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Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Students of Newark setting the pace in Volunteering: Tapping into the Human Spirit, unlimited capabilities and potential
Part One
Motivation and inspiration
Motivate Students, capture their attention, engage them and arouse their enthusiasm with this conversational approach. In public speaking we must  find a connection with their story so as to energize and galvanize the audience and get them involved in volunteering
Do you know the best thing that ever happened to the City of Newark ?
It is all of you students who keep our city and community full of energy and life. I admire all of you and wish I was in your position and doing all the home work, writing papers and making all the incredible grades and hanging out with friends in the park and going to parties!
You know I like to volunteer from time to time helping students to figure out their dreams and then make a comprehensive plan of action on how to achieve their dream. How many of you have been paid for every single activity that you have carried out in the last month? How many of you have not been paid for every activity in the last one month? How many of you did not expect to be paid financially? How many of you  feel rewarded?
We have come to realize that the pride of every country and the citizens is measured by their spirit of sacrifice and volunteerism towards building a better country according to her potential and talented people. One of our finest goals is to tap into the talents of students in order to empower them to reach their full potential not only as responsible citizens but as the new generation of leaders.
This volunteer action is about you as a true citizen of this great nation as a beacon of hope for humanity. This is a vote of conscience that has the power of victory for everyone who has found their purpose and meaning in this world of service. Every student is entitle to dream and aspire to make their dreams become reality and volunteering sets the moral standards for service as one of the ways to give back to the city and community, which has nurtured you.
Imagine you not living in a city or community that is healthy and safe, do you think you can have a sound mind to focus on your dreams? The tendency is for people to always quit but from today your two hours, three, four or five hours a week for volunteering will change all that.
You are about to partner with your brother, sister, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, friends, neighbors and fellow citizens to wage a campaign to bring down crimes, unemployment, obesity, truancy and idleness in our City and Neighborhoods. This City and the people are bound to prosper all the way and you are one of the most powerful catalysts for this to happen
Part Two

The formula, which marks the origin of volunteerism within is this;

The indomitable human spirit+essence of conviction+ force of courage+ compassionate patriotismthe power of collective action=freedom and change in Cameroon
Volunteering  is about “We the People” because history reminds us about the sacrifices of our founding fathers. History is on our side and the calling for all of us to stand up as one body and rebuild the City is crucial. You have the golden opportunity to transform your neighborhood into a beloved community of brothers and sisters.
Part Three
Volunteerism and patriotism
The indomitable human spirit of patriotism, resilience and compassion for fellow citizens drives humankind’s longing for freedom/liberty.If there is a concern in your neighborhood and you are conscious about it but lack compassion, do you think change will take place?  
Sometimes in life, all what we might have is the human spirit of resilience, which keeps us hopeful. However, hope must be marched with realistic, measurable and achievable goals. For instance, our case is clear.
Sometimes in life, all what we might have is the human spirit of resilience, which keeps us hopeful. However, hope must be marched with realistic, measurable and achievable goals. For instance, we are clear about the pressing problems in our city and communities. 
The Indomitable human spirit breeds conviction because it is natural and uncontested. Conviction leads to courage. Courage amounts to positive action in our world. See the formula for freedom and Change again
Jonathan Awasom

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