I have never lost faith in humanity in spite of the injustices I have faced in the struggle for justice. Truth is a prerequisite for justice and liberty.
My vision is for a virtuous and free society.
Here is a catalogue of wikitruths. I speak truth to powers as the most effective tool for change since I was blessed with this exra-ordinary gift.Yes, I have infleunced world leaders and millions of lives changed already with wikitruths.
Truth is the greatest force for good
The Concept of Political Power I have a different understanding of Political Power since I am a politic...
Friday, July 13, 2012
The Cameroon crusade for freedom: In loving memory of President Ronald Reagan, " Yea, We Must Be Free"
Subject:The Cameroon crusade for freedom: In loving memory of President Ronald Reagan,
" Yea, We Must Be Free"
My fellow Cameroonians
My fellow Africans
My dear members of the free and virtuous nations
My fellow advocates for freedom, human rights, civil rights and democracy
Yea, we must be free in Cameroon
I beckon on all to become fellow crusaders for the freedom of my , country, Cameroon from totalitarian dictatorship and corrupt tyranny into a free and virtuous society
The clarion call for the freedom of Cameroon was first published in 2009. I also describe it as the "crusade for freedom" . The phrase " Crusade for Freedom" was once beautiful coined and pronounced by President Ronald Reagan during a speech he presented to the London House of Commons on June 1982 .
In that same year dictator Paul Biya who was Cameroon's Prime Minister under President Amado Ahidjo was appointed and imposed on us as the President for life. It is more than 30 years today and it is clear to me that some African totalitarians regimes have no ears to listen! So, I have ears and this crusade for freedom of Cameroon MUST come to past.
"The Crusade for Freedom" by President Ronald Reagan
President Reagan's Speech to the United Kingdom's House of Commons, June 8, 1982.
"We're approaching the end of a bloody century plagued by a terrible political invention -- totalitarianism. Optimism comes less easily today, not because democracy is less vigorous, but because democracy's enemies have refined their instruments of repression. Yet optimism is in order because day by day democracy is proving itself to be a not at all fragile flower. From Stettin on the Baltic to Varna on the Black Sea, the regimes planted by totalitarianism have had more than thirty years to establish their legitimacy. But none -- not one regime -- has yet been able to risk free elections. Regimes planted by bayonets do not take root..."President Ronald Reagan
Dictator Paul Biya of Cameroon and his CPDM-SDF regime are clear enemies of democracy . They chose dictatorship and corrupt tyranny over the democratic process by clinging to power for as long as they are living. Yet, simultaneously, they run their mouths like parrots that they are democrats. So, take a moment to read and digest the clarion call( crusade) for the freedom of Cameroon, which is centerpiece of my advocacy for a virtuous and free society.
My dear people; listen to the Voices of the ones who beckon on you; wake up from slumber my people;do you want to be free from the system of oppression ?
Yea, We Must be Free…
The CPDM Party of Cameroon are hypocrites who preach democracy and practice tyranny and dictatorship. In his warp political mind, dictator Paul Biya and his cronies invented something that was terribly strange, a kind of kleptocracy that can only be liken to " l'etat c'est moi" of Louis the XIV ! In fact celebrated African scholar and author of how to get rid of a dictator", Professor George Ayittey noted in " Why African Dictators stay long in power" that
"First, they somehow get this absurd notion that the country belongs to them -- only them alone and their families – and must rule till cows jump over the moon. They act like the despotic French monarch, Louis XIV, who famously declared: “L’Etat, c’est moi” (I am the State)" Prof George Ayittey
Fact is, they are not entitled to the State or any political organization alone although they have made themselves to be the State Party like a State Religion through hook and crookery. They are bound to the Constitution and evidence point to a grave violation.
So, we are right. Any political party, which does not consider the Constitution good enough to be respected must not be tolerated to set a dangerous precedence like the totalitarian despots of old. The last time that any religion was a State religion was in the 15th century.
No More State Parties or State Religions in the 21st century.That entitlement mentality to the State and State Property! President for life! Ministers for life! No declaration of assets for Life? Tyranny, dictatorship and corruption for life! Are we animals or human beings? Oh no, I am here to tell my people we are human beings made in the same image of those who oppress us.Yea,it is our birth right to be free and I know you want to be free, do you?
Yea, We Must be Free
They are not eligible to organize or supervise elections in Cameroon per the Constitution. Moreso, nobody within the CPDM Party is eligible under the current rule of law to stand for any elections in Cameroon because they hasve stolen State property and public funds. They have violated the sacred document, which is the soul and conscience of the State. It is a treason and unfortunate. Nobody should encourage this kind of violation in this century. You must download the Constitutionexplore Articles 1, 2,3,4,5,6 and 66.The Constitution of Cameroon and Article 66 on this site:
Cameroon Law No. 96-06 of 18 January 1996 to amend the Constitution of 2 June 1972 The National Assembly has deliberated and adopted; The President of the Republic ...
We, the people cannot continue to be ruled by State Parties, which disenfranchises minorities and opponents in all elections. In Cameroon the State Party has deprived adults at 18 from voting. The make the voting age to be 20 because they cannot win an election, in which young people are part of the largest electorate. They banish young people from making their voices heard! Besides, only about 20% of Cameroonians are registered majority of whom are Pro –CPDM Party, which is the ruling or state party.
Their strategy is designed to rig elections even before they are ever conducted. It is ridiculous that black people would fight for voting rights within the United States around the 60s while in the 21st century some black people within Cameroon are really standing in the way of post-modernism and civilization. I cannot fathom the rate at which people and most importantly young Cameroonians are disenfrachised in that society.
Ironically their grand children or children who turn 18 within the United States are eligible to vote.It is wrong to downplay on youthful idealism or technically knock them out of the political cycle and at the sametime expect them to be leaders of tomorrow.
Their voices count and we must strive to make sure all people of ages must be registered to vote. I invite Cameroonians yearning for freedom to dialogue with me. I thank those who have been in touched with me either through emails or phone calls.
As I said, I am not in the habit of asserting too much importance to myself as the Presidential Candidate for the Transitional Government in Cameroon. I will continue with an open door policy of engaging Cameroonians because it is a great privilege for us to position ourselves as nation builders. Others have taken on this task centuries ago. We have seen and lived the benefits.
This is our own time. We are intelligent and courageous enough to turn a new page of history. We must pursue our vision as people who are moved beyond the stretch of our imagination by the history, politics and ideals of free people. I will unveil the details of the 21 points I submitted for your review by the end of this month.
In the meantime, we must continue to rekindle the spirit of humanity from within us so that we must rise us from the desert of defeatism and despair and make giant strides to the oasis of freedom. What thinkest thou about this dialogue?
“Tell me, Socrates, are we to consider you serious now or jesting? For if you are serious and what you say is true, then surely the life of us mortals must be turned upside down, and apparently we are everywhere doing an opposite of what we should”Calliticles in Plato’s Georgia 481C, from Plato: The Republic
Should CPDM Party protect the citizens of the Republic? So, ifthese folks are instead cynical and clandestinely killing us then of what good is their Political Philosophy and their Sovereignty? I have long believed that there are jesters who have not only turned their own lives upside down but have made us look like we never took a class in History, Politics and leadership.
If they are truly doing the opposite of what they should then we must act. Perhaps it makes sense when white people are fighting for freedom from black people or vice versa but it looks really weird when we, black people are fighting for freedom from own fellow black people. If all what I have been saying is true then the CPDM Party be charged for conspiracy against the Republic. Do you think that the CPDM really like freedom?
I will think so because what are they doing all over Europe and North America, which are free societies? Do you think they really know what they are doing? Do you think they really have eyes to see or they are blind people? What sort of people do you think are incharged of that CPDM Party? Do you think they appear very literate but not educated? Do you remember the Berlin Wall?
At on August 13th, 1961 the construction of the Berlin Wall began. In the same year Cameroon finalized their quest for Independence from France and Britain. Since then the Berlin Wall has been demolished and 2009 marked the 20th anniversary since it was torn down. Oh, yea, they gained Independence and then turned around and erected walls of tyranny, dictatorship and corruption. It is about time for the walls of Jericho to fall down.
It is about time for the walls of dictatorship and tyranny to fall when the people of Cameroon, people who know God is on their side and they are God’s side to march in faith around the CPDM system.
Do we, Cameroonians still suppose that there is still a wall that separates Africans and the Westerners? I don’t think so because we Cameroonians who are within the Western world have become part of what you call “ The Western World”.
So, the first thing that we must do is to quit pointing the fingers at them and rather point them at ourselves and say “ We, the Western Cameroonians”. May be we have become very comfortable with Western civilization and ideals and failing to realize our hypocrisy.
Some of us are here blasting Western civilization and culture and yet are basking under it! Why are we attracted to the way of life of white people and yet when it comes to an effort to export some aspects of it to other societies they start telling us something else? Look at ourselves very well in the mirror of Calliticles.
They always told us when we were young that Western Democracy is different from Cameroon Democracy! How and why should there be a difference and what are we then doing here within the Western world? Oh no, please, you make us feel that we are very fine hypocrites. Do we still want to put up with these imposters or want to be free?
Yea, we must be free
When the people capture the moment and know that the time has come for them to be free, when they hear the voices of the ones who dare speak on their behalf, my people do you want to be free? Then we, the people, here and over there, endowed with unalienable and sacred rights, no matter where they are, the people turn around and stir at each other as they rise up and shout at the top of their voices:
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