50 Years of Dependence on Foreign influenced Dictatorship against the Oppressed in Cameroon is enough.
Cameroon Diaspora for Freedom and Change is calling on President Paul Biya to step down immediately in wake of the overwhelming cry of Cameroonians in the Diaspora and within Cameroon for change. President Paul Biya and his government have violated the Constitution of Cameroon in myriad of ways, which has been highlighted by many Cameroonians at home and abroad.
Therefore, any government, organization or individual that will support the dictatorial regime of President Paul Biya and his unconstitutional quest for the presidency in 2011 will be held accountable at the International Court of justice for violating the civil rights of Cameroonians. The Cameroon people have suffered for too long under inappropriate foreign influence of dictatorship whose corporate economic interest in Cameroon has resulted to outstanding corruption and swindling of public funds by Cameroon CPDM Officials. As a result any government, financial institution or organization that will carry out monetary transactions with the Biya administration would be taken to the international court of justice by the Cameroon Diaspora For change.
We believe that all people on this earth regardless of their race, sex, origin or creed must respect and value the rights of others to pursue liberty, life, prosperity and happiness as proclaimed by President Thomas Jefferson. Therefore, we value the universal principles of human dignity as well as uphold the call of Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr for the Beloved Community whereby Justice and democracy must prevail for all people.
The Government of President Paul Biya actually claims that Cameroon is an Independent Country like France! But since 1959 history has it on record that the French people have experienced different leaders as General De Gaulle, President Francois Mitterrand, Jacque Chirac and now the young Nicolas Sarkozi.
These different democratically elected Presidents and their political parties translate to us as transparent and accountable democratic governments with a constructive exit strategy that preserves civilization. Yet, in Cameroon the same people have aided and abetted dictatorship and corrupt tyranny which, they would not tolerate in their country. This is what we find unacceptable and mind boggling warranting us to speak truth to the power of the French Government and Congress.
Plato once said; “The unexamined Life is not worth living” and the French Government and Citizens must all examine themselves and their unethical business policies in other societies. If Colonialism resulted in francophonism then the parts of Africa once colonized by France ought to have been clothed by the same system of transparency and accountability in France.
President Paul Biya has best served corporate interests in Cameroon against, which background his government and the corporate people have conspired with him to perpetuate a selfish political and economic system against Cameroonians. This system has presided over one of the worst forms of deprivation, corruption and exploitation of Cameroon people.
The government of President Paul Biya and his French counterpart must know that some of the finest economic and political thinkers of the 18th century were of French Nationality like Frederic Bastiat. To learn more about him, download him on the internet. One of his famous works is “The Law”.
He was one of the most influential political economists of his time who blasted legal plundering which today is being practiced by France and the Regime of President Paul Biya against the oppressed. He argued that the law was a perverted /twisted weapon that was used by selfish people to perpetuate legal plunder.
Yes, President Paul Biya’s government is liable to the above charges by Frederic Bastiat. The lawlessness that reigns in our societies makes us wonder why we have law schools, Professors of law, the Bar Association, Professional lawyers, Courts, Judges and Law Students. It is not late to heed to the moral outcry of Frederic Bastiat calling upon his fellow-citizens of French Government and Cameroon to turn over a new page.
Therefore, President Paul Biya cannot speak about a democratic process in Cameroon when his government has failed to account for the flagrant violation of the human rights of Cameroonians. We mean those who are daily bombarded with scare tactics to force them to become part of the unconstitutional manipulating selfish minority motion of support launched by the CPDM Machine. We are sick and tired of these calibers of citizens who knowingly pervert the law of Cameroon without impunity.
We as true and patriotic Cameroonians are calling on President Paul Biya and the French government to know that we can become partners and not master and servant anymore. Slavery was abolished a long time ago and human beings have learned to understand that no nation should ever treat another nation as slaves or second-class citizens by enriching a few and enslaving the majority.
President Paul Biya must understand that the first democratic step toward the protection of public funds is for his government to step down for failing to respect the rule of law, which governs all democracies in Europe and North America, and Africa. They cannot effectively curb corruption among Cameroonians when the government continues to reshuffle and recycle the same corrupt individuals at will. We have never known of any democratic process that exists in a dictatorship and corrupt tyranny.
By mentioning this President Paul Biya has again failed to tell us how they have achieved that democratic process in the light of the Constitution of Cameroon. Yet, he even dare said in his New Year’s Message that; “We have worked diligently to start up ELECAM”. Diligence starts up with diligent compliance with the rule of law and from what we know the Constitution does not confer absolute right to the CPDM Party to start up an Election Commission. President Paul Biya cannot pretend that they have not heard us. Besides, even the European Union has expressed concern against the CPDM’s ELECAM because it lacks democratic flavor and consensus.
But most importantly, under a democratic process all people are expected to know how their country is governed in order to be more involved. Everyone can make promises about what they intend to accomplish in the next decade for Cameroonians. However, they are the same persons who for the past Five decades have destroyed the whole fabric of Cameroon economy.
When President Paul Biya took the oath of office, he swore to uphold the Constitution, unfortunately, he has failed to hold his government and the Cameroon Parliament accountable, and they too have failed to hold him accountable per the Constitution and the Rule of Law. The reason is simple; all of them are now birds of the same feather because they have all broken the laws thereby evoking the notion of unconstitutional, illegal and criminal majority of the CPDM Party and regime.
These are some portions of the Constitutions violated by President Paul Biya and the CPDM Party and Government.
“We, the people of Cameroon….
Declare that human person, without distinction as to race, religion, sex or belief, possesses inalienable and sacred rights; -The State shall ensure the protection of minorities and shall preserve the rights of indigenous populations in accordance with the law; -Freedom and Security shall be guaranteed to each individual, subject to respect for the rights of others and higher interest of the State;”
“The President of the Republic hereby enacts the law set out below: CONSTITUTION of the Republic of Cameroon PREAMBLE
In another respect, you have neither dissolved your Parliament nor have they taken the bull by the horns and impeached you. All of you intentionally engaged in a criminal conspiracy against the State of Cameroon and the people by flagrantly violating our Constitution with no conscience Articles 5 “He shall ensure respect for the Constitution “He shall through arbitration ensure proper functioning of public authorities” For instance Article 47 (2) one of the ways to ensure proper functioning of public authorities and all of you has failed to leave up to expectation.
Article 20, 21,22,23,24 and 36 The Senate and Functions of Senators in relationship with the President and Parliament. “The Senate shall represent the regional and local authorities…” We have come to realize that we, Cameroonians are also an INDISPENSABLE part of the human race that are entitled to be free and endowed with inalienable and sacred rights. “Mr. President gives us that same opportunity your predecessor gave you” by stepping down.
We must remind President Paul Biya and the corporate interest in particular that their injustice against the oppressed in Cameroon and abroad would never be tolerated by the Civil Rights Movement led by Rev Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The violation of the Cameroon Constitution and the Civil Rights of the Citizens of Cameroon is a threat to peace and stability in that region. President Paul Biya must step down and comply with the recommendations of Cameroon Diaspora for Change for a transitional government to be created to reorganize Cameroon for all.
For the Attention of
French Ambassador to the United States of America
The United States, Secretary of State
United States Congress Leaders
The Canadian Ambassador to the USA
The German Ambassador to the USA
The European Union
The African Union
The GOP Party
The DFL Party
Done on this Day of 01/25/2010 for the sake of humanity.
Jonathan Fru Awasom
For and behalf of the oppresed in Cameroon, West Africa
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