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Sunday, May 29, 2011


 On Mon, 11/16/09, Awasom Jonathan <> wrote:

From: Awasom Jonathan <>
Subject: [camnetwork] Yea, We Must be Free/ Anglophone Presidency: History and the Constitution/The Preamble, Articles 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 66
Date: Monday, November 16, 2009, 9:18 PM
My dear people; listen to the Voices of the ones who beckon on you; wake up from slumber my people;do  you want to be free from the system of  corrupt tyranny and oppression in Cameroon ?

                            Yea, We Must be Free…
What thinkest thou about this dialogue?
“Tell me, Socrates, are we to consider you serious now or jesting? For if you are serious and what you say is true, then surely the life of us mortals must be turned upside down, and apparently we are everywhere doing an opposite of what we should”
Calliticles in Plato’s Georgia 481C, from Plato: The Republic
The CPDM Party and regime  of Cameroon   is not entitled to the State alone although they have made themselves to be the State Party like a State Religion through hooks and crooks. They are bound to the Constitution and evidence point to a grave violation. So, we are right. Any political Party, which does not consider the Constitution good enough to be respected must not be tolerated to set a dangerous precedence.
The last time that any religion was a State religion was in the 15th century. No More State Parties or State Religions in the 21st century.That entitlement mentality to the State and State Property! President for life! Ministers for life! No declaration of assets for Life? Tyranny, dictatorship and corruption for life! Are we animals or human beings? Oh no,  I am here to tell my people we are human beings made in the same image of those who oppress us.Yea,it is our birth right to be free and I know you want to be free, do you?
Yea, We Must be Free
They are not eligible to organize or supervise elections in Cameroon per the Constitution. Moreso, nobody within the CPDM Party is eligible under the current rule of law to stand for any elections in Cameroon because they have stolen State property and public funds. They have violated the sacred document, which is the soul and conscience of the State. It is a treason and unfortunate. Nobody should encourage this kind of violation in this century. You must download the Constitution explore Articles 1, 2,3,4,5,6 and 66.The Constitution of Cameroon and Article 66 on this site:
We, the people cannot continue to be ruled by State Parties, which disenfranchises minorities and opponents in all elections. In Cameroon the State Party has deprived adults at 18 from voting. The make the voting age to be 20 because they cannot win an election, in which young people are part of the largest electorate.
They banish young people from making their voices heard! Besides, only about 20% of Cameroonians are registered majority of whom are Pro –CPDM.
Their strategy is designed to rig elections even before they are ever conducted. It is ridiculous that black people would fight for voting rights within the United States around the 60s while in the 21st century some black people within Cameroon are really standing in the way of post-modernism and civilization. I cannot fathom the rate at which people and most importantly young Cameroonians are disenfrachised in that society. Ironically their grand children or children who turn 18 within the United States are eligible to vote.It is wrong to downplay on youthful idealism or technically knock them out of political cycle and at the sametime expect them to be leaders of tomorrow. Their voices count and we must strive to make sure all people of age must be registered to vote.
I invite Cameroonians yearning for freedom to dialogue with me.
I thank those who have been in touched with me either through emails or phone calls. As I said, I am not in the habit of asserting too much importance to myself as the Presidential Candidate for the Transitional Government in Cameroon. I will continue with an open door policy of engaging Cameroonians because it is a great privilege for us to position ourselves as nation builders. Others have taken on this task centuries ago. We have seen and lived the benefits.
This is our own time. We are intelligent and courageous enough to turn a new page of history. We must pursue our vision as people who are moved beyond the stretch of our imagination by the history, politics and ideals of free people. I will unveil the details of the 21 points I submitted for your review by the end of this month. In the meantime, we must continue to rekindle the spirit of humanity from within us so that we must rise up from the desert of defeatism and despair and make giant strides to the oasis of freedom. Are you ready to be free?

Yea, we must be free
Should CPDM Party protect the citizens of the Republic? So, if these folks are instead cynical and clandestinely killing us then of what good is their Political Philosophy and their Sovereignty? I have long believed that there are jesters who have not only turned their own lives upside down but have made us look like we never took a class in History, Politics and leadership. If they are truly doing the opposite of what they should then we must act.
Perhaps it makes sense when white people are fighting for freedom from black people or vice versa but it looks really weird when we, black people are fighting for freedom from own fellow black people. If all what I have been saying is true then the CPDM Party be charged for conspiracy against the Republic. Do you think that the CPDM really like freedom? I will think so because what are they doing all over Europe and North America, which are free societies? Do you think they really know what they are doing? Do you think they really have eyes to see or they are blind people? What sort of people do you think are incharged of that CPDM Party? Do you think they appear very literate but not educated?
Do you remember the Berlin Wall? At 2am on August 13th, 1961 the construction of the Berlin Wall began. In the same year Cameroon finalized their quest for Independence from France and Britain. Since then the Berlin Wall has been demolished and 2009 marked the 20th anniversary since it was torn down. Oh, yea, they gained Independence and then turned around and erected walls of tyranny, dictatorship and corruption against our people. It is about time for the walls of Jericho to fall down. It is about time for the walls of dictatorship and tyranny in Cameroon and Africa to fall when the people of Cameroon, people who know God is on their side and they are on God’s side to march in faith around the CPDM system.
Do we, Cameroonians still suppose that there is still a wall that separates Africans and the Westerners? I don’t think so because we Cameroonians who are within the Western world have become part of what you call “ The Western World”. So, the first thing that we must do is to quit pointing the fingers at them and rather point them at ourselves and say “ We, the Western Cameroonians”. May be we have become very comfortable with Western civilization and ideals and failing to realize our hypocrisy.
Some of us are here blasting Western civilization and culture and yet are basking under it! Why are we attracted to the way of life of white people and yet when it comes to an effort to export some aspects of it to other societies they start telling us something else? Look at ourselves very well  in the mirror of Calliticles. They always told us when we were young that Western Democracy is different from Cameroon Democracy! How and why should there be a difference and what are we then doing here within the Western world? Oh no, please, you make us feel that we are very fine hypocrites. Do we still want to put up with these imposters or want to be free?
Yea, we must be free
When the people capture the moment and know that the time has come for them to be free, when they hear the voices of the ones who dare speak on their behalf, my people do you want to be free?  Then we, the people, here and over there, endowed with unalienable and sacred rights, no matter where they are, the people turn around and stir at each other as they rise up and shout at the top of their voices:
Yea, we must be free!
I asked a great question about the so-called “Jealous of our hard- won Independence”. Did a group of people fight for their independence in order to enslave and dehumanize us or to make us free? Did they manipulate us? Did they lie to us that we were Independent? Where is the memorial to remember those Cameroonians heroes and heroines who have been assassinated, murdered or killed by the State Parties? It is not Ok for us to live in a society where people operate under the subtle doctrine of “Everybody for themselves, God we all”.They kill and claim that it is the only way for the State to survive! Then as I turn around and ask my fellow country people with whom I share the same destiny and longing for freedom, do you want us to free ourselves from torture, murder, arbitrary arrest and illegal detention? The people rise up in chorus:
Yea, We must be free!
My Fellow Country people,
This movement has tapped into the philosophy of Emmanuel Kant. He contended that human beings are an end in themselves with natural rights. These Natural rights are enshrined into the Constitution of the United States of America where CPDM is established. Whenever these rights are rather violated or taken away from people there has always been a moral obligation to redress the situation.  In other words human beings are not a means to an end. They are entitled to freedom and justice just as others. If Pro-CPDM Cameroonians are free within the United States then we must also grant an opportunity to other Cameroonians to be free, too.  As I ask my fellow country if they are all set to go, they raise their voices to the world;
Yea, We must be Free!
Human beings were never born into this world to be enslaved by their fellows. It hurts a lot when they knowing go about doing the opposite of what they ought to be doing. We must stand up for the truth. Yes, freedom and Justice are built on the foundation of truth. I will never let you down. If we, the people cannot dream in our country then that society is not free. Granted that Freedom House has repeatedly declared that Cameroon is not free, we must be motivated to free people who are ready and willing to be free. Some well-known non-profit organizations like Transparency International have also joined the chorus to condemn the corruption of the CPDM system while Amnesty International has  and other human rights organizations have condemned the reign of terror on Cameroonians. The handwriting is on the wall. The time has come for us to free ourselves. Are you ready to be free?  “Are you all fired-up and ready to go” I hear my people with a strong voice :
Yea, we must be free!
This movement for the freedom of those who must be free is about the vague Constitution, which gives absolute powers to the State Parties( CNU and CPDM) imposed on us since their Independence. The CNU was a State Party and I still recall how my father was forced to vote and was obliged to present his voting card to the Police at anytime! (God Forbide, I was still young). The reason why CPDM has continued that tradition is because majority of the CPDM officials were members of CNU, too. The CPDM doctrine of Cameroon as a Sovereign State entrenched into the Constitution is highly debatable following the way CPDM system functions in the world:
·        If Cameroon was a Sovereign State why is the CPDM Party operating in foreign Countries especially within the United States of America? CPDM Party is all over the US notably in States like New York, Atlanta, Washington DC, Dallas, California etc. The CPDM officials have been coming to US and installing the Party and there are thousands of Cameroonians who are loyal to them. They have a website and you may download it and read more about their activities. So, they have the right to infringe upon the sovereignty of another country because it is a free society? Ironically in 2006 when the US Ambassador to Cameroon requested government officials to declare their assets according to Article 66, the CPDM officials went on rampage and ordered all diplomatic missions to stay out of the Internal affairs of Cameroon! What is the CPDM doing within the United States? They order people around as if the Party is entitled to the country alone!

·        If Cameroon was free from colonial role and now Independent then why are million of Cameroonians outside of Cameroon on political asylum including Pro-CPDM Cameroon regardless of their relation with CPDM Officials?

·        If Cameroon had transitioned from colonial rule to become Independent why has CPDM and CNU made themselves State Parties and refused to comply with Article Article 66 of the Constitution, which they established? My people do you want   us to free ourselves from the CPDM bondage or remain slaves? Of , course, I hear the people very agitative oncemore:
Yea, We must be Free
The struggle continues. The vision is clearer and the goal is not far fetched. The support must keep flowing and our action must not wait again. Our case must be made to the appropriate quarters because it counts. Our case has profound merits and our path to victory is charted by destiny and our determination to free ourselves. We must take our own destiny into our hands or else CPDM regime and Pro-Cameroonian CPDM within the Diaspora will not stop making a mockery of our common humanity. Yea, we the people are entitled to be free. Do you believe we must be free? Do you believe the time has come and that it is now or never for us to be free? My people can’t help it, all I hear is :
Yea, We must be Free

If they CPDM people  are here on political asylum then we are justified to seek the freedom of our people. Why do they think they deserve to be free within the United States, Canada and Europe while other Cameroonians aren’t? The truth must prevail over falsehood and all the deceptions, mischaracterization s and misrepresentations that the whole CPDM system has lived with for about 28 years is going to over now. What makes them think that they are more deserving than you out there in the world and Cameroon wandering and unable to settle? We have one of the best cases of our time with material and circumstantial evidence. The dice is cast and our people will win. We must win our freedom .We must win our rights and oncemore become true human beings.Yea, my people cry:

Yea, we must be free
Freedom and Justice are mutual partners. This must become a collective action to lead us to freedom in two phases. The total freedom of Cameroon is the original phase and next is the freedom of those who have been mistreated unjustly by the CPDM party officials and their supporters. This has lasted for more than 30 years. I want Cameroonians who share in my school of thought/conviction to really see first time how unjust the CPDM regime has been. I want you to know how it has taken a huge toll on our society because this is a drive for freedom and justice
I have been hurt right into the core of my being as a human being.  You can neither find your true purpose and meaning nor find your voice in this life if you fail to internationalize your conviction for what you want.  There must be a personal drama and tragic experience of some form of gross injustice, abuse and oppression to ignite the fire for Freedom and justice. It flows from within like volcanic emission from the womb of the earth. People see and recognize this passion and if they also could ask why, when, how and what can we do to help? They will realize that we are justified. They will come to realize that they relate with us. When there is a wound in your soul and spirit that is good enough to electrify you to stand up for the freedom all people.
Are we justified and graceful in our quest for Freedom and Democracy.  
Is it justified and graceful to ask people to comply with the rule of law and declare their assets?
Is it justified and graceful to hold violators of the human dignity of others accountable in life because all people are born free?
Is it justified for people to bear the consequences of their actions especially when they know the standards?
My fellow Cameroonians are they justified to be in the country you are? Are you justified to seek political asylum claiming you were persecuted by the CPDM regime?
Are they justified to have been on scholarship when you never had even a C grade?
Are they justified to have a bogus Bank Statement while you were seeking a visa to travel?
Are they justified to be free within the United States and simultaneously supporting a corrupt regime you claim violated your freedom and forced you to quit?
Are they justified when you are a political asylee and yet clandestinely swinging back and forth to Cameroon, and hanging out with the same CPDM officials you once claimed tortured, threatened your life?
Are they justified when you claimed a student visa and later become a political refugee when you had never been abused by the CPDM regime?
The CPDM Party and regime have not been justified and graceful for the last 27 years in power. Yet they have either blamed or hurt innocent Cameroonians within and outside of Cameroon. 
First of all I must reiterate again that when Cameroonians are struggling tooth and nail to quit or leave or flee from Cameroon, it must be seen as a pointer. It is a profound indication that they are hungry for something that is more than money. The propensity for people to yearn for freedom by dreaming out of their country although they are present in their country must be respected since it is natural. It is serious and must be taken seriously. The worst form of dehumanization of people is when they ought to be free and someone with power and influence basically and deliberately becomes a stumbling block to their quest for freedom.
When people do not know or are not conscious about what they want it is usually a different story. In the case of Cameroon millions of Cameroonians know that they are being oppressed. They know what to do in order to be free. They are many options. They either participate in different causes hoping that it leads to freedom or embark on anything that will enable them to leave the country.
What really hurts me my fellow free people is the zealous struggle for people to be free and yet it seems impossible. I hear voices and people crying, please help, please help, help, you know. When is he going to help us? I look at myself in front of the mirror every morning and wonder if I can? I wonder if they are justified to look up to us? If they are justified then I will also be justified to ask for help from others, too. We must act in this manner.   This mutual partnership and collective conscience is an impetus in this effort
The Cameroon State have used Cameroonians as a means to their greedy ends, which violates both Emmanuel Kant and President Thomas Jefferson’s profound believe about human dignity. The corruption of the CPDM regime is appalling. When leaders in a given society as Cameroon are refusing to declare their assets in consonance with the law that is sufficient justification of the worst form of corruption that can only be liken to the Ponzi scheme. When we insist that they must declare their assets they resist simultaneously because somehow it has gone on for over 40 years.
Yes, they fight back and even make us know that even over their dead bodies they will never declare their assets! If men and women do not think public accountability is a moral obligation they owe to the people why do they regroup people together and force them to be part of their so called Independence and Sovereign country? It is unacceptable to intentionally hypnotize and mislead people simply because they are either ignorant or powerless. If they do not want to be accountable to the people then they must not deceive us to belong to a country, society, community or tribe. Allow us to choose what will be for our best interest. That is why everyday people flock to the various foreign embassies-seeking visas to travel overseas.  It is a longing for freedom and my people must be free.
The CPDM system of Cameroon should hand over to the transitional government sooner than later. If they are patriotic, they should respect us and peacefully hand over so that we can get to work as soon as possible. We have a lot to accomplish for our people.How can people  take the country hostage as if we are not entitled to it? What is really their definition of Sovereignty?
Yea, we must be free. Pass it ON .Keep the faith and hold tied to the spirit and claim this moment. The time has come.
Jonathan Awasom

 Begin forwarded message:

From: Chief Usman Mbella <usman_mbella@ uk>
Date: November 16, 2009 3:30:08 AM CST
To: UB_Alumni@yahoogrou
Subject: Re: [UB_Alumni] Anglophone Presidency: History and the Constitution/ The Preamble, Articles 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 66
Reply-To: UB_Alumni@yahoogrou
This is really captivating i mean how could we be living in such darkness all these while and yet we keep quite and watch what is ours taken away from us. No anglophone holds a strategic position in Government apart from the Prime Ministerial Position to which the PM is just nothing but a figure head.
Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end
you will be wise. Many are the plans in a man's heart,
but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.”
(Prov 19:20-21)

Mbella U.
+237 7639 6504
+237 9696 5714

Dear Cameroonians for change
The Anglophone Presidency, History and Constitution of Cameroon: Preamble, articles 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 66
"The reason I write or make this particular PAAWCE argument
is so as to educate ALL Cameroonians and Anglophones in particular.  Cameroonians are both UN-INFORMED and ILL-INFORMED of their history"
Kenneth Fru Ndeh
Senior Cameroonian Journalists working at the World Bank like Mr. Eric Chinje and Mr Boh Hebert, and also Senior Political Diplomat, Dr Christopher Fomunyoh at the National Democratic Institute( NDI) are the sort of Cameroonians in the diaspora we want to look up to. I just forgot about  another Senior Journalist ,Bama Orlando. So, too is Professor Carlson Anyangwe notably as Head of the Southern Cameroon Government. If any of these persons were not educated about the history of Cameroon why would they stand on something?
You know we cannot pretend in that Cameroon or even  out of Cameroon. The question I ask all of us is are we independent as it sounds on paper?
He may be right that some Cameroonians don't know their history.
But it is untrue that all Cameroonians are both "un-informed and ill-informed of their history". These are hard times for our nation. The stakes are high .We must be careful not to make all Cameroonians look like fools who have never taken the pain to study their history or educated about their country. I have always insisted that the idea for an Anglophone Presidency is commendable but to seek it against the background of this history, which brings sad memories is the problem we must address. The question is, are we Cameroon Anglophones today going to be active transformers or passive conformists? Where do you stand? There are clearly two schools of thought. We must educate ourselves about the history of our oppression in order to necessitate our freedom.
It seems to me that there is a contingent of Cameroonians who have dismissed the history he is talking about a lot because it is a history of usurpation and enslavement. A history that is rooted in corruption, torture, murder, arbitrary arrests and illegal detentions of innocent people. This history is not about who has reigned in power but about how power has corrupted them. Does anyone suppose that one should be proud of the History of Cameroon? I am not because it is a history of tyranny and we are destined to free ourselves from that history because we shall not be the first.
The American people once freed themselves from the history of tyranny under the King of England, right? So, why should we, the people be enslaved by the CPDM system in this century? We are educated enough. The history of Cameroon should spur us to rise up and fight for our freedom. It should ignite the fire of freedom from us to burn into ashes the wood of tyranny in order to pave the way for a free country.
The Preamble of the Constitution of Cameroon is very intriguing. This is one clause, which caught my attention:
"No person may be compelled to do what the law does not prescribe;"
As I searched the Preamble, I was hoping to find a counterargument that: 
"A person must be compelled to do what the laws prescribes;"
I did not find such an argument, yet. This is my point. Every Constitution ought to have its Substance and Meaning in terms of interpretation and enforcement. It is quite obvious that we have a Constitution that is vague in most parts. It is the basis for all the abuses we have suffered for more than 4 decades. Before, I come back to talk about the Constitution, I want to opinion on the quest for an Anglophone Presidency.
The issue is not so much about an Anglophone Presidency. It is about the Freedom/liberation of people or a people from the system of tyranny and dictatorship. There are people who are hurt by that system in Cameroon and some Anglophones are part of it. The fate of people who were forced to be at the wrong place at the wrong time must not be blamed on them. Those who know better have a moral obligation now to support us to freedom.
I have not heard any CPDM Anglophone regret the fact that they are forced to be part of a system that dehumanizes the minority people. So, to contend that an Anglophone Presidency would immediately bring salvation to one without us freeing ourselves collectively will only create more problems in the future. An Anglophone Presidency risks being ridiculed and sabotaged under this corrupt system.
Suppose the CPDM system decides today to appoint an Anglophone the President of Cameroon under the same Constitution we complaint against, will you embrace that if it is all an arrangement as oppose to a rule of law? I know of President Obama who only won because he was no longer judged by the color of his skin but most importantly because all people were now treated to a certain extent, equal under law , which included but not limited to the right to vote.
Considering the fact that Anglophones are the minority, do you think that they can be effective within a corrupt and tyrannical system if that system is not changed? Will an Anglophone President dictate who is PM,Speaker of the Assembly, dictate Ministers without Senate vetting and confirmation, rule without a Senate although that is mentioned in the Constitution, dictate Governors and Government Delegates?Will he dictate Ministers who will in turn dictate Senior Divisional Officers and Prefects? Will an Anglophone President order soldiers and Police Officers to shoot at armless Students and civilians voicing their grievances against the Government? I am just curious to know exactly what the expectations are for an Anglophone Presidency? What do you or we really want? Do you want Political Power or Political Freedom or both?
The difference between other nations/people and us is, a few people believe that unless a strong institution is put in place, we risk to continue making dictators and tyrants from good people. I know really good men and women in Cameroon who have been forced by the system to become very corrupt and cruel because of the positions and powers vested upon them by the President. We have heard them say, it is the system, which means if they had a choice or option they would  opt out! So, being conscious of the fact that some of our fellow Cameroonians have taken on the survival mode, won't it be morally  incumbent upon Cameroonians in the Diaspora to help free them? The challenge is, which Cameroonian within the Diaspora are you?
If you ask me to become the President of Cameroon under this current system and Constitution, I will not take the offer because a free human being cannot function in that type of system. That is why my cry for us to overhaul the system  is primordial for an Anglophone Presidency if that is worthwhile. Every Cameroonian should see the flaws and follies of the current system in order to be motivated to fix it before we can seek political power. Right now, political power is unbalance and even made worst by the Constitution, which has given absolute powers to the President and his Presidency.
If we, Cameroonians have a reason to complain against the CPDM system, which was an extension of CNU , then we must first of all read and appreciate the Constitution of Cameroon with emphasis on the highlighted articles in a bid to have a full knowledge of why we  must not allow a group of selfish individuals to perpetuate a system that enslaves and dehumanizes people.
There is a justification to this assertion. The presence of Cameroonians overseas including people who are part of the system, as political asylees has lent credibility to my effort to question the system as well as seek genuine change. Some people see it differently but that too depends on what sort of spectacles or lens they're wearing and whether they have actually understood the difference between Political Freedom and Political Power. I seek the former and not the later because all people are entitle to be free. 
The quest for Political Freedom of our Cameroon society is different from the quest for Political Power by others. I have been concerned against the state of dictatorship and tyranny in Cameroon after colonization. As I read the preamble and the above articles of the Constitution I became more convinced that we must be free from any form of abuses; usurpation of our unalienable rights and injustices we have suffered either as a people or individuals. Does sovereignty justify oppression? Then my question is who first of all determined that we were free from colonization and had become independent? How are we free from colonization when the system is even worst than when we were colonized? If we can't tough questions then we are destined to annihilation. While a few strong or smart people can flee  not all are able.
One must wonder about the meaning and substance of the Constitution of a nation. If it is not upheld except used to blindfold people, then it is pointless to claim that we are sovereign anymore than we are indeed slaves to the lucky ones who prey on the rest through very cruel means.
The Constitution Speaks like a Parrot but it does not deliver.
Our nation bound by "the same destiny"!  I don't  know what is meant by the same destiny! Is it the destiny of colonization or tyranny? I know that there are  some people within Cameroon who have distinct cultures.It is hard to imagine what is referred to as the same destiny.Perhaps it refers to the same destiny of a few minority with abusive power  enslaving the majority presumed powerless.
What I know from the buttom of my heart is a correct definition of what the same destiny is will help us to understand each other better.
There is no basis for us to be defeated or to despair. Our endeavors is geared toward questioning the legitimacy and legality of the so called:
" Jealous of our Hard-won independence and resolve to preserve same; convinced that the salvation of Africa lies in forging ever-growing bonds of solidarity among African peoples..."
Independence from what and from who? Independence from our own fellow Cameroonians within Cameroon or our fellow Cameroonians within the Diaspora who are on asylum and still supporting the systems their parents created to suit them?
What has become of this independence for the people who still cry for freedom and liberation from those who are supposed to be the guardians of the so called independence? Do you mean those who want liberation and freedom are insignificant? If any system in this world is dumb enough not to listen to the voices that cry for salvation whether from the inside or outside, then it is imperative to seek alternatives systems that will meet the needs of all.
If we are truly an independent nation then why is one overseas on political asylum? Perhaps that independence was given prematurely because those who have political power do not know how to rule. So, did those who colonized us leave us too soon? Is there need for us to be schooled again about what nation building and statehood means in terms of respect of human rights and the dignity of every human being born to be a citizens or resident from elsewhere?
I heard the Parrot said:
"...and assert our firm determination to build the Cameroonian Fatherland on the basis of the ideals of fraternity,justice and progress;"
Well, so long as justice is not done to Article 66 of the Constitution, we must not give off.
Thank you for reading. Pass it on
Jonathan Awasom

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