From: Jonathan Awasom <>
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2011, 10:55 PM
Original Copy
MEMO ONE 7/1/2009Ambassador Joseph Foe-AtangaCameroon Ambassador to the USAEmbassy of the Republic of Cameroon
2349 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20008
Tel: 202-265-9890
Fax: 202-387-3826From: International Civil rights leaderJonathan AwasomPolitical Asylee from CameroonTo: Cameroon Ambassador to USADear Ambassador Joseph Foe-AtangaA Travesty of Justice: Civil Rights and Freedom of CameroonFriendly greetings to you from the land of 10.000 lakes and congratulation on your new job. If truthfully, Cameroon is the cradle of our forefathers, then it is with deep sorrow that I send this memorandum to your office. It bears our deep concerns against the grave violation of our National Sovereignty by your Party, the ruling Cameroon Peoples Democratic Movement (CPDM) whose Chairman and President is President Paul Biya.Gross violation of US Foreign Agents registration Act(FARA)Pursuance to the principles that shape free societies, CPDM Party was exported to the US to my greatest consternation. This is because it is a Totalitarian Taliban- like regime which has no respect for the civil and human rights of Cameroonians. You ought not to be allowed within the United States because the CPDM regime and President Paul Biya have a history of commanding the torturing, murdering and illegal detentions, arbitrary arrests and extra-judicial disappearance and killings of innocent Cameroonians who don't agree with CPDM’s vague political ideologies. Granted these type of violations one must question your present political and non-political activities within the territory of this free and beloved nation. We are interested to export freedom to Cameroon and Cameroonians. On the other hand, we have no desire to import or contain the tyranny of CPDM regime within the US because this will hurt us and this society.Your presence and activities continue to pose a threat to many of us Cameroonians who fled from the CPDM -Taliban like regime in Cameroon. But most importantly it is unlawful within the United States to engage in political or non-political actions on behalf of a Foreign Principal or Official without compliance with Foreign Agents Registration Act( FARA). For this reason, I had reported and complained against CPDM because your activities within United States are in gross violation of FARA. I believe that the US Department of Justice, Congress and Federal Government have jurisdiction over this Sovereign Nation. You do not honor and respect your own Sovereignty to the extent, which you might have thought that your unpatriotic and undemocratic behavior translates everywhere. It must not. You must comply with the constituted laws and values if you are operating within the US and you must be held accountableI have contacted the office of FARA and they have confirmed with me that neither CPDM-USA, WCPDM,YCPDM-USA nor any of their agents are registered with FARA. This is more than free speech because your activity on this earth against Cameroonians and humanity is a travesty of justice. We have taken this action on behalf of the voiceless Cameroonians within the United States, the powerless poor in Cameroon and voiceless Political Science Professors who cannot express themselves freely because of the culture of dictatorship by President Paul Biya with his CPDM –Taliban- regime.A confused Sovereignty plagued by reshufflements and recycling of the same governmentI noticed that your predecessor was arrested and jailed for corruption by President Paul Biya.Now he has unprecedentedly replaced his Prime Minister HRH Chief Ephraim Inoni.Following breaking news this morning we have learned that the former Prime Minister has been banned from traveling because he might be charged with corruption. I hope that the new Prime Minister will declare his assets as soon as possible. By the same token President Paul Biya and Ambassador Joseph Foe-Atanga should declare their assets publicly in keeping with Article 66 of the nation’s ConstitutionThe erosion of the cradle of our forefatherCritically the CPDM regime has unpatriotically and undemocratically eroded the cradle of our forefathers in myriads of ways; First of all, Cameroon was a Federated Republic of Cameroon and then became a United Republic of Cameroon and why did CPDM regime alter it to Republic of Cameroon? There is something which is seriously flawed about the History of Cameroon that bothers me. Although I am inclined to my own analysis and conclusions, President Paul Biya and the Cameroon Embassy should explain to us what we don't know. I was young when he became President in October 1982.Now that I have become a very reasonable and enlightened human being, the CPDM regime must give some answers. It is my right as a Cameroonian on asylum to know.Pursuance to Article 66 of the Constitution of CameroonPursuance to Article 66 of the Constitution of Cameroon the President and other public servants of the sovereign nation of Cameroon were supposed to declare their assets publicly. We are shocked that for more than 30 years now President Paul Biya and his Government have never declared their assets. My conclusion from this unconstitutional behavior puts me and others in a very uncomfortable position to believe beyond any reasonable doubts that Mr. Paul Biya is contemptuous of the Sovereignty of our country. For this reason they should be impeached. I am very certain that you will come to the same conclusions based on the facts of this case.Why has the President and his Government never declared their assets? It is a gross violation of our Civil Rights because those rights ought to be enshrined in the Constitution. It is the duty of the President to keep to his vows to honor and uphold the Constitution when he took the oath of Office in October 1982.If he has failed to do so, bear with us that it is proper to make our concerns known to the world.An honest case be known by a conscientious worldWe, the people are standing up to make our voices heard that all people ought to be born free with equal rights and human dignity in this universe. No matter how many times these truths are downplayed upon, at anytime, when free and enlightened people like us capture these truths, they should stand up before other free and enlightened people or nations and make their honest case. I will make my case known to the Congress of the United States and to the world so that they must see that a democracy and republic is impossible within aTaliban-tyranny.We have urged Cameroonians who dread the CPDM regime that we have a definite choice to make. It is not up to you Ambassador Joseph Foe-Atanga and the President of Cameroon to decide for us always. His 27 years of rule against majority of Cameroonians is too overbearing and unacceptable. We call this moment the birth of commonsense and conscience because no American President has ever ruled for more than two terms in the last 50 years since Cameroon gained Independence from colonial rule. Therefore, it is mind boggling and tragedy that our fellow Cameroonians have colonized us.Who are we to blame now? If we opted out of colonization to become Independent in 1960, why have we not moved forward like other free and Independent nations? Any government that is headed by one man for more than two terms is called a dictatorship or tyranny. It is neither a Republic nor a Democracy by any means empirical although you have created a facade on papers to hoodwink the civil society and International Community. We want to elect as many Presidents, Governors and States Officials as long as we live. We do not want to continue suffocating under one man’s rule nor have President Paul Biya appoint and dismiss Prime Ministers, Governors and Government Delegates at will as if we are living in 20 BC.Commonsense is not common for sure but we have sat on the sidelines, watched at this drama of tyranny, and really had enough this deception.A hand of freedom to free the oppressor and oppressedDear Ambassador Joseph Foe-Atanga, If you choose to live among free people and aren’t learning from them then your presence must be considered a pestering sore and nuisance. Frankly Speaking, the United States is a misfit for the tyrannical regime like CPDM. This is the simple fact and truth. However this is twisted, it is not a figment of our imagination. It is for real because as Cameroon Ambassador to the US, honestly, you are representing President Paul Biya who is a well known dictator. However, there is room here for you to free yourselves from oppressing others and we are here to help in anyway we can on condition that you stop taking advantage of Cameroonians.I want you to know that the founding fathers of this country fled from tyrants in Europe. Consequently, it is contradictory that Pro-CPDM Cameroonians have followed us with their tyrannical CPDM Party right into this free world. It is extremely disturbing and scary. We thought we had escaped from you folks? How come these CPDM Cameroonians have escaped from the same system they are aiding and abetting? Why don’t they create a free society in Cameroon for all Cameroonians? This is troubling to us because they said the CPDM regime and President Paul Biya were corrupt, wicked and evil but now they are working for the same corrupt people! It has bothered me for long now.Making a compelling case to the United States CongressWe must argue to free people quite truthfully and patriotically that tyrants bring disgrace to the United States, which is a free society. I will also post a strong argument that in order for the United States to salvage its soiled reputation in the world, they should abstain from supporting any regime like CPDM that behaves as the former Taliban of Afghanistan. I will maintain that all attempts to work for Integration, Reconciliation and Unification has been stiffened by Mr. Paul Biya who prefers to exploit the weaknesses of some few Southern Cameroonian CPDM leaders to their own advantage. These are the grounds on which to question and challenge the illegal presence of CPDM Party within this country.The CPDM philosophy of agreement in disagreement does not add upMinister Professor Ngole Ngole came to the United States as a Foreign Official of the CPDM regime and mounted another façade and said, “The value of agreement is in disagreement”. In this case of CPDM regime that violates Civil Rights without impunity, tortures and murders, arbitrarily arrests and detains innocent Cameroonians, I disagree with your philosophy in terms of context for the following reasons;· There is no middle ground as regards the respect and honor of Civil rights and dignity of humanity.· There must be no disagreement over political asylum scams· There must be no disagreement over operating a political Party from a different country within the US illegally· There must be no disagreement over the fact that Pro-CPDM militants and their agents have been spying on Cameroon citizens who have a different political view about how we ought to co-exist in the country and abroad· There must be no disagreement over the abuse and humiliation that CPDM has brought on Cameroonians throughout the world as a government that dehumanizes its citizens under the falsehood of sovereignty. Why should I agree with you over the torture and murdering of innocent Cameroonians?· There must be no disagreement over the fact that CPDM-USA have been retaliating against Cameroonians who don’t agree with them.· There must be no disagreement that CPDM Officials have been bringing gifts/ money to reward their pro-CPDM militants working for them here in the United States. The case in Los Angeles is outstanding during, which the First Lady Chantal Biya brought gifts to CPDM agents and militants· There must be no disagreement over corrupt Bank Managers in Cameroon who issue Bogus Bank Statements(BBS) to enable CPDM supporters to obtain visas from the American Embassy in Cameroon.· There is absolutely no disagreement over the fact that the President and his government including you as the Ambassador have never declared your assets in compliance with Article 66 of the Country’s Constitution. I find this really undemocratic and corrupt.· There is no disagreement over the fact that President Paul Biya would create a Bogus Electoral Commission(BEC) called ELECAM to run for re-election as President when he has not yet declared his assets? How can one agree with you over this type of tyranny and abuse?Political asylum scams and violation of oath of allegiance to the US ConstitutionWe can only agree to disagree when we learn to respect one another, seek common grounds and co-exist peacefully under the same roof with different shades of opinion. Others have chosen a Federal System of government following cultural or regional differences as a way to co-exist peacefully. Cameroon should not be an exception with their own cultural and regional differences like US. Why don’t we tap into this system?If people have well founded grounds of fear of torture, continuous persecution and threats on their lives, it is their absolute human right to flee for their lives to seek refuge and freedom( asylum) in a different society/country. Consequently, it is disturbing that thousands of Cameroonians within the US who are still faithful to the tyrannical CPDM regime might have committed perjury. Cameroonians who lied that CPDM regime persecuted them whereas they are still working for the same regime within the United States should be sent back to Cameroon. It is terrible to misrepresent and defraud the United States Government under such circumstances. Many travel back and forth to Cameroon in spite of the fact that they swore under oath that Cameroon was not safe for them.It is not right for people to trick other Cameroonians in this manner because we do take the oppression of our fellow country people very seriously. We also value and appreciate the fact that the United States government and people are considerate to allow us here on aslylum. I have never considered political asylum to be a joke and means to survive within the US. It is a message that was communicated to me against the CPDM regime.We are not against the flamboyant life styles of Pro-CPDM Cameroonians. It is their "good luck" but we are concerned that their good luck and opulence is at odds with their claims of helping the poor and needy. We are not against anyone entering the US for any business; school, tourism or visitor or refugee or asylee. We must all agree that there is a gross violation caused by pro-CPDM militants. So, Ambassador Joseph Foe-Atanga you and CPDM -USA must cooperate with us to hold perpetrators accountable.ConclusionCompliance with Article 66 of the Cameroon Constitution and FARA of USAThis problem is about the Civil and Human Rights of all people in accordance with the law. It is quintessential that the CPDM regime respect the demands that I have brought to their attention through the militants of CPDM-USA enclosed with this memorandum. Lastly, if you, Ambassador Joseph Foe- Atanga, President Paul Biya and CPDM militants within the United States really value the freedom here as it is clear from your activities, then you should first of all practice it in Cameroon.If you free Cameroon people from tyranny; torture, murder, extra-judicial killings, illegal detentions and corruption, may be one day you will be free within the US. The notion of free speech does not translate into selfish goals of oppression, corruption and exploitation of powerless people. We strongly disagree with all of you. Free speech is earned when people respect the constitution and also love themselves.If this life is a tapestry for you as CPDM families in Cameroon and USA, then it is your responsibility to ensure that all other Cameroonians are rightful participants and partakers of the national cake. In God We, believe. We do not believe in your tyranny and will never accept it although you have forced it down our throat. Only God is immortal.Thank you for your cooperationHumbly SubmittedYours Patriotic CameroonianJonathan AwasomInternational Civil Rights LeaderVoice for the Voiceless and ConscienceEmail: jonathanawasom@yahoo.comThe US State DepartmentThe Democratic Party( DFL)The Republic Party(GOP)The President of the United States of AmericaThe Cameroon Community, USA__._,_.___.
I have never lost faith in humanity in spite of the injustices I have faced in the struggle for justice. Truth is a prerequisite for justice and liberty. My vision is for a virtuous and free society. Here is a catalogue of wikitruths. I speak truth to powers as the most effective tool for change since I was blessed with this exra-ordinary gift.Yes, I have infleunced world leaders and millions of lives changed already with wikitruths. Truth is the greatest force for good
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011
--- On Tue, 4/12/11, Jonathan Awasom <> wrote:
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