3) Making the Case for a Virtuous and Free Cameroon Like the United States of America: US Embassy in Cameroon must be an epitome of Freedom and Democracy
Like most Cameroonians within the United States( diaspora) I was born and raised inside a corrupt - tyrannical political system. It is well known as "unmitigated evil" that stands in the way of civilization and development. Things are getting worse everyday and could slide into another civil war or genocide in Africa because of one man's rule.
We, the people are definitely tired of calling on governments overseas to intervene when conditions are really bad. I believe that this is the right time for early intervention and prevention. I don’t want outsiders to regret that they would have helped earlier if they knew. Please, we need help now.
I am not different from any of the children, babies and moms who die innocently in Africa due to genocides and civil wars. It is painful to see how our fellow human beings are so inhumane against their own people. It could be me. But after going to school and being in a position of influence, I had to choose good over evil because of the education of the head and heart. A one man's rule for more than 30 years must be a call for attention since they keep doing the samething over and over again and expecting different results (Albert Einstein was right).
Time has come to free Cameroon and defend our stay within virtuous and free societies. Concomitantly, I wanted to make sure that the political system in Cameroon, a tyranny, is juxtaposed with that of the United States of America through comparative politics. Therefore, I am appealing to civilized and free people to help us in the exportation of freedom to Cameroon through international relations between nations. The international Movement for the Freedom of Cameroon is mobilizing Cameroonians around the world and all stakeholders in Cameroon to free that country from tyranny.
My humble desire is to see both American and European citizens, diplomats, missionaries and Peace Corps join us now to free Cameroon. The United States government should not only speak out against the corrupt regime in Cameroon but I believe strongly that it is about time to hold them accountable. I urge them to make sure that its values; freedom, democracy and respect for human rights and dignity translates into other societies.
Dictators cause situations, which result to civil war + genocide= refugee camps. Then it becomes a burden both to the victims and rescuers like UNO and US. We need to intentionally prevent these dictators who intentionally hurt innocent people.We must make them to know that it is unacceptable for anyone to torture, murder or subdue a fellow human being in any substandard condition on this earth.
My education and experience both in Cameroon and the United States have provided me with the knowledge and ability to identify the root causes and recipes of these wars like in other places. This has compelled me to reach out and ask for your help.We, the people of these two countries have the moral obligation to change our societies.
I value the relationship between the US and Cameroon but strictly on the universal values of human dignity. I want the United States to be involved in Cameroon in the right way under the principles of freedom, liberty, Justice and Peace. I admire and respect this country and can't be against anyone doing business in Cameroon. All I want is they should help us. We ask for help because we know they are capable.
The citizens of both nations deserve better from each other. The United States will always be part of Cameroon but I see the US presence in Cameroon as an epitome of freedom, democracy and civil rights for all people in Cameroon as stakeholders. The sovereignty of Cameroon is jeopardized by the flagrant violation of the human and civil rights of the people.I have audaciously addressed three memorandums to the Cameroon Ambassador to the United States, which have featured on this site.It is very important that you look for those memorandums in order to have a better understanding of our plight as a people and country.In the meantime;
1. That mindful of the fact that the Cameroon government operates in the United States, the United States Government should be concerned against the disconnect. We should be very worried that the Cameroon Government has lived in the United States for decades now and have not copied the good examples and values from this society into Cameroon. Even when they try, they do the opposite thing. By the same token we should be alarmed that many Cameroonians who studied in the United States always have the tendency to return to Cameroon and be part of the oppressive system. This worry should immediately call for review of the relationship and partnership that the United States has with Cameroon. In that way, the United States must step forward to support our International Movement for the Freedom of Cameroon from corrupt- tyranny.
2. That before the United States government approves any government in Cameroon to operate in the United States, Cameroonian Officials led by the President should declare their assets. This should not be a debate. It must be a necessity because it is improper that a group of people would run a whole country like a private corporation while their fellow human beings have almost nothing just to make ends meet. I should be able to bring a lawsuit in US courts for this purpose. If accountability within the United States Government as regards the economy and politics does not translate into other societies, corrupt dictators will get away with crimes. We must protect weak and exploited people from being exploited by powerful dictators.
3.The United States Government should listen to the case that I am making in support of the Anglophone Cameroon. I have the right to choose my foster parents between Britain, France and the United States. The constitution of the United States authorizes this country to continue acquiring more territories so that they can become part of this free and civilized society. I have earned the right by birth to be a Cameroonian just as President Paul Biya and his ministers. It is time for us to set the records straight.
All these issues are important because we want to make sure that everyone understands that we know the Constitution of the United States and Cameroon. I have read the documents of the Founding Fathers and others, which lends credibility to my case. If we have to continue any relationship with French- Cameroon then we must co-exist peacefully and cross-culturally under an acceptable form of government to benefit everyone. The Federal System, which will result to the establishment of Free and Independent States, will free the minority British Southern Cameroonians. We are left with no choice but to turn our attention to quarters we believe will help us according to the law of nature and humanity.
President Thomas Jefferson was right when he said all men and women were born equal and endowed with inherent and unalienable rights among , which include Life,liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. The tyrannical system in Cameroon under the watch of the free and democratic societies like the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Germany and France does not deliver these values for the commongood.Therefore , it is time for us to export freedom to the societies that are bound to be free. The Freedom House, a Washington based non-profit foundation has once more testified that Cameroon is not a free society. On this site, you will learn about the issues, voices and above all the case we are making to free Cameroon. Take a moment to explore this site and support our vision and activism in line with the call of some distinguished Americans for America's freedom to be exported to Africa.
Freedom should be America ‘s Greatest Export
In his Book “The Making of America: The Substance and meaning of the Constitution” ,W. Cleon Skousen recaptured the brilliant precepts, which made America the first free people. He observed that most Americans were not educated about the Constitution, which explores the journey, vision and character of the Founding Fathers of the United States. He feels strongly that everyone must learn about these men and understand their deep motivation, which inspired the free world. The lamented that the United States at this period in History was gradually drifting away from the vision of the founders or have completely misunderstood them. This is what he writes;
“In the immediate future carefully trained American should commence exporting the Founders greatest success formula. The world is waiting for it. We are living in a fantastic age when Scientists are developing the technology…we must regain our footing reexamine our gain plan, and then begin exporting our formula for freedom, prosperity, and peace to the rest of the world. It is fundamental to the progress, happiness and self-realization of humankind. It is what the founders expected of us”
Pass it on
You were not born into this world to have a debate with anyone over your Freedom or to enter any contest to win Freedom like a Wheel of Fortune or Deal or No Deal. You ought not to spin any wheel of fortune to pick a winning number of freedom. Freedom ought to be free as the air, oxygen, sunshine and rain that fall freely beyond our control. So, we must be very nervous and unsettled as to why CPDM regime will take innocent minority Cameroonians captive and yet roaming the streets and cities of the United States and other free societies as prostitutes of a corrupt tyranny and simultaneously pretending to be queens of a democractic republic .
I want to look into your eyes and reaffirm without the slightest controversy that the moment your mother conceived you in her womb, you became a free human being. Once you were born, nobody whatsoever had the right to make you fight for your freedom. Anybody who knowingly or unknowingly deprives others of their freedom should be sent to a treatment rehabilitation camp to be treated out of the compassion and mercy of free people like us. Whenever it is certain that they cannot impair the principles and values of freedom and democracy, at that time we can release them to mingle with free and civilized people.
The Constitution of Cameroon: The preamble, Articles 1,2,3,4,5,6 and the famous Article 66 on this site:
Sincere greetings. It is the law. The CPDM Party, system and public officials of Cameroon have broken the law. I believe in the rule of law as the foundation of democracy and human dignity for all people who constitute a nation or sovereign State. Where the laws are not respected, we, the people have the right to take back our country and put it back on track to be governed by reasonable and wise people who must cherish and respect the laws of our nation.
This site will lead you to a copy of the Constitution of Cameroon. It will be advisable for all of you to download it and study. There is a principal rule embedded into the Constitution of Cameroon known as Article 66, which calls on Public Officials to declare their assets but they have never done so for the last 50 years. When you are done reading, you'll understand why there is a leadership vacuum in Cameroon warranting a period for transition.
How can CPDM system be allowed to conduct Presidential Elections in Cameroon 2011 when they have not respected Article 66? Article 66 will determine the eligibility of the CPDM Party and their candidate for President of Cameroon. Why has the Party and system violated the law?
We must stay the course. The Political Freedom of Cameroon is the only CONDITION SINE-QUO-NUN for a democratic Society to prevail where all people are treated equal under the rule of Law. If one of our critical laws are violated, we must stand up for change. For more than 27 years now the CPDM Party/System and CPDM Officials have violated this law. So, how can we allow the CPDM System to conduct any Presidential Elections in Cameroon? First things first. Respect and fulfill Article 66 according to the law. Only a transitional Government can handle this exercise.
The only way forward for humanity is for us all to live by principles. If we keep manipulating one another against the very principle/principles we once agreed upon, then our future gets darker and darker. A brighter tomorrow and future rests solely on our common resolve and political will to live by the rules, which were designed to guarantee the natural rights of all people. These rules have been dishonored by the CPDM system, to the extent, which anything short of Transitional Government to correct past and present abuses, will continue to jeopardize our destiny. Support our effort to build a virtuous and free society for all people in Africa.
Thank you
Jonathan Awasom
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