The State of human dignity and Cameroonians on political asylum
My heart goes out to hundreds of US citizens who struggle everyday to help refugees and political asylees to resettle in the United States. Many thanks to all of them through out the United States who labor everyday to advocate for policies that will empower refugees and asylum seekers. Therefore, it is disturbing for any Cameroonian who does not deserve to be treated as a refugee or political asylee to stand in the way of those who ought to benefit from it.
Political asylum frauds have mistakenly led to the deportation of people who had a good case. It was just hard for them to make their case because not everyone knows how. Some immigration lawyers have tried to help people with their asylum stories and unfortunately, some have got into trouble with Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE). You should click on the following link for the full article about a Cameroon immigration lawyer sentenced to Prison gov/pi/nr/ 0902/090211green belt.htm. There are many Cameroonians who can’t articulate the issues like I would. Consequently, the victims of the system are placed at the mercy of their lawyers who feel obliged to rescue them, may be for a higher fee, which is not proper.
My appeal to the United States Officials is that no Cameroonian be deported back to Cameroon including those who are part of the system of oppression directly or indirectly. My reason is simple. When normal people are bound to escape from their societies of birth, then there is something that is seriously inappropriate about it. There are victims of the monstrous systems they thought it was good for them.They don’t feel secured and free under a system that they have benefited from.
I pity them because they are not educated about the truth. Honestly, some people are just ignorant and foolish in this life. It is up to us to educate them with the truth. However, we should ensure that innocent people are not arrested, deported or denied admission into the free and civilized world. I plead that those whose political asylums have been denied should be reviewed. There are also some Cameroonians who are awaiting deportation who should not be in jail right now. I am ready to testify against the Cameroon Government at anytime I am called to help redress these problems. The Cameroon government and Ambassador are the people who created all these problems. I want to continue working together with the United States Government Officials to solve these problems for the good of everyone.
The issue is, all of us are born into a grotesque political culture. I am very convinced that almost every Cameroonian who applies for political asylum deserves it so long as they were genuine. The desperate quest for legal status through political asylum and DVD green card lottery is eloquent testimony to the fact that, we free and civilized people should never support any form of dictatorship or tyranny in Africa. Dictatorship and tyranny forced first American immigrants to flee from Europe.
So, the history of immigration should always remind us about who should be the first beneficiaries of the United States. This is the most peaceful manner in, which I can communicate the truth. I hope we will reason together. There are hundreds of Cameroonians living under the shadows because their asylum applications were denied. I urge the United States officials to give them a second chance and allow them to be heard again. I will love to testify and defend them under these circumstance based on the intelligence I have gathered for the last 20 years since I became conscious and discovered the truth.
Moreso, I believe that we could be propelled to become real instruments for justice and peace in this journey into the 21st century if we stand up for the truth, a journey that underscores the common bond we share as human beings; the common thread that runs cross-culturally to lead us to the shores of beautiful diverse communities; the desire to put our knowledge and skills to work by inventing a new society that must compete and co-exist with other civilized and free societies in the universe.
Cameroon should not be an exception to the rule of law, civilized and free people where human dignity should be honored. The flagrant abuse of human and civil rights inside Cameroon society by the totalitarian government is not O.K. It is important that civilized and free people who operate in Cameroon like the United States government and Religious Leaders understand this concern. That they should not only speak out against those abuses but it is time for them to be intentional in helping us to end them. The State Departments version of human rights abuse by the Cameroon government is available later on this website.
We need to hold the government of Cameroon and the Cameroon Ambassador to the United States accountable for such anti-America and anti-human being practices. We are not in this universe to ask dictators to improve on their records of abuse and usurpation of the rights of other human beings. Our role is to hold them accountable for deliberately dehumanizing people who have also earned the right to “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness”. This is one way to understand truth in the light of the injustices against innocent people simply because they are standing up for their rights.
As a political asylee in this great country, I want you to know that it is sickening that the Cameroon Ambassador in the United States is having a lot of fun in a free and civilized society whereas his Bosses in Cameroon are perpetrating one of the worst political systems on this earth. They have trampled and undermine the rights of Anglophone Cameroonians in one of the most unacceptable manner of abuse; arbitrary arrests, torture and extra-judiciary killings and imprisonment without trial.
They have shot and killed University Students for expressing themselves against University policies that lead to economic and financial exploitation. They are capriciously keeping political prisoners who are English Speaking Cameroon minorities because they express a different political view. It is critical at this hour in history for the Cameroon Ambassador here in the United States to take cognizance of the fact that there are no political prisoners here in the United States of America where he is residing on a diplomatic mission. I also want the Ambassador to know that for the length of time that I have lived here, I have not seen Universities students shot for standing up to change some policies against them.
The First Amendment to the Constitution protects everyone who lives here including Cameroonians whose parents are the government officials torturing others. It allows American Citizens and new immigrants like me living here because of the bad and corrupt regime in Cameroon, to freely express ourselves. By so doing we raise awareness about what we will like to see changed. This is a very basic human right and I can’t understand why the Ambassador does not get it? I believe it is time for immigrants living in the United States to copy good examples here and take them back to their conclaves, at least for the sake of justice, peace and respect for human dignity.
The United States of America still remains an ideal society to me because the Party in power is obliged to be accountable at large while the opposing parties never quit asking them to account. In Cameroon, the ruling junta conduct themselves as invincible and regularly cracks down on their opponents and the downtrodden. It is very gruesome and I had to make up my mind to compare and contrast the government of Cameroon and United States government.
If Cameroonians living in the United States on political asylum really love this society and enjoy being here then they must not support, aid or abet the same government and political leaders in Cameroon they claim violated their rights. If dictatorship and tyranny forced them to escape into the United States of America, then it is ethical for them to distant themselves from their oppressors and abusers. It is not only intellectually dishonest but also unethical for anyone to mislead the United States Government Officials in their political asylum documentation about torture if it never happened.
I take my asylum case very seriously because of the real victims of the system I left behind. Therefore, to have people lie to the immigration and State Department just to obtain legal documents and hiding in the United States while openly supporting the same government they claim abused them is an insult on those who were actually tortured and hurt. It is fair enough, and may be noble for the Cameroon Ambassador to the US to report Cameroonians in the opposing camp of the ruling CPDM Party, for asylum fraud.
But what about members of the CPDM party living inside the United States on asylum? However, the Ambassador should regret the fact that his government caused such folks to escape from Cameroon. If his government was accountable by respecting human rights in Cameroon, he would not have any reason to complaint. On the contrary, the Ambassador and his government ought to turn in themselves to the United Stated Officials and civil society after the release of the graphic human rights records against Anglophone Cameroonians.
This is the premise of my force of truth to help us set the records straight. This is in the light of the universal principles of human dignity between Cameroon and the United States of America. It is sheer folly and malice for people to sustain a statusquo of oppression that they and their families cannot withstand it. To the extent, which they have convinced me that it is only in the United States of America that they could find true freedom, justice, peace and happiness, why won’t they even respect the basic rights of Cameroonians? Why don’t they pay attention to the reports published against them?
Humbly submitted
Jonathan Awasom
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