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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

CAMGLOC Examines: The moral and spiritual decadence of the CPDM Cameroon scholars and intellectuals: A challenge in the struggle for a virtuous and free Cameroon

MY fellow Cameroonians
My fellow citizens of the world in the global struggle for freedom and democracy
My fellow Africans
My fellow friends of Cameroon
Members of the International Community
The United States Congress
Proverbs 1:2-5 describes the whole purpose of the book of wisdom also known as proverbs as  a metaphor for school, college,University or Public Library etc considered like a laboratory  for knowledge. If only it could help to change the way  people think ! 
"To know wisdom and instruction; to perceive the words of understanding;
To receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgment, and equity;
To give subtilty to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion.
A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels..."

I am back again . I was on break following the US Presidential elections ,which caught my attention and captured my admiration and enthusiasm as usual because  what happens here is one of the reasons why I am standing up for freedom, rights and democracy for Cameroon. 

I was delighted to congratulate both President Obama and Governor Mitt Romney for their spirited campaigns and for the triumph of democracy. If you will like to read my entire comments, please visit my blog as always to download my thoughts before and after the US Presidential elections outcome . This will explain to you why I am back.

I have been reading one of the books that was handed to me as a gift because the donor was convinced that I was  becoming a revolutionary selfless servant leader for my beloved country, the Republic of Cameroon. Not long from now you'll discover this book.

In the course of reading this book, I came across a very revealing truth to me, which has strengthened my resolve and fighting spirit since I was first anointed to launch and champion a Cameroon Diaspora online WWW revolution and movement to x-ray and expose the CPDM evil regime of Cameroon. 

As far as I am concerned this subtle and yet very poignant approach in fighting without using physical weapons is crippling the CPDM regime although they are still desperately hanging unto power ! In his book " Dedication and Leadership" , Douglas Hyde observes that;

" I suppose the fight for what is good has always to take two forms, the fight for truth and the fight against falsehood"

One cannot solve a problem without first of all carrying out  a perfect diagnosis of what is really at stake so that a prescription of a solution must be effective.  Therefore, the moral and spiritual decadence of  a cream of  Cameroonian scholars and intellectuals working for the CPDM regime or sympathetic to the evil system and condoning injustice needs our urgent attention and help. 

The question is, what do we do with such scholars and intellectuals who  are now cowards, which means they have failed to espouse the moral academic authority that comes with their prestigious degrees ? We must call a spade a spade if we are convinced beyond any reasonable doubts that they have been overcome by fear.

Intellectual buffoonery must be condemned and scholars who exploit the ignorance of the downtrodden instead of being a beacon of knowledge and enlightenment to them are useless and must be rejected by society if they have nothing to show for except quarreling and demonizing people in their dying quest to defend their evil political systems of oppression.

My generation made a decisive decision never to condone because of the profound moral obligation one has to defend  and protect the sacred rights of every other person to be treated with respect and dignity in their society by their government. 

The struggle to build a virtuous and free Cameroon society is articulated in global terms because we  live in a new world order ,which is shaped by the universal hunger for truth, freedom and democracy. Besides, the unprecedented outbreak of  the post-modern civilization shaped by an amazing technology makes it quite possible to change the world from any distance even if it means to incite or spark a revolution online.

Post-modernism  represents a paradigm shift in the way humankind now thinks and perceives the world in, which we live. It translates into the  building of bridges across different people, their cultures and nations  thereby reinforcing  the notion that the world in ,which we live today is a global village where we desperately need to live in peace and harmony but how can we live in peace without justice? 

My idea of a global village must be one in ,which we have to look after one another and to vigorously, passionately as well as aggressively defend the universal principles of human dignity binding on all governments and their people.

My strategy of writing endlessly has not only been to x-ray the  evil of dictatorship, corrupt tyranny ,injustice and gross violation of human rights by the Cameroon kleptocracy( government of thieves run by scholars and intellectuals both in the church and government) but to convict your conscience so as to recruit you to help me DISARM the Cameroon dictator and his cronies in order to empower us to do what is right for Cameroonians and humanity, which is usher in a virtuous and free society.

In his book, Dedication and Leadership, Douglas Hyde observes this about those who exude the kind of selfless love for humanity and will succumb to be recruited to play a vital role in advancing the cause of the global village through freedom and democracy. 

"The recruit is made to feel that there is a great battle going on all over the world.That this includes his own country,his own town,his own neighborhood,the block of flats in ,which he lives,the office or factory in which he works.He is made to feel that the period in history in ,which he  happens to be living is a decisive one and that he personally have a decisive role to play.He is part of a great,worldwide movement which is challenged on all sides, confronted by an implacable enemy and involved in a battle which will decide the course of  history  for generations ahead"        Douglas Hayde

Anybody who served under an evil political system since the days of CNU( Cameroon National Union) and now CPDM( Cameroon People Democratic Movement) must have been on the wrong side of commonsense and reason because how did they come about to condone such a horrible system that incarnates evil in every sense of it? A political system in ,which the leaders are mere hypocrites who preach virtue and practice vice in the sense that they use the word democracy in principle but in practice they are dictators and tyrants. 

No matter what, the sanity of a scholar and an intellectual rests with their sense of integrity and dying quest for truth. That means they must not compromise truth and trade it  with falsehood for convenience because once they condone , they will never get out of it again. How can people study in advanced societies and after returning to their primitive countries simply become conformists?

Those who glorify any system that oppresses people whether by error or intent are fools no matter what degree is attached to their names. Graduating from a University or college with a degree is just one step in the right direction. There are 9 more other steps to undertake with one's degree to the extent, which the  theory of thermodynamics must be applicable. The law states that ENERGY=INTERNAL ENERGY+ KENETIC ENERGY+ POTENTIAL ENERGY =light!

Scholars and intellectuals are supposed to be like light in a dark world plagued by ignorance  because they are supposed to enlighten humanity with knowledge and truth based on what they have learned.So, why do some scholars and intellectuals fail in being the energy that operates under the theory of thermodynamics?

Also people who exploit others to study abroad on scholarship but end up telling lies, slandering and engaging in manipulation of historical facts and treachery of corrupt Anglophones who have betrayed us and are still betraying us are hypocrites. The fact that many Anglophones who never went to Britain or France or US to study have made it in life without the support of foreign universities speak volumes.

That is to say, the natural gifted humanity has the innate sense of knowledge and creativity that can propel him or her to achieve anything provided one is not obstructed by a terrible evil political system being run by a bunch of corrupt  scholars and intellectuals.

What an irony and tragedy to know that  some scholars and intellectuals do sit down to perpetrate and propagate  a system that is anthiethical to human happiness and progress except for their own personal good . The local business magnets of those days and  our days substantiate the assertion that foreign degrees may just be obsolete as they have no bearing and meaning in our own contemporary Cameroon society except they are anchored into the challenges and problems of our own society right from the onset.
while the local business people are the pride of the nation with their sense of economic productivity, the embezzlers, thieves and sychophants are the so called intellectuals and scholars who still live with the illusion that their academic achievements with some degrees must translate into instantaneous ill gotten  wealth/riches when they are appointed into the high offices with unaccountable budgets  that they  steal and enrich themselves and their generations. This is the mind set of the  primitive Cameroon scholars and intellectuals trained by CNU and CPDM regimes!

It is true that not all the cocoa yams are bad but majority are morally and spiritually rotten because their conscience is dead. A dead conscience lacks a sense of human dignity and what they do is justify why lies must be turned into twisted truth because besides fear that has held them hostage, greed is also a de factor that has overpowered the natural sinful man.
Knowledge and scholarship are only important when knowledgeable scholars have a sense of truth and conscience. To live with the lame belief that just being a scholar and an intellectual because one has a prefix to his or her name has been proven time and again as completely irrelevant and meaningless.Unfortunately, the  so called scholars and intellectuals are the ones brainwashing and misleading the rest of society that has not been privileged to be exposed to the same level of knowledge and information like them in foreign countries.

The tragedy of Anglophone scholars and intellectuals in those days and nowadays is, they failed to empower their own people as their quest for knowledge was for self-fame and self-glorification as well as self-enrichment. Look at all them ! In fact CPDM praise singers from Professor Argbor Tabi, through Prof Ngolle Ngolle to Prof Angwafo, Simon Achidi Achu, Yang Phelimon Luc, Mafany Musonge and a host of others at the various universities who have earned their degrees either in Great Britain, France,Canada or the United States. You have to wonder what sorts of characters are these who seem to refuse truth as a fundamental principle for human dignity.

They lived as the elite who never are accounatable to anyone  in big mansions and a fleet of cars while their own fellow Anglophones were and are still living in slums and sub-standards and subjugated communities! They still fly in private jets to their enslaved villages because they can't make it on the bad roads! The bridge from their secluded and locked up  affluent communities and their native villages is their private jets! They look down on their own people like ants! What kind of scholarship and intellectualism when it fails to be applicable to impact people's lives and change their way of thinking and living ?

The elite mentality cuts across the board and what is so true is the fact that the same Britain that is blamed for neglecting the NW and SW were the ones who offered scholarships to Anglophones to study in Britain so that they might return to the country and develop their own people as well as build society. North Americans stepped in recently  and provided endless opportunities to Cameroonians in all sectors including the church but these men and women returned to Cameroon and became dictators, tyrants and violators of human dignity. Cameroon is morally and spiritually rotten and smelling like a rotten egg in the presence of the Church, Christians and church leaders. It is shameful.

If you look at the life of these so called intellectuals and scholars, you have to wonder what kind of knowledge  was  imparted into them because it is unthinkable that with a catalogue of scholars and intellectuals as they sounded in those days, people would be FOOLED enough to the extent, which even the basic human needs of their fellow country people  like good roads linking one tribe to the other has been absent. Yet they found happiness and pleasure living in the big cities were life was suitable and convenient or built their big houses somewhere in the villages where they will be buried or retire since they never ever live the public service until death do us part or when they are really dying and unable to walk or talk.

Scholarship and intellectual achievement cannot be underestimated but of what good is it if those scholars and intellectuals cannot discern a bad political system that has the capacity to inflict pain and suffering on humanity? Come to think of it. Anglophones scholars and intellectuals are as silent and quiet within the CPDM regime and too often praising the system as well as feeding from it and fattening themselves and their children while  the oppressed are gnashing their teeth in deprivation and agony.

There is something wrong when people are untruthful and living in denial.The only solution is to speak the truth and stir the conscience of the few good ones who are ready to stand up . A revolution of the conscience as well as the revolution of the civil society is  inevitable. 

Rev Jonathan Awasom 
The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village
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