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Friday, May 27, 2011


--- On Mon, 8/15/05, Jonathan Awasom <> wrote: 

             My Experience of Dictatorship and Democracy in Cameroon


These articles will be focused on  my experience of dictatorship and democracy in Cameroon as we struggle to build a virtuous and free society. This is my true story as a political animal from Plato 's perspective. It is neither  exaggerated nor understated. These are facts and events that I experienced since I was 12 years up to when I was 29 years before leaving Cameroon to US as a religious and political missionary. I owe  you the moral responsibility to be truthful because I am hurt seeing or knowing that ignorant ordinary people are suffering. My heart goes out to them because that is not the kind of life God desired for them under a corrupt tyranny and dictatorship.

God had good intentions when he created us. Be it known therefore that these issues may spark up a conversation and debate toward a new way of understanding our problems in Africa. Remember that I will be doing disservice to myself if I deny answering this responsibility. Perhaps, one has to listen and discern God’s voice because it counts in matters of one’s faith and purpose in the world. You will be confronted by questions regarding democracy and freedom when you compare my story with your story in this country. I assume that many people are not informed about what is happening in other parts of the world and so I thought that sharing my story might help people in other places know about us. 

My heart goes out to all the lost souls and bereaved families that suffered in the horrible genocide in Rwanda.It is hightimes for the world to know what is happening in Africa. I feel that it is our moral duty to bring our stories and situation to the attention of the world so that good people can explore the issues and ways to help. Cameroon has similar problems like any other African country and anything can happen. There is no guarantee that because it appears peaceful, it means it is doing fine! The Socio-economic and cultural outlook is a perfect set up for anarchy. The worst nightmare is knowing that the government  is autocratic.

This is because the political culture of dictatorship in most African countries, Cameroon being no exception to this rule, is responsible for the many ethnic divisions and civil wars there. Therefore, it suggests to me that one needs to look into that and grasp the nuances, internal conflicts and divisions that could lead to civil war or genocide.In Cameroon we have struggled since independence in 1960 to be a democratic country and when multi- partism was introduced we thought it would change our country. We are still on the road to the kind of democracy I have experienced here in America. It is a very long and winding journey of cracks of frustration but marked by strides of hope. The only thing left for the oppressed.

They hope that one day they,too will be free and that their own” wills” will be a determining factor in deciding who leads them.Their input does not seem to matter since elections are rigged all the times. The leaders have not given us the chance to fully exploit the values of democracy for the last 50 decades. They make dishonest comments like Cameroon has its own democracy. A standard definition of democracy, which was reiterated by Abraham Lincoln in his 1933 speech in these words, “That this nation under God, shall have a new birth of freedom: And that Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”

 Is there another type of democracy in world that is different from this definition? Are the rules of the game of democracy different? Who started the concept of democracy and how does America intend to export democracy to Africa? Do they have to be spectators, coaches, architects, participants, observers, diplomats, negotiators or what role will America play in the future in order for the people to bring about democracy in their countries? If we are not questioning the undemocratic ways of the dictators in Africa and challenging them to do the right thing, then unknowingly, they are being taken for who they are!

In this paper, I may not provide the correct answers but I dare ask the questions in order to provoke a different kind of political rethinking and diplomacy. Sometimes it is good for a father or a boss to listen to a child because they too have their own story to tell. I hope that even though I am from a “developing world” my humble opinion will be taken as they are to help us to reflect over some of the most pertinent questions of our time namely exporting or importing democracy. I hope that you‘ll find my thoughts worthwhile and join me in the conversation/debate. Tomorrow, you may be Governor, Ambassador, Peace Corp, pastor, missionary, businessperson, engineer called to serve in Africa not as it has always happened.

Your life in this world was made for a purpose and you have to be conscious of this in every service. Yes, as a Cameroonian this is my own humble opinion as I see it so that crimes against humanity are not hidden in the closet of political hypocrisy that has wrecked my country since I was enlightened. Also, I am one of the new generations of Cameroonians who want genuine democracy in the land after admiring the freedom that is plenty in this country that I have always known as the land flowing with milk and honey, a land of endless opportunities and the most powerful nation on earth. How can this power bring hope and healing to the hurting people?



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