The fight to bring about Good Governance and the rule of law in Cameroon must taken seriously into consideration Legal/lawful plunder by both President Paul Biya and his CPDM government, and outside perpetrators like France, Britain and some individuals within the United States of America.No virtuous and free society can respect human rights as well as prosper under legal and lawful plunder.
It is legal and lawful plunder that has provoked all the other evils like endemic corruption, gross violation of human rights, crimes against humanity and the murder of individuals by President Paul Biya and his secret service including but not limited to First Lady Jean-Irene Biya, Two Roman Catholic Nuns, Roman Catholic Priests and many more.
One must be convinced beyond any reasonable doubts that corrupt tyranny and dictatorship has been at their best in Cameroon. What kind of results other than what we have endured for more than 50 years? We live in our own country under chains of oppression , terrorization and dehumanization from our own governments ,which by their actions have forced most people to believe that it is Ok to kill in order to keep the State functioning properly?
So, how does any United States official expect us, Cameroonians to take ownership of our country when they are part of the problem of legal and lawful plunder? They have to first of all admit that they are wrong and actually begin right away to value the sacred and inalienable rights of all Cameroonians with respect to article 66 and other laws.
My cyber space protest and revolution against President Paul Biya and the CPDM regime has not only been a strong disagreement with the Vatican and other governments that aid and abet Paul Biya and his government of corrupt tyranny and dictatorship but a sign for the humpty-dumpty governments that falsely pass around as democracy! One of the basic tenets of a democratic society is when people are free to express themselves without fear of reprisal, intimidation, threats and retaliation from the powers that be but when fear has taken precedence over patriotism and loyalty to the State institutions and public servants, then that nation has an abnormal existence -a down syndrome- which impedes the proper functioning of a government.
Understanding lawful/legal plunder in Cameroon with respect to article 66 of the constitution and loans from overseas to the CPDM corrupt tyranny and dictatorship, which perpetrates plunder.
Fadil Bayero is a flamboyant Cameroonian/African business magnet who supports President Paul Biya's Life Presidency through fake Presidential elections.I have taken upon myself to engage him with some salient issues ,which has hardly been brought to the attention of the ruling junta and the stakeholders in Cameroon with respect to legal and lawful plunder. I hereby shout "Objection" to his support of a life Presidency for the number one Cameroon plunderer.Mr Paul Biya and his government are bad economists and lack basic leadership and management skills to run a country and from all indications they are some of the "best legal plunderers" in history. This is an excerpt of Bayero to Cameroonians below;
Expéditeur: <>
Date: 19 juillet 2011 04:25:43 HAEC
Destinataire: "" <>
Objet: Rép : [cameroon_politics] Cameroon's Biya to be candidate again....
"You see Emmanuel, it seems like we come from the same the country but we dont sense things the same way.Before I left cameroon for vacation early this month, i paid a visit to Cardinal Tumi.What I like the most with the man is his ways of seeing things and also saying them bluntly as a true man of God...I have come to learn from men like him and later on from men like Soppo Priso and my late father, that we live a very short life, because of that what is asked from each of us is to contribute in our own ways to make just a small but positive step to the development of our society. Some of us succeed in achieving great goals that has real impact in the history of the community and they are remembered as such long after they die, some succeed by making it for themselves and their family and history will forget them just as those who fail to succeed in anything.What i am trying to tell you is that we should all ask ourselves what we ve achieved for our community? In a large scale so that we make a great impact on their daily life"
Fadil bayero
A virtuous and free society cannot be realized through legal plunder because it is a vice.
If legal or lawful plunder is a vice, then it breeds a vicious socio-economic and political system. This kind of system works against creativity, invention and innovation, which are some of the ingredients for economic growth. In other words legal or lawful plunder stands in the way of empowering citizens in any society to contribute to the work force and to their well-being. Truth be told, plunder in all its shape is not of God and it undermines development or impedes development of people and society because only a small group of people benefit from legal/lawful plunder through insidious political activities against those who question their unbriddle materialism and ill gotten wealth.
Economic growth in every society is measured by the ability of the citizens and country to reach their full potentials by being productive and proactive. So, what happens when citizens are paralysed with either artificial laziness or the complete lack of incentives for their creativeness, inventions and innovations? Either they are exploited by legal plunders or their abilities do not go too far.Who is guilty of legal/lawful plunder?
If France, Britain and the United States are involved with the Cameroon government in any form of legal/lawful plunder , I believe that this must be abolished so that everyone is given his or her due with what we are blessed.We continue to call on all stakeholders in Cameroon to cooperate with us to remove Paul Biya from power immediately. It wrong for the United States Department to be urging free and fair elections in Cameroon whereas they actually know that the government is a bad government.
Minful of the world's ever growing desire to promote good governance and the rul of law among governments and their people, there is a moral obligation knocking at the doorstep of our conscience to begin to accept the responsibility to partner with one another to enable this vision come to fruition. I have been intermittently stunt that the Cameroon laws have not only legalized plunder but has also legalized gross violation of human rights and crimes against humanity.
Although we have the law , the "Head of State",Paul Biya rules by decrees, which are unlawful. You see, he functions very well as President when he sign "decrees" and earns " motions of support" in return or the other way around, which are unlawful, anyways. This is how pervert the law can be. How can one introduce the notion and principles of good governance ,and the rule of law in a society like Cameroon governed through decrees, and motions of support?
If you do not participate in the collective sins of motions of support to evoke a Presidential decree for a specific need, the lawful plunderers will never help you meet your needs. In other words there are not sacred and inalienable rights for the citizens of Cameroon since the "Head of State" is the sole person who dictates how Cameroonian should live. Failure to live according to his whims and caprices, you either quit from the country or arbitrarily arrested and illegally detained forever or end up in extra-judicial killings.
Therefore, I wanted Cameroonians who are fighting tooth and nail to ensure that Cameroon dictator Paul Biya is President for life to understand that our passion for justice is very justified. The only way we can bring about sustainable development for citizens in African countries is to create a political system of good governance and the rule law. These laws must be selfless laws as opposed to convenient laws made to satisfy individuals or a small group of people dying to hold unto political power as long as they want.
No society will ever see the light of progress and prosperity when those who possess political power in a given moment are not gifted with the enlightenment required to liberate them from greed. It is not every law that meets the appropriate definition of law because it all depends on who made the law. In the case of Cameroon, the fact that President Paul Biya has always been allowed to change the constitution whenever he likes, this unceremonious attitude is a concrete evidence to the fact that there are good and bad laws.
Good laws wil inspire absolute confidence in the Judiciary branch as well as capable of sheltering the citizens whenever they are bruised by the stormy blast of some injustice. On the contrary, pervert laws will defend the powerful few with their unscrupulous means of livelihood. Granted this scenario, Federic Bastriat defines such bad laws as follows;
" The law perverted! And the police powers of the state perverted along with it! The law, I say,not only turned from its proper purpose but made to follow an entirely contrary purpose! The law become the weapon of every kind of greed! Instead of checking crime, the law itself guilty of the evils it is supposed to punish!"
This is exactly the problem at stake. If we have no control over the existing laws in Cameroon, then why are we first of all a sovereign country and forced to live with perverted laws? In 2010 when we first called for President Paul Biya to step down as President of the legal plunder society call Cameroon, many Cameroonians were subscribed to this cyber revolutionary movement incognito and were wondering why we concomitantly carried an ultimatum to France and other stakeholders in Cameroon to stop backing corrupt tyranny and dictatorship.
The ultimatum advised them in very strong terms that any business dealings with the CPDM ruling junta under Paul Biya was not acceptable under universal principles of human dignity. Our argument was grounded in the gross mismanagement of the country at all levels including but not limited to the endowed natural resources.Let me share with you why up till today we are concerned about legal or lawful plunder.
The fact about colonization and neo-colonization is, countries that have vested economic interest in Cameroon made possible through their investments and extraction of Cameroon's mineral are co-conspirators in legal plunder.It is very obvious to me in particular that many business magnets in Africa have made significant gains for themselves under the current climate of legal and lawful plundering. Unfortunately, colonization and slavery through the systems of corrupt tyranny and dictatorship have made plunder lawful and normal among the classes of Cameroonians and Africans who make the laws that produce legal plunder.
What I am decrying is the fact that the laws are made to perpetrate plunder within and without,which explains why France and other nations have this tendency of always being more friendly with corrupt tyrants and dictators since they help them to cultivate a serene environment for plunder in the name of our common humanity or celebration of diversity. Do not be surprised that many of the perpetrators of legal/lawful plunder do not even know that they are involved in plundering.If you are reluctant to believe this, just think about lawful and legal slavery, lawful racial segregation , lawful apatheid and lawful sexism.
The Constitution of Cameroon is supposed to be the law as enacted by Parliament and signed by the President into law. The Constitution is even very clear that "the President must ensure respect for the Constitution". When I talk about legal plunder being evil, I am referring to the fact that Dictator Paul Biya of Cameroon and his government and friends are intentionally operating outside of the law, which is why we have legal plunder.
Frederic Bastiat observes in his book " The Law" ,that
"When plunder is organized by law for the profit of those who make the aw,all the plundered classes try somehow to enter-peaceful or revolutionary means-into making of laws..Woe to the nation when this latter purpose prevails among the mass victims of lawful plunder when they , in turn,seize the power to make laws!..As soon as the plundered classes gain political power,they establish a system of reprisals against other classes.They do not abolish legal plunder( This objective would demand more enlightenment than they possess.) Instead ,they emulate their evil predecessors by participating in this legal plunder,even though it is against their own interest"
Business men like Fadil Bayero is expected to be accountable to Cameroonians, Africa and the world with his business connections with African Dictators especially Cameroon. Fadil Bayero has increased the list of Cameroonians who are steeped into unscrupulous business dealings with the ruling junta of Cameroon,which is why he came in defense of Mr Paul Biya and his code of doom on Cameroonians. Since Fadil Bayero has demonstrated that he is capable of defending the CPDM statusquo, he should not run away from the concerns he is bound to face.
In case he did not know where to find article 66 of Cameroon's constitution , here is article 66 for you to see.Based on the definition of legal/lawful plunder,it is evident that article 66 was actually written to enable legal plunder ,which is the more reason why none of the officials mentioned in this article have ever declared their assets.Unfortunately, the police and military forces have helped them to by not checking the crimes that these people have committed against the State and people.
Article 66
"The President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, Members of Government and persons ranking assuch, the President and Members of the Bureau of the National Assembly, the President and Members of the bureau of the Senate, Members of Parliament, Senators, all holders of an elective office, Secretaries-General of Ministries and persons ranking as such, Directors of the Central Administration, GeneralManagers of public and semi-public enterprises, Judicial and Legal Officers, administrative personnel in-charge of the tax. base, collection and handling of public funds, all managers of public votes ,property, shall declare their assets and property at the beginning and at the end of their tenure of office.The other categories of persons to whom the provisions of this article shall apply and the conditions of implementation thereof shall be determined by law"
Fadil Bayero being grilled
Are you defending Paul Biya and the system for the sake of your business or you are interested for genuine change? Why has Paul Biya and his government never declared their assets per article 66 of Cameroon constitution? What kind of economic growth do you expect in that kind of dangerously corrupt society with such corrupt leaders? So, we must die under bad leaders as if we are not entitled to life?
It is bad economics to invest in a corrupt tyranny and dictatorship.
I don't know how you business people are doing it.You people must be doing something extremely wrong like exploiting tax payers and the people of Cameroon who toil day and night granted that Paul Biya and his government have never declared their assets according to article 66. I wonder if you have ever read the constitution to understand why legal plunder is evil because it is organized stealing and exploitation of Cameroonians by Paul Biya and his gang . Are you one of them?
This is basic economic principle,which has worked against our society.
You know why? It is run by corrupt people with their children and cohorts.
I am afraid that you're not understanding that 1993 and 2011 are not in the same time frequency.
This is a completely new generation of Cameroonians.
We are the little ones when Paul Biya rose to the Supreme Majesty as President in 1982.Our little ones were born while he was in power and they have come of age while Paul Biya is still there with broken dreams and aspirations that can't be met.You must be kidding to think that we don't understand the issues. What else do you want us to think and speak against before you know that a good economy for a country is rooted in the moral obligation for people to be accountable for what God has blessed us with.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth said that a sower must plant his seed on fertile soil if he or she expects to have a bountiful harvest. Does this make sense to you that our generation is astounded by the fact that people are expecting Paul Biya and his CPDM who epitomizes a bad soil to bear a good seed and produce an abundant harvest? Are we going to be a cursed nation with bad leaders or simply to look ahead ? Why must Paul Biya be the one when he has reigned for so long? What does he and you people still want? To continue killing our people and exploiting them? NO sir.
If you aren't sure about what others have said here is my blog. Download the 10 points and find time to explore the 70 articles for a way forward. The Constitution is the law and if Paul Biya and his government have not declared their assets,please do not defend injustice and mediocrity.
Jonathan Awasom
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