From: Jonathan Awasom <>
Date: Wednesday, May 26, 2010, 8:03 PM
Fellow Concern Citizens of the CFR A Cry for Freedom from Tyranny and Dictatorship
We , are Cameroonians based in the Diaspora and USA seeking the FREEDOM of Cameroon. Our desire is to EXPORT AMERICA'S FREEDOM to our shores. Today I spoke with US FBI officials against the total and shocki We want to work together with the Council on Foreign Relations in order to accomplish our mission. We are very intentional about this effort and pray that you give this your undivided attention as as well as your enthusiasm and commitment.
Every moment in history has its own kind of leaders who ingnite strategies and a revolution to change the cause of histoy for human dignity.
They have the propensity to speak, write, call upon you as well as urge you but also be aware of voices of discord, distraction and betrayal. We must caution you because it is our moral and spiritual responsibility to keep the flock intact and safe.
You have made a choice or may be should make your choice today and always about who to listen to and follow as partners and friends. Too many voices could slow down our pace for a safer America and peaceful world but a voice that is stubbornly consistent,persistent, disciplined and focused cannot be mistaken from cunning voices like the fox that feigns affection around your chicken.
Will you listen to the voice of President Paul Biya, CPDM regime and those they have bribed to disturb us or you will listen to the voice of the ones you know are on your side, by your side, with you and for you? The answer is obvious. We know you and you know us because we are with you always till we win. The Voices of the Founding Fathers spoke to us and have heard it loud and clear.
We cannot do this all by ourselves. Our job is to listen , research, write, inspire, educate so as to empower, moblize and organize ourselves to win. Listen to the wisdom of people who want us to win so bad. A beloved American Patriot, Scott Thorpe writes in his book " The Revolutionary Strategies of the Founding Fathers: Leadership Lessons from America's Most Successful Patriots" that:
" President George Washington was not a timid conservative General. He fought with great audacity when he was needed to do so.But he was as pragmatic as he was bold.He judiciously selected the strategies that would win, regardless of whether they were bold, popular, or cautious. It takes a great leader to select the tough strategy that will succeed.Many would rather go down in a blaze of glory than retrench their expectations.But winning is still winning, even if it takes longer.And losing is always losing,no matter how valiant the effort"
Oncemore , thank you all for your patience, encouragement and support. We are driven to success. It has always happened even before we were born. No amount of sponsored distraction from those who resist change will scare us or slow us down. We are winners.This is the dictum that is charting our course together.
All the glory of our collective action should be grounded in the Freedom and Justice for those in captivity. We are well positioned in history because our cause is founded upon the heritage of free people.
There is absolutely nothing to fear or to be concerned about so long as the spirits of the founders is cheering us -up, move on our fellow patriots, we are behind you,keep going, victory is ahead of those who never look back while ploughing through the fields of injustice.
Our moment has come and we must win this time around to complement the valiant efforts of our heroes and heroines in blessed memory.
The great news is you can now download the above 7 and 8 demands now and forward them to humanity. Let the world know we are talking and walking the talk. Action is key to success. Victory is possible only when concientious people are determined, disciplined, focused and proactive.
So, play your own role as a building block would do to erect a house in order to give traction to this concerted effort. We have laid a solid foundation already.Now be that block one by one ,which will raise the walls of this house we are building. These officials with power will put the roof to shelter us from the stormy bliss of dictatorship and tyranny if they see us busy like aunts building walls with cries of protest.
1) Senator John Kerry, Chairman of Senate Foreign Relations Committee of USA
2) The Secretary General of the UNO
3) The Speaker of the House of Representatives
4) The European Union
5) All Human Rights Organisations that you are acquainted with
6) All Missionary Churches and Religious Leaders involved in Cameroon
7) The State Department and various Ambassadors to Cameroon from countries you are resident
8) All Our Traditional Leaders and Officials in Cameroon
9) All Religious Leaders in Cameroon
10) All members of concerned opposition Parties and Civil Society in Cameroon
There is no such thing as impossible in our vocabulary. The words we have captured and fell in love with is possibilities and victory. We are victors and conquerors of the forces of good and change that are shaping the moment.
This is one of the most plausible arguments and cases we have ever thought of beyond the stretch of our imaginations, which encapsulates the overall problems of Cameroon.
This is what could catapult our very patriotic and humble endeavors to victory. We must feed our people hungry for freedom and justice with knowledge of truth and practice of dignity.
We have set a very powerful/ compelling case before humanity, which should propel us to a very convenient place within the community of free and civilized nations, and people. Do not be left behind this train.
Our strategy was to summarize all what we have been saying into 7 and 8 demands knowing that each of them should spark a debate and dialogue among ourselves and beyond.
Every sentence and word is loaded with a call to action. This is our moment to seek justice and redeem our fellow human beings held in bondage.
The voice of the people crying for salvation under the shackles of dictatorship and corrupt tyranny fell on our ears like thunder and lightening. Guess what, it has sparked a rare campaign, movement and revolution that is making some people dumbfounded but we must keep going.
We had walked out of our silence without fear or favor with hearts fulled of grace and compassion to ignite the fire of freedom and change.
Today, we must resolve that the voices of the common men and women may appear to be echoing through the cracks of a fallen world but the ears of those who walk the hallways of power will never be at peace unless they stop our voices nosing around them like bees. Yes, we may be like bees but we have power to disturb their so called " Peace" without Justice.
The only way for this to happen is for freedom and justice to reign over oppression and injustice. In this regards, my fellow human beings you are a very significant team member of this historic moment to unravel the myth of failure enhanced by pessimists.
Today, if the Founders of the United States of Free people were present physically, they would laugh at those who drag their feet behind the changing times. They did not look back. They did not listen to pessimists. They believed in themselves and had faith in God. The mountains of dictatorship and tyranny crumbled when their voices were trembled, though, soared with prayers and found favor with God whose Spirit unleashed victory hitherto.
My Fellow Cameroonians we must win this time and it means choose the right voices and take action
The Voice of Reason and Conscience
The Voice of the Voiceless
Jonathan F Awasom( Reverend)
Cellular: 973-282-6461 or 201-878-5829
The State Department
The Speaker of the House
The Secretary General of UNO
The GOP Party
The DFL Party
Concerned Citizens within the US and around the world
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