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Wednesday, May 25, 2011


                          The stakeholders in Cameroon in the 21st century. 

The political, socio-cultural and economic partnership between Cameroon and the United States is reflected in Comparative and International Development Education. Politics affects every component of life in Cameroon and the United States but I dread civil war or genocide. It is counter-productive and is not always a learning curve. My educational goal is to reverse the way people think and to initiate a comprehensive peace plan that will help us to move forward. There must be a peaceful means through, which we could gain access to the mineral and natural resources in Africa in order to avoid lost of human lives especially babies, children and women.

Life ought to be precious in every society and we should protect and preserve everyone if we can. I will also continue to educate all stakeholders toward a peaceful democratic transfer of political power. We are all human beings and should respect one another regardless of who we are. This peace plan and its offer are centered on forgiveness and reconciliation, which is another form of accountability under prevention, is better than cure. Remember, Albert Einstein once said that “Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them”.

Our approach is early intervention and prevention of civil war or genocide with the believe that it will save more lives and preserve development and civilization. Since, I am in the United States under political asylum I believe that my story should help to bring about positive change in Cameroon. This is what most Americans wish for, too. Since the United States government knows of my situation, I believe very strongly that I should advocate and influence peaceful change. We have all earned the right to live with dignity locally and internationally.
I will engage everyone involved in Cameroon. Every shed of opinion counts because they too believe in changing Cameroon. So, we need to come together and hold each other to account (dialogue) so that Cameroonians and the civil society will be informed. In that way, we could win their support to our noble endeavors. I will mention the players I know very well in the order, which they became known.

1. CPDM: Cameroon People Democratic Movement is the ruling regime since 1985.There are the Party that has forced all of us Cameroonians to quit the country. This CPDM party, which has held unto power for at least 26 years, now forced me and others to lived in a society where I was not entitled only to charity! Charity is not justice. It was only a temporal relief effort and most often it was not even available. Our societies are turned into a charitable organization because the leaders have forced people to believe that charity is the only means for them to survive. They exploit the country into private bank accounts and then allow the crumbs to fall down. I think that all leaders should declare their assets. They run the country as if the rest of the people are fools!

 2. SDF: The Social Democratic Front: Top opposition Party in Cameroon, which has championed the transition to multi-party politics since 1990. SDF continues to fight for political power through free and fair election. They have criticized the Electoral Commission.

 3. SCNC: The Southern Cameroon National Council believes strongly and passionately in the English Speaking Cameroon cause as the marginalized minority. This school of thought doesn’t believe that they ought to be subjugated by the French Cameroon because they were always separate but not separated.

 4. CIRUC: Cameroon Integration, Reconciliation and Unification Coalition. This is a non-violent peaceful effort to rally all people that dwell in Cameroon to mend our country because we are bound to co-exist. CIRUC has a peaceful game plan and support the right of Anglophone Cameroon to exist independently and separately under a federalism system or be adopted by the United States of America.

 5. ACCDF: All Cameroon Cultural and Development Forum: Since Cameroon is a nation of multi-ethnicities,ACCDF's vision has been to bring all these different ethnic groups together so that they would jointly celebrate and promote their unique cultural heritage. Besides, ACCDF also believes in the peaceful transition of political power in Cameroon.

6. PAAWE: Patriotic Aboriginal Anglophone of West Cameroon Extraction. The protagonist is promoting English Cameroon Presidency granted that the French Cameroonians have already ruled Cameroon since January 1st 1960 till date. He fills that it is time for an Anglophone to rule. We are looking forward to this vision among English Speaking Cameroonians. 

7. PICAM: Progressive Initiative for Cameroon. They are a grassroots organization working together with the civil society for the good of Cameroon. Their focus is politics and poverty.

8. CRYER Foundation: They believe that all Political prisoners in Cameroon be released immediately by the Regime of President Paul Biya. Cryer Foundation also share in the vision for a peaceful transition of political power in Cameroon

9. CAMDIAC :  This is a political advocacy organization that support the novel idea for a transitional government and also working for the rebuilding of Cameroon. These Cameroonian activists in the Diaspora have been calling on the dictator Paul Biya of Cameroon  to step down like President Mubarak of Egypt. See details of the Memorandum that we published since 2010 to this effect by clicking on the link below.

DIASPORA CALLING ON PRESIDENT PAUL BIYA TO STEP DOWN IMMEDIATELthe declaration by cameroon diaspora for change ( camdiac)calling on president paul biya to step down immediately and for a 33 council transitional government - Cached

10. FREECAM AND FOLOVE: Free and Change Cameroon, Africa and Fountain of Love International is also a political advocacy organization, consulting initiative against dictatorship, corrupt tyranny to end poverty and corruption  with the power to lobby for the exportation of freedom to Cameroon as well as promote mutual partnership between Western powers and business people with vested interest in Cameroon. The idea about fountain of love seeks to break down barriers and build bridges of collaborative initiatives to promote cross-cultural immersion and experience  to reflect the universal principles of human dignity. FOLOVE believes that all people regardles of their race, gender, sex and religion and creed are entitled to live in a free and virtuous society as well as express themselves in ways that will catapult them to unleash their abilities and successfully pursue their dreams in life.

 Thank you for reading


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