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Saturday, June 16, 2012


Mr Peter Essoka's reflections can be found at end of this page following the rebuttals of Msjoe Evelyn and Jonathan Awasom.

My fellow Cameroonians
My concerned citizens
Members of the International Community

No other adage could be more relevant and applicable than the one ,which says that " a fly that does not listen to advice follows the corps to the grave. What a powerful and compelling adage ,which fits squarely with what happens 24/7 with those Cameroonians at home and within the Diaspora who never listen to advice.

You see how the traitors are now going after Mr Peter Essoka? They want to silent the truth at all cost with their usual manoevres and manipulations, spining and twisting the truth well articulated by a humble man.

The political confessions of Marafa and Mr Peter Essoka are just the few among many still to come!This is perhaps one of the greatest achievements of a ceaseless advocacy against this CPDM system that continues to fund/finance some  Cameroonians like  kenneth Fru Ndeh, DJ Eric, Larry Eyong Echaw, Dr Peter Igwacho, Mishe Fon, Mukoi Elkanah to attack , insult and slander. Quite apart from the regular CPDM long list of blind followers to the CPDM system like Jackson Nanje, Jude Okafor, Lady Kate Njueuma , Sam Esale,Joe Mbu , Dr Konde Emmanuel, there the other ones are the actual  surrogates of the system who are given some financial compensations  to publish as much nasty and slanderous stuff against people who exposed the wrongs of the system even before Marafa began his crusade of political confessions.

Mr  Peter Essoka is simply re-echoing what we have said before! Why did Marafa not publish his letters when the time was ripe, that is when he was still eating and fattening himself from the system? Why only now? He was quiet because like the other elephants of the CPDM system, it did not matter to them on what grass they were lying on with their weight of injustice and oppression.

When a criminal enterprise has committed serious crimes against humanity with many families suffering till date because of their evil ways,  those who employ manipulative adages like "better late than never" must be considered the defender of perpetrators of injustice and violation of our laws. Too often those who sit on the fence point fingers at those who muster the courage to call a spade a spade. Bravo to Mr Peter Essoka  for reminding  all those who regrope in the dark that virtue still has a place in our society ! We see that everyday.

Therefore,Mr Peter Essoka is not meadering or pretending.  He is exposing the hypocrisy of Cameroonians who want to eat on both sides of the fence. They cannot have it both ways. Injustice  is injustice and individual accountability counts in this case where there is a growing sense of insecurity within the inner cycles of the CPDM ruling junta in Cameroon and around the world

In fact, it is the likes of Msjoe Evelyn and their CPDM clique around Washington, DC  who glorify mediocrity within the rank and file of the CPDM junta! People who play for convenience and expediency waiting to jump from the fence of neutrality! No other truth is more correct than one spoken by an insider against the system that they once adore and worshiped. 

The CPDM embassy in Washington, DC has corrupted and brainwashed most Cameroonians paying them to slander and insult Cameroonians who decried and castigated this system for years! While all these was going on  many of them from the Diaspora condoned and some of them were heavily financed to fight for the system! So, please, these CPDM surrogates cannot fool us again. They can spin and twist on the bitter truth that Mr Peter Essoka is spitting out like fire of lamentation, a true political confession that can lead to repentance . 

Everyone of us , Cameroonians MUST cross-examine ourselves as well as our role in aiding and abetting the system in Cameroon. In fact, I mean everyone of us including those who like to REACT to the true confessions of others. Rather than trying to school one about who Mr Essoka is or is not, what has been your role in perpetrating the system ?

The CPDM system did not have to be exposed by Mr Marafa. In fact, in the Marafa's selling after the market, we see what happens when a fly that does not listen to advice follows the corps to the grave! What is Marafa saying that we have not said?  

Marafa was only REACTING to a forgone conclusion after I had EXPOSED and X-RAYED the SYSTEM to the world. When  I  was decrying this SYSTEM to the world Marafa was very well aware just as the Cameroon Ambassador to the USA. They  thought I was joking until they were caught pants down! 

It is enormous pressure that came to bear before such powerful men like Marafa who once saw themselves as INVINCIBLE and INFALLIBLE  are learning the HARD LESSONS of life! God is the the mighty and invincible , and not mere human beings we are

Mr Peter Essoka does not  have to be meadering by any stretch of wondering what he might have been saying because what he is saying is transcidental . This is one of the finest analytical and investigative journalists around. As a journalist I believe that his  take on this  with soul searching questions are very compelling! 

While like most Cameroonians, he has worked and lived within the system, his point is the system has no mercy for anyone including himself, Marafa and Paul Biya whom he figuratively describes as Nebuchanezzar.I think that his letter is clean and clear.I know Mr Peter Essoka in person .

I do not doubt his honesty .The message is " how the mighty are fallen" and who is save within the system.So, why do some of of these Cameroonians take bribes from the system to slander and insult genuine Cameroonians who are doing their best to change the system Msjoe Evelyn? Can any of you regroping in the dark explain to Cameroonians why some of you are so desperately defending the CPDM system and why all of you in your DC gang condone ?

Mr Peter Essoka is on track and his letter is very consoling and encouraging because it is true.One of the best ways to change a system is to create an internal bleeding ! Let  the system bleed to death.God is great and to God be the Glory. LEAVE MR PETER ESSOKA ALONE and I have good advice to all of you regroping in dark, a FLY THAT DOES NOT LISTEN TO ADVICE FOLLOWS THE CORPS TO THE GRAVE

 Jonathan Awasom 

--- On Thu, 6/14/12, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: [camnetwork] Re: Marafat - RFLECTION BY PETER ESSOKA
Date: Thursday, June 14, 2012, 8:27 AM
With the meanderings from Peter Esoka, which God do lesser citizens defy - Biya? Who bestows and takes away invincibility - Biya?

Peter Essoka is being clever by half in his thinly veiled tolerance for this defective system. Granted, a drowning man will try to save his skin, the crucial point is whether the claims are true or not; not the belatedness of  revelations. He quotes Nebuchadnezzar, does he also know the adage:Better late than never? And who is this God to be obeyed?
The underlying message in Peter Essoka's reflection is: "once you chop, you wipe your mouth and shut up for forever!"
Please choppers, you can scream anytime - before, in and after jail or never in jail.  As long as you are pinpointing the malfeasance, you are doing a favor to the country.
Not one to take a  liking in governmental issues in Cameroon (I prefer philanthropic contributions),this albatross affair opens the window to the callous impunity of the regime. Why would a president need a  plane, outfitted with all, including anti-missile devices,  under various schemes to fool the IMF? And this scheme came at the expense of what since the country was undergoing financial austerity measures under the Heavily Indebted Poor Country provisions?
The salient points are often clouded. Biya looks like a common crook - if you ask more International observers.
How many hospitals and dilapidated clinics lack basic necessities, how many patient died deprived of primary care so that Biya can fly luxuriously? How rampant is this plain impunity?  For the hard working market women who enable economies,  for the working poor who rise and toil from dawn to dusk, for the down on their luck, we can do better by them.
People, these are the more consequential ramifications; not whether former power wielders spoke out late. And who is Peter Essoka referring to in his cattle and goat eating grass metaphor? The common citizens? Is it a wonder the civil society can easily be brought to its knees when intellectuals and public opinion molders aim at nonsense while dodging the greater consequences?
No political novice should come here with  bla bla bla USAID returned to Cameroon. It is not a clean bill on health. It is a foreign policy incentive - surely in return for something - give US companies leeways, Africom exchange, etc.
People sorry, I don't like commenting on Cameroon political issues.  But no Peter Essoka, one man cannot be the president for how many years - with no accountability and you think he should be believed.  When he vexes, head roll; when he is happy, pomp and pageantry take hold.

11 June 2012
There are so many serious things being talked about these days - things that are raising eye brows. Politicians are mounting their soap boxes in defence of one issue or the other, the major one these days being the Marafa letters from jail. The whole thing has become such a jumble. It is difficult to really pinpoint what the hullabaloo is all about.
The whole Marafa issue to me reflects our political thinking; in fact it reflects us as a people. We seem always to grope in the dark searching for monkeys amongst goats. Then each one starts looking for reasons or the actual raison d’être for what has befallen us. But when we look carefully at the trends, especially the arguments that one hears, one may conclude rightly or wrongly that there is a lot of personal interest in what people say or do.
Now take Marafa. What is the rational behind the letter writing? Why now when he had every opportunity in his heydays to denounce the wrongs he saw within the system despite warnings from the opposition? For personal reasons and particularly reasons of profitability he condoned with wrong and wallowed in the splendour of being at the top of things. He masterminded some of the things that had to keep the status quo, things he seems to condemn today because the advantage is no longer his. Advantage out as would say in tennis.
True, there are some revelations he has been making and one would think these are desperate tactics any drowning person would apply to save himself from taking the last gulp of water before life’s chapter closes. Is he succeeding? Whether we want to accept it or not, many people on the sidelines are buying his manoeuvres. Many others however, are also asking whether silence could not have been proper for a gentleman he seems to have been.
Generally, the political trend in this country is confusing and the citizenry is always asking whither Cameroon and its breed of politicians? What are we exposing to the world?
The party to which Mr Marafa belongs is asking what has become of one of their very highly placed militant. Government ministers in trying to have a response to such a question are parading the screens and trying to give reasons why nothing Marafa says is of any valid consequence. So what next?
Why did we have to get to this? Could this issue not be settled long before we got to the stage? For many years there have been talks of misappropriation and the siphoning of money aimed at purchasing a Presidential plane. The same people involved were revered by us as being some “grand commis de l’état” if I should use the French expression. They are catapulted to the top of things and they wielded enormous power. Nothing seems to bother them because they commanded the confidence of the powers that be. The question now is, what suddenly happened that the balloon was so easily deflated that these people seem to have so quickly run from the grace they enjoyed to the grass they now seem to be chewing with ordinary goats and cattle?
You remember the story of Nebuchadnezzar how powerful he was as the Babylonian king. He defied God with all imprudence and impunity. You know where he ended, right? He became like an animal and had to eat the foliage around him. The mighty had fallen.
Why give people so much confidence, especially those of the inner circle and then just discard them or junked them like garbage? They are whisked into some detention camps as though judgement had been summarily been passed on them. It can be frustrating to consider yourself a prisoner and then join the privileges, if privileges they be, of ‘prisonhood’.
Marafa is only voicing out such frustration especially we are aware that many others like him who detected the pace this country operated are behind the bars. So who is safe in the regime? If such close aides to power can be made to be so powerless, why do some people arrogate invincibility? The system is without pity, no matter who you think you are or have been.
The Ondong Ndongs, Edzoas, Mebaras, Marafas, Abah Abahs, the Adamas, the Abenas, and even Inonis and others are in there, whether justly or not.
The system seems to be no respecter of persons and no one is excluded from its grips when it means to be mean.
So watch your footsteps. You may just be the next victim because the angel of death is hovering from door to door and if you are not cleansed by the blood of the lamb, your fate is certain

           Peter Essoka



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