I have never lost faith in humanity in spite of the injustices I have faced in the struggle for justice. Truth is a prerequisite for justice and liberty. My vision is for a virtuous and free society. Here is a catalogue of wikitruths. I speak truth to powers as the most effective tool for change since I was blessed with this exra-ordinary gift.Yes, I have infleunced world leaders and millions of lives changed already with wikitruths. Truth is the greatest force for good
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011
--- On Sun, 4/17/11, Jonathan Awasom <jonathanawasom@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Jonathan Awasom <jonathanawasom@yahoo.com>
Fellow Cameroonians, Africans and Concerned Citizens of the World
I am oncemore standing firm on the principles and ideals of free societies to call upon the United States Government under the DFL Party to honor this Memo that was sent to the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Senator John Kerry on May 25th,2010. As a Cameroon citizen, I am entitled to my sovereign right to question the presence and practices of certain nations within Cameroon as well as make my case known to a world that is curious to know why the United States granted me political asylum, anyways?
Secretary of State Madam Hilary Clinton, President Bill Clinton and the DFL Party must respect our own sacred and inalienable rights to be free from corrupt tyranny and dictatorship under the CPDM government of Cameroon. They must value us and our values, and be true to the ideals of the United States of America with their dealings with Cameroon in the light of our quest for freedom or we meet in the Federal Court to tackle the subject of my political asylum in the light of my struggle since 2006 for America's freedom to be exported to Cameroon and Africa.Make no mistake.
Since 2010 we have made our position clear to them but they are pretending not to realize that we are serious. We are indeed serious and especially,my humble self, Jonathan Awasom, the designated freedom fighter for Cameroon under political persecution and retaliation within the United States by the DFL Party. Cameroon must be free or remain oppressed and enslaved by America, France, Germany, Canada and Great Britian.Choose this day to be free or remain slaves under Madam Hilary Clinton , President Bill Clinton and the DFL Party who are playing games to manipulate and distract the world from our vision and focus.
This memo is to oncemore reiterate without fear or favor that we are not begging oppressors to stop oppressing powerless and helpless people. We want our freedom. It is long overdue and enough is enough. The United States was founded for free people and not for people who practice democracy within America but practice corrupt tyranny and dictatorship abroad. This double standard must cease immediately.
--- On Wed, 6/2/10, Jonathan Awasom <jonathanawasom@yahoo.com> wrote
Fellow Cameroonians and concerned Citizens.Let the world know we are talking and walking the talk. Let your elected officials in your countries, Cities and States see the truth.
Let all Religious Missionaries know we are sick and tired of genocides and civil wars in Africa because of corrupt tyrants and dictators like President Paul Biya of Cameroon.
Let all your friends, relatives and neighbor know we have launched a rare campaign,movement and revolution to change alter free political prisoners and stop human rights violation and corruption in Cameroon.
Dear senator John Kerry May 25, 2010
Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
The United States Congress
218 Russell Bldg.
Second Floor
Washington D.C. 20510
(202) 224-2742 - Phone
(202) 224-8525 - Fax
Website at www.kerry.senate. gov
Dear Senator John Kerry
“The God who gave us Life, gave us Liberty at the sametime...that to secure these rights government are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed-That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness" President Thomas Jefferson
Sincere Greetings in the name and spirit of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America. Besides the Founders, we have come across another amazing American Patriot in the person of Dr S Cleon Skousen. He is the author of many books and works among, which is one of his finest entitled “ The Making of America. The Meaning and Substance of the Constitution. It is catalogued into the Library of Congress. As the Founder of the National Constitutional Center( NCC) he writes in his book as follows;
"But America has much more to share than their wealth. They have the world’s greatest political success formula to share. In this respect they have been at fault. They have been too self-conscious about their system and its accomplishments. At times they have been almost apologetic that they have such a remarkable system when the rest of the world did not. The world needs to know this formula. It worked for Americans when they were an underdeveloped country. It will work for underdeveloped countries today…Freedom should be America’s Greatest Export. In the near future carefully trained Americans should commence exporting the Founders’ greatest success formula. The world is waiting for it…We must regain our footing, reexamine our game plan, and then begin exporting our formula for freedom, prosperity, and peace to the rest of the world. It is fundamental to the progress of, happiness, and self-actualization of all mankind. It is what the Founders expected of us"
The Cameroonians for Freedom and Change in Cameroon FREECCAM'A is a political advocacy organization of Cameroonians and concerned citizens in the United States and around the world with the goal to export the political freedom of the United States of American to the tyrannical Republic of Cameroon under the dictatorship of President Paul Biya. We have discovered the Founders and their vision for America and the world through our study of Dr S Cleon Skousen’s book. This has inspired and instilled into us a passion to free Cameroon that the Congress and the UNO needs to know.
We, Cameroonians for Freedom and Change in Cameroon resident within the Diaspora as a result of political persecution by the government of Cameroon are asking your help to enable us free political prisoners and also stop human rights violation of our fellow citizens in Cameroon by the corrupt tyranny and dictatorship of President Paul Biya.By the same token we will like to advocate your help to free and change Cameroon as expected.
H.E. Paul Biya of Cameroon has held on to power for over 28 years via unconscionable means, including but not limited to human rights abuses, election rigging, battery and intimidation of citizenry with a ruthless military, constitutional violations, economic mismanagement, arbitrary rulership through "Decrees and States of Emergencies", closure of free press, torture of Journalists, political leaders, civil society leaders and systematic incrimination and killing of political opponents.
You and your colleagues need to know about the untold story of one of the worst human rights violation of Cameroonians by the Dictatorial President Paul Biya in, West Africa. As disturbing as it is we have come to realize that it is a pattern of insanity. These violations are made available on this site at
www.jonathanawasom.org for graphic photos of the dehumanization of children in Cameroon as well as the discreet and bloody crackdown of unarmed civilians by President Paul Biya's government.
We can no longer fathom the outrageous violation of human rights of political prisoners in that society as well as the horrible violation of the rights of women and children in Cameroon everyday by that government. Your action to support us today will avert this strange tragedy at this moment.
They have acted viciously against our people for more than 50 years now. We are seeking the unconditional freedom of all political prisoners because every human being must be entitled to the First Amendment (Free Speech), which is very basic to the ideal of freedom
We believe very strongly that the cornerstone of US foreign policy in Cameroon should also include but not limited to working with Cameroonians who desire good governance and the rule of law for their fellow citizens in bondage. It is our sacred moral duty to our fellow human beings.
We believe that you and the Congress are a very important partner in this action. You know how much we respect and value this country, people and her ideals. Therefore, we cannot fathom the humiliating dehumanization of innocent people under that 17th century corrupt tyranny. Let us together overcome gross violation of human rights in Africa through the power of our democracy and collective action.
This freedom and democracy was handed down to us all by the Founding Fathers and framers of the Constitution. Since we have lived in America and experienced this freedom, we feel strongly that it is about time to export it to our country in partnership with concerned citizens
It is very appropriate to make our solid democracy effective and most importantly save the lives of about 2000 children a day from the corrupt tyrannical government under a greedy dictator. They have no right to arbitrarily arrest, torture and murder citizens. They are absolutely and universally wrong after the Declaration of Independence in 1776.
Dear Senator John Kerry , the Congress of the United States and UNO
Our demands from Dictator Paul Biya and CPDM regime are outstanding and obvious within the realm of possibility;
Stop human rights violation
Free all political prisoners and comply with their Constitutional Rights to Safety
Enforce and respect the First Amendment (Free Speech)
Create a Justice and Reparation Council for victims of political persecution
Declare your assets according to article 66 and stop corruption
Show proof of repatriation of funds from Cameroonians imprisoned for embezzlement and corruption
President Paul Biya should comply with these demands and step down from power or face the music of International Criminal Court (ICC).
Our Demand from the Congress of the United States of America and the UNO
Congress should enforce the 2004 No Safe Haven law against corrupt dictators, supporters and their families from Africa into the USA.
Congress should enforce immigration laws against people with violent and criminal acts against other human beings in their country
Congress should take seriously into consideration our demands from dictator Paul Biya
Congress should take immediate steps to work with Africans who cherish the expansion of America’s freedom and democracy to their societies in order to promote good governance and the rule of law for human dignity
Request the President of Cameroon to decentralize and federalize the system of government in Cameroon before resignation or retirement in 2011.
Call on Mr. Paul Biya to grant the Autonomy of the Judiciary, the autonomy of the legislature and Autonomy of the Regions of Cameroon as expected.
Congress should take seriously, and implement the vision of the President to Ghanian Parliament for Africa in collaboration and partnership with true Africans and Americans through the vision of Dr. Cleon. Skousen, Founder of the NCC in blessed memory.
Congress and the UNO should oversee the organization of transparent and democratic Presidential Elections in Cameroon through an Independent Electoral Commission from the UNO to enable a peaceful political transition. CAMDIAC IN and members of the Opposition standing in support of these demands will cooperate with the Congress and UNO Commission to make our task of nation building peaceful and productive.
We plead your indulgence to take action as true American Citizens but most importantly as a concerned human beings against the gross violation of the human rights of others.
History is on our side and the calling for all of us to stand up as free people to expand or export our freedom to those who are oppressed is more than ever before very compelling. This action is worth saving the lives of about 2000 thousand children a day. Without your action about 2000 children die a day because of human rights violation.
People are being brutalized and killed silently and the world is unaware.
Please, urgently and kindly request a hearing on Senate or House with regards to the Case of Cameroon and President Paul Biya, after which a foreign commission should be expedited to the Cameroons to inspect all jails for the release of Political prisoners. At your request, we shall be available to testify before the Congress on these problems.
Thank you for your Compassion and Cooperation in this matter
Jonathan F Awasom ( Rev)
Phone: 973-282-6461
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