This was initially published in November,2009.
Dear Cameroonians, Stakeholders and Friends of Cameroon
Let the world know the truth. The time for change has come. The Providential plan for the freedom, restoration and redemption of Cameroon through peaceful revolution is no longer a dispute except a last minute debate and dialogue about a way forward. The Constitution of Cameroon is the law that reflects the dreams and aspirations of our people. Therefore, it must be upheld without fear or prejudice. Click on this link below and download the Constitution of Cameroon. We cannot bring about meaningful if we don't understand the laws of the country as well as why they are not enforced especially article 66. Law No. 96-06 of 18 January 1996 to amend the Constitution of 2 June 1972 The National Assembly has deliberated and adopted; The President of the Republic hereby enacts the ...
By the same token, the Constitution reflects the Social Contract enshrined under Article 66 ,which clearly calls for all Public Servants of Cameroon Government including but not limited to Mr. Paul Biya and his government to declare their ill gotten wealth and stolen assets. There are articles, which articulate the Social Contract. The problem in Cameroon like some parts of Africa is enforcement of these laws.
Pass it on because the Office of the Foreign Relations is also informed. All of us who fled Cameroon and requested political asylum within the United States regardless of our political persuasion are answerable to this vision for freedom and change of Cameroon. My humble role as the visionary leader is to educate, inspire and empower Cameroonians, stakeholders and our friends to take charge for us to work together and deliver Cameroon from a fear -mongering political system of oppression.
Listen to this voice and then move on to explore the 21 points I first published in 2009 as a blueprint for the transitional government.The 21 points humbly submitted to the Transition Government of Cameroon
1) To form a transitional government to last for two years with a timetable for a Presidential election thereafter. This means all Cameroonians on exile will be allowed to voluntarily return home with their wealth of knowledge and ideas to participate in nation building.
2) The Transitional Government will draw a Constitution to reflect the geo-political and social landscape of Cameroon under a Federal Structure to emphasize three important Arms of Government. This will inspire the separation of Powers between the Executive Branch, Legislation and Judiciary, which is very normal in a free society like the United States of America. The Presidential term of office will be at least 4 years and at most 8 years. Nobody will be President beyond the 8 years maximum.
3) We will establish an independent free and transparent electoral system through modern technology with the help of Microsoft. We will ask for help.
4) We will look into the number of Political Parties and streamline them according to election laws, population and political landscape. It is perfectly ridiculous to have over 200 political Parties in a country of only about 19 million people.
5) We will curb corruption by enforcing stringent laws, which will insist on assets declaration by past and present public servants of Cameroon. All ill -gotten wealth must be returned to the State Treasury. This exercise should lead to an effort to debts cancellation by IMF and World Bank through a economic program that will create a middle class society.
6) We will instill order and discipline in the military and Police. On day one we will withdraw all army officers from the streets and stop Police misconduct especially bribery and corruption by disciplining corrupt police officers.
7) We will strengthen national security and register all immigrants
8) We will improve on public safety; discipline reckless drivers and stop overloading of public transportation vehicles.
9) We will build partnership with the International Community and save Cameroon’s dirty image abroad under the corrupt CPDM regime. We must stop political asylum scams and human trafficking through fake Bank Statements by the CPDM corrupt Bank Managers
10) We will focus on social justice and social services to improve on the lives of families especially single parents and senior citizens
11) We will lift up people in our tribes from poverty by partnering with the G-8 and G-20 Summit to implement the Millennium Development Goals for the 21st century by empowering people in the urban and rural areas. This will help to stabilize our cities by curbing rural exodus through job creation and sustainable development initiatives
12) We will put an end to the corrupt recruitment of people into Professional Schools in Cameroon
13) We will introduce A Restorative Justice Program for victims of the CPDM regime under different circumstances. On day one we will sign a Presidential decree releasing all Political Prisoners and also to abolish jungle justice. This means all prisoners who have never been legally represented must be assigned lawyers.
14) We will make sure that the banking system is more efficient and accountable by instituting measures to ensure financial accountability
15) We will focus on Health Care, Education and on a Fee Market Economy and Free International Trade. This will inspire people to invest back into the country without obstruction. We shall give tax breaks to small business owners and institute a special financial loan system to enable people jump –start their small businesses. Education will be free from nursery to High School except privately owned institutions. The Government will make loans available for Students to pay for tuition.
16) We will build PEACEFUL AND PRODUCTIVE community Centers, Parks and Playgrounds in all neighbors for families
17) We will provide Community Vans and make transportation accessible to the disable as well as other social services ESPECIALLY TO SENIORS
18) We shall build Group Homes for the Mentally disturbed
19) We intend to request a series of Presidential Public debates with my opponents and a tour of North America, Europe, Africa and Cameroon.
20) We will institute freedom of expression to allow free press media and publications by University Professors without fear of retaliation. Political Science Professors and Students will be encouraged to be more pragmatic by using the Political Context in the country as practical examples in Political Science courses at the University.
21) We will host AFRICOM in Cameroon with stations at Kribi and Limbe respectively.You learn more about my views on AFRICOM later.
Therefore, I urge you to explore this vision and partner with me to change Cameroon and make it a free world in the 21st century.
Making the Case for the Presidency of Cameroon for the 21st Century . Below is the Foundation of the 21 Points. A Political analyses of the Corrupt Tyranny of Cameroon Government and why Cameroon must be free.
There are many Cameroonians who have specialized in the art of good governance and I can’t wait to empower them to lift up our nation from the doldrums of corruption and mismanagement. My role as President will be to inspire and empower people to unleash their full potential and perform great things for the commongood. You can count on me.
I want us to bring people together from all walks of life both white and blacks to sit down during the 24 months and lay a solid foundation for our nation for the present and future generations. We must capture the vision, spirit, imagination and hard work of people who were behind other great nations. If we envy and admire any nation on this earth then the time has come for us to explore why they are such an enigma?
If we are challenging ourselves as to why we could not rise up to their level then this epoch is ripe for us to fold our sleeves and get to work. If we are inspired by what we have experienced then I am inviting you from all over to join the train and company of fellow nation builders. If you are on exile or political asylum and worried about the dysfunctional and corrupt systems in Cameroon, which could collapse on innocent people, here is an opportunity for you to avert any doom. "Prevention is better than cure".
The time has come. History is on our side. The world will applaud us for being the next generation that did not close our eyes to injustice and inhumanity of a few. We are in the majority to overcome the shackles of ignorance and laziness, which has cast darkness on the CPDM regime. We are the light of our time .We must rise up and shine as the new beacon of hope and liberty for a hungry generation. We must be free from fear.We were born to be free and I promise to you today that with your help change and freedom are coming.
It does not matter whether Presidential Election is slated for December 2009 or January 2011, and may be later in 2012 or 2018.CPDM does anything at anytime. What is important is I am registering my candidacy to run for President of Cameroon because I believe that Mr. Paul Biya and the CPDM cannot lead Cameroon into the 21st century. In a moment, I will outline what I intend to accomplish in 24 months when you make me the President of the Transitional Government.
In the meantime, we must be ready to fill up the leadership vacuum in the Cameroon society, which has been created as a result of corrupt tyranny and idleness within the rank and file of the CPDM regime and their Cameroon supporters overseas. They spend all their time and life embezzling and exploiting innocent people without impunity! We are determined to change our country and society from organized confusion to good governance. It is wrong for them to hold a whole generation of Cameroonian hostage.
They were wrong and are still wrong today.Let me prove them wrong.They don't even like to live in Cameroon.They are more or less strangers there.So , why do they and their families like to live overseas and yet holding others hostage in a dungeon of despair?
One of my main motivations is political asylum. My application for Political asylum within the United States was granted by the United States Immigration and Custom Enforcement Officials after they examined me thoroughly. Read more about why and how I was granted political asylum on my blog.
My inspiration is the history of the United States and my Political Heroes are the Founding Fathers of America led by President Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. My hero in self-taught education and scholarship is President Abraham Lincoln In this present generation, make no mistake that President Barack Obama has embolden me in many ways and I am sure you will agree with me as far as Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr and Rosa Parks are part of this struggle for a better world.
The challenge for us today is, if the Founding Fathers were here today how would they appreciate the present Union and their relationship with Cameroon? As I explore who President Thomas Jefferson was I became very convinced that they had a great vision for freedom beyond the shores of the United States. I have captured their spirit and this is the defining moment. Now I am asking for your help to translate this vision into reality.
A leader is someone who is visionary and capable of bringing people together to listen and reason together. At last, for the first time in the history of Cameroon, we will no longer be bullied into submission by those who abuse power without impunity. This is a period when Cameroonians will shine with their talents, skills, ideas and ideals toward building our nation for the good of everyone living within Cameroon. You are a person of interest in this movement to take our country back from idlers.
Mr. Paul Biya and his entourage recently went about into luxurious living and squandering about 35.000.00 dollars a day while vacating outside of Cameroon for that matter! I want to change that type of greedy and corrupt life style. We have seniors and single parents who lack basic health care in the country and if a leader is not compassionate and merciful then he or she must be changed with the system for the sake of the oppressed.
It hurts when one is educated and gets to put up with this type of falsehood in, which corrupt leaders claim that Cameroon or Africa is a poor country! How could one possibly explain that Cameroon is a poor country when those in power embezzle up to 63 million frs CFA or spend so much in a single day? This is all we know and there is more we do not know at all because accountability is lacking.
The historical swinging of the pendulum from colonization to dictatorship and then to enlighten despotism marked by a façade of democracy and then back to corrupt tyranny is the history of the Cameroon Revolution.
When multiparty politics was forced down the throat of Mr. Paul Biya and the CPDM regime in 1990 one was hopeful but that hope was dashed against the wall a long time ago when he decided to cling to power through corrupt means.
In 2004, it was confirmed that he used corrupt means to be re-elected as President. As of now, he is no longer eligible to run for President because besides the bogus ELECAM in place he and his ministers have never declared their assets according to article 66 of the Constitution. They are liable to be arrested and charged for corruption. Consequently, none of them are fit or eligible to run for President. That post is vacant and must be filled up by the Transitional President and Government
Our vision and agenda is to change and free Cameroon from this corrupt tyranny. Let me explain to you what tyranny is. James Madison was one of the most influential Founding Fathers of the United States. His magic was felt during the time they were exploring different forms of Government around the world in order to build a more perfect and free society. When it was his turn to speak, he personally defined tyranny as follows;
“The accumulation of all powers-legislative, Executive, and Judiciary-in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny”
Paul Biya and his government are architects of what Dr W.Cleon Skousen describes as Ruler’s law.Paul Biya and CPDM make the Rules to suit their corrupt ways. This is what Dr W.Cleon Skousen asserts;
“In the past, ninety-nine percent of the human race has had to live out their lives under what might be described as Ruler’s Law. This is a system with all power in the ruler”
This is a befitting description of the Government of Cameroon. His point is under Ruler’s Law, freedom is not considered a solution to anything. In fact the founders were never comfortable with the Ruler’s Law,which translates into corrupt tyranny. He says;
“The founders considered it to be the greatest enemy of self-government and freedom that has ever been contrived by the mind of man”
The despotic centralized government of the CPDM regime under the rule of Paul Biya is an anti-thesis of the people’s form of Government marked by the people’s Law, which preoccupied the founders and brought about this great free nation on earth called the United States of America.
That vision has always been behind the moral transformation of America each time human beings strayed or drifted away from its promise and ideals. For the instance slave abolition, end of civil war and the civil rights movement.
The point I am making is, if any CPDM member, public figures, relatives, supporters or sympathizers are inclined to this free society, then we, the people must be concerned and defend the labors of the Founding Fathers who toiled so hard to establish a free world based on the People’s law. President Thomas Jefferson describes the People‘s Law in the Declaration of Independence when he said;
“ To secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, driving their just powers from the consent of the governed…whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying It foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem likely to effect their safety and happiness”
Just as President Thomas Jefferson, I have done enough research before developing the instinct to the task of nation building, which shapes my passion. I believe that the anxiety of the Founders of America to alter, abolish or replace any form of tyranny was well conceived and executed. Why not Cameroon today? Only unreasonable people from a tyrannical society like Cameroon can live within the United States of America or Europe for more than 5 years and not be inspired by their greatness. If you are inspired where you are then this is the moment.
We must make the best of it and prove to free people that the more people are free the better for humanity. If this must become a modern day experiment in terms of exporting freedom, then I urge you to give me a chance and see for yourselves what will happen. You will be amazed at the outcome. We must argue that a free Cameroon society will not hurt the relations Cameroon has with Europe and North America.
Our effort is only designed to take these relations to a whole new level in the 21 st century consistent with the vision to honor our common humanity accentuated by the presence of Cameroonians in these continents. A great miracle is possible again because I see great minds ready to go. My fellow people, we must be very tired of unintelligent people posing as leaders because their decisions and policies are a disaster and insult to what we know.
Consequently, we must consider it a moral and political obligation to change Cameroon because of the circumstances under, which one was persecuted and assaulted while in Cameroon by the CPDM regime. I cannot imagine a Democratic Republic anywhere on this earth responsible for million of people on political asylum overseas since 1960. It is very logical that any Cameroonian who acquired a green card or citizenship through Political Asylum anywhere on this earth will be embarrassed to learn that the CPDM, which persecuted them is purported to be a Democratic Republic.
Even if they were in a comatose mode as it seems sometimes with those who lied, and were miraculously relieved, they ought to be terrified and raise an alarm if they were told the opposite of the truth. We must be concerned and question the sincerity of anyone who asserts that there is a democratic process in Cameroon. We know too well that what is actually described as a democracy is a hot air hoax and we must not encourage mediocrity and intellectual dishonesty by these CPDM hot air manipulators.
I am inviting you because the “fierce sense of urgency now” requires for us to take back our country from the corrupt and lazy CPDM pundits. The CPDM regime has failed to deliver to our people for the last 27 years and we must not allow them to continue their politics of manipulation, hypnotism, deception and exploitation of Cameroonians. Mr. Paul Biya deceived me as a young man to believe that a corrupt tyranny he has orchestrated since he was Prime Minister and now President is a Democratic Republic!
Besides the fact that they conspired to publicly mislead us, they also used military force and the corrupt judiciary to perpetrate their outward show of a Democratic Republic. It is a serious civil crime against the civil society and humanity for such people to knowingly frame up the Cameroon people and the international community within Cameroon. It is unethical for them to trick or force people to turn around and admit an opposite (Corrupt Tyranny) of what ought to be true (A Free Democratic Republic). We must pursue the truth.
I am very hurt by the fact that about 85% of Pro –CPDM Cameroonians overseas and especially within the United States are living on political asylum scams. This is a travesty of political asylum because those who feign persecution whereas they are still loyal to the CPDM regime have usurped the place of the real Cameroonians oppressed by their parents and relatives back in Cameroon. Worst still, many of them have been clandestinely returning to Cameroon and hanging out with the people they claimed persecuted them.
Consequently, all other Cameroonians back in Cameroon must be free. It is very troubling to imagine that officials of the CPDM regime have sent their children, relatives and supporters into freedom overseas while torturing, murdering and exploiting innocent Cameroonians within the country. It is not right and we must stand up against this kind of injustice and abuse. If they do not believe in the CPDM regime then we are justified to export America’s or Europe’s brand of freedom to Cameroon.
My fellow Cameroonians and well-wishers, I recall the day I sat in front of an immigration Officer in the great State of President Thomas Jefferson, Virginia and he looked into my eyes. I cried and tears rolled down my chicks when I insisted that I was a victim of a political system, which had encroached into the crisis I had against the Church because they were threatened by my conviction and ideas. I still remember my closing argument in which I said I am pleading his indulgence to grant me political asylum in conformity with the same fate that befell the first religious pilgrims in America. I alluded to the fact that just as they had fled from religious persecution in Europe and corrupt tyranny to find freedom in North America, I would be happy to settle here. He asked why I would not return to Cameroon? I supplied material evidence, which showed that I had well founded fear of persecution and fear of being murdered if I had returned to Cameroon.
Since then I have never returned to Cameroon. So how are other Cameroonians on the same political asylum going back and forth to the same Cameroon? Has the CPDM regime changed? If they have changed then we should all return because political asylum is only a temporal status. I think it is critical for everyone to understand our motivation as well as the rationale behind our ambition to free Cameroon.
We must restore the civil and human rights of all Cameroonians regardless of tribe or region. We deserve a good government for the 21st century world and I am ready to govern on day one as your Transitional President. It is wrong for people to support a corrupt and abusive regime while living well overseas. It is a serious criminal matter, which should be investigated.
I shall step down as President after a new government is elected by the people during the transitional period. As some of you already know, I have devoted my life fighting for the freedom of our country during the last 8 years on political asylum. But this became more apparent since May, 2009 when I exposed the CPDM regime for engaging in political asylum scams and human rights violations while pursuing innocent Cameroonians. I have publicly challenged the CPDM regime and brought charges against them ranging from gross violation of human rights of Cameroonians to the flagrant abuse of the constitution especially article 66. This article calls for all public servants to declare their assets.
As you have noticed, the CPDM officials have never declared their assets accordingly. This is one of the worst violations of our inherent and inalienable rights as a people. This type of injustice is bizarre because if we cannot separate their private assets from State assets then we are no less than fools or slaves. They are using us. It is inhuman. You can understand why Paul Biya and CPDM REGIME rig all Presidential elections because the use the State funds at will to corrupt people to keep him in power.
If the State treasury is owned and controlled by the CPDM regime then one has to wonder how other Political Parties and candidates survive in a democratic race? Is CPDM indeed a Political Party? It is a figment of some weird imagination of political party plastered against the darkness of denial infested with cracks. We have unmasked the CPDM regime through commonsense and logical reasoning. This victory is ours and we must capitalize on it in a series of public debates.
In the course of time, I have also articulated a clear and compelling vision for freedom, a platform with DFUC and a blueprint, which explains in a nutshell what we shall achieve for Cameroonians while in office. Let me be clear that one of the main reasons why I want to lead a transitional government as President is to fight corruption and promote good Governance/rule of law by ending the reign of terror on Cameroonian people.
When the people shall empower me to lead the Transitional Government of Cameroon as President, we will proceed immediately to rebuilding our country with a different platform and paradigm. These are ideas, which are open to debate and dialogue in terms of your own ideas and suggestions. I will like to hear from you.
In order to learn more about me check my website at www.jonathanawasom. org
Thank you for your thoughtfulness
Jonathan Awasom
Phone: 973-282-6461
NB: Please, if you have questions or ideas bring them to my attention immediately because I will like to handle them right away. I will give you further instructions this week about how we must build the momentum for this movement. Please, pass it on( Indeed, the momentum for change has been built since 1999
To God be the Glory. Great Things God has always done even when Centuries Past.
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