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Friday, June 29, 2012

A travesty of Protestantism inside Presbyterian church in Cameroon: What is the PCC Synod hiding ?

Subject: A  Travesty of Protestantism inside Presbyterian church in Cameroon: What is the PCC Synod hiding ?
"The Church once reformed is always reforming" adopted by the Protestant movement.

A travesty of Protestantism when Protestants dismiss Protestants from Protestantism in gross violation of the history and culture of protestantism

Protestantism is like a melting pot because something is always going to happen because  the Holy Scriptures  is no longer held hostage by the Pope and Vatican.Therefore, the PCC must have a different approach to resolve  theological conflicts as well as maintain the  innovative spirit of protestantism ,which we have come to cherish and at the sametime keep up with the commandment for church unity.

While the Roman Catholic Church, the Vatican and the Pope are becoming more and more transparent and accountable under the authority and guidance of the word of God as well as the influence of modernism and post-modernism rooted in the surge in free speech and communication technologies(even if it is not by choice because of the free world), one must be shocked that any protestant church like the Presbyterian in Cameroon(PCC) under the mismanagement of the Synod  has been regroping in the dark just like the Vatican in those days. 

Why was  the reformation built on a Protest?  In another sense, why was  protest  at the center of the Reformation? The secrecy of the Vatican and the Pope was  itself very dangerous to God's divine plan to salvage humankind from sins and set them unto the path to salvation. God was very troubled by the secrecy that reigned within the Vatican and when this happened, God hatched a plan through man as God has always done to reassure humanity that the Jesus Christ, the Logos word( John 1:1-5) was still the Supreme light that was still shinning and that where this light is, there must be no secrecy( Matthew 5:13-16)

If Presbyterianism was a fruit or  a logical outcome of the protest that defined and shaped the reformation era,  then the PCC Synod officials who are also descendants of the  protestant reformation have no grounds for dismissing anyone from the protest church so long as they have not committed any crime that may jeopardize their ability to function as Pastors or lay leaders according to the Holy Scriptures. Dismissal is and should be the last resort after all other efforts have failed. 

If we  , Presbyterians are protestants, how can protestants dismiss protestants from protestantism? Protestantism is our tradition and culture. Protestantism is our identity and what makes us Presbyterians is the fact that we have the right to protest because we were born with the  spirit of protest. If we, Presbyterians are deprived of protesting then we will die like a plant that is deprived of CO2 ! What I am saying is simple to understand from a theological point of view in that the weight of protestantism is measured by the word of God( The bible). 

What makes protestantism tick or kick is the ability of the protestant reformation to have captured the powerful authority of the word of God  being revealed and exposed to the protestant movement.The PCC and PCC Synod as well as Pastors and lay leaders are an integral part of this movement and must be conscious of this central truth.

The PCC Synod officials are not supposed to be above the spirit of protestantism because the moment they see themselves as untouchable , then that means the PCC Synod officials are  back to square one before the reformation ,prompted by the abuse of the authority of God's word and the Holy Trinity( God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit) by the Pope and Vatican.

The word of God as canonized into the OT and NT is not a secret and must not be an instrument of any form of secrecy whatsover. Therefore  if the church( PCC Synod officials) is undertaking any business, making policies, creating  theological doctrines, training Pastors and ordaining them, training elders and lay leaders in the church as well as taking any drastic decision to dismiss Pastors and Christians, the word of God as written  in the Holy Bible or Good News Bible or the Revised Standard Version or King James Version or the NIV must be at the center of  their actions.

The word of God is Supreme under proper and thorough interpretation. The whole essence is to prevent men and women from bringing into the body of Christ , their own personal human whims and caprices,which compromises or jeopardizes the sacredness of God 's word and power over all of us as God's children in search for righteousness. 

Collaborating what Pastor  Pa Taku Moses said about Rev Dr Martin Luther the reformer that he actually snatched the bible( stole) the bible from the Vatican  thereby violating some rules, I want to shed some more light on what Martin Luther discovered when he visited the Vatican, I mean his personal experience while there! 

But first of all , he did not violate any ordination vows when he took the bible during ,which time he read it before going on a writing spree about the authority of the word of God in matters of church doctrine ,which contradicted the false teachings of the  Pope and Vatican on  biblical teachings on sins, grace, forgiveness, justification and salvation through Jesus Christ as a member of the Trinity. 

Martin Luther immediately discovered that there was a huge disconnect between the simple confession of sins ,repentance  and reconciliation with Jesus Christ and the Vatican's  dogmatic law based on buying and selling indulgence as a precondition for the forgiveness of sins. This meant that  anyone who wanted to be forgiven of their sins had to request to buy an indulgence from the Pope. Indulgence was within the personal discretion of the Pope who was unconsciously usurping the place of Jesus Christ as  the one who forgives sins against the backdrop of repentance and acknowledgement of Jesus Christ as lord and savior of the world  in John 3:16

The sales of indulgence meant that grace  and faith had no place in the life of the Christian because so long as they bought the indulgence through any means ( donate gold and silver, land, money, labor , material gifts and others to the Vatican  and co) it did not matter if they had confessed that Jesus Christ was the messiah and also believed in him. What was more important was the fact that people could sin as many times as they wanted so long as they had the ability to continue to buy indulgences from the Pope. Therefore, it is safe to say that the  Vatican was not transparent with  the way it was operated with respect to the SUPREMACY OF THE HOLY TRINITY( God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit)

In spite of the fact that the Roman Catholic Church embraced the central doctrine of the Trinity to teach about the supremacy of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy  Spirit in the church and life of the Christians, somehow the Vatican had asserted herself as another Supreme power over the church. This is because the Vatican was attempting to organize and lead the church and Christians from an institutional or organizational perspective where as normal human beings with  their  natural human flaws would require more than just the Holy Scriptures and Holy Trinity to  direct  and manage the conduct of sinful people.

Knowing fully well that even as "Peter, you are the rock upon , which I have built my church", feeding God's sheep required shepherds. These shepherds were to take after Jesus Christ as the Chief Shepherd( Psalm 23 and John 10:1-22) because they were sinners under the throne of God's divine grace made available through faith in Jesus Christ.

Yet, when the church has attempted to operate as a human institution known as an ecclesiastical order because it is entrusted into the hands of elders,laity and trained Pastors, too often they fail to carry themselves as their chief shepherd. For this reason, they MUST not act as though they are indeed righteous and hollier than any other person within the PCC or Protestantism.

The Secrecy of the Pope and Vatican 

    * Very little was known about the Pope and his entourage.
    * Decisions were taken under secrecy and  the people were only dictated the resolutions ,which favor them within the Vatican
    * The  Pope was infallible and above accountability
    * The Bible was only available to the POPE and a some of his closest alies in the whole church
    * There was no opportunity for people accused of wrong doing to answer or defend themselves as they were blamed and either eliminated or removed from the church
    * The gold and silver of the Vatican was not known by the Christians because unlike today, it was not available to the public

Secrecy inside the PCC Synod and Synod Officials of the  Presbyterian Church in Cameroon

How anger fuels the secrecy inside PCC Synod because of greed

The PCC Synod officials  rule the Church  through their ANGER AND RAGE instead of  through prayers and guidance from the Holy Spirit and the word  of God. Some of them take things too personal and when they are challenged, they become very frustrated and angry that you have humiliated them. In such uncontrolable rage, the only tool  they have in their hands is a hammer and nail, which they hit hard! Once they are angry, no matter what you do, they are determined to prove that they have power and according to them their autocratic ways are carried out to protect the church ! You have to wonder whether they are protecting a Protestant church or Roman Catholic or their selfishness with greed ?

When Synod Officials became jealous of the  charisma, popularity and high performance of a Pastor especially when they are doing something new in the ministry, they become jealous and fill with wrath. When this happens, they start writing intimidating letters claiming that they are counseling  those Pastors that they consider a threat to them even if their actions have no direct threat to their positions of power and money!

All they want to do is use their position and  power to build barriers where one should not have existed in order to get even with them. So, what do they do, they frame up some lies( blackmail) and accused these Pastors and Christians of acting unpresbyterian and insurbodinate to authority! So, the question is do protestants have the right to protest the decision of the  PCC Synod who are also protestants?  What are some of the causes of the angry actions of  the PCC Synod;

    * PCC Synod officials own  ill -gotten assets ,which they have stolen from the wealth of the  PCC( Many of them own secret bank acounts, land, estates all over, which  are not accounted for ).There are people within the PCC Synod who actually believe that without them there should be no PCC because  they treat the PCC as their private plantation. So, they speak  ill about other Presbyterians as though they paid for their theological education and other professional training as well as their well-being since they entered the PCC family from their private pockets. It seems very obvious that all of them have been living off of the people, the wealth and riches of the PCC contributed from overseas and cultivated from within. They have this mentality of thinking that they  are not living on charity whereas most of  their children living abroad depended on stolen church wealth !
    *  Some PCC Synod Officials have signed a secret pact with the CPDM regime to crack down on any Pastors and Christians who threaten their unholy alliance that is not inspired by the Holy trinity and  the word of God solely for their selfish political reasons ,which is to keep the statuquo(s) of both the State and Church
    * Some of the PCC Synod officials have been selling indulgences to CPDM top ranking officials who are members  of the PCC as well as Synod
    * Some of the  PCC Synod officials have a secret pact with some colonial masters to use the gospel of liberty in Jesus Christ to control, manipulate, brainwash and fool the Christians not to think about the importance of life in the present and only to focus on life after death while they ,PCC Synod Officials and Colonial missionaries live in affluence and opulence. We all know that this is contradictory because if the life of the Christian who is oppressed by the political system is irrelevant in this world why then do those PCC Synod officials swim in material wealth, comfort and luxury since they are also going to benefit from salvation? 
    * In short the PCC Synod officials are a den of thieves who hide behind the word of God and Church with no conscience of their own with some of the heartless decisions they take against fellow christian disciples of Christ within God's vineyard. 

For these reasons and more, the 100 theses for the reformation were very appropriate and justified in keeping with the true spirit of Presbyterianism as an integral part of the protestant movement.

Jonathan Awasom

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