil rights movement. But then why don't we copy good examples? People learn from their mistakes if they are smart or learn from the mistakes of others. That is how life is supposed to be when people are self-conscious that they share this universe with one another, regardless of their views and origin within space and time.

So, we want to fight wars or take on each other in a civil war because other nations on earth have done so or been through that? If we always repeat bad history, then we are not learning, in short it means we have never been to school, right? When Americans rose up and blamed President George W Bush for the War and the Economy, they had the chance to hold him accountable. He left Power peacefully and gracefully while insisting that he acted upon the dictate of his conscience.

Also, for the best interest of National Security and human freedom based on the intelligence he was provided. Still, he did not change the Constitution or establish a fake electoral commission in order to stay in Power forever. He retired and allowed room for others to lead and only History will Judge him, I guess. Why is President Paul Biya and his Ministers, many of whom have earned degrees in the North America (Canada and the United States) and Europe not getting it?

Thanks for your interest

Jonathan Awasom

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