From: Jonathan Awasom <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 9:27 PM
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 9:27 PM
Fellow Cameroonians and Concerned Citizens of the World
The Legal option in the Federal Court against the CPDM regime and Party
The struggle to build a virtuous and free Cameroon must continue. It is not a struggle against any nation but an affirmation and acclamation of the universal human values that have the capacity to propel all people to life,liberty and happiness.I stand corrected, we cannot live in this world like an island.We need each other and we will always pursue the common good and Cameroon will not be an exception to the universal hunger for truth, justice, freedom and democracy.
I have kept a low profile since Friday 10/7/2011 pending the most nulled and void Presidential elections in the world ,which has sort of happened on Sunday,10/9/2011 in Cameroon.I cannot over belabor the obvious again because I have not changed my position with respect to the ongoing political asylees's diplomatic campaign/advocacy in the world to unseat President Paul Biya and his CPDM Party regime from power as well as hold them accountable.
In this light, while accountability is the father of fairness and transparency, democracy is the mother of good governance and the rule of law. In short, freedom is the creator of all things made possible and healthy for us in our world with the exception of injustice oozing from a chronic corrupt political system like the CPDM regime of Cameroon. Oncemore the world is now clear as to why we would not trust an untrustworthy CPDM Party and regime to organize democratic elections in a non democratic society.We have wasted human resources, time, effort and energy to impede progress at a larger scale while helping a selective few to benefit from the divide and rule games of the whole CPDM Party & Opposition Corrupt Coalition to steal from the Cameroon people.
I can only believe beyond reasonable doubts that God has a special anointing on Cameroon and we must experience a peaceful transition because we are no longer in the dark past ages. What I mean is CPDM people cannot send their children overseas and remain behind oppressing our people, torturing and killing some and depriving them of their basic human rights. This is one of the main reasons why we must file a lawsuit in the Federal Court against all CPDM Officials and the Party to disclose their assets as well as who is in charge of them under the President George W Bush NO SAFE HAVEN LAW for corrupt foreign nationals and their families.
So long as I was granted political asylum within the United States of America because of the CPDM regime and Party, I must never bow to their manipulations to undermine the modus operandi of seeking political asylum in a foreign country( USA) as a result of political or religious persecution in one's original country of birth( Cameroon).I believe that the United States government is bound by historical truths to take a hard look at why Cameroonians seek politial asylum from US immigration and naturalization services.I know that the US officials will eventually take all these issues seriously into consideration especially when I appear in court to make my case against the vicious and unfree society like Cameroon where US is present.
The world must ask some very critical questions to the CPDM Party; why was Jonathan Awasom persecuted in Cameroon? Which other persons or people have suffered persecution and retaliation as a result of his persecution? Was he speaking out and standing up for a people oppressed? Would it had been right for him to come to the USA and abandon all these people and the causes for,which he stood for? I hope that the world will finally realize from where I have been coming from because the CPDM regime have tried unsuccessfully to stampede the truth.
We must always be mindful of the fact that no people are few, small or irrelevant in their ardent quest for human dignity and there is no natural law ,which states that every revolution must be violent and bloody to free people under oppression.I may be very optimistic and idealistic at times but what is the point in life if citizens of a country are not safe under their own government? Governments sometimes fear other governments but when citizens fear their own government as opposed to respect and value their leaders, I believe that other nations and people who know better should assist those of us who are determined to dismantle such a clique of brutal people.
To some other Cameroonians especially those who are still sympathetic to the CPDM regime and Party, political asylum was and is only a means to change their status in order to partake in the American dream! To me, it means that the ideals of the founding fathers and others who emerged in the course of history, must be exported to a dark, vicious and corrupt society like Cameroon.You can understand why CPDM suddenly became very viciously enthusiastic in organizing elections overseas because they wanted to downplay on the diplomatic power of political asylum.
It is a mistake to think that change must come through violence.On the contrary, we , Cameroonians have learned from the past that a movement and revolution to bring about fundamental change in any given society can be very peaceful provided negative propaganda is replaced with positive propaganda as in speaking truth to power and telling the truth to the people who sometimes know very little about the true meaning of power, government and people. In the past several years,one has succeeded to influence the course of events and all what we need now is the positive input and propaganda of all other nations and people involved in Cameroon and with Cameroonians either directly or indirectly.
I believe in the freedom of Cameroon but it must not be accomplished through unnecessary bloodshed.The CPDM Party and regime should not take us for granted because right now, I will turn to the Federal Court of the United States and hopefully to the Supreme Court to make another candid case to the world 's most judicious legal system for the freedom of Cameroon.What will be the basis for a legal action against the CPDM Party and regime?
Where it is clear that universal principles of human dignity are in jeopardy in some small corner of the world like Cameroon because some very powerful nations and people seem to turn a blind eye to the oppression of a people by a corrupt and totalitarian system in spite of the fact that they have been told by President Thomas Jefferson and President Napoleon Bonaparte that such a bad government must be altered, abolished and replaced with a new government that will guarantee and enforce the bill of rights, the civil rights and safety of its citizens, we cannot give up until these people wake up from slumber and do the right thing in history.
Therefore, I boldly insist that President Paul Biya and the CPDM regime of Cameroon are on the wrongside of history and the law so long as they have no respect for our country's laws. They cannot and must never be made to think or feel that they are above the laws of our world to ,which every normal human being is expected to comply. Their actions constantly mock at what the world preaches as virtues of good governance and the rue of law, democracy and human rights. In fact human rights begins with the respect of what is called the constitution because it defines the government of the people.What I mean is President Paul Biya and the CPDM Party are not the government of Cameroon.As bonafide citizens of every nations, we must take turns in governance ,which means it is absolutely undemocratic for one man or a gang of corrupt thieves to use any means necessary to hijack our destiny solely for their selfish interests.
Consequently, any country or nation that has a constitution and have great respect for it,must appreciate our desire to uphold our constitution and concomitantly hold the CPDM REGIME ACCOUNTABLE AT HOME AND ABROAD.To the extent,which this will come to fruition with the full collaboration of well learned and educated people from virtuous and free societies, my vision and dream for a virtuous and free Cameroon is still waxing strong. Cameroonians are indeed peace loving people who have harken to our counsel for them to ignore the extreme provocations of the CPDM Party and regime who in myriad of ways have set up our people to be slaughtered in the event where they dare stand up to oppose another 7 years of the CPDM reign of terror, corruption , injustice and dehumanization against our people.
Let us start with this authentic report from CNN alleging massive fraud and irregularities during the fake Presidential elections in Cameroon on Sunday 10/9/2011.Click here for a full report;
If there is widespread condemnation of the recent fake Presidential elections in Cameroon on 10/9/2011 as acknowledged by Cameroonians and the international media and CO, then such a charade in the name of democratic elections poorly attended must be nullified and this means that the UNO is still call upon to consider a UNO mission to Cameroon. Now, doubting thomases among Cameroonians and the world will have to bear with me that I could not put the founding fathers of America and the likes of President Abraham Lincoln and Alexi de Tocqueville of France,President Napoleon Bonaparte and President Nelson Mandela to shamed by believing in a hoax in the name of democratic elections.
It is totally unacceptable for anybody in this world to tell us Cameroonians that former Cameroon's Colonial Master France believes that the elections took place under "acceptable conditions". I have to wonder if we, Cameroonian citizens are condemned to remain slaves under other nations and people at a time in history when the human race said ABSOLUTE NO to SLAVERY, COLONIZATION, APARTHEID, NAZISM, RACIAL EXTINCTION OF PEOPLE OF A PARTICULAR RACE AND ORIGIN? We must uphold the clarion calls from all angles for President Paul Biya and the CPDM REGIME to step down and hand over Cameroon to a Transitional government peacefully.
President Paul Biya is not the only human being in the right frame of mind who must lead Cameroonians for life.We, Cameroonians have never expressed lack of visionary and competent leaders to move Cameroon forward into the 21st century. After all the world has witnessed, yet an avalanche of ambitions men and women who want to make a difference in their time.Why must we get stuck with people who have no vision for our future? Let me state vehenmently as follows;
1) It does not come to me with any surprise that the fake Presidential elections in Cameroon organized by the CPDM regime , aided and abetted by the 23 corrupt opposition candidates has recieved global castigation and lampoon. This is because the said opposition were forewarned that no corrupt tyranny and dictatorship has ever been defeated through the ballot Box. It is sickening that in spite all the high level educational campaign to pin-point and expose the rigging habits of the CPDM Party, any oppositioin were still hoping for a miracle! What the opposition is decrying after being rewarded with about 30 million frs CFA each for condoning as well as aiding and abetting injustice against our people is sad and shameful.
2) President Paul Biya and the CPDM Party were told that they were not eligible to run for elections or even organize one because they grossly violated the constitution of Cameroon.Therefore, cannot be above the law.Presidential elections in Cameroon can only be fair and transparent after a two years transitional government during,which the UNO will assist the transitional government to carry fair and transparent elections.
3) The CPDM Party has been illegally involved in some countries in the Diaspora especially the United States where thousand of their children and followers are on political asylum. By conducting election in this country knowing that many of us could never participate is testimony that Cameroon is not a democratic society under President Paul Biya and the CPDM Party. Therefore, it is not appropriate for any nation to claim that the elections took place under acceptable conditions. It could also be said that corrupt tyranny and dictatorship provides an acceptable living condition for some people and thus makes them happy but a relative acceptable condition does not translate into a collective respect for civil and human rights in this casde of Cameroon.
4) The truth has not changed in the sense that CPDM Party of Cameroon , which is the Party of President Paul Biya CUM CPDM-USA has violated Federal laws by illegally carrying out their political activities within the United States on behalf of the foreign Principal( CPDM regime of Cameroon) without complying with the FARA( Foreign Agents Registration ACT).To this effect any elections organized by Cameroon government in ,which CPDM Party is involved is not only illegal but must be null and void under law.
There is not much to be said now except that we 're waiting for the ELECAM outcome here in the USA before I launched a civil suit against the CPDM Party and their registered voters. In the meantime, I am making all the appropriate complaints and raising appropriate diplomatic awareness while waiting for a green light to proceed to the Federal Court. We will keep the world well informed of our legal actions against CPDM to ensure that our civil rights are not hijacked by them. The CPDM Party is very wrong.
5) Reports from very reliable sources in Cameoron trickling down to me admit that voters turn out was the worst,yet in history! Ironically, the said opposition had claimed that they were a force to reckon with! If people cannot at one moment in history put country and the oppressed above their very personal vaulting ambitions, then , one is not allowed to embraced them simply because they want to be known as opposition. Of what good is opposition if they have no strategic planning and even worst unwilling to seek counsel or take one freely offered? Would one be wrong to conclude that the opposition were desperate for financial fortunes and public posturings through unrealistic political pursuits?
6)I must insist that this struggle is gradually moving to its legal phase,which is to challenge the CPDM Party and their candidate in the greatest nation on earth as regards their illegal presence in this country as well as hijacking our civil rights as Cameroonians on political asylum.Imagaine ,one cannot freely exercise their civic rights because of persecution and asylum,yet the same corrupt Party comes all the way to illegal operate here in the USA and at the sametime conducting elections. Who were they fooling or intimidating? Be rest assured that we will prevail and all the ill gotten wealth of all CPDM people and their children will be confiscated pending transfer to the new government.
I have to believe that these CPDM-USA people are not only cynical, perhaps their goal was just to destabilize and sabotage our plans but they are not very smart ! Yes, not very smart in the sense that in America, the law speaks and punishes when there is every reason beyond reasonable doubt to believe that people frankly filed asylum against CPDM and then voted for the Party and their candidate whom they had castigated in their asylum letters; had given up their sovereignty under oath and then still working for the CPDM Party; that the CPDM Party has been operating illegally wthin the United since 2009; that the CPDM militants had issued threats against other Cameroonians who disagree with the CPDM regime, in this the foreign principal;that the CPDM regime has been involved in money laundary and all forms of racketeering in order to perpetrate itself within the Diaspora especially the United States.
This is something that will be subject to investigation by the USA department of Justice, Immigration, FARA and others. Yes, it will happen and truth and Justice will prevail.
Thanks you all for your kind interest and cooperation.
Jonathan Awasom
Phone: 612-878-5829
Phone: 612-878-5829
- The voices for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
- The Rallying-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
- Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village
- Through political advocacy , we are engaging, energizing,mobilizing, organizing and empowering Cameroonians, Africans, international community and concerned citizens of the world with interest in Africa to support our drive for genuine change.Pass it
The public confession about Jonathan Awasom
--- On Tue, 8/23/11, COLLINS EZEBUIHE <> wrote:
Now, unto Cameroun:
"Have you ever heard of a Cameroonian guy named Jonathan Awasom? He's no coward like some of his fellow nationals you rightly described and some of them that you are giving undeserved recognition, and he's determined to see democracy in Cameroun. Please get the facts about Cameroun, because, unfortunately, some of the Cameroonian people you praised here may be the ones actually in the pockets of Biya. Thats the truth my brother, and you can ask Mister Awasom and numerous other Cameroun nationals.And talking of Cameroun, if you actually want to know who is actually bringing real French vandalism intoAfrica by way of Cameroun, Paul Biya --the life president of Cameroun, is the man. "Pronto!!!"Anyway, thats it for Cameroun for now, unless somebody wants to declare a wider Camerooon topic " Collins Ezebuihe, Nigerian Political Activist
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