--- On Sun, 8/15/10, Jonathan Awasom <jonathanawasom@yahoo.com> wro
Focus and Maximization of Vision, and Energy
My Fellow Cameroonians and Friends of Cameroon
We must insist on the theme of leadership as one of the methods through, which to succeed in convincing the world that the CPDM corrupt leaders are not the kind of leaders that we need for this century. This is one of the grounds upon , which our case against them will arouse compassion and consciousness for freedom and change.
The case we are building up against the communist CPDM government of Cameroon by using practical examples of violent violation of human rights and civil rights are graphic demonstrations of bad leadership. In a society like Cameroon where we have educated citizens at home and abroad, it is unacceptable to allow less educated or uneducated literates to run the country. They are a hazard to post-modernism and the global village of brotherhood and sisterhood.
Good leaders have a sense of maximization of their time and energy effectively in ways that will be productive in order to enable them become successful. Every good leader in both private and public life must have an idea about how to tap into their abilities in order to reach their full potential to inspire and empower those they lead.
To live with the consciousness that one day our time will be up, perhaps is the main reason why good leaders in other societies take a life of leadership and service seriously.To them leadership is about service for the common good and not about clinging unto power and using all tactics and tricks to remain there forever!
Good leaders know when their time is up meanwhile bad leaders never know when to quit because they are either egocentric or simply uneducated about the principles and practice of leadership. We must emphasize that the CPDM corrupt leadership represented by the President, his government and Parliament are no longer desirable for this particular time in history.
It is scientifically and medically acknowledged that almost all US Presidents get older during the first four years of their Presidency.Why? In fact, the issue is not the unusual aging as it is clear evidence that the job of the President is not to eat, drink and sleep, ride in private jets on expensive foreign vacations for as long as they want.
The truth is they are working within a free and transparent political system,which obliges them in spite of human nature to be accountable.By being accountable they maximize their full energy and time in ways that keeps them committed and dedicated 24/7 around the clock. Good leaders run for public office to serve and not to be served upon as kings.
If a President and his government are tired and lack vision for the people, they should leave office and clear the path for the new generation. This is the dawn of a new era for leaders who have a vision for the people .Therefore, now is time for us to refocus full time to tackle the CPDM communist regime in Cameroon , Africa .
The difference between us and God is, God is immortal and human beings are mortal. If this is not the justification for humility then what is the point being arrogant with corrupt power when we are only mortal beings? For how long will mortal men trick themselves?
My fellow Cameroonians and friends
Like I said before, we must be sensitive to the distortion of the meaning of leadership by those who constantly refer to dictators in Africa as " African leaders". Therefore, it is sad sometimes when people fail to compare and contrast good and bad leaders. I come today to reiterate my promise for this ongoing campaign on visionary and inclusive servant leadership designed as a blueprint for education, inspiration and empowerment of Cameroonians and Africans.
This unprecedented philosophy is working but at the same time, we have people in our midst who are misusing their energy by fighting the truth. What they are doing is counterproductive for the common good although they get paid by the CPDM regime for their egocentric activities.
However, be rest assured that God will not allow this vision to be tampered with by anybody regardless of their race, color, class, gender or creed. God is no respecter of arrogance that is a threat to the realization of a free world for God's people. This arrogance is well noticeable through the stubborn resistance of the CPDM communist regime to change.
Let me observe that generally African people are extremely resilient and capable to keep the flame of faith, courage and conviction glowing. Let us not forget that it is more than 150 years since we Cameroonians and Africans have endured the worst of corrupt and reckless leadership in that continent.
There is evidence that their task was made lighter by only some Cameroonian and African people who exploited every occasion for personal riches and gains at the expense of others.After colonization and now neo-colonization some of us are still arrested and detained for lack of immigration documents. Shall you remain a slave all your life? Kicked out of your own society and deprived of basic human and civil rights in another society?
Who are we? Foreigners and strangers everywhere including where we were born. These are salient issues that confront us all. Although some people aid and abet this mediocrity because their parents steal from the people and sponsor them overseas, the rest of us must not be blind. What is the point of a nation if the people can't seem to have any control over their own destiny and promise?
Therefore, we will always be categorically clear that no small effort be underestimated even if some people do not believe that working from outside is good enough to bring freedom and change to Cameroon and Africa . How can one ever know exactly how change will happen? We must stand up and face every difficulty with faith and conviction.
In the course of time, we have heard and learned of patriotic heroes and heroines who have sacrificed for us all to make Africa a little bit better. We must continue to fight with the believe that each day a hero or heroine is down, another one is immediately born.
This is just something that is mysterious about creation otherwise how can we explain the continuum of like-minded citizens who often appear and behaving like those who have lived before on the face of this earth? You wonder if they are reincarnated, right?
Thank you
Jonathan Awasom
I have never lost faith in humanity in spite of the injustices I have faced in the struggle for justice. Truth is a prerequisite for justice and liberty. My vision is for a virtuous and free society. Here is a catalogue of wikitruths. I speak truth to powers as the most effective tool for change since I was blessed with this exra-ordinary gift.Yes, I have infleunced world leaders and millions of lives changed already with wikitruths. Truth is the greatest force for good
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