The Founding Fathers of the United States of America were against dictatorship and corrupt tyranny .Consequently, it is wrong for the United States to aid and abet the same bad system of government in Cameroon. The USA must correct their past mistakes by supporting our endeavors. Dear Honorable Members of the Congress of the United States of America My Dear Americans It is with profound humility that I write to you to express my indignation against dictatorship on our people in the continent of Africa . As an Anglo-Cameroonian and American-Cameroonian I will like to use Cameroon as a case study in our drive for freedom from dictatorship and corrupt tyranny. I would like you to know that I was very inspired to learn that President George Washington turned down a request by the people of the United States to serve as President for the third term in spite of his extra-ordinary public service as the commander in Chief. It is amazing to imagine how his genuine and humble political character has impacted the American political culture for generations. He was truly a great inspiration to what a sound political leadership should be. Let us rise up and honor President George Washington His modest argument was that he would be guilty in perpetuating the same tyranny they had fought to ward off from the King of England. In a case where a motion of support is well intended because there was evidence of high performance while in office, one can understand why it was necessary. Yet, President George Washington had to put the interest of the whole nation and posterity above his personal interest to remain as President only for the third term for that matter. In the case of Cameroon and other African countries there are no basis of good performance to warrant a motion of support for the President to rule for life. President Paul Biya and his CPDM Officials have corrupted people within his party to make him President for life through a motion of support. My point is, it is first of all unconstitutional and also strange. He is no longer eligible to be President after 2011. He should step down peacefully for the sake of justice, peace, order and harmony of the whole world. Those of us who are free have a moral obligation to satisfy humankind’s longing and hunger for freedom and liberty at all times. My letter to the Congress is legitimized by the fact that part of his government through the Cameroon Embassy Officials is present within the United States territory. Besides Pro-CPDM Cameroonians have also earned the right to be here through political asylum. These cases are cited in order to enable the Congress understand that members of his own party have created the impression that there are not safe in Cameroon , which is the main reason why they have claimed persecution. But many of them have been sneaking themselves into Cameroon through other African countries and hanging out with the same people they had alleged persecuted them. This means that the Congress might as well invite all Cameroonians who have acquired their political asylum because of CPDM regime to testify before the Congress although our presence in this country speaks for itself. Dear Members of Congress the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and other organizations like Vital Voices Partnership and National Emdowment for Democracy(NED) are putting lipstick on the nose of a pig as regards their effort to plant the seeds of democracy on African soil. My own testimony should be considered as an appraisal of the ongoing campaign for us towards uprooting dictatorship and tyranny so as to make way for democracy.But most importantly, I am someone who cannot take lipstick and put on the nose of a pig. I want you to help me achieve this vision because I was born and raised in Cameroon . I understand the society and know how corrupt the system is to the core more than any of you, members of Congress and US Ambassadors to Cameroon who were never born and raised in Cameroon. Jesus Christ of Nazareth who happens to be one of my best teachers besides the savior of humankind espoused a philosophy of methodology through the Parable of the Sower. It reminds me of how we ought to sow the seed of democracy in Africa . If we continue to sow our good seeds on the infertile soil of dictatorship and tyranny we will never have a good harvest. I am sure many of you really want a bountiful harvest. Jesus Christ’s conception of political freedom for the oppressed was embedded in his teaching of this parable as a moral and spiritual method not only for eternal peace and happiness but as well for the freedom of those held in captivity. What I mean is the concept of spreading democracy is admirable but the method is flawed because monkeys in the forest of dictatorship and corrupt tyranny will never be transformed into the eagles on the sky of freedom and liberty. The difficult part of your job is that you expect some moral transformation of these monkeys to become the eagle. You are pointing them to the direction of the light of democracy but they are stuck in the darkness of dictatorship and totalitarianism. I hate to see Americans labor in vain whereas they have good intentions. I think that it is incumbent upon me to ask you to give me the equal chance and opportunity afforded to testify before the Congress and the people of the United States of America as a political asylee. This is my platform because political asylum is part of the history of the United States as a country of immigrants. I intend to explain to you why I am a political asylee as well as highlight the travesty in political asylums orchestrated by the CPDM regime and their supporters within the United States . I will also argue very passionately that the claims by corrupt governments in Africa that their violent activities against the people is to serve and protect US interest is a cover up. I do not want to believe their claims because why would US interest anywhere in the world result to gross violations of human rights and enslavement of people? The United States is one nation under God with Liberty , Justice and Peace, and united we stand on the Foundation of In God We Trust. These folks are always trying to mislead us to believe that some foreign governments are the ones who are responsible for their bad behavior. Let me say that they sort of scare some of you to think that those with progressive ideas are a threat to your interest in Africa / Cameroon . I pray the Congress and American people to discern these cover ups and understand that our craving for good governance and the rule of law is what we are called upon as human beings to do for one another. These folks are corrupt and the only way to get away with their individual corrupt behavior is to blame the White people for our plight. There is a global dimension to our common humanity, which many of us are seeking to promote among nations and people through mutual partnership and justice for all. Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr was right when he captured the essence of justice for all when he said; “ Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere… There lived a race of people who… had the moral courage to stand up for their rights. And thereby they injected a new meaning into the veins of history and civilization” The injustice of the African governments against their own people of the same race is disgraceful. When Rev Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.spoke about injustice and a new history and civilization it was a cry against racial segregation and enslavement of black people within the United States. I am sure that it never really occurred to him that black people in Africa could be so unjust and guilty of the same charges he brought against the United States Government Officials. Perhaps even more severe crimes because it is a government against harmless and peaceful people entitled to life, liberty, justice, peace and happiness. It hurts when folks have vacated their children and families overseas to live happy lives while they are enslaving, torturing and killing other children and their families. It hurts right into my bone marrow. I have been intrigued by the observations of Michael Novak in his book “ The Universal Hunger For Liberty, Why the Clash of Civilization is Inevitable”. He makes a brilliant diagnosis under the political expression of globalization of what I believe is an obstacle in the path to the universal principles and values of human dignity; “Political expressions of globalization are multiplying beginning with the World Wars of the 20th century. In the 1920s Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler burst on thre world stage, shouting that dictatorship was the most efficient form of government for fulfilling the general and lifting up the poor. But the world learned bitter and unforgettable lessons from the age of dictatorship. Democracy has many faults but no system yet invented better protects the human rights of minorities and individuals, both from single tyranny and tyranny of the majority. Thus nearly, nearly everywhere around the world dictatorship is failing the people, and those who can are striving to develop the political parties and coalitions that lead to government based on the consent of the governed and under the rule of law. “ The rule of law” is a system of law that looks upon all as equals, and on none with special favor” If what Michael Novak is saying is true then we should be alarmed that from 1920 till 2009 we still have dangerous dictators in some parts of Africa bouncing on the world stage shouting that they are democrats. The yearning for democracy has precipitated a façade of democratic governments in many parts of Africa like Cameroon , Gabon , Kenya Democratic Republic of Congo, Burkina Faso and Zaire . I take the case of Cameroon where dictatorship and tyranny has been prevalent for decades resulting to the flagrant violation of human rights especially the minority Anglo-Cameroonians and exploitation of the poor. My question is how can we lift up the poor and end injustice under the reign of terror and fear orchestrated by dictators like Mr. Paul Biya and his CPDM regime against Cameroonians? How can we lift up the poor and end injustice when about 15 categories of public servants in his government have never declared their assets so that we know how they have earned their riches? These are the people who constitute 10% of the population and hold public office. On this platform of the rule of law set forth by Michael Novak, I am asking you to help us with our vision to free Cameroon and put it on the fast track to good governance and the rule of law. Please, we are truly desperate for your help in anyway to stop the CPDM system in Cameroon from further abusing innocent people. The best foreign assistance for us in this century is to empower those of us with the vision and ideas to build a new Cameroon society under a system of government that will be representative of the people in every region of Cameroon . As many of you have realized, all the different charitable assistance you have been offering to us through different US foreign agents and services as well as mission works have not been helpful enough. The charities, loans and aids you offer either through the World Bank, IMF, mission churches and NGOs could make a huge difference on the lives of the people if the government was transparent and accountable. Unfortunately for us the high rate of fraud and corruption by the Cameroon officials has rendered these noble endeavors ineffective. As a result, I feel that it is important to look at these problems with a fresh eye since any foreign assistance given to corrupt governments will remain ineffective because a few people with corrupt power will continue to exploit the rest. Many of them ironically have huge investments overseas and very juicy bank accounts out of Cameroon , which are not accountable for. These foreign investments and bank accounts are far more than what is ever given to the people through charity and philanthropy. I am not against people investing overseas or operating bank accounts or living in affluence. I am concerned that they have tortured and killed innocent people in order to enrich themselves and their generations. Therefore, it is very hard to reconcile their corrupt behavior with the efforts you have made to help the people. I believe that it is possible for us to work together to ensure that these governments are held accountable according to the rule of law at the local and international level. Dr S Cleon Skousen observed in his book The Making of America, Substance and Meaning of the Constitution that one of the main reasons why young Thomas Jefferson went to the Congress in Philadelphia in June 20th, 1775 was because he was fed up with the madness of the King of England against American Colonies. He was angered because over 450 Americans were shot or bayoneted and Dr S Cleon Skousen noted as follows; “ No doubt Jefferson was among those who wondered if King George was suffering from another of his fits of insanity, which plagued him from time to time. Nothing pleased the King neither a proffered payment for Boston tea nor plea for loyal submission. He seemed determined to treat Americans as some of his most ferocious enemies” President Paul Biya is busy mobilizing his military officials and men to intimidate and scare Cameroonians into submission as he seeks to impose himself as Life President. It is one of those his fits of Machiavellism he is suffering from otherwise why on this earth will man who has amass wealth for himself and his generations so determined to enslave others. You know after publishing his code of dictatorship he is being misguided by his followers in the North West Region of Cameroon where I come from. The North West is one of the two Anglo-Cameroon States, which is always unfairly targeted and placed under a heavy military siege once Mr. Paul Biya is confronted with the truth. He does not know how to deal with commonsense and reason. In 1990 when the SDF party was launched he tortured and assassinated hundreds of people in the City of Bamenda . In 1992 when the SDF won the Presidential election he stole the victory and afterwards put Bamenda under a military siege with the help of French government, which he solicited. The same thing happened in 2004 when he rigged the Presidential elections and forced himself again on the people. He seemed determined to wipe out the people of Bamenda if they do not accept him as President for life. From what is happening now he is showing up his military might against the people but my fellow Americans how can a government constantly use the military to frighten its own citizens? We think that it is about time for this kind of military dictatorship to end. He and his government have violated the Constitution in its entirety by not declaring their assets according to article 66 for more than 30 years. It is very disturbing to be a citizen of such a country where a man and his government do not have any regards for the rule of law and the rights of the civil society to know how they manage the country. His political and military activities in my State are all tricks to cover up. After appointing a Prime Minister from my State as a strategy to cajole and blindfold the people right now he is getting his military ready in that same region of Cameroon. I want the Congress and humanity to look at these activities of Mr. Paul Biya and his CPDM regime very closely because it is totally unacceptable. Let me argue that since the United States is involved in Cameroon since I was born, it is proper that Cameroon becomes a free society like the US . Right now, it is a dictatorship and corrupt tyranny since we acquired independence from the French and Britain on January 1,1961 . It is offensive to the spirit and legacy of the Founding Fathers who dreaded and loathed dictatorship,and tyranny of the King of England way back in the 17th century. Each time the world slides into slumber, people who have no regards for a sound system of government reinvent dictatorship and tyranny leading to the demise of minority people. Therefore, our vision and agenda is to free and change Cameroon from the present bad system of government. We, the people must be concerned and defend the labors of the Founding Fathers who toiled so hard to establish a free world based on the People’s law. President Thomas Jefferson describes the People‘s Law in the Declaration of Independence when he said; “To secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, driving their just powers from the consent of the governed…whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying it foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem likely to effect their safety and happiness” Like President Thomas Jefferson, we have done enough research before developing the instinct to the task of nation building, which shapes our vision. I believe that the anxiety of the Founders of America to alter, abolish or replace any form of tyranny was well conceived and executed. Why not Cameroon today, my fellow Americans? Only unreasonable people from a tyrannical society like Cameroon can live within the United States of America or Europe for more than 5 years and not be moved by the brilliant precepts, which brought about this free world. Yet the CPDM Party and their officials tend to be attracted to the abundance of liberty, life, happiness and prosperity within the United States but are stumbling blocks to the rest of our fellow citizens. I cannot understand why the Pro-CPDM Cameroonians within the United States aren’t inspired by the freedom they have within North America . If the Founder were blind people I bet you that we would have no North America and come to think of a world today without the United States of America ? Where would these my fellow Cameroonians who continue to aid and abet a corrupt government under CPDM go? My fellow Americans you have always wanted us to take the initiative to lead our societies. We are ready to lead. However, we badly need your help because it will be completely coward of us to try to do this alone. I am writing to you because I believe in partnership for the commongood and because it is possible for us to become stakeholders in building a new Cameroon society. I believe in the fiber of my being that the United States as a free world has the moral obligation toward our vision. Let me explain to you what I discovered about tyranny. James Madison was one of the most influential Founding Fathers of the United States of America and worked very closely with other Founders like Thomas Jefferson. His magic was felt during the time they were exploring different forms of Government around the world in order to build a more perfect and free society after the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. When it was his turn to speak, James Madison personally defined tyranny as follows; “The accumulation of all powers-legislative, Executive, and Judiciary-in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny” On the basis of this declaration by James Madison, we are ready to free Cameroonians who deserve to be free from the CPDM regime. In my personal opinion anybody who is living under a dictator and corrupt tyranny is a victim of circumstances. My ambition for President is to lead Transitional Government for 24 months under a 33 Council for Good Governance. This link will lead you to the nature of the 32 Councils. The most recent one is the Restorative Justice and Reconciliation Council. There is absolutely no excuse for the President Paul Biya of Cameroon and his Regime to expect us in this new age to be silent over his government that engages in the systematic torture and murder of people forcing hundreds into exile. Ironically the greatest numbers of refugees overseas especially within the United States of America are children and supporters of some of the most heinous regimes in Africa like the Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement (CPDM Party). They are not different from Edi Amin, Stalin, Hitler and Saddam Hussein. I honestly wonder why up till now they have not been inducted into the hall of these heartless men on this earth. People who solely came into this world to oppress, torture, exploit and kill their own citizens and yet would bounce up and down on world stage claiming to be leaders of sovereign nations! They are trapped by the vicious systems, which they have orchestrated over the years and tend to be scared of what might happen to them if they relinquish power sooner. They prefer to die in power and subsequently hand over to their children. Many of us are very unsettled with this trend of dictatorship and dynasty monarchy in mostly West Africa. For instance in Togo the son of the former President inherited the Presidency after his father died. It has happened in Democratic Republic of Congo and most recently in Gabon. As an Anglo-Cameroonian, I am very concerned that President Paul Biya who is Franco-Cameroonian is also headed in that same direction to make his son his successor. Democracy cannot function in any society where some people are still operating under a monarchy and tyranny. The truth is even if some foreign corporate individuals orchestrated their atrocity against Cameroonians they were equally as greedy as their foreign partners in these crimes. After all some people could reasonably claim that justice was served since Bernie Madoff is serving 150 years behind bars as an “Investment Fraud Swindler”(courtesy of Meredith Vieira on “ Who Wants to be a Millionaire”) So why are these corrupt and fraudulent Cameroon men allowed to walk away when their misdeeds are even worst? They are not only swindlers but also murderers and killers. If there is no moral justification for killing people like in Just Wars then no government on the face of this earth that tortures innocent people be admitted among free and civilized people. If people live in fear and are not secured in the hands of their own government then it hurts a lot. As a Sovereign nation we have a Constitution, which ought to be binding on everyone but a few CPDM officials have hijacked the country for their own selfish ends through some form of military dictatorship. As a consequence, there is absolutely no good governance because we lack the rule of law in spite of the fact that we have a Constitution. As you can tell it is sickening and unacceptable for any class of people in their minority to rely on arms and soldiers to oppress the majority through constant intimidation of the powerless citizens around election time. This is what Mr. Paul Biya and CPDM are doing right now. We must not tolerate this kind of governments again beginning as from 2010. The historical swinging of the pendulum from colonization to dictatorship and then to enlighten despotism marked by a façade of democracy and then back to corrupt tyranny is the history of the Cameroon Revolution. When multiparty politics was forced down the throat of the CPDM regime in 1990 one was hopeful but that hope was dashed against the wall a long time ago when the CPDM Party and regime decided to cling to power through corrupt means. In 2009, it was confirmed by Democracy Now that President Paul Biya used corrupt means to be re-elected President of Cameroon in 2004. As of now, he is no longer eligible to run for President because besides the bogus ELECAM in place he and his ministers have never declared their assets according to article 66 of the Constitution. They are liable to be charged for corruption. Consequently, none of them are fit or eligible to run for President. I believe in my blood veins that he and his government should step down and hand over to me to form a transitional government. Our generation is the most competent Cameroonians right now in History to lead Cameroonians. I have articulated a consistent vision and have remained focused on the goals I want to achieve for the people. I am one of the few Cameroonians who has listened to the President of the United States and captured his policy speech for Africa and now ready to work with the government and people of the United States to fulfill our promise for the people of Cameroon. My fellow free Americans, Mr. Paul Biya of Cameroon is an architect of what Dr W.Cleon Skousen describes as Ruler’s law. Paul Biya and CPDM make the Rules to suit their corrupt ways. This is what Dr W.Cleon Skousen asserts; “In the past, ninety-nine percent of the human race has had to live out their lives under what might be described as Ruler’s Law. This is a system with all power in the ruler” This is a befitting description of Mr. Paul Biya of Cameroon . His point is under Ruler’s Law, freedom is not considered a solution to anything. In fact the founders were never comfortable with the Ruler’s Law, which translates into corrupt tyranny. He says; “The founders considered it to be the greatest enemy of self-government and freedom that has ever been contrived by the mind of man” The despotic centralized government of the CPDM regime under the rule of one man for the last 28 years is an anti-thesis of the people’s form of Government marked by the people’s Law, which preoccupied the founders and brought about this great free nation on earth called the United States of America . That vision has always been behind the moral transformation of America each time human beings strayed or drifted away from its promise and ideals. For instance, slave abolition, end of civil war and the civil rights movement. We must make the best of it and prove to free people that the more people are free the better for humanity. If this must become a modern day experiment in terms of exporting freedom, then I urge you to give us a chance and see for yourselves what will happen. You will be amazed at the outcome. We must argue that a free Cameroon society will not hurt the relations Cameroon has with Europe and North America . On the contrary it will be a magical strategy to stop the hatching of terrorism. You know that when people are oppressed and enslaved they become very vulnerable and could fall into the hands of terrorists who have no plans to change their conditions except destroy. If you truly care about a safe and free world then please, this is the deal; free and empower people in order to win their support with a stable political system under good governance and the rule of law. The notion that anarchy, disorder, genocide and civil war are working for the best interests of the United States is a dangerous myth. You have spent more resources and money in keeping corrupt dictators than you would if you had allowed free and progressive minded people like us to lead our societies. Our effort is only designed to take these relations to a whole new level in the 21 st century consistent with the vision to honor our common humanity accentuated by the presence of Cameroonians in these continents. A great miracle is possible again because I see great minds ready to go. My fellow people, we must be very tired of unintelligent people posing as leaders because their decisions and policies are a disaster and insult to the vision of the Founders of America. Consequently, we must consider it a moral and political obligation to free Cameroon because of the circumstances under, which one was persecuted and assaulted while in Cameroon by the CPDM regime. I cannot imagine a Democratic Republic anywhere on this earth responsible for million of people on exile or political asylum overseas since 1982. It is very logical that any Cameroonian who acquired a green card or citizenship through Political Asylum anywhere on this earth must be embarrassed to learn that the CPDM, which persecuted them is purported to be a Democratic Republic or that Cameroon was an advanced democracy. Democracy is never matured or premature. It is either democracy or it is not. Democratic procedures, principles and practices cannot be made different from one society to the other for convenience. I know that President Abraham Lincoln would agree with me today. We must be concerned and question the sincerity of anyone who asserts that there is a democratic process in Cameroon . We know too well that what is actually described as a democracy is a hot air hoax and we must not encourage intellectual dishonesty in this hour in history. My fellow Americans, I am inviting you because the “fierce sense of urgency now” requires us to take back our country from the CPDM pundits. The CPDM regime has failed to deliver to our people for the last 27 years and we must not allow them to continue their politics of manipulation, hypnotism, deception and exploitation of Cameroonians. Mr. Paul Biya deceived me as a young man to believe that a corrupt tyranny he has orchestrated since he was Prime Minister from 1975 and President from 1982 till date is a Democratic Republic! Besides the fact that they conspired to publicly mislead us, they also used military force and the corrupt judiciary to perpetuate their outward show of a Democratic Republic. It is a serious civil crime against the civil society and humanity for such people to knowingly frame up the Cameroon people and the International community within Cameroon . It is unethical to trick or force people to turn around and admit an opposite (Corrupt Tyranny) of what ought to be true (A Free Democratic Republic). We must pursue the truth. One of my main motivations is political asylum. The United States Immigration and Custom Enforcement Officials granted my application for Political asylum within the United States after they examined me thoroughly. Read more about why and how I was granted political asylum on my website. My inspiration is the history of the United States and my Political Heroes are the Founding Fathers of America led by President Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. My hero in self-taught education and scholarship is President Abraham Lincoln. In this present generation, make no mistake that President Barack Obama has emboldens me in many ways and I am sure you will agree with me. The challenge for us today is, if the Founding Fathers were here today how would they appreciate the present Union and their relationship with Cameroon ? As I explore who President Thomas Jefferson was I became very convinced that they had a great vision for freedom beyond the shores of the United States . I have captured his spirit and this is the defining moment. Now I am asking your help to translate this vision into reality. A leader is someone who is visionary and capable of bringing people together to listen and reason together. At last, for the first time in the history of Cameroon , those who abuse power without impunity will no longer bully us into submission. This is a period when Cameroonians will shine with their talents, skills, ideas and ideals toward building our nation for the good of everyone living within Cameroon . You are a person of interest in this movement to take our country back from irresponsible leadership. Thank you all Jonathan Awasom |
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