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Friday, July 29, 2011


 Our advocacy for change  is centered on 5  major themes
1) Advocating for Change of President and his Government because they have violated the constitution by refusing to declare their assets according to article 66 of the Constitution. Most importantly, President Paul Biya and his government have grossly violated the human rights of Cameroonians with well documented evidence of abuse. We insist that all public servants in any society including Cameroon must be accountable to the civil society on how they serve the people. Unfortunately, this has not been the case in Cameroon with President Paul Biya.
He has made himself a rare dictator and tyrant by going after anybody who is opposed to his type of Machiavellian malicious and divisive politics. It is unacceptable for a President to rule people by employing divide and conquer tactics, intimidating and inciting tribal and regional conflicts, arbitrary arrest, torture and incarceration of his opponents for the sake of power and ill-gotten wealth. A new President of Cameroon and his government should be public servants with an inclusive vision to inspire, build and empower the people to be patriotic and follow his or her leadership with a good and clean conscience.
2)Advocating  for Change towards a new Political System because the current political system is a corrupt tyranny and dictatorship perpetuated by a corrupt judiciary and lack of separation of the three famous arms of government (The Executive, Legislative and Judiciary). The concentration of absolute powers into the hands of the President is one of the root causes of gross violation of human rights of Cameroonians. This kind of political system of government is outdated and was never embraced by the Founding Fathers of America. Therefore, we believe like President Thomas Jefferson that if a President and his government are unpatriotic and oppressive against its citizens such a government should be abolished and replaced with a new form of government that will guarantee the safety and happiness of the citizens.
3)Advocating for change towards  Natural and National Resources Distribution. All nations are blessed with rich natural resources from within and without which are capable to empower its citizens to reach their full potential in life. Every country has a promise, which is linked with these natural minerals. The only way to attain that promise for peace, happiness and prosperity is to use the resources for their commongood
Therefore, it is absolutely imperative that the President and his government as well as foreign corporations that have invested in the country should account to the citizens and civil society as follows; what are these natural resources, where are they located, who is tapping into them, who are our clients and how much are these resources worth in monetary and material terms, who are the indigenous people directly involved with these natural resources and how has the lives of Cameroonians improved as a result of these resources. Therefore, we advocate for change in the national distribution of resources so that everybody should have equal rights and opportunities to live in dignity.   
4)Advocating for change towards Accountability and Transparency centers on political and economic management of the country in the field of business. We believe that all State and National businesses conducted within and outside of the country should be transparent. The most plausible defense for the sovereignty of every nation is when such a nation is free from corporate globalization and exploitation of the natural resources and people through some deliberate unethical business practices in other societies.
When people have come together from different tribes and cultures, and agreed to live together from one region to the other within the national  territory of the country, a bond of mutual relationship of respect and acceptance ensues allowing room for their leaders to hold the people accountable. By the same token, these leaders should consciously be accountable to the people in order to cultivate trust and patriotism towards nation building. We have observed that lack of accountability and transparency has led to flagrant mismanagement in Cameroon resulting to institutionalized corruption. We should work toward making sure that the government and governed are both accountable and transparent.
5)Advocating for Change towards new Moral Values, Conscience and Patriotism is critical. The falling moral standards of Cameroonians from all walks of life are a very troubling trend to recognize. Perhaps owing to the fact that Cameroon was first of all built on falsehood (colonialism and neo-colonialism to suit colonizers) its foundation was never cemented with concrete moral values and spirit of patriotism. It is never going to be possible for a nation to survive on this earth if it  has no moral foundation upon, which it was built as well as the moral value system that will inspires and guide people to live worthy lives
In fact, corruption has taken a huge toll on Cameroonians because it is deeply engrained right into the blood veins of a child as soon as they are poorly integrated into the civil society. Almost nothing works in Cameroon without someone being forced to be corrupt just to survive. We live with corruption dictated from down to the bottom and circulated through every nook and cranny of the society making it a norm. Many Cameroonians recognize these moral problems but wonder if it is ever going to change granted the sinful nature of men and women? These are questions that others have explored in the past and they are success stories, which defeat the pessimists and have put and end to social chaos, injustice and gross violation of human rights.
We believe that it is possible as soon as we change the political system and leadership of the country. Then replace them with new leaders who are patriotic with a good and clean conscience, and possess a moral value system consistent with integrity, honesty and principles of human dignity. If corrupt leaders can have such a powerful negative influence on a whole nation and generations of people, it  goes without saying that good leaders with their government, too will also have the capacity and will to have a very powerful positive impact on the nation and people. If good leaders inspire citizens, then they will learn how to report corrupt practices, testify against corruption and corrupt citizens as well as internationalize a good conscience against corruption. All these and more will catapult Cameroon to the political high moral grounds of good governance and the rule of law.
Jonathan F Awasom

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