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From: Jonathan Awasom <cameroonfreedomadvocate@yahoo.com>
To: Cc: Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 10:51 AM
From: Jonathan Awasom <cameroonfreedomadvocate@yahoo.com>
To: Cc: Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 10:51 AM
Fellow Cameroonians, Africans and Concerned Citizens of the world
From: Jonathan Awasom
Cameroonian on political asylum within the USA because of CPDM Party of Cameroon standing up for the truth and justice for the oppressed.
Follow Jonathan on his blog at
Follow Jonathan on his Radio Talk Show on
Phone: 201-878-5829
Why do we want a UNO Mission in Cameroon?
"Therefore, we are calling for a UNO Mission to Cameroon to support a transitional government for 24 months during,which time we will implement reforms for good governance and the rule of law as well as organize fair and transparent elections or free and fair elections". J.FA.
Our mission to UNO and to the world is to unseat the CPDM Party and create a UNO mission in Cameroon to prevent the life Presidency of President Paul Biya and the CPDM cohorts from hijacking the government of Cameroon again. The world must not turn a blind eye to injustice. Where there is injustice, there is never peace and progress.
It is even worst when a dictator is mistaken for somebody else, I guess a democrat! No dictator will ever implement democratic reforms in a corrupt tyranny and dictatorship, which has been their way of life. Some people in this world think that there are good dictators and bad dictators!
A dictator is a dictator and the CPDM Party of Cameroon is a dictatorship. Therefore, the person in charged of it is a dictator, which means no elections under such a bad system of government will ever come closed to fairness and transparency. I stand corrected.
Injustice in Cameroon by the CPDM regime and all those who are aiding and abetting their injustice is a threat to peace, stability and development of the region. Good governance and the rule of law is only possible in a virtuous and free society and nations and governments that are democratic can attest to this truth.
The Presidential Elections in Cameroon organized by the CPDM Party, President Paul Biya , ELECAM and endorsed by the corrupt opposition candidates is fraudulent, corrupt and has undermined universal democratic principles and values. We believe that all those who are perpetrating injustice against our people are driven by ulterior motives other than to ensure that Cameroon does not slide into a civil war or genocide or into total regeneration mood.
As far as the constitution of Cameroon is concerned, these elections are unconstitutional as well as unrealistic as many election experts have already predicted that the CPDM will rig and declare victory as usual, then use the military at their disposal to intimidate and suppress the people. The CPDM has all the means in rigging elections because it is a corrupt tyranny and dictatorship.
There is no better explanation to this matter other than to be clear that the rigging comes with the package of corrupt tyranny and dictatorship, which has been well elaborated in our CNE Radio Program also included on the blog. Consequently; I am calling on a UNO mission in Cameroon to support a 24 months transitional government because the CPDM Party is not eligible and competent to organize any elections in Cameroon right now. Click below and listen to our talk show;
The current political propaganda of the CPDM Party and President Paul Biya is an assault on democracy and the UNO MUST not turn a blind eye to our cry to stop injustice against our people. We do not trust the Cameroon so called opposition leaders who up till now have not convinced the world how they intend to compete with a corrupt tyranny and dictatorship system at the ballot box.
If such Presidential elections should take place, they must be declared NULL AND VOID because I am not the only Cameroonian who believes that we cannot continue to be fooled by fake, fraudulent and corrupt elections by the CPDM establishment, which has a history of usurping the will of the people.
This is a critical moment in history and the UNO and the world should not allow the CPDM Party to hijack our human and civil rights as well as our government again. So, we urge you to give this announcement your undivided attention and pass it on to every concerned citizen of the world. CPDM is not going to turn us into their donkey to ride again. Enough is enough.
We will do the most we can to make sure that the world understands that the upcoming Presidential elections in Cameroon is Injustice against democracy and our people. I call upon a UNO mission to Cameroon to support the vision for a 24 months transitional government that will cooperate with the UNO to eventually organize free and fair elections in Cameroon, to say the least here with all other provisions of the 24 months transitional government considered.
This diplomatic onslaught will likely culminate in a lawsuit in the Federal court in order to cajole and provoke the US legal system , Congress and Supreme court to grant hearing to this Cameroon political asylee caused by CPDM Party. We will also start expressing concerns about fake CPDM people who are here on asylum and also registering to vote as a major violation of their asylum. So, if you are interested, please, join me in New York. This is my number 201-878-5829 Thanks again always for your esteemed cooperation. Jonathan Awasom
Each of us must continue to be proactive by taking action to support us, Cameroonians who are seeking genuine change in Cameroon and beyond. This is day two of my visit to New York as I continue to explore the State Department, UNO and other offices mapping out a diplomatic strategy for an onslaught against the CPDM Party and regime to prevent them from hijacking our government again through a well organized charade call Presidential Elections in October,9th. Many of us have disagreed with the weak opposition who have admitted that ELECAM is flawed but seem bent to aid and abet the injustice of the ruling CPDM Party.
Let us call or email to let our host country's government , US officials, to know that we, Cameroonians/Africans within the USA on political asylum are against fake and corrupt Presidential Elections in Cameroon under a corrupt tyranny and dictatorship.
Therefore, we are calling for a UNO Mission to Cameroon to support a transitional government for 24 months during,which time we will implement reforms for good governance and the rule of law as well as organize fair and transparent elections or free and fair elections.
You can contact them with your own grievances , website, blogs or memorandums to display the varying and converging opinions we hold against the political system of oppression in Cameroon. Or if you like just forward this information below to them either through email or fax.
These are some important phone numbers and faxes to contact outside of your Congress Representatives and Senators. Call these numbers as well as Fax this information or FAX yours to them. Remember 10 people who are consistent in any action begin to raise eye brows and create a huge impact. So, do not underestimate our collective action.
We cannot pretend that we could shape a new world tomorrow all by alone.We are now an integral part of the global village and bound by universal principles of freedom and democracy as well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
I sincerely believe that the UNO has a powerful voice and part to play to boost our advocacy and vision to change Cameroon. However, all of us must be proactive, consistent and persistent.It has never been easy but we must never give up, either.
This US mission to UNO contact below
Call this numbers and let them know we are against the fake, fraudulent and corrupt Presidential elections in Cameroon.
1) Press and Public Diplomacy Section United States Mission to the United Nations 799 United Nations PlazaNew York, N.Y. 10017
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----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jonathan Awasom <jonathanawasom@yahoo.com>
To: jonathanawasom@yahoo.com; cameroonfreedomadvocate@yahoo.com; jonathan_light2000@yahoo.com; wisesayings10@yahoo.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 12:05 PM
From: Jonathan Awasom <jonathanawasom@yahoo.com>
To: jonathanawasom@yahoo.com; cameroonfreedomadvocate@yahoo.com; jonathan_light2000@yahoo.com; wisesayings10@yahoo.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 12:05 PM
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