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Wednesday, June 1, 2011


This fellow Cameroonian made an enquiry,which reinforced the urgent need for the government of Cameroon to declare their assets and step down so that we can change the system towards good governance and rule of law.In that way, Cameroon will be put on the fast track to qualify for the MCC.

--- On Sat, 5/21/11, Mishe Fon <> wrote:

From: Mishe Fon <>
Subject: Why Cameroon did not Qualify for the (MCC)Millenium Challenge Corp. Compact
Date: Saturday, May 21, 2011, 9:00 AM

"I asked the Director of the US Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) what ELSE Cameroon had to do to qualify for Funding under MCC Guidelines. My question stemmed from the list of African Countries who benefit from MCC almost on a regular basis. Featuring  conspicuously on the 2011 list are Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Niger, Nigeria, Liberia, Senegal, Mali, Namibia and Madagascar.

Sir, Thanks for your question. The MCC forms partnership with Countries that show they are committed to Good Governance, Economic Freedom and verifiable proof of Investing in their Citizens. We look into various aspects of the demanding Country,s Civil Liberties, Political Rights and tolerance of dissent, Control of Corruption, Governmental Effectiveness, the Rule of Law (Security), Accountability and Democratic practices, Public expenditure on basic Health care, Trade Policies, Inflation, Fiscal Policies, Regulatory quality assurance, Land Rights and fact all those things that are considered, Good Governance.I cannot comment on the specific case of Cameroon because I don,t have all the facts in front of me right now, BUT if that country has met a minimum of these MCC demands, there is no reason why they should not benefit from our Funding....But you can see me latter after this presentation for further discussion"

Dear Mishe Fon

This is good information sharing . Keep up the good work for the greatest good of the Cameroon community and Africa at large.This only reinforces the fact that we ,Cameroonians must act fast to kick President Paul Biya and his government out like President Mubarak of Egypt in order to rebuild Cameroon under good governance and the rule of law.

In that  way we will be able to have the reputation of transparency and accountability to enable us partner with the civil society and other organizations and initiatives around the world to free and  empower our people who are currently suffocating under the corrupt tyranny and dictatorship of the CPDM government.
let me also share with you that three years ago I joined debt cancellation advocates mainly citizens of the world because came from all walks of life and represented different countries around the world  and assembled  in Washington DC and Ohio to dvocate for Debt Cancellation with Jubilee, USA. Click on the link below and learn about our efforts to urge the World Bank and IMF to cancel debts in poor societies plagued by  tyranny and corruption. Debt Cancellation is a noble mission towards sustainable development, but  it  is hampered by lack of accountability when Public Officials in countries like Cameroon fail to  declare their Assets according to article 66 that deals a death blow to the concept and practice of good governance.
These loans  from the World Financial Institutions cannot help to promote transparency and good governance  because the private property of CPDM Government  Officials  in Cameroon are  not separate from the State Property and State Treasury. Consequently,  giving more loans to people who perpetuate such  corrupt systems ends up as a Ponzi Scheme( in the mouth of a shark).Ironically they turn around and accept to  be tagged as "Poor Nations"! How do we know that a country is poor when public officials have never declared their Assets? It is hard  to fathom this type of  injustice because if we are a Sovereign nations meaning free from colonization then we ought to know how our resources are managed.
Corrupt CPDM Officials  have stolen billions of dollars  into foreign banks and investments overseas. I  will be introducing you to Article 66 in the Constitution of Cameroon , which calls for Public Officials to declare all their Assets. For more than 50 years none of them have respected  that law. One must wonder why anybody will continue to loan money to such corrupt people knowing fully well that they are not accountable to the civil society.
I joined the campaign for Debt Cancellation in order to advocate for accountability and transparency. Democracy and good governance can only function properly  in societies where the political system is free like the United States. If  you give loans to corrupt people, they will embezzle it and  continue to indebt the country while the citizens are impoverished and subjected to unacceptable standards of living.
There is no other form of modern slavery than what is practiced in a country like Cameroon. A government that deliberately enslaves and dehumanizes innocent citizens without impunity. These officials use the army, police and soldiers to torture, murder and arbitrarily arrest, and illegally detain citizens when they dare stand up to ask for better economic policies and standards. While this is happening their families and relatives are living free and affluent lives overseas. So the question is why the disconnect?
The Cameroon Government's  greatest investment is in the Army and soldiers who help to keep them in power as long as they want. I  bet you that many people from abroad seem to have good intentions towards Africa. However,  to get a State Party like CPDM Party  in Cameroon to implement  democratic reforms is a joke. Of course, they dictate on Cameroonians in almost all Sectors of the Government as well as  disenfranchise more than 7O% of the people. Then majority of  those who are registered are their supporters.
About 20% are Pro-CPDM while may be  about 10% are members of the Opposition Parties. Roughly 10 % of CPDM registered voters in Cameroon are corrupted in some manner to vote for the State Party. As of now about 200 Political parties are either Officially or unofficially registered because some of them are ghost Parties created by the system to hynoptize and confuse  the civil society.All these results in a terrible travesty of democracy ,which has been condemned since time immemorial.
So, why are these folks still allowed to continue with their facade and cynicism? I won't take lipstick and put on the  nose of a pig because she will go back and continue digging the mud.  It is about time to make sure that the universal principles of human dignity ingrained into democracy and good governance  finds expression  in every society. Click  on this link now and learn more about debt cancellation and Jubilee USA where I have been involved in the debt cancellation campaign.
Jonathan Awasom

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