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Tuesday, September 6, 2011


The Ballot Box_ The Global Village_ Can Democracy be Exported?  What did your host Jonathan Awasom say about exporting democracy? 

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Phone: 201-878-5829

These are all issues we are wrestling with in the world and how can they become a catalyst for the transformation of the world into a global village? I was partly raised in Alabukam Village, mid-way Bamenda and Mbengwi road in the North West Region of Cameroon,West Africa where I captured the essence and spirit of the village. Can we continue to mix oranges with pears, pineapples,paw-paw, bananas,guava and water melon together into a global kind of fruits? 

The Global National Anthem is a collection and blending of the National Anthems of over 35 countries in the world into a musical prelude to signal our commitment towards building the Global Village in 21st century  in the light of a virtuous and free world.

This means building bridges of hope,freedom,justice ,peace and love for the global human community where neither color, race, gender or creed will never stop us from a peaceful and  harmonious living. We must break down barriers of corrupt tyranny and dictatorship, tribalism and cronyism ,which impede good governance and the rule of law in Africa and other parts of the world.

Thereafter , we shall  proceed with establishing  meaningful partnerships and relationships within the unfolding global village to the extent,which it must not be the "West" against "Africa" or "Africa" against the "West". Our struggle and fight is to defeat  ignorance,which include but not limited to prejudice,stereotypes,corrupt tyranny ,greed,dictatorship and fear in order to win the hearts and minds of humanity with the human spirits  that will empower our people to commit themselves to being part of the solution to our problems with lasting impacts on this generation and generations to come.

Join the Global Village and let your light shine in the world where there is darkness of injustice and oppression.Let us collectively look at the world through the lens of a village( one humanity, one God, one people and one community,one purpose with common grounds and common  needs)

Here comes the anointed one of God, Jonathan Awasom,your favorite CENTRIST Political Advocate, Human Rights Campaigner, Peace Activist and Visionary and Inclusive Revolutionary Christ-centered leader for a new Cameroon, Africa and the world.
Faith ,love ,courage and resilience at work for a virtuous and free world
Click below and listen to "The Ballot Box_ Can Democracy be Exported_The Global Village"  in Africa  hosted  by Jonathan;

Producer of Radio Domard and Richard
CNE Nework - Radio Division -   Radio Program
All time PST 

The voices for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
The Rallying-cry for freedom, justice, peace, democracy and prosperity
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village
Through political advocacy , we are engaging, energizing, mobilizing, organizing and empowering Cameroonians, Africans, international community and concerned citizens of the world with interest in Africa to support our drive for genuine change. Pass it
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Jonathan Awasom  is a unique  man born of her mother, Mammy Grace Awasom in Cameroon, Africa with a purpose and meaning, a force for good and the voice of voices for  a virtuous and free world. A true follower of  our beloved  Founding Fathers and Mothers of the United States of America, the Independent States of Africa and the Civil Rights Movement for the beloved community, all for a better world. Also, a  great admirer of President Abraham Lincoln, President JFK Kennedy and President Nelson Mandela.

                               To God Be the Glory

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