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Friday, July 1, 2011


--- On Fri, 7/1/11, Jonathan Awasom <> wrote:

My Fellow Cameroonian , Dr  Louis  Mbua
"Correct Rev. People are free to become Ministers, Directors etc in the global world. All I know is that I do not have to answer to any La Republique appointed colonial person in Southern Cameroons. If the colonial authority does not accept what I do, then they can simply pack up and leave. If they do not want to leave but insist on some kind of fraudulent laws that "protects" the public and themselves, well, there'd be little reason for us to keep them there except to drive them out"                                                                                           Dr Louis Mbua
Colonization is a severe human rights issue that must be addressed immediately
Thank you. Your concerns are legitimate. Colonization must be known as a severe human rights issue and must be dealt with accordingly. No human being should be a subject to others whereas we are all born with sacred and inalienable rights. In this matter of colonization , I believe that we are first class victims in the hands of the French , British and American Governments who have conspired with Dictator Paul Biya to colonize us. We should not be afraid to say it as it is because we all should have stakes in our society just as they do. 
You know, American government and citizens ought to be very excited by the spirit that we have because we embody their ideals of free speech, life,liberty and pursuit of happiness. If America continues to deal with dumb Cameroonians who just want to pretend around them for instantaneous gains, what will happen is, after a while, America will decline into a state of dummies. Dummies will invade America like aunts and they will not know  where to keep them. We, the very smart Africans are the kind of people that the world has been waiting for and this was very evident in the response I recieved from the White House during President George W. Bush 's administration and Presidency.
Why should France, Britain and America be more entitled to Cameroon than us Cameroonians? If they want good governance and the rule of law then they must be consistent in their foreign policies against dictators and their cohorts. This week end of 4th of July ,which marks the anniversary of the  declaration of American Independence should remind American citizens and Government about their story and journey. What is very remarkable about the declaration of independence in 1776 is the fact that the founders made their candid case known to the world. They did not have to hide and live under fear.They had to make sure the world knows that they were no longer in agreement with the insanity of the King of England, which is exactly what I have done since 2006.
The Cameroon Truth Commission  in the spirit of South African Truth Commission
The Cameroon Truth Commission like other Truth Commissions notably the one of South Africa  will be a good place to air all our grievances of the past and present.We definitely have issues of injustice, gross violations of our human rights, prejudices/stereotypes among ourselves Cameroonians like the sad experiences of other people with different ethnicities, complex racial and tribal origins.
So, we have to  explore all these together in ways that will benefit one another.In the past people thought that civil war was the best solution to their problems but when society is evolving, so, too are people. Do we always need to fight and kill each other before we change society? President Paul Biya also known as one of Africans longest serving dictators has already killed  and violated  enough Cameroonians with his corrupt and cruel  government.This must not happen again under our watch. He has committed serious crimes against humanity including the murder of his own first wife. That is why he wants to die in power because he believes that he has some Presidential immunity! Well, not when you commit a crime of felony.
As the world awaits the packaging of the Cameroon truth commission that will be factored into the transitional government, our advocacy  will never know any bounds. I am very certain about a virtuous and free Cameroon under a Federal System  because the international civil society has dealt with truth commissions before in the reconstruction processes and transitions of people to a new political system and government.Cameroon won't be an exception to the rule.However, all we are asking for is the support and cooperation of the International civil society and other bodies to enable us navigate this period peacefully and orderly for the good of everyone. Paul Biya and his government should confess their crimes, return our stolen monies, repent and be rehabilitated into the normal human society.
I believe that the world is taking great notice of our resilience and honesty. I do not want to pretend that all is well with my perception of the United States from where I am writing. Of course, if I did not admire and value the ideals and principles that propelled America to success, I won't be concerned about what is wrong with their involvement in Cameroon. Instead of living in fear, I chose to live by faith and with courage ,which is why I have spoken truth to power without fear or favor.
Prevention is better than cure, which is the reason why early intervention is appropriate.We are blessed already because of our gallant effort since time immemorial to underscore to the Cameroon government, our fellow Cameroonians, Africans as well as the International Civil Society  that history is on our side because we are taking full ownership of our societies.
The notion of entitlement in context. Do I have the right to something by birth and membership or not?
You are right. This reminds me about the notion of entitlement in context.When I filed a complaint against the CPDM regime to the US officials, I was particularly driven by the notion of entitlement. I felt strongly in my spirit that we are entitled to human and civil rights. Why should a small group of people work so hard only to keep our people down? So long as we are citizens of Cameroon by birth, residency and membership, we are entitled to a good government under the laws of our common humanity. The greatest feeling of entitlement I have ever had is the feeling of speaking up as a voice for those who can't speak up for themselves.
The laws, which  the people in America enjoy must not be different from the laws in Cameroon. As fellow human beings we are entitled to the universal human laws/principles.Once human beings have been freely given a sovereign territory by God to constitute a dwelling place for them , their  sibblings and generations to come, they must have some entitlement in that territory according to the expectations set forth in their constitution vis a vis their commitment to the territory,which becomes a country, nation or region. It is a travesty when people who were never born and raised in such societies are living off of the people while they are oppressed and dehumanized. I believe that countries ,which have been involved in Camneroon since I was born 41 years ago owe us some serious endemnities to the tune of 25 million dollars.
What are the natural minerals/resources, which God has endowed Cameroonians with?Why do we not know and who is supposed to account for the resources?
By law we ought to know what are  the natural resources and minerals of our country as well as their quality and quantity.Then we are also entitled to know ,which companies and corporations are exploiting these resources, how much  they are worth and how does the Cameroon government officials  manage these resources in ways that benefit indegenous people who are directly connected with these  resources. The horrible human condition in most parts of Cameroon point to an irresponsible government which has cynically legalized corruption till date as a means of escape from accountability. In spite of mounting pressures from international bodies, they still can't adjust their ways. Granted that corruption is endemic, we must ger rid of that system immediately.
We are entiled to know the assets of all Cameroon Government Officials at home and abroad according to article 66 of our constitution
We are also entitled to know their assets since they have access or exposed to the riches of our land. This argument is not outside of the realm of good governance and the rule of law espoused by World Justice Forum and many governments and organizations. If you go back to the manifestor I wrote for the freedom of Cameroon , which I also refer to as a virtuous and free society, you'll realize that this same argument was established. I am the last person on earth to be against foreign corporation's investments in Cameroon including but not limited to other sophisticated economic interests. However, they should not do business to the detriment of our people resulting to their human rights violations while they are only inclined to reporting what has happened.They also have a role to play and must participate in being part of the solution to the problems.
No President on this earth should impose Governors who are supposed to be elected by the people
No President on the face of this earth has the right to impose/dictate Governors, Government delegates, Divisional Officers, Commissioners and Commandants, Principals , Directors etc on our regions where we are supposed to be independent. The United States is one nation under God but the people are operating under a Federal System of government that allows them to fully enjoy their regions and the blessings that come with  them .Neither President Jimmy Carter, President Reanald Reagan through President Bush, President Bill Clinton , President Bush junior and now President Barack Obama could dare dictate Governors on Americans living within the 50 States.
The United States Government  officials and State Department must stand with us and not with dictators
Therefore, the United States Department ought to know by now that we' re not ready , yet for any free and fair elections in Cameroon. By their own public testimony about the tragic  human rights report of Cameroon, I believe they agree with us that the CPDM government is bad and really have a pungent smell. By being bad it means, it is obsolete and must therefore be changed, altered  or abolished so that the few good Cameroonians remaining  will reform the system. First of all, US OFFICIALS MUST STOP URGING CAMEROON GOVERNMENT TO ORGANIZE FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS BECAUSE IT IS NOT THEIR RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE WHAT IS A FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS. WE, CAMEROONIANS KNOW WHAT IS GOOD FOR US. THERE HAS NEVER BEEN ANY FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS IN CAMEROON UNDER DICTATOR PAUL BIYA WHO AND HIS GOVERNMENT ARE INCAPACITATED. EVEN SO US OFFICIALS HAVE ACKNOWLEDGED THIS IN THE RECENT STATEMENTS OF MADAM HILARY CLINTON WHILE ON HER DIPLOMATIC MISSION TO AFRICA. READ HER STATEMENTS ON THIS SITE;

Clinton Tells African Despots To Quit  

US Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton has warned African despots to give up power or find themselves “on the wrong side of history,” The New York Times reported yesterday.Clinton, who addressed the African Union in Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, said that African authoritarian governments ruled by aging despots were “no longer acceptable.”
“The status quo is broken,” she said yesterday. “The old ways of governing are no longer acceptable. It is time for leaders to leave with accountability, treat their people with dignity, respect their rights and deliver economic opportunity. And if they will not, then it is time for them to go,” said Clinton.Some of the longest serving dictators in Africa include Cameroon President, Paul Biya, 78. Biya took over from Ahmadou Ahijo in 1982 and might be standing for another election this year after 29 years in power.
The Time for Cameroonians to return to the drawing board has come
The time for Cameroonians to return to the drawing board has come. I know  that once upon a time the trilateral  talks failed but it was because Paul Biya and his CPDM regime were the ones presiding over it. The 24 months transitional government will not be entrusted into the hands of CPDM regime and government. So, we have to believe that our determination and commitment to truth will come to fruition. If Paul Biya  and his Parliamentarians, Ministers and Governors etc think that they have a case, then let him simply defend himself and his cohorts before a  Cameroon Truth Commission.
This goes to every other person who believes that they have a case with respect to all the accusations and charges we have plastered against them.
This sounds very idealistic,yet it is a measure of faith and conviction. If one does invest conviction and faith into a sacred cause like what we are embarking on , hardly do they achieve their goals in life. Nothing is impossible when God is involved. Many Cameroonians are increasingly conscious of the fact that we need to return to the drawing board where we can address all these issues in order to avoid another David and Goliath fight because God wins all the time. Professor Emmanuel Konde a renouned cameroonian Historian within the United States has repeatedly concurred with the idea for a transitional period for all of us Cameroonians to dialogue.
It won't be easy to remove Paul Biya but it will not be impossible.
We, know that it won't be easy to take Paul Biya out of power without  some struggle or fight but ultimately he has to go now. This is not politics as usual. The timing could not be more reassuring with the powerful www as a powerful communication tool for networking. Paul Biya falls under the class of dictators who are ruining the continent of Africa and protecting the interest of certain individuals in either France, Britain or America. We are not against their economic interest in Cameroon but whatever is the business of foreign corporations inside or through Cameroon, we want the human rights of Cameroonians to be protected so that they should live in dignity.
All Africans and the International civil society must stand up to support our cause  for truth and justice
All of us Cameroonians and Africans must stand up for ourn people who are at our mercy to ensure that Paul Biya is held accountable.All we want is the truth. What happened to Madam Jean-Irene Biya? Was she sick? What does her medical report say? If she was never sick ,then could she die abruptly when we have never heard that she was suffering from some health issues? Why did the international community turn a blind eye to such a homicide whereas they won't do so , right here in America? You see Paul Biya knows that they conspired and murdered his wife reason why they will prefer to die in power because they are afraid of prosecution! Well, the time has come for the truth and justice to prevail.
Cameroonians who knowingly have the intent to violate our constitution or who have collected bribes from the CPDM government to participate in fake elections will be liable.
We will also sue corrupt Presidential candidates for treachery, corruption and treason against our people.They know that the electoral process is fraudulent and yet intentionally misleading a few of Cameroonians to go and commit political suicide. They better study the constitution very well because we have already educated them to know that we are no longer in Paul Biya's 2004 era where everything was just Ok. After 2004, things began to change when we decided that it was time for Paul Biya to leave or go down in history as a villain!
So, those who are only fighting to enrich themselves at the expense of our people oppress should not think that we are going to be intimidated and frightened by some foreign dignitaries. Our world has changed so much to the extent ,which the rule of law speaks now than unproductive diplomacy. Foreign companies and corporate investments will be advised to stay clear of  Cameroon until we solve our problems.If they continue to intrude into our affairs, we will sue them in court following international and domestic laws.
The historic opportunity and rediscovery of Cameroon's promise and beautiful people
History has given us the historic opportunity to rediscover our country's promise and beautiful people who deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. Our resolve is unprecedented and we will never look back. We must expose injustice, greed and hypocrisy of corrupt men and women who have no vision for the common good except an agenda take their own share as they say.
We have to enforce the existing laws in order to freely assert ourselves in our regions.
As far as I am concerned Paul Biya, his CPDM Parliamentarians, Ministers and Governors have broken the law. Consequently, they are liable for public prosecution. Any domestic law or international law that can enable us to hold them accountable should be fully employed. By the same token, all those who have taken bribes from the CPDM government in the name of Presidential campaign funds are also corrupt as well as aiding and abetting evil. How can people who want to be President of a country not know the constitution of the country? 
If they do not know the constitution in order to appreciate the unconstitutional practices of President Paul Biya and his government, then what sorts of leaders will such people become regardless of the capacity? The truth is we have to be very serious and keep pursuing justice for our people.Those who have decided to be on  the side of injustice and the oppression of our people are free to do so but so long as we have some laws in place , those laws must be enforced. We will mobilize the international bodies beyond France, Britain and America to understand our concerns. We must come back to the drawing board to chart a new course for our country and people.All stakeholders of Cameroon must be part of the deconstruction and reconstruction of Cameroon to reflect the common dreams and aspirations of one another
 God Bless those who are resilient and focused
Thank you all, Pass it on
Jonathan Awasom

--- On Thu, 6/30/11, louis <> wrote:

From: louis <>
Subject: [cameroon_politics] Re: [camnetwork] Southern Cameroons is an Independent Territory, Says Ayah Abine
Date: Thursday, June 30, 2011, 8:11 PM


Correct Rev. People are free to become Ministers, Directors etc in the global world. All I know is that I do not have to answer to any La Republique appointed colonial person in Southern Cameroons. If the colonial authority does not accept what I do, then they can simply pack up and leave. If they do not want to leave but insist on some kind of fraudulent laws that "protects" the public and themselves, well, there'd be little reason for us to keep them there save to drive them out.

If I arrive at Tiko, Buea or Victoria etc. I will not answer to any La Republique authority. I will do what I want and what is right within SC and international law pertaining to universal human rights.

If the colonial authority does not accept what I do, then they can simply pack up and leave. If they do not want to leave but insist on some kind of fraudulent laws that "protects" the public and themselves, well, there'd be little reason for us to keep them there save to drive them out.

I am not going to sit there waiting for an UNKNOWN from who-knows-where to tell me how to climb up the mountain or build a house or start a farm or receive a salary or collect my taxes into a black hole. I will REFUSE to accept this folly from dictators.

As far as I know, no SC person has ever appointed any authority in LRC.

Any person who is appointed by LRC and accepts the position is his/her own business. I have nothing to do with such an appointment -- absolutely.

I hope I am clear here.


--- In, Jonathan Fru <jonathan_light2000@...> wrote:
Dr Mbua

Nobody has a mandate in our societies in Cameroon including but not limited to the stakeholders. One thing is clear that we have a constitution that mandates everyone in government to declare their assets.

Did CPDM anglophones Parliamentarians, Governors and Ministers , directors and SDOs have mandate in French Cameroon? If not who were they serving? They served Paul Biya till date and the same system is still in place. This is where the man has a mandate. It is psychological and practical even though he does not have to be residing in Southern Cameroon. He has his agents in the likes of all the CPDM MPs, governors and Ministers etc etc .

It is not enough to state here that Paul Biya has no mandate in Southern Cameroon. What is the reality on the ground? The reality is that people like Paul Ayah and other CPDM anglophones have given him the mandate for as long as they have supported the system of injustice and marginalization.

We have to call a spade a spade if we have to change Cameroon otherwise, the same people who have sat on us will continue to manipulate those who like to be manipulated.

Jonathan Awasom

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