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Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Dear Fellow Cameroonian and African

Dr Thomas Chow aka EFendem

Sincere greetings

When we have a problem, we tend to frame the debate from several angles in a bid to explore and suggest concrete solutions to the problem. Many of you are confused per my observation or may be very frustrated enough to the extent, which some of you think that the way you see things must be approved by everybody. By your own utterances, which comes across to me as  a sign of defeatism, it is clear to one that you have no solution for Cameroon's  or Africa's plight except lamenting Where  will all these constant lamentation take us to? 
Transparency and accountability are the hallmarks of democracy achieved under good governance and the rule of law.When the laws are enforced, then there is a high degree of transparency and accountability leading to the possibility of changing guards based on the rules.Un till then, we cannot shout at the West alone on democracy anywhere in Cameroon and other parts of Africa when some of you, Cameroonians and Africans are not honest to yourselves about our own failures. It is expedient to blame the West but many of you Africans are actively participating with the West to achieve their goals in Africa if only the central argument is that the West is seeking out their interest in Africa.

I want you Cameroonians and Africans who pretentiously castigate the West and yet living off of the West to know that we are a triumphant generation of Africans who desperately must foster the beloved community of white and black people,  the west and Africa in this century. There are no two types of democracies. It is either democracy or it is not. Even if the west is making a grave mistake, we smart Africans are the ones to enlighten or remind them and our persistent advocacy speaks to this assertion because it is up to us to be fools or prove to them that we are not what they perceive us. 
President Abraham Lincoln delivered his Guttenberg Address in 1863 and ended up with a resounding definition of democracy as follows and I want you to take great notice about what he said in terms of methodology and application of democracy. The essential argument since 2006, has been that the West cannot promote democracy on African soil without being conscious of the system of corrupt tyranny, dictatorship as well as the indigenous African traditional institutions like the monarchy and dynasty of England.
 We have been consistent in raising this awareness but only some of you Cameroonians have been trying hard to sabotage this vision. Perhaps there are some people in the West and Africa who are living in denial but to argue that is is only the West that is responsible for our situation in Cameroon and Africa  leaves much to be desired because this is not true. Let us cross-examine this statement of President Abraham Lincoln.
 " This nation under God , has a new birth of freedom and that( democracy) government of the people by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth"  Abraham Lincoln 
His speech was adopted as a standard definition of democracy, preceded by the freedom of America from corrupt tyranny and dictatorship. He eloquently defined democracy on the foundation of freedom from corrupt tyranny, dictatorship, enslavement of black people, marginalization , gross violation of human and civil rights etc. No doubt he turned out to be one of America's greatest leaders because in terms of methodology he did not mince words that in order for democracy to prevail, a nation must be under God as a virtuous and free society (citing the original vision of the founders of America) where there are laws to the point where people can confidently elect their leaders from time to time in a spirit of patriotism and in an atmosphere of fair play.
Throughout history, the struggle for civil rights in America has been an effort to affirm the original vision of the founders as well as uphold the vision of President Abraham Lincoln.  Now, coming back to your vexation with the West. This debate was provoked by the visit of South African President Jacob Zuma to Libya as well as the comments of Billy Mukoi also in this article.There are no quick fixes to every problem but from experience and the age of similar problems, humankind has learned how to learn from the past so as to better the present state of affairs.
In spite of the oddities and follies of the human race be they white or black, a few who have the moral courage never sat quiet  but kept speaking up and doing what was right for the whole human family.  Because of them, we have come this far in history. To argue that the West is so evil without also blaming the evil Africans is pure injustice to me. From my standpoint as wholeheartedly and truthfully expressed on my blog and various advocacies,
we are condemned to live together in this particular period in history.
The West needs Africa and Africa needs the West, too. We need each other in order to survive and the question now is how do we find the common grounds around the enduring and sacred values that will bestow on our families everlasting dignity?  The issue is not about the ultimate good that Gaddafi has done to his people and Africa. American and other Western leaders have done some good to their own people per their own realities. I am sure Dictator Paul Biya has helped some families in Cameroon who will remain eternally grateful to him and will even fight to defend him till death do us part!
We are against the bombing of libya because of innocent civilians caught in the cross-fire since we could have explored an alternative solution towards removing Gaddafi from power.  This goes , too to dictator Paul Biya of Cameroon. The visit of South African President is in order and we are looking forward to seeing Paul Biya leave power peacefully. Africa and the West must work together to remove all dictators from power in ways that civillians are not affected because they were not responsible for building such flawed political systems.
My constant protest against corrupt tyranny and dictatorship is a living testament to the fact I and other innocent Cameroonians don't have to die because of Paul Biya and his CPDM regime.Yet, it is time for them to leave power. What is it in this message that you don't understand? Those who do not learn from the past problems or think outside of the box like others did  to enable a  huge success story of the current human race even with its flaws, are doomed. We need to continue  on the sacred course that will lead us to the beloved community and to have faith that it is not a figment of our imagination as it is achieved only through initiative, imitation and hard work. 
I do not agree with you and CO because some of you are very bias and seem to look at things only from your own very narrow-mindedness or selfish interest. It thus seem to one that the same selfish -interest that many of you seek is the same selfish -interest that the so called West are looking for, right? First of all , what is your definition of the West and who is a Westerner in today global village?  You mean those of you Africans who are working for the West and answering all the phone calls ,snobbing us when we call to seek support and help or who are you really referring to as the West? How many Africans work at the Word Bank, IMF, State Department, NDI, NED, Clinton Foundation and Global Initiatives, Vital Voices, Global Partnership, World Vision, USAID,US embassies overseas and hundreds of other organizations from the West?
Unless you give us statistical analyses of the above questions, to me your comments are a mere distraction from focus. I have differed from all your frustrations and subjective views with my nature and spirit of advocacy. If the West is trying to deceive, you with a different take on democracy then say so but the West is not deceiving the rest of us who genuinely believe that FREEDOM comes before DEMOCRACY. Rather than bog us down with your denialism and lack of cooperation with other Africans to educate the WEST about proper methodology in bringing about democracy, you should not mischaracterize every African into your box of ignorance and laziness.  
The West can only deceive those of you who are skeptical and lack the spirit of initiatives and the advocacy except to insult, attack and sabotage the initiatives of others, which could remedy our situation in Cameroon and Africa. Many of you constantly crying foul against the West have NEVER proposed an alternative solution for a way forward but want more people to join the bandwagon of complainers. The world can only change when we take action and become proactive. Some of you Cameroonians benefitting from the same WEST that you want us to believe is evil must be extremely careful. 
Our world today requires us to build-bridges according to universal human principles that will uphold universal liberty, democracy and human rights where good governance and the rule of law will prevail. It takes a lot of hard work. Other nations did not just earn your admiration without hard work. Those of you who really think that there is so much evil in the west to the extent that we are deceived must also begin to take action other than looking for the slightest opportunity to castigate your ENEMIES. 
In fact , we Africans are our own worst enemies and if we have to change the West, we must first of all change ourselves. For now, our generations, which I so solemnly call the triumphant generation, are operating from the center. We will continue to reach out to both the Wests and Africans who believe that the only way to save our generation from extinction is to be the voices and vehicle of love across the board. Only love has ever-conquered hate in any form, shape or manner.  

Thank you  Jonathan Awasom     

--- On Mon, 5/30/11, efundem N <> wrote:

From: efundem N <>
Subject: RE: Billy Re: Evils also have supporters-Re: [camnetwork] South African president Zuma arrives in Tripoli
Date: Monday, May 30, 2011, 9:21 PM

Billy,  you have no case to rest,since you never made a case. It amazes me when I realize that some of us are still so naive to be victims of the intrigues of the west. First was slavery,then came colonisation,with christianity as its prime weapon. Now we have democracy,and you know what, they are doing it to rescue the poor Africans from the claws of their dictators. Well,they have people like you,so they will always succeed. Atleast,I am at peace knowing that I am not being fooled. Fools will always remain fools. You pick up one line from Mr Nguni's write up and make it your focal point,just to win an argument. Why don't you read his whole write up and reflect on it,maybe you will teach yourself something.  We are all Africans,we have suffered,and with brains like yours, the end to suffering is far. Very soon,Sarkozy will replace Biya with another stooge,and to you that is democracy.
Cameroon will go through another cycle of mental and psychological torment just like they did post Ahidjo era,thirty,forty,fifty years will go by,and we will still be lagging behind,yet we changed our leaders. Look at China,Singapore, etc what type of democracy do they practice,but you know what,they are a threat to the west economically. What do you think democray is all about. My brother wake up from sleep.Efu

--- On Mon, 5/30/11, Elkanah Mukoi <> wrote:
From: Elkanah Mukoi <>
Subject: RE: Billy Re: Evils also have supporters-Re: [camnetwork] South African president Zuma arrives in Tripoli
To: "camnet work" <>
Date: Monday, May 30, 2011, 3:26 PM

When somebody says, "Do you think that democracy means that leaders must be changed all the time," according to you that's intelligent talk right? OK, if that's intelligent, then we should never change Biya as a leader even when he dies since he is a leader we should do everything possible for him to come back and continue to rule us since we truely want to practise "democracy." I rest my case. 

"If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer." [Obama-Nov. 4th, 2008] Prof. Billy[Image]                         [Image]

 -----Original Message-----
From: Elkanah Mukoi <>
To: camnet work <>
Sent: Mon, May 30, 2011 11:04 am
Subject: RE: Evils also have supporters-Re: [camnetwork] South African president Zuma arrives in Tripoli

Grand Gus
Anyone still supporting Gaddafi's stay in power must not be far from supporting Biya's stay in power. I don't care how much good Gaddafi have done to his Lybian people, I want to think that Lybia is not Gaddafi's property whereby he will debrive other young Lybians access to the throne. Who knows, some young Lybian president could have done better than Gaddafi. If you don't compare two things, you wouldn't know which is better. Same as Biya haS decided to recycle his ministerial cabinet over and over and over with the same old people that have been there since 1972 while we have competent Cameroonians equiped with knowledge of the 21st century roaming the streets without jobs. Some of Biya's ministers don't even know how to turn on a computer same as Gaddafi. When will we give a chance to these young intelligent Africans to impliment their knowledge of the 21st century technology? All these old people should make way for a new breed of technologically savy young Africans in a bid for us to advance our continent to meet the standards of this century.

"If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer." [Obama-Nov. 4th, 2008] Prof. Billy[Image]                         [Image]

Date: Mon, 30 May 2011 10:38:44 -0400
Subject: RE: Evils also have supporters-Re: [camnetwork] South African president Zuma arrives in Tripoli

  Dr. Tagne:
NATO and the Crusader nations are already decimating Libya. Its only a matter of time before Quadaffi and his family will be killed. I hope that you will be happy then. I am definitely certain that the same fate is not reserved for Biya. You see they are not the same types of dictators. Biya is the kind of dictator that crusader nations patronize because he helps them put us in our place, and give them everything that they want. Quadaffi on the other hand tells us the sky is the limit to where we want to reach. He is the kind of dictator that the west are most afraid of because with his idealism coupled with his financial resources can move mountains, whereas our Biya is mostly concerned with mundane material wealth for himself and his clansmen. If you think that Obama or Sarkozzy will come and deliver us from Biya's grip, then you have another think coming. Its not going to happen until all of leave leave our computer screens and actually present in Cameroon.


From: rexon nting <>
Sent: Mon, May 30, 2011 7:32:49 AM
Subject: [camnetwork] South African president Zuma arrives in Tripoli
  South African president Zuma arrives in Tripoli
Mon May 30, 2011 11:24am GMT Print | Single Page [-] Text [+]
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - South African President Jacob Zuma arrived in Tripoli on Monday for talks with Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, a meeting some hope could help find a solution to the violence in the country.

Zuma walked down the red carpet at Tripoli's airport to meet assembled dignitaries to the sound of a band and children chanting "We want Gaddafi!" in English, while waving Libyan flags and pictures of the leader. There was no sign of Gaddafi.

Fighting broke out in February between forces loyal to Gaddafi and rebels, chiefly in the east of Libya, seeking to depose him. NATO later intervened in the conflict under a U.N. mandate to protect civilians from Gaddafi's forces.

The U.N. Security Council voted in March to authorise a no-fly zone over Libya and "all necessary measures" -- code for military action -- to protect civilians against Gaddafi's army.

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