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Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Come to think of the immeasurable depths of human sacrifices from time to time when we dare touch the untouchables in power! The pages of human history has colorful images and stories of very resilient men and women who did not look back.They put their hands on the plough and ploughed relentlessly amid all kinds of persecutions and retaliation from "the untouchables" who had and have a firm grip on religious and political power. Their sacred causes were pre-ordained and had to manifest within the complex human setting torn between good and evil , virtue and vice, light and darkness.

It was only delayed but never denied because of the resilience and courage of a selected few. I call it the triumph of virtue when we dare touch the untouchables in the world from Cameroon under Dictator Paul Biya, across Europe where France and Great Britain are involved and and right here in North America where the Democratic Party Leadership are involved . I dare touch the "untouchables" because virtue is a powerful divine light that ignites the fire and passion of activism and advocacy for liberty.This is how the Status of liberty came into being. Hold onto virtue when you are touching the "untouchables"

This is what Dietritch Bonhoeffer did against Adolf  Hitler , Jesus Christ against the Pharasees and Scribes, Nelson Mandela against Pieta Bota,Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr against White Supremacy and Racial Segregationist, Mother Theresa against the powerrful rich, President Abraham Lincoln against anti-slave abolition, President Thomas Jefferson and other founders of America against the King of England,Eleanor Roosevelt against women 's rights violation in America and the world, Rosa Parks against the law legalizing segregation on the metro-Bus system in America and the ordinary women in Africa who cry everyday against corrupt tyranny and dictatorship on the streets of Africa.

I have persistently and consistently done so for 11 years now. It is the right thing to do and perhaps the only way that the world has ever changed for the greatest good because the principal force of virtue is speaking truth to power without fear and trembling. The reason is simple to get people very agitative and angry with the hope that they can eschew their vices. Why is it important to promulgate virtue and freedom?

There is an ever growing need for us to build everlasting bridges across the global village  so as to connect and enhance meaningful relationships from one nation, society  and community  to the other.By the same token, breaking  down political and diplomatic bridges that were a figment of human imagination and selfish desires.The only mistake that humankind has made over the last century was claiming a celebration of their common humanity without loving the human race. Even in all what seemed gloomy, there was and is still plenty of room to have hope and faith in humanity because there is always light at the end of every tunnel. The time for the darkness of corrupt tyranny and dictatorship to end has come.

I am always reminded about my origin and heritage as a descendant of  the sons and daughters of God almighty , the same God who has brought us this far through all the rumbles and tumbles of life. As  I struggle with you for a virtuous and free society in Cameroon, Africa I feel strongly that we must continue to identify ourselves and seek commongrounds in a bid to foster the  beloved human community. Yes, I have touched some untouchables and it is totally understandable those who have power always expect everybody to submit to their authority but if this has to happen all the time, then we are doomed to a life of mediocrity.

We have all come a long ways dating as far back as when we were still disregarded because of our uniqueness and origin. What has kept us so determined is an inner human spirit that overshadows the empty quest for popularity and fame. A virtuous man and woman is one who stands on principles and speak with clarity and conviction without fear or favor of statusquo and represenstatives of statusquo. Freedom is a virtue and has always been  a mirror held in front of the vice of  the  statusquo of corrupt tyranny and dictatorship.Yes, I know of some virtuous men and women through out history who stood up to those who preached virtue and practiced vice.

This world is changing because virtue has always triumphed over vice no matter  how long it takes.

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