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Wednesday, May 25, 2011


--- On Mon, 8/30/10, Jonathan Fru <> wrote:

From: Jonathan Fru <>
Subject: Volunteering as a cornerstone for rebuilding the City of Newark
Cc: "jonathan Awasom" <>
Date: Monday, August 30, 2010, 9:01 AM
Dear Laura

Good morning. I have completed my works on the exciting work you have invited me to be part of. These are working documents. This particular one is also on file along the supporting documents above. Thanks again for engaging and empowering me to think creatively. I get fired up once I start writing from my soul, heart and spirit. This is  voluminous but bear with me and consider this a kind of draft subject to debate and changes for the overall package you are working on.
City of Service in Newark and Africa

Volunteering as the cornerstone for rebuilding the City of Newark and Africa

Presenter: Jonathan F Awasom
Senior Community Consultant and organizer

To: Deputy Chief Service Officer

Ms Laura A. Chinchilla
Deputy Chief Service Officer
Office of the Mayor
920 Broad Street
Newark, N.J. 07102
(973) 220-1981
I am very humble and privileged to be part of the effort of the Mayor’s vision to rebuild the City of Newark, New Jersey . The City of Service in Newark provides a unique platform for us to embark on a comprehensive plan of action under the leadership of the Chief and Deputy Chief Service Officers.

How can we direct and organize volunteers as a driving force behind rendering swift and effective services to the city and communities?

What are the building blocks or support system of volunteer services and why it is first of all very necessary?

The truth is, volunteering is a very rewarding experience because it provides a unique opportunity for people to develop their leadership skills and begin to reach their full potential in life. But most importantly it is the time we show appreciation for life, family, friends and neighbors, teachers and role models we are blessed with.  I will briefly explore the following;

A new definition of Volunteers

V= Vindicators and Victors of the City who go beyond and above
O= Opportunity and torch bearers for the City
L= Lovers and bridge builders of the City
U= Uniters of the City
N=Nurturers of goodwill and good behavior in the City
T= Tenderness and kindhearted, compassionate city dwellers
E=Engaging, enlightening, educating 
E=Empowering for the beloved community
S=Servants rendering services for seniors, children and families

1) The definition of the City of Newark
2) Inclusive Leadership approach by the Mayor of Newark
3) An understanding of the Mayor of Newark
4) Background to Community Service in Newark
5) The pressing problems that need addressing within the City

1)  The definition of the City of Newark .

·Initially the city of Newark is the sum total of communities bonded together in order to work for the commongood of their communities.
·They have the civic responsibility to elect community leaders who in turn mobilize and organize members of the community to elect council members.
·Council officials elected to city are the liaison between the City and their communities where they are resident and representative of
·The city is under the Civic Leadership of the Mayor
·The office of the mayor is the political power house of the City, in charged with leadership and management of the city in relationship with the communities   that depend on her.

2)  Inclusive leadership approach by the Mayor of Newark

In order to rebuild the City of Newark and her communities, the Mayor concurred with the National Council of Cities across the United States to partner with one another, the civil society and the Federal government to reclaim the City in order to bring about more meaningful services to impact lives of the citizens. The mayor’s approach to reach out and engage people is inclusive for, which I applaud him.

In this light, he established the City of Service in Newark charged with the implementation of the vision for the City under the leadership of the able Chief and Deputy Chief of Service Officers. In consultation with the Chief of Service Officer, the Deputy Chief of Service Officer then requested my humble self to present a proposal about the nature of my input into the City of   Service in Newark .

Consequently, this paper is my own blueprint based on my knowledge and proven experience in community leadership, consulting and organizing. The subsequent articles should reinforce our determination to inspire people. In that way, give a facelift to the City and communities in Newark through specific number of support staff and volunteers.

I believe in team spirit and working together with partners who have the right attitude and spirit to make a difference. I am excited to be involved and I thank the Chief and Deputy Chief Service Officers for inviting me on board and for giving me the opportunity to express my interest and enthusiasm.

3) An understanding of the Mayor of Newark

·The Mayor is elected with a vision for the City.

·He is the first public servant of the city apparently accountable to his constituent that elected him into office.

·As a visionary leader the Mayor has articulated and defined his vision for the city as well as given clear directives about what, why, where, why and how his vision for the City should be carried out effectively.

·He/she is first of all a member of the community who has lived out the experiences within the community as the first current public servant and citizen of the City.

·Although he is a visionary and inclusive leader, he prides himself on his public service records of achievement for the City, country and the world around him. Granted his own spirit of patriotism it translates into his determination to work with us towards rebuilding the City of Newark
4) Background to Community Service in the City

Humankind is here to serve with respect, dignity and honor because the essence of life also entails caring for one another. This means we are called upon to treat our fellow man and woman, girl and boy the way they should be treated. Every minute, hour, day, week, months and year on a 24/7 time frame, there is always a desperate need and cry for services in every walk of life. Someone ought to listen to the voices of people crying out for help.

One thing I have learned about life is, it is only in serving that we sooner or later realize that we are also vulnerable clients of service. Therefore, imagine what happens to you when you do not get the services you have asked for politely? Yet, what if one is ignorant of these services? It is a daunting task to provide services to people but also very fulfilling when it is accomplished.

For this reason, the City of Service in Newark believes very strongly like New York that volunteerism be factored into this effort to make it work. Before we enforce the new definition for volunteerism, it is critical that we take a hard look at ourselves and have an honest conversation around who we  are in terms of the following issues;

·Consciousness of who we are as well as identify the problems of the City
·Are there intense political, social and economic problems?
·Are we residents, strangers, members with a sense of ownership?
·Are the problems due to internal and external factors?
·Who are the actors and actresses?
·Express intentional concern about these problems
· Show empathy and compassion for the City, victims and perpetrators
· Think outside of the box. It means explore the root cause of the problem. This will avoid nonchalance and encourage self-reflection and collective  sense of accountability

5) The pressing problems that need addressing within the City of Newark

A city built on the hill cannot be hidden, so let its light shine!
The City of Newark must make a decision from now henceforth to transform herself into a garden of dignity and love. To fall behind the changing times while great strides have been made forward by younger cities behind Newark is not an option. A pessimist ignores the problems while an optimist affirms and celebrates the success stories but simultaneously sorts out the problems with a good and clean conscience without turning a blind eye to them or refusing to take responsibility where it falls.

The City is expected to shine its lights of resources and services to the communities, which make up the City. Every City thrives on the quality and quantity of   services, which are rendered to citizens/residents and visitors.
By the same token, service providers must be identified and well situated with a full understanding of the kind of services they provide within the City and communities.

The City is expected to manage all the communities in ways that lead to even distribution of human resources and services. This means the City should have the capacity to sustain and enhance the development of every community that is an integral part of the community.

It has come to our attention that the Soul and Spirit of the City of New ark is bleeding. We must make hay to stop the bleeding, which is caused by;

·        the flood of crimes( homicide, domestic violence, gang violence),
·        unemployment,
·        truancy and idleness,
·        dilapidated houses,
·         homelessness,
·        Poor Sanitation within the neighborhoods
·        parenting irresponsibility,
·        Lack of sex education
·        Lukewarness and lack of patriotism must be removed from New Ark (Noah’s Ark ) because there were not to enter the Ark in the first place.

6) Rebuilding the city and communities through community

The Deputy Chief Service Officer of Newark primary focus will be to oversea the following three functional approach towards measurable and achievable goals for the city and communities in Newark .

1)     Civic engagement  through patriotism and volunteerism
2)     Political  leadership through grassroots community organizing
3)     Educate, inspire, mobilize, organize and empower citizens to take action to reclaim their communities morally, spiritually and physically

The mantra for volunteerism is patriotism. This means love for the city and the community in, which one is bound to live and obliged to take ownership of it as a stakeholder. As a stakeholder , the individual must fulfill a daily moral and physical obligation to ensure that the city and community is livable; safe, prosperous and  peaceful.

The city and community dwellers must have a presence in the city and community. If members come and go without ever giving back to the community, in a way, with all evidence, they create a presence vacuum, which eventually becomes a scarecrow to service providers and government officials. If people do not stand up for themselves why should someone else stand up for them if they are educated?

The consciousness of the people must be awoken. They must wake up from slumber and communion together in harmony to plan and develop their communities. They must first of all look at the problem beginning from within before looking from without. What I am saying is we must figure out a way to disband /dismantle people clustering or conspiring to do drugs, commit crimes, indulge in illicit sex and prostitution. The goal of directing volunteering is to overwhelm the city and community with a ceaseless flow of service-minded people with good deeds of service.

Let nobody be left behind this train of volunteering because we must overcome these problems and make Newark a place to be. The Mayor, Chief and Deputy Chief of City in Service of Newark are right on board and we are not slowing down until we get there.

Humbly submitted

Jonathan F. Awasom
Senior Community Consultant and Organizer


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