My protest Memo to PCUSA -Westminster Presbyterian Church in 2005
MEMO August 17, 2005
From: Rev Jonathan Fru Awasom
Ordained Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon
Education: After High school I was trained at the Protestant Faculty of Theology for four years with a degree in Divinity. In May, 2003,I graduated from United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities, USA with an MA in Religion and Theology.
July 27th1995: Congregations. After graduation, I was posted to Presbyterian Church CCAST Complex Bambili and Presbyterian Church Baforkum as chaplain and pastor Solo.Also responsible for two small congregations called Bieh and Small Babangki.
December 17th 1997: Behold, I fulfilled all the requirements for ordination and was ordained (I have ordination picture). After that, the Holy Spirit led me back to CCAST Complex and Baforkum, where I was inspired to write the 43 Theses. When Rev Nku insulted me in his letter of suspension accusing me for being too young and inexperienced, I augmented it to 100 Theses because if I was young and inexperienced as he claimed, why did they ordain me?
August 5th, 1998: I was dismissed without ever appearing before any council to defend myself but I rejected the dismissal because it was unjust.
April,1999: Was sued at the Supreme Court in Bamenda together with women,men and children.Could not resist the corrupt legal system and so was forced to quit due to assaults and threats and miscarriage of justice
Theme of Reformation: Social Justice
Subject: Protest to the visit of Rev Nku, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon and President of All African Council of Churches to USA
My Call and Purpose: Voice of the Voiceless
Moral Philosophy: “Right is right even if nobody is doing it and wrong is wrong even if everybody is doing it”
To: All churches, pastors, Christians and organizations in partnership with the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon
Documents available for the evidence of our mistreatment the Synod and government officials in Cameroon
-Rev Nku ‘s letter of suspension and violation of the Church Constitution and Holy Scriptures
Rev Nku, hypocritical essay about Youthfulness and his contradictory harrassement, intimidation, bullying, insults and torture of young pastors that disagree with him
-My response and denial of suspension because it did not address the issues but it was about my age
-Rev Nku ‘s letter of intimidation and threats to Christians who stood up for the truth.
-Response by Christians and an appeal for dialogue
-The Ecumenical Peace Iniative letter for Reconciliation by Rev Njah Peter Toh
-The Letter from Basel Mission in Switzerland to me and Presbyterian Synod urging Rev Nku and Synod to dialogue but they Refused and claimed that they are infallible and won’t dialogue with us
-Letter from objective Cameroonians expressing a strong desire for dialogue with proposals but Rev Nku and his Synod denied and chose violence
-Dismissal letter without trial endorsed by Synod Executive Committee without me appearing to defend myself
-My response captioned "Miscarriage of Justice"
-Court files and threats by Lawyers hired by Rev Nku and his Synod Executive Committee and the final miscarriage of justice by Mrs Mbaki Vivian at the Supreme Court in Bamenda
-Medical Report due to assault by supporters in CCAST Complex Bambili
-Newspaper reports of the situation
-Other correspondences
-A copy of the 100 thesis also available
-Letters I wrote to the Presbytery of the Twin Cities about partnership, social justice and my problem with PCC.
-Emails between me and a missionary member of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis, who led a delegation to Cameroon.
-Pictures of my ministry and March to the Bamenda Supreme Court by Christians
"Do not be comformed to this world but be transformed by renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect" Romans 12:3
Church: Ask not what your church can do for you, ask what you can do for your church (a coinage from the famous words of President JFK Kennedy)
Church and Society: Rev Moderator Nku, I urge you, tear down this wall of dictatorship, intimidation, bullying, oppression, corruption and social injustice inside the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon and Cameroon at length. (a coinage from the famous words of President Ronald Reagan)
Politics: "Let the people know the truth and the country is safe" President Abraham Lincoln
John 8:32 "You will know the Truth and the truth will make you free"
The Reformed Tradition: The church once reformed, is always reforming
My perspective: The church is inside the society and the society is in the church but the difference is, the church is in the world but not of the world. Matthew 5:13-16 defines what the church 's mission and purpose should be.
Stating the Problem
Rev Nku, the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon and President of the African Council of Churches is coming to the USA on an official visit. I am reacting to his visit following the 100 theses that I wrote and made proposals about church reforms on the theme of Social Justice. Rev Nku is the Synod pastor who influenced the abuse that I suffered, together with innocent Christian mothers and children because they were against (and still are against) social justice clearly exemplified by their life styles and mistreatment of the poor. His coming to the USA is the biggest concern. He and the Synod Committee remind me of what happened five years ago in Cameroon.I wanted to bring this problem to your attention because it is a serious fundamental human problem involving the voiceless. I want him to know that since I got into this country I have not been sleeping. My theological Statement after graduating from Seminary in this Country was about the PCC. Any studies of mine anywhere in the world will be about Cameroon because we love that country and we want fundamental change for the benefit of all Cameroonians. What was the implication of my dismissal?The PCC deprived Cameroonians that enjoyed our leadership and vision for a true and loving community where there is NO division between people. I am in a conversation with humanity and searching for people that will resonate with the ideas that I am putting out there. I want to remind him of the encounter I had with him in the Synod Office in 1999 after, which he drove me away from his office in Buea, Cameroon and ordered me to "go and find your peace elsewhere". When I returned to Bamenda from Buea, he sent lawyers after me to sue the Christians and me in the Bamenda Supreme court for writing the thesis and seeking Social Justice? He spoke clearly as though the church was his personal property. I was shocked. I did not believe what I experienced because honestly, I wanted peace and reconciliation. I ran after them begging for dialogue and they refused and toasted me out. In their dismissal letters, the concocted lies and hurriedly burried their heads in the sand like an ostrich and dismissed me without listening to me.They threatened our lives. They still care only about themselves and will do anything it takes to get what they want through their false idea about partnership and sovereignty of churches overseas.
The immediate cause of my reaction to his visit is the fact that they dismissed me without giving me the chance to defend myself. Besides, they assaulted me, threatened my life and wanted to kill me. I fled from the country. I came to the U.S.A and was given freedom by the USA government ,for which I am deeply grateful. I started seeking membership into the PC(USA).To my greatest consternation,Rev Nku and his Synod Committee refused to release me. What would they be obstructing me from being a Presbyterian pastor elsewhere after they banned me from preaching in Cameroon? They are blocking me from becoming a pastor in the PC(USA) because they don't want to maintain the status quo. Whether or not I am a pastor, it is high time that the Presbyterian Church be reformed because it is a heavy loaded abusive machine that has no way to be changed but only to be reformed. They are out with a specific mission carefully and skillfully planned, to destroy the messenger and the message. That is exactly what they did in Cameroon. This time around it will not happen again. Here is the message and the messenger. My other unpublished works and Essays include;
-Revised Edition of the 100 Thesis for the Reformation of PCC
-My Perception of the United States. It is critique based on this Statement
How does the rest of the world and more importantly, the rest of the church worldwide view America's imperial ambitions?"
-My Experience of Dictatorship and Transition to Multiparty System in Cameroon
-Reaction to G-8 Summit on Poverty and AIDS in Africa
-My stance on a peaceful Political Transformation and Reconstruction in Cameroon
-My Support for a Federated States of Cameroon in deep recognition of the marginalised English Speaking Cameroonians
-The Church and Human Rights Abuse
-Abuse of women by women in Cameroon: A critique
They know everything about me here and have informants who give them minute by minute reports about me. They have an underground movement that has been out to destroy my life here in Minnesota and I am fully aware of their activities in the dark. They believe such activities could force me into oblivion and consequently, I will recant. I cannot and I will never keep off on the truth and the values that I exude as a unique person. My convictions and beliefs about life are consistent with the desire to make the world a better place. I believe very strongly that there is enough for everybody if we think positively and act positively.
Some folks asked me, why only now? My response is simple; Why Not Now?If not now when? I am not hiding. I have been speaking to the Presbytery and some folks about my problem for more than 16 months today. They have evidence of all my struggles. I have never been quiet and I shall never be. Rev Nku 's coming is not a coincidence. It is the plan of God because humanity need to know the truth. I am boldly coming out to declare my innocence before the whole wide world because that evil in Cameroon must not be tolerated or else it will destroy more pastors. Their behavior is a pattern that has been happening in the dark until I had a divine appoitnment. Many other pastors and employees have suffered in the hands of Rev Nku and his Synod in silence. Many were pushed to the wall and they resigned and others were dismissed because they had the opportunity to study overseas. Rev Nku and his Synod did not approve that and when they did the right thing and went ahead, they were ostracized from the church. How can one explain the disconnect between refusing some people from furthering their training and at the sametime encouraging others? What is going on there? Some human right issues, abuse, oppression, discrimination and injustice. Yet, Rev Nku will send his other pastors abroad even when they are not eligible based on the policy of the entire church. All these issues are addessed later. How else could one explain that my life was safe? Sometimes, I am amazed about what would have happened. I hope you will respect my very humble but strong opinion about this mission I have on earth. It is my purpose and no matter what I do,God will bring me back to it. Consequently, I submit myself to this call with gratitude, courage and love.
Make no mistake that his coming, if anyone is in doubts at this moment is the most perfect timing and opportunity arranged by God for me to face him in a public debate about the issues, dismissal, court actions and other strange activities in the church led by him. I could not do so much in Cameroon because they collaborated with the corrupt government to stop me. I am unstoppable now. This type of divine opportunity comes but once in life and only a stupid person will miss it. I am not a foolish man because I am under the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit. I have reflected and meditated over every of my action and step. Last time when the Education Secretary Mr. Baboni Joseph came here, some Pro- Synod Presbyterian Christians picked up their phones and called me to inform me that The EDUCATION SECREATARY OF THE PCC was here. I welcomed him. He dribbled me and left. I did not react because he was only a special envoy sent to explore the sources of their money, which they will take and enrich themselves. I wanted everyone to know that this is an official matter. The Presbyterian Church in Cameroon represented by the Synod verses Rev Jonathan Fru Awasom. I will bring this to the attention of the USA government and the International community because the behavior of Rev Nku, the Synod and the Cameroon government forced me to flee from my country. Where is the messenger and the message? Please ask them to explain. Friends of Africa are always wondering how they can help us. On my part I believe that USA has the moral power in every way to influence the world in a positive way.
If you don't welcome them and give your money and resources to them, they will be forced to change their bad behavior.They are desperately in need of MONEY and If they are coming in this country for any business, then let them first of all account for their bad theology and ways in Cameroon. I will expect the PCUSA to frown at Rev Nku and his Synod and condemn in very strong terms, with recommendations based on findings, their crime against humanity. They wanted to kill and destroy me because of my ideas and conviction about faith, social justice, human rights issues, freedom, liberty, justice and pursuit of happiness for all. I would be surprised that they would expect me to be quiet. Mr. Tedah Henry was one of my best primary teachers, who led a strike against the Synod but he was fired. He finally passed away following the cruelty of Rev Nku and his Synod. Should teachers be intimidated and dismissed for asking for better standards? They have the right to protest against their mistreatment. Unfortuantely, since Cameroon is corrupt, squirky wheels have never had any oil! The church like the Government will always target the ring leaders and torture them into submission and frustration. The evil that exists in Cameroon is very much close to an invisible type of genocide where people die psychologically and mentally. Poor Cameroonians that have found themselves living in limbo, have no other place to go but to hang in there and hope against hope. One can tell on the looks on their faces that praying, singing, dancing and Christian rallies make them forget their suffering only for a short time. They end up facing reality back in their own privacy due to the unjust, immoral and irresponsible leadership provided by Rev Nku and his Church in Cameroon. My story is out. The human condition is not impossible to be changed. What is very possible is the optimism that the human spirit of love, compassion, courage and sacrifice will always overcome all odds at the end because of the grace of God.
What is the Significance of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis as a Symbol of Social Justice ? Is God Calling the PCUSA to provide moral leadership to the people in Cameroon?
What will the Synod Committee and Synod Executive of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon be preaching about on the pulpit of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis? These are impostors, bullies, dictators, corrupt and sadists .I have no regrets for using these words because I must call a spade a spade at this critical and defining moment in the life of those that have suffered from the torture of these folks. I am a living example. This church has a forum for Social Justice and is well accredited for that and here comes a pastor that opposed everything on earth that has to do with social justice and the poor but will pretend to be who he is not by doing everything to be in places that he is not supposed to be there. How can such people speak for the poor? How can he represent AIDS victims? What will he talk about when he sued poor women and their children and threatened to put them in jail because they stood for the truth, social justice and abuse of women by women in the Cameroon? They use force to cover up their crimes but nothing has changed. The situation is still the same.
When they dismissed me they claimed that I had put the reputation of the church in a terrible bad light. They talked about scandalizing the church and called my Theses a thrash! Well, from what I know the reputation of the church should be rooted in their capacity to do justice and show mercy to the poor. Well,Rev Nku and his Synod Committee should know that social injustice is a scandalous issue.They don’t know justice, love, mercy, forgiveness, compassion and freedom for the poor. All they know is violence, affluence, oppression, bullying and intimidation of poor Christians. They are a social club of exploiters that have impoverished the poor and poorest for many decades. Rev Nku participated in building that system of injustice and he was the architect of my dismissal because I proposed reforms with a strong emphasis on social justice. Make no mistake that Westminster is a symbol of Social Justice where the folks are focused on making the world a better place. The theme of the Reformation was Social Justice because that is the point of departure for the dismantling of injustice and dictatorships in Cameroon. So, what will Rev Nku preach about? My friends, examples work more forcibly in mind than precepts. My friends he and his Synod are experts in murmuring words from the pulpit like a parrot but as you read this document, you will find out, more for yourself the tragedy in the church in Cameroon. I am out to expose them because we cannot move on like this and expect the world to be peaceful and just. It is time for concrete action to do something about the horrible nature of injustice and poverty anywhere. All the people of Westminster and lovers of social justice should take note about all these things. What do they have to offer to the West? They have no moral values and sense of social justice. So, what is their claim about partnership on equal basis? They have a culture that has been diluted with Christian principles and if this is all they have to offer, then everyone has a culture, anyway. If they are asking for partnership and cannot accompany that with your values that some people hate, please ,tell them that FREEDOM,LIBERTY AND PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS IS WHAT MAKES AMERICA STAND OUT.IF THEY SAY THAT AMERICA IS NOT PERFECT,TELL THEM THAT YOU ARE MAKING AN EFFORT.ASK THEM IF THEY HAVE EVEN A SINGLE STRUCTURE OF SOCIAL JUSTICE FOR THE POOR?
Rev Nku dismissed primary school teachers and frustrated them because they staged a strike against their injustice, They have placed poor pastors at the mercy of poor congregations, he and his Synod have a policy of impoverishing pastors and oppressing them. When you cannot balance your account, you become a victim of what they call “Shortage”. The more shortage pastors have the more difficult it is for them to have growth opportunities in the church. “Shortages” have become a measuring rod for excellence because it is all about Money.The sad story is that poor pastors are paid “stipend” and not salaries while the other rich pastors and employees are paid salaries. They still have free facilities. These pastors have at least three congregations each. No matter the size of your congregation, your stipend remains as low as it is. Pastors, especially older men suffer, trekking from one place to the other and sometimes helpless in their own conditions. They have no idea about how their problems can be solved because the synod is an organized moral evil that spins on the emotions of Christians through divide and rule. I had four congregations and no means of transportation. They gave a motor cycle loan and forced me to pay back with an interest that stood at 15.000 frs a month (35.00 dollars). The amount was 250.000 francs cfa (550.00 dollars).My Salary was 50.000 frs( 100.00 dollars).I had one of the best stipends because of my education.So,think about the situation of other pastors that have as low as 50.00 dollars? The worst is that when I took the money to buy the motor cycle, I could not find any reliable motor cycle for that amount. I needed more money and I did not have it. I was helpless and besides, I had to pay back that money within a record time. If I paid 15.000 frs every month then I would have only 35.000 frs balance.(60.00doallars).This is the deplorable human condition of gross injustice propagated by Rev Nku and his system inside the church. Pastors in the cities make 10 times more and there is no just policy that puts everyone on the same wave length in terms of fair treatment. The situation of teachers is worse and the list is long enough. While all these is happening Rev Nku and his Synod have flashy big cars, houses and live in a world that is totally separate from the one that an ordinary Cameroonian can ever imagine or dream about. In what way can he and his Synod ever speak for the poor and poorest even with the advent of poverty and AIDS in Africa?
How will they ever take the case of AIDS victims seriously? They will as usual embezzle the money if you give it directly to them. In the early eighties, the Presbyterian Synod was charged to care for Namibian Refugees that were displaced and forced to seek refuge in Cameroon. Almost all the money given was embezzled until the students had to strike before they could get back some remains. Who was in charged of that program? Corruption inside PCC is a long standing tradition and practice that I think the G-8 Summit must be careful how they help these poor and helpless AIDS victims with their generous donations. I urge all of you to consider other options or copy the examples of some churches here that are already involved in the AIDS problems in Africa like Christ Presbyterian Church in Edina,Minnesota.Organised bodies such as the Synod of the Presbyterian Church are deeply corrupt and have demonstrated that they would kill anyone who dare ask them to stop corruption.I am free in this country to speak,my friends for the rest of the suffering poor,trapped there. We want that practice to stop because it is simply bad. If the world agrees that the problem in Africa is partially due to corruption then, we should also be proactive and carry out some policies that will remedy the situation because as of the moment it is sad. See my reaction to G-8 Summit in a separate paper.
The Sigficance of my Political Asylum: Did US government save my life?
First of all, why did the United States Government grant me POLITICAL ASYLUM? It was because of the Presbyterian Synod led by Rev Nku.In spite of the fact that the Synod and the Cameroon Government rejected me I was welcome here. When I was persecuted and tortured, I thought that the Prime Minister, who is a Presbyterian will stop the PCC Synod from tormenting an innocent ordain pastor of the church that he is a member of. But he turned his eyes from me and walked away. My asylum demonstrates beyond any reasonable doubts that United States is a compassionate nation.I appreciate this favor because what if I was still in Cameroon? I would be killed by now because they wanted me dead but the angels of the Lord protected me. So, can anyone tell me how the United States is responsible for the problems in the world? All what I went through in Cameroon was the job of Cameroonians. Many and if not all have university education from Europe or America.Is that what they studied from these countries? Where else could I go if not of Europe and America where some of us are lucky to have taken refuge? Even Africa would not be safe for me because how come Rev Nku is President of African Council of Churches with this horrible record of abuse and injustice? Who is to blame for our plight in Africa? Who is to blame for our plight in Cameroon? Rev Nku and his corrupt Synod wanted to colonize me to condone their injustice but I said No.They sent a senior member of the church to promise me money and to give so that I would be rewarded with the post of Synod Clerk and I said No.They were angry and decided to haunt me down.Will you not be concerned with his visit? This is the defining moment for my own side of the story to be heard. They have institutional power and have twisted and distorted facts and truths but they can only do so for so long. I am the voice in the wilderness but will shout and cry until justice is done.
How could I seek asylum and then remain quiet without using my story to better my country and Church? If I am quiet upon the visit of Rev Nku,it will suggest otherwise about my asylum and I want to make sure that everyone knows that I could not be more grateful for being alive in this country. I am grateful for what the USA government did because they saved my life. This is the honest truth. Now, I have the opportunity to learn more about the beliefs that I held in Cameroon and was persecuted for. I am out to tell my story on rooftops in order to raise awareness about the horrible state of human rights abuse in Cameroon both in the Government and the Presbyterian Church.I want the world to know about the seed of division and hatred that has been sown by the government and the Presbyterian Church in order to divide and tear people apart with hatred.This kind of atmosphere is dangerous if we consider what has happened in other African countries. My goal is simple; in order to influence positive change and to stop PCC and the Government from tampering with the fundamental rights of human beings.If you let them go away with this behavior ,they will continue to mistreat others.According to sources closed to Rev Nku and his puppet Synod, they had a big picture,which was not only to protect their statusquo ,fear of being asked to account for their phony activities,they used my case to prevent any other pastors or employees from speaking out.There was a plot to kill me in Cameroon anyway but it leaked to me and I went into hiding until I left Cameroon. I am alive, my friends to tell the truth and safe many more lives. So, this is now a question about the standards of right and wrong. Who has the truth?
The Division between the North West and South West Provinces
It is fair to let the world know that the PCC Synod is one of the modern evil empires that is existing under the canopy of a church. They are sowing seeds of division and hatred between the cherished people of the South and West Provinces in Cameroon brought about by the British in the days of colonization. That seed of division has been sown by the Synod of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon that could eventually lead to civil anarchy if we are not careful as of now. I don't want anything near to genocide to occur in Cameroon after all what has happened to other countries. My heart goes out to the victims and lost souls. This is the time to educate the world about Cameroon and save human lives on time. PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE is my guiding philosophy in this effort. The Presbyterian Church is acting like the church during the Nazis. That is why I am fully engaged and determined to bring the attention of the world to what is happening in Cameroon. The division is a perfect recipe for a possible calamity if anything happens in Cameroon.I caution the world about the role of the Synod in this matter. When people are regrouped in the dark according to their tribes and ethnic origins, I see it as a tragedy. Should the church draw from the secular world instead of showing an example of love and reconciliation among themselves?I regret that this is happening in Cameroon.I think if that question continues to be asked why I decided to take on the church for reformation,these seeds of division and hatred that is well known in Cameroon disturbs my soul as a Christian and pastor.It does not reflect what St Paul teaches about the unification of the body of Christ regardless of our ethnic backgrounds ,tribes and origin as Cameroonians.
I am asking the church to be reformed because we should be guarded by purpose and vision to reconcile God's people in the wake of the unfolding drama of His plan for salvation. In this way, we will be effective in changing the world. I condemn seeds of division in strong terms because the church should be the last body of reasonable people to go that low in life. Such artificial divisions is not caused by any particular theological issue per se or anything that threatens the lives of any Cameroonian.It is the job of the Synod Office to fan such unnecessary sentiments among tribes and ethnic groups. It happens when Cameroonians are making competing claims about positions inside the church and government, ranging from the congregation to the Synod Office and appointment of Prime Minister and ministers in the secular soceity.Infighting and quarreling, tension and such things inside the church is the order of the day because elections are not inspired by the Holy Spirit and based on competence.People fight for power because the system is a set up for corruption and it suffices to fight and if possible kill someone to get there and use the existing corrupt logistics to embezzle and do whatever they want in God 's vine yard.These are the people who deserve to stay as employers and employees!
It is common to hear some Cameroonians say, the whole place is rotten and they are left with no other choice but to also take their own share away!!!! Well, that sounds like a good logic to justify corruption and evil. What will the poor take away? They have nothing to take away and why can’t we change it and make it better? I strongly disagree with any pessimistic view about change and ending corruption because the poor and poorest, majority of them, who have never been to school, are the ones suffering the effects of all these malpractices. I am speaking for them because they deserve a good life and cannot be sacrificed on the altar of greed, corruption, oppression and passivity. What I mean is that many of us Cameroonians now living in the USA and Europe should have the moral obligation to advocate for our fellow Cameroonians that are not opportune to leave the country. We must not abandon them or just fold our arms and feel that it is impossible to change a system that is like a hydra with many heads and faces.We have not even told our story yet.We need to tell our stories to the world and let people know why we left our countries and chose a new life here. We have to tell the truth and nothing but the whole truth if we really want to be free.
The Synod has buried its head in the sand like an ostrich. They need to be rescued from the evil that has eaten deep into the fabrics of their bloodstreams. While they are out combing the place and looking for nothing but money and pretending that they want equal partnership with PCUSA, I differ with them. The first comment the Synod made was that I wanted to create confusion in order to quit and come to USA! They used that as an argument to convince Cameroonians that I was fighting for myself and would have misled them. They dismissed me and were monitoring me and planning to kill me afterwards. They created so much confusion, mixed up the story, diluted all my effort and told incredible and blatant lies. As usual, there was censorship, Christians were hungry for the truth and could not get it first hand. The story was told differently by pro-Synod Cameroonians, who celebrate mediocrity till date and corruption. They never wanted me to tell my story. I had no means to do more than I could do. The newspaper tried .I was blocked from speaking to people.I was blocked from appearing before the Synod Committee that dismissed me.They technically injected fear into people through their court action and threats.So,till date,many Cameroonians all over,have only a glimpse and often times different versions of what happened to me in Cameroon.It is a survival strategy that the Synod is using with the hope that they can move on with their malpractices. So,I had to leave in order to accomplish my purpose and meaning on earth(Romans 8:28) because they would kill me if I had not fled from the country.
In all,I have voluntarily been there for Cameroonians in sickness or health but he has sown seeds of hatred and division because he does not want me to influence positive change in Cameroon.The PCUSA is expected to distant themselves from the evil empire that Rev Nku and his Synod have built for themselves and he is not able to “expunge” because he participated in planting it.This expunge is one of his hypocritical statements found at the end of my theses just to show how he lies about who he is .
Problem? Yes.The argument they make against me is that so long as they are in partnership with PCUSA, according to their policy as members of the Reformed tradition, once they have disciplined me,no other member church can recruit me for any pastoral ministry!!!!!!!!
Solution! Well, my rationale is that, it sounds like good theology if the motive for which I was discipline was justified. In my case, they are wrong in everything following the manner they handled the crisis and particularly because I had the backing of the holy Spirit for what I did.I did not lie or violate any law.I acted according to the dictate of my conscience and calling.Besides,they voluntarily dismissed me without trial and pursued a court action against me in spite my one- on- one meeting with them in the Synod Office in 1999.Consequently, I will like to challenge the policy of World Alliance of Reformed Churches,to which PCUSA is part for this one big reason;Rev Nku and his Synod persecuted me and assaulted me.I fled the country and have come here to seek a new life because they had secret plans to kill me.They don't have any right again to intrude into my private matters.In fact, my reaction to the visit of Rev Nku is provoked by the fact that they are obstructing Justice and hiding the truth.It is the synod that should be held acountable and not me.In fact,that Synod committee members are ripe for impeachment and should be summoned by the international community to answer questions about their crimes against humanity.It will be unfair to me and the Cameroon nation for any organisation including Presbyterian Church USA ,to condone the evil inside the Synod and Presbyterian Church in Cameroon.
Martin Luther, would be concerned today with the distortion of biblical truths in the way that the concept of salvation is presented to Christians.It is not an event that will happen only in the future but it is rooted in the very act of grace in this current life marked by politics, economy, culture, human rights and needs.I think missionaries did a great job many years ago with the great commission.It is just one side of the coin.The other side is the social justice inspired by John the Baptist and the great Commandment and great call.see details later.In the meantime, as I make my case , I hope to answer some of the questions that some people ask me as well clarify any doubts that might have occurred as a result of the institutional power brought to bear on me.In this David and Goliath struggle as it would seem, my goal is to tell my story and whether or not the Christians respond, I guess,it is humbling to have the opportunity in this great country to speak freely and do the things that I could not do them in Cameroon.what do I intend to achieve and what should be done? First of all what were the implication of my dismissal and court actions?
However, I must I strongly urge all forces of progress including the PC (USA) to take my concerns seriously and probe into this matter fully.
I am asking for a full and thorough investigation of the problem between me and the Synod of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon; that the Synod should be called upon to account for their activities in the church; that the PCC Synod must comply to some specific guidelines concerning the abuse of Christians; that the PCC Synod must respect the right for self-expression and circulation of information; that PCC should respect the right of Christians to know the truth, that the PCC Synod should submit to the theology of accountability for their actions in terms of discipine,that the actions of the PCC Synod should be condemned in very strong terms ;that Rev Nku and his Synod should be impeached and called to order.They are out to deceive folks overseas in order to continue their corrupt and abuse against the poor and poorest.
Thank you for your interest.
Jonathan F Awasom
Voice of the Voiceless
I have never lost faith in humanity in spite of the injustices I have faced in the struggle for justice. Truth is a prerequisite for justice and liberty. My vision is for a virtuous and free society. Here is a catalogue of wikitruths. I speak truth to powers as the most effective tool for change since I was blessed with this exra-ordinary gift.Yes, I have infleunced world leaders and millions of lives changed already with wikitruths. Truth is the greatest force for good
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The International Civil Society The World Justice Project The European Parliament The United States and Canadan Congress The United Nations...
My fellow Citizens of the world Everyday as you become a fan for freedom and rights, be rest assured that we are reinventing the wheel...
"Hello Brother Jonathan Awasom, Greetings from Washington, DC. Thanks immensely for the consoling words and advice, I shall ...
Reforming the Cameroon Government Scholarship Board(CGSB): An open letter to the scholarship board to be transparent and ...
Fellow Cameroonians and members of the International civil society Blog : Ill...
From: Sent: Wednesday, September 1, 2010 6:05 PM Subject: 15 demons of Paul...
CAMCCUL stands for Cameroon Cooperative Credit Union League where the interest of thousands of shareholders in the North West Province o...
My fellow Cameroonians and concern citizens of the world Members of the International Community ...
The Concept of Political Power I have a different understanding of Political Power since I am a politic...
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