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Friday, June 10, 2011


--- On Mon, 3/20/06, Jonathan Awasom <> wrote:

From: Jonathan Awasom <>
Subject: An Open Letter to President George W.Bush
To: "Giddy Ticha" <>,
Date: Monday, March 20, 2006, 1:52 PM

The President of the United States of America
His Excellency President George W. Bush
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear President George W. Bush
In search for justice and peace for Africa in the 21st century
My response to the July 5-6 G-8 Summit, 2005 in Scotland
I have the distinguished pleasure and honor to write to you this letter. I will like to take a moment to thank you for being the President of the United States of America . I thank you very much for the opportunity that God has given you to not only be the President of this great nation but for simultaneously taking responsibility as the leader of the free world. I think it is a very challenging job and I hope that your vision and good intensions come to limelight one day in the midst of the clouds of uncertainty that hover around some burning issues.
I have some concerns, which I am submitting to your office for consideration. In the meantime, I will like to introduce myself. I was born and raised in Cameroon , West Africa . I came into this country in 1999 on mission. I am glad for being hear under political asylum. I am not happy with the fact that I have to put up with it for convenience. I want to live in a world where I am free and not to live in fear. I want people in our continent to be free if this is what God intents for humanity. Your Excellencies, we have suffered for too long in hands of tyrants and dictators. We crave your indulgence, your Excellencies, to use your moral authority and power to support us in our effort to work for justice and peace for the commongood. I know that you and the American people, as well as others have been helping us already. I wanted to go an extra-mile to be more specific about the depth of our problem provoked by my story, which I have also attached with this letter.
Your excellency, today I will like to bring to your attention my concerns in the form of memorandums on a wide range of issues, which might be of interest to you, your friends and colleagues within the G-8 Summit. These mind boggling  issues will focus on injustice  in the continent of Africa and I thank you all for the interest that you have for that continent. It is my prayer and hope that you will consider these memorandums and provide the desired help in collaraboration with your colleagues in this part of the western world to possibly improve and change our societies. I will be much honored to hear from you and have the opportunity to partner with you for the best outcomes. Your excellencies, I could never be more thankful for the inspiration that I have acquired being in the Western Hemisphere . It is so cool, you know and I want to use my energy in a productive manner by working for justice and peace as a voice for Africa .
I thank the American people and our friends in Europe for reaching out to us diplomatically and we continue to crave your full support for our search for freedom and meaning in all that we value and uphold for human dignity. I have also included a case study as material evidence that will help you to have a better understanding of the circumstance. My ultimate goal is to give back to life. I will never have justice or be healed from all my emotional scars in life but it is possible that my story and testimony can help as a catalyst to bring justice and peace to the people that I am spokesman for them. For sure, I have found greater peace and healing from my faith in God from whom all things are made possible. I trust that you will give this matter, your utmost consideration. Your Excellency, I look forward hearing from you at the time of your own choosing.
Thank you all again for your interest and compassion for humanity.
God Bless you all.
Voice of Reason and Conscience
Pastor Jonathan Awasom
635 Prairie Center Dr # 352
Eden Prairie MN 55344
Phone: 952-261-5818
The British Prime Minister:  Tony Blair
The British Foreign Secretary: Rt Hon. Jack Straw, MP.
The United States Secretary of State: Dr Condoleezza Rice
The German Chancellor: Her Excellency Angela Merkel
The German Foreign Minister: Josch Fischer
United States Senators for Minnesota
Senator Mark Dayton of Minnesota , USA
Senator Norm Coleman , Minnesota , USA
The United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee: Chair , Senator Richard Lucar
The United States Subcommittee on African Affairs: Chair, Senator Mel Martinez
The United States Committee on International Relations: Chair, Senator J.Hyde
The United States Subcommittee on Africa , Global Human Rights and International Operations: Chair, Christopher H. Smith
United States Ambassador to Cameroon
The British Ambassador to Cameroon
The German Ambassador to Cameroon

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