Hello friends
DNA testing for African Heritage is a travesty of the dream speech by Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr
This is so true to the whole notion about slavery and abuse because for a very long time now, I came to one emphatic realization, which is I am certain that we, black people in Africa have lived in denial for too long from taking responsibility for our own role in enslaving our own fellow black Africans. In te case of African -Americans seeking to identify with the black continent of Africa on grounds of heritage, it is mind boggling because it has also evokked another aspect of denial ,which is their refusal to acknowledge that in spite of the past history of slavery and segregation within the United States, remarkable progress has been made and so far most blacks from any part of the world have definitely benefitted from the American heritage and political culture that they would not if they were in their primitive countries in Africa suffocating under dictatorship and corrupt tyranny.
The truth is the celebrated Rev Dr Martin Luther King is a hero for African-Americans more than he is to the rest of us humanity because the tone of his voice and essence in , " I have a dream" speech marked the turning point in the moral and spiritual transformation of the American diverse culture where segregation and racial discrimination were lawful but definitely not a good law per se !
In his famous speech during, which he outlined his dream for his children and the coming generation of African-Americans hardly knowing that one day, Africans would be streaming into this country away from their primitive and abusive and lawless societies, Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr said vehemently that
" I have a dream that one day, my children will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character..."
This is the most famous lines in the dream speech of Luther and while it is very telling and revealing as African-Americans believe that his dream speech has come to fruition in a lot of ways, is n't it contradictory that some African-Americans are back to square one with stereotypes and prejudice,which first of all let to the civil rights movement?
You see in the past week, I have been very outspoken on the matter of some African-Americans seeking a new heritage outside of the Ameircan heritage through some specific DNA testing project without highlighting the central point of my message. It is my hope that those who have been fighting back begin to reason now . Where does the dream speech fall into this quest for DNA testing and the desire to belong to a particular heritage when character is primordial in the new American dispensation ?
Rev Dr Martin King Jr said that we should be judged by the content of our character and not by the color or heritage! Color and heritage are different ways of expressing stereotypes because color describes our heritage and heritage can tell others what is our color. Therefore, if we reduce ourselves to this stereotypes ,which has been denounced and outlaw granted that we hail Rev Dr Martin King Jr and his dream speech, then it is clear that those who are taking us back to 1964 need some re-education.
I will leave it at this point because I have already made my case in my previous rebuttals to those who have been very agitated because I had something to say !In short, the heritage or color of people is of no importance in today's world especially here in the United States where talent asnd character counts more than your heritage and color. What is important is the character, heart and mind of the people with whom we share a common humanity. We must stop belittling the essence of life and rise above the pettiness of always crying foul so that we can appreciate the greatness of this present day American civilization.
To the best of my knowledge, heritage and color have hardly played any role in determining who is Mayor of Denver or the President of the United States of America . For this reason, let us move on and stop living in denial. The present day United States has been extremely good to many blacks and their present standards in thisd society puts them way ahead of indegenous African people trampled underfeet,tortured, killed, abused and violated by horrible and wicked governments. I am just wondering who in their right senses or correct frame of mind will want to be part of African heritage of dictatorship and oppression?
I stand corrected !
God Bless all us all for the love of humanity
Rev Jonathan Awasom
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jonathan Awasom <camerooncitizensforfreedom@yahoo.com>
To: Jonathan Fru <jonathan_light2000@yahoo.com>; "jamie.torres@denvergov.org" <jamie.torres@denvergov.org>
Cc: "HRCR.HumanRights@denvergov.org" <HRCR.HumanRights@denvergov.org>; "camnework@yahoogroups.com" <camnework@yahoogroups.com>; "naijaobserver@yahoogroups.com" <naijaobserver@yahoogroups.com>; "mishefon@yahoo.com" <mishefon@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 2:37 PM
Subject: Re: To Ms Jamie Torres: Denver Human Rights and Community Partnerships NaijaObserver|| Denver's African American "Cameroonian" Mayor to be Honored at the All Cameroonian Cuntural Festival in Washington DC
From: Jonathan Awasom <camerooncitizensforfreedom@yahoo.com>
To: Jonathan Fru <jonathan_light2000@yahoo.com>; "jamie.torres@denvergov.org" <jamie.torres@denvergov.org>
Cc: "HRCR.HumanRights@denvergov.org" <HRCR.HumanRights@denvergov.org>; "camnework@yahoogroups.com" <camnework@yahoogroups.com>; "naijaobserver@yahoogroups.com" <naijaobserver@yahoogroups.com>; "mishefon@yahoo.com" <mishefon@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 2:37 PM
Subject: Re: To Ms Jamie Torres: Denver Human Rights and Community Partnerships NaijaObserver|| Denver's African American "Cameroonian" Mayor to be Honored at the All Cameroonian Cuntural Festival in Washington DC
----- Forwarded Message -----
The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy( human and civil rights) and prosperity for all
From: Mishe Fon <mishefon@yahoo.com>
To: "NaijaObserver@yahoogroups.com" <NaijaObserver@yahoogroups.com>; "camnetwork@yahoogroups.com" <camnetwork@yahoogroups.com>; "cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com" <cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com>; "ambasbay@googlegroups.com" <ambasbay@googlegroups.com>; "accdf@yahoogroups.com" <accdf@yahoogroups.com>; "shesausa@yahoog

Dear Jamie Torres
Deputy Director of Human Rights and Community Partnership in the
Office of Mayor Michael Hancock of the City of Denver
Sincere greetings to you, Mayor Michael Hancock and the good people of Denver . This is the information I promised I would forward to your office following our telephone conversation Yesterday April 10th ,2013. As you can see for yourselves, the photo of Mayor Michael Hancock is enclosed in the circular ,which is why we take this seriously but we must also be clear that we believe in human rights, civil rights and community partnerships, communication and collaboration just as the City and people of Denver do as one of the ways to empower humanity across cultures and countries.
The Agency for Human Rights and Community Partnerships (HRCP) was established by ordinance in 1947. HRCP's mission is to proactively protect human rights, build capacities, and strengthen connections that result in stronger relationships in the community through collaboration, communication and advocacy" The City of Denver
Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr once said that " Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere"
If Human and Civil rights is premordial for the advancement and safeguard of the post- civil rights American civilization then we must also explore ways through, which to export to Africa the values that are now empowering people in this society to reach their full potential. We are of the opinion that if it is not possible to generate civil and human rights from within due to the circumstance of the downtrodden in our societies, one must tap into this society .
To us , it entails learning and exploring ways through , which we can partner to help transform or reform our own societies where human beings must be treated with respect and dignity. The civil and human rights of people living or resident anywhere within the United States is a TREAT we also deserve for people living or resident everywhere in Africa where the United States has vested interest. Unfortunately for many of us advocating for genuine change in our societies are distractors who are determined to misrepresent the truth about what we stand for as well far always yearning to speak on our behalf! It is our hope that concerned citizens within the United States must not be surprised by our focus to raise awareness and also to take action.
On this note, I am writing to thank you sincerely for returning my phone call upon my inquiry with respect to this SCAM -LIKE circular porported to have been a reflection of Mayor Michael Hancock's ideas and to some degree the direct quotes from Mayor Michael Hancock!
I am forwarding to your office this propaganda-driven communique by some Cameroonians so that your office may verify if this information and message is approved by the Mayor. However, we will hope that this is not designed to end the prospect of an ensuing dialogue between African-Americans and Africans.
This is because we , the people of Cameroon under political asylum advocating for the human rights, civil rights ( freedom and democracy) of our country under dictatorship and corrupt tyranny have been brainstorming on this circular with the Mayor's photo attached and wondering if the Mayor was not being misled or if the Mayor was not crossing the line if he was indeed aware of this ? But thank you for your explanation to me that the Mayor was not privy to any insinuations that are carefully masterminded by the ACCDF ! ACCDF does not speak on behalf of concerned Cameroonians living within the United States.
I will not pretend to state that we, the people of Cameroon in good standing resident here in the USA have been very concerned but I was very relieved when you said that Mayor Michael Hancock has neither authorized nor approved such a circular and its content. Many American citizens have been victims of all kinds of SCAMS by corrupt African foreigners who enter the USA with their bad fashion and corrupt mentalities from Africa and sort of think that everyone must put up with them. In the wake of all these, a handful of us have been very determined to ensure that those ungrateful Africans who abuse the rule of law especially Cameroonians are held accountable. Our plight in Afrian is further compounded by the lurking presence of professional corrupt Africans who will do anything to manipulate and mislead people with their dishonesty and unethical activities.
You also said that the Mayor probably gave a speech at some point, which might have been taken out of context and blown out of proportion. This is not unsual with some desperate Africans who lack the commonsense and sense of aptitude to appreciate the ideals of human rights and especially the civil rights movement. Because of this, they turn to perceive people who want to see things done the right way differently. That is why we have been very bent to find out the truth as well as encourage the Mayor not to abandon his interest in matters of grave importance with regards to Cameroon.
Finally, I also indicated that some of our fellow Cameroonians within the United States were overzealous supporters of the corrupt regime in Cameroon that we are speaking up against and would do anything to MISLEAD American citizens both Whites and Blacks for their own selfish material and political gains. It must be noteworthy that our commitment to advocacy follows a long standing tradition of others who have already stood in the gab to make both the United States and the world a better place for others and we do not intent to become slackers in this unending mission to fulfill the dream for a beloved diverse community.
In this light, Mayor Michael Hancock is more than welcome to visit Cameroon as one of the golden fruist of the Civil Rights Movement in order to better appreciate why we are shouting at the top of our voices for human rights, civil , freedom and democracy of Cameroon. In order to jump-start a constructive fact finding mission where the Mayor and his staff and the people of Denver could be part of , a good place to start is to understand why for many years we have asked this question;
1) Why is the American Embassy in Cameroon named after Rosa Parks as Avenue Rosa Parks?
2) Who was Rosa Parks in relationship with the Civil Rights Movement?
3) Does the naming of American Embassy in Cameroon in honor of a Civil Rights Icon have any ethical, moral and political implication with respect to our quest for the civil rights of the people of Cameroon whose civil rights are crushed by the totalitarian regime in that Country?
4)How can we first of all have an honest dialogue with African-American Leaders like Mayor Michael Hancock about where we are in the quest for African -American heritage without being silent over the salient issues that are impeding our desire to build-bridges between Africans and African-Americans?
5) Should our interest in African-Americans be only about their money,riches, wealth and influence or should be take the pains to capture the spirit and ideals of the civil rights movement to the extent, which building the beloved community should be given pride of place knowing fully well that this will eventually culminate into other benefits for both Africans and African-Americans?
For the sake of truth, herewith below is the photo of Mayor Michael Hancock and the communique about an event where he would be honored. I have been very disturbed because I know that the so called ACCDF is a Pro-CPDM regime organization that works for the regime in Cameroon by concocting bogus means against , which backdrop, a facade of democracy, peace and human rights is propagated in order to make the corrupt Cameroon government look good in the eyes of the United States people and the international community. Yet, this is a montrous regime that has one of the worst civil and human rights records in recent times with clear evidence of their continuous crack down on students, members of the civil society who are committed to diversity and human rights across cultures and nations
Many of us from Africa and especially from Cameroon, a chosen nation to exemplify the ideals of free people as well as the Civil Rights Movement , are very impressed at the progress and huge successes of quite a handful of African-Americans in all walks of life. We are enthusiastic about their interest in Cameroon and Africa and definitely wondering how their role within the American political and socio-economic culture can help us to overcome, too ?
Thank you sincerely
Rev Jonathan Awasom
The force of truth is at the center of my faith in God and love for humanity
I am a Cameroonian citizen for freedom of Cameroon from corrupt tyranny and dictatorship.
Click on his blog and download 150 articles, a trail blazer of speaking truth to power, a fearless advocacy and persistent activism that is shaping African policies in 21st century
The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century for the Magna Carta( Freedom Charter for Cameroon and Africa)
The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy( human and civil rights) and prosperity for all
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village that builds bridges
Advocating for the proven free three arms of Constitutional Federal System of Government for Cameroon , too ,which is one of the most multi-ethnic and tribal diverse societies in Africa with over 180 languages.
Pass it on and thank you for your interest and cooperation
To: "NaijaObserver@yahoogroups.com" <NaijaObserver@yahoogroups.com>; "camnetwork@yahoogroups.com" <camnetwork@yahoogroups.com>; "cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com" <cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com>; "ambasbay@googlegroups.com" <ambasbay@googlegroups.com>; "accdf@yahoogroups.com" <accdf@yahoogroups.com>; "shesausa@yahoog
--- On Thu, 4/4/13, Mishe Fon <mishefon@yahoo.com> wrote:
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