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Monday, June 11, 2012


Part One 

The historical origin and  meaning of "Magna Carta",which means (Great Charter for Freedom)

My fellow Human beings
My fellow Cameroonians
My fellow Africans
My fellow Citizens of the free world
My honorable members of the Civil Society
My respected members of the U.S Congress of free people 

When I wrote the Manifesto for the freedom of Cameroon in 2010, I thought it was a more complex document meant for the wise interpretation of  astute scholars like  Educators, Theologians, Scientists,Sociologists,Anthroplogists, Political Scientists, Lawyers and Historians than for every other person. 

As I continue to espouse the objectives of a virtuous and free Cameroon as well as the 10 summaries of a virtuous and free Cameroon( remember these are three different ways to capture the nature of a new  political freedom of Cameroon under the yoke of corrupt tyranny and dictatorship), I also wanted to define this freedom in more practical ways.

By breaking down the notion of freedom in simple terms to be called the great charter for freedom , it is my hope that this will inspire a curriculum for teaching as well as encourage it to be posted everywhere in the society; homes, streets,public buildings, schools, offices and business places. 

Cameroonians and Africans must be taught the subject of freedom because corrupt tyranny and dictatorship has taken a huge toll on them so much so that children born today are still suffering from the effects of this kind of bad political system.

On June 15th,1215 the Magna Carta came to fruition under the leadership of King John. It stemmed from the believe that humans had natural rights from birth but these rights had to be made to become law. Therefore, the Magna Carta guaranteed the protection of certain human rights by the rule of law in order to ensure that there was equality and justice within the sovereignty under the king. 

It argued very legally that the king was king as "first among
equals"(subjects or citizens) but must in no way be above the rule of law. According to this radical way of thinking only a tyrant and dictator like Mr Paul Biya of Cameroon would consider themselves above the rule of law within a given sovereign country or kingdom. 

The Magna Carta also opened a new chapter in the right of citizens under the king by instituting that the citizen would never be arbitrarily arrested and jailed illegally without being judged and represented under law by their qualified peers. 

The Magna Carta was a powerful political idea whose time came during the 12th century to prevent the political tsunami of corrupt tyranny and dictatorship , which had no respect for life and the rule of law among British Monarchs. It can be said that the Magna Carta was like a kind of unprecedented  political fire that ignited a new way of appreciating and valuing the place of all human beings born free into this world. 

The truth is only honest and wise people were capable to discover the moral essence of the Magna Carter in order to learn from it with the hope to improve upon their own moral failings or to chart a new course of human dignity for their people. 

It is no surprise to me today that we have some leaders around the world absolutely blind or completely oblivious  to the knowledge and information about the Magna Carta. Imagine the fact that the Magna Carta,which originated from the British Monarch  inspired and empowered the Founders of the U.S. Constitution during the 17th century. This was about  5 centuries after it was founded in the 12th century.

In some of my writings about virtuous and free society, I have been very inspired from birth to articulate a modern human and civil rights political freedom for Cameroon and Africa. For a while , some people wanted to know from where I have drawn my inspiration about human rights with passionate conviction ! 

Although, I  do operate from the premise that as a human being I ought to be entitled to the whole notion about the origin of my life and how to go about it without being obstructed or hindered by another human being whose own life is owed to the same set of expectations that I yearn for, one must pay tribute to the power of history. 

I am hereby referring to those Cameroonian and African powerful people who mistakenly think that by their own selfish existence in Cameroon and within Africa, they are more entitled to the life that all are deserving as fellow human beings than the rest of the Cameroon and African people. 

These are my fellow Cameroonian and African citizens whose human and civil rights are grossly  violated and their freedom and liberties trampled  by those corrupt tyrants and dictators in Cameroon and

Why must I pay tribute to history? History is an instrument to combat ignorance because history contend a wealth of information and knowledge we need to guide us  better navigate the present and future. 

The study of history provide clues to a moral conscious person on how to deal with the past merits and demerits with respect to his or her desire to re-make or recreate a new society so that the failures of the past may be avoided or prevented.  

Even before I came to the absolute understanding that I ought to "speak up, speak about freedom and rights", in this case, as a voice for the voiceless, as an advocate for those who are powerless, oppressed and deprived of their freedoms and rights, it was because the idea about freedom and rights was long engraved into my mind set/psyche to the extent ,which it once began to inform the way that I think, perceive and act under corrupt tyranny and
dictatorship inside Cameroon society.

One has to be born into oppression in order to understand the essence of freedom and then be driven to fight for freedom with all your mind, spirit soul and strength.

According to Laura Hitt, the Editor of " Human Rights, Great Speeches  in History" , one of the first documents to recognize  the concept that human had innate rights was the MAGNA CARTA. So, what was the Magna Carta? The Magna Carta was "the great charter of the English political and civil liberties granted by King King John at Runnymede on June 15,1215. By issuing the Charter King John placed himself and all of England's future sovereigns under the rule  of law. For example kings and Magistrates could no longer imprison people arbitrarily;they had to guarantee each person who was arrested fair trial. The Charter guarantees that " no freeman shall be taken, imprisoned,..or in any other way destroyed...except by the lawful judgement of his peers,or by the law of the land." The Magna Carta has served as a model for political leaders-such as the founders of the U.S. Constitution-seeking to establish a law code that guarantees citizens' basic

Part Two
The Freedom Charter for Cameroon and Africa

For a virtuous and free Cameroon and Africa 

  • Free from violent bloodshed and retaliation
  • Free from human and civil rights violations
  • Free from bribery and corruption
  • Free from torture, arbitrary arrest and illegal imprisonment
  • Free from police  and military crack down on civilians
  • Free from stereotypes and prejudices based on class origin, tribe or region
  • Free from fraudulent bank  statements and fraudulent documents and degrees 
  • Free from  political persecution of people because of their free speech and opinion
  • Free from arbitrary arrest and imprisonment without legal representation and trial
  • Free from dictating Governors and Delegates  on the people 
  • Free from centralization of the political system 
  • Free from overtaxing the poor and sparing the corrupt elite
  • Free from lack of financial aid  to students to pursue College and higher education
  • Free from lack of  scientific research stagnation and lack of  inquiry
  • Free from lack of incentives and subsidies to indigenous farmers in agricultural zones
  • Free from lack of transparency and accountability in the public service
  • Free from organized crime as in armed robbery, banditary,robbery
  • Free from fear of self-expression and creative writing and publication
  • Free from a policy of divide and conquer ,which tears communities apart
  • Free from lack of respect for our constitution and gross violation of the rule of law
  • Free from Ministers and Governors who serve at the pleasure of the dictator for life
  • Free from lack of commitment to heath care education and development of hospitals,community clinics and health care centers
  • Free from lack of rural electrification and "waterfication"
  • Free from lack of high way expansion  with multiple lanes through out the regions
  • Free from lack social services for the disable, senior citizens, elderly and single parents
  • Free from lack of consolidation of civil society towards social cohesion and viability 
  • Free from lack of small business initiatives and loans/subsidies
  • Free from lack of meritocracy and free from mediocrity 
  • Free from cronyism and favoritism
  • Free from lack of prosecution of  sexual harrassment 
  • Free from lack prosecution of domestic violence
  • Free from lack of equality of all people;gender, creed and origin under law
  • Free from  non-involvement in the free market economic under the present global economic and cultural trends 
  • Free from  lack of "made in Cameroon" products for export 
  • Free from lack of sustainable development initiatives to empower citizens within every tribe and community
  • Free from lazy children of public officials who depend on the ill-gotten wealth of their parents and hardly industrious and productive
  • Free from lack of professionalism in both private and public sectors
  • Free from CPDM regime and militants
  • Free from Dictator Paul Biya  who is chairman of CPDM cult for life
  • Free from  Dictator  of Ni John Fru Ndi who is chairman of SDF for life
  • Free from ignorance and illiteracy
  • Free from lack of a virtuous and free Cameroon
  • Free from not understanding the original vision of the Founding Fathers of .U.S 

Jonathan Awasom 
The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village


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