A Happy and Prosperous New Year 2014 . I am very blessed and humble to greet you all oncemore.
The world is still a beautiful place in spite of the endless battles of oppressors to keep us down but we must never allow them to take away what we have been blessed with by the creator . The beauty of the world is captured by the beauty of the human spirit of freedom because freedom is beautiful.
Never give up your beautiful spirit of truth,justice, peace and love for humanity even if you are not noticed. Your existence in this life does not depend on whether you are noticed but by fulfilling your true purpose according to God's plan through you for your society, country and world. Always be true to yourself and thank you all and pass it on!
Peace and Love
Jonathan Awasom
I have never lost faith in humanity in spite of the injustices I have faced in the struggle for justice. Truth is a prerequisite for justice and liberty. My vision is for a virtuous and free society. Here is a catalogue of wikitruths. I speak truth to powers as the most effective tool for change since I was blessed with this exra-ordinary gift.Yes, I have infleunced world leaders and millions of lives changed already with wikitruths. Truth is the greatest force for good
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Friday, January 10, 2014
Thursday, December 12, 2013
The theory of corruption and the corrupt political system in Cameroon
--- On Thu, 12/1/11, Jonathan Awasom <wisesayings10@yahoo.com> wrote:
My fellow Cameroonians and members of the civilized International Community
Greetings again.
Part One
As we struggle endlessly to build a virtuous and free Cameroon society, it is obvious that a stream of unconscious and uneducated CPDM school of thought have chosen to come in between what we seek to accomplish by trying to defend the same corrupt system in Cameroon that we, the people have long past a vote of no confidence against them.
We will not succumb to their intrigues and manipulations because we know that the head of the snake carries the poisonous venom. The man who wants Cameroonians, Africans and the world to believe by either crook or hook that he is still President of Cameroon is very corrupt beyond corruption with his government officials.
There has never been any controversy as to the nature and scope of their corrupt leadership because it is something terrible and requires urgent action,which explains why I have never been at ease with them.The kind of corruption we see in Cameroon is the worst, yet in human history. These folks are dangerously corrupt and worst still have everything that is against human dignity to get away with it for too long.
I always do my research very well before I pour out my frustration( this unending protest) and perhaps knowledge, vision and energy as a voice for the voiceless in our conscientious endeavors to stamp out corruption and evil in our world. I neither write in a vacuum nor do I imagine things to bother anyone with since I also invest so much time and effort in exploring what others have said about what I am thinking and writing about.
This is very true about corruption in any form or shape except that I am very specific about corruption caused by a Cameroon corrupt political establishment that is corrupt beyond corruption( corrupt tyranny and dictatorship like the CPDM regime ,Party and government of Cameroon is totally inconceivable for anyone to dare embrace them)
I don't agree with those who think that because we are all human beings and sinful, those who broke our laws, violate our humanity as well as seek to destroy the dreams and aspirations of others be given some sort of free pass. They can be punished and forgiven but to be given a free pass because we are all sinful or fallible is wrong and unacceptable.
" The problem of corruption is particularly difficult to eradicate because the cost that would be involved to achieve this are very high.The authors suggest that perhaps should aim at minimizing corruption by means of personal involvement; and institutionally by means of limiting the discretionary powers of the state authorities.The former places the responsibility of the fight against corruption upon each individual in a society, especially those in which corruption is rampant. The latter points to the rule of law and the necessity of checks and balances for agencies of the state" Osvaldo Schenone and Samuel Gregg
When I lay my hands on a useful information and knowledge, I articulate it in the light of the state of corruption and evil in Cameroon/ Africa in order to capture and harness the contextual relevance of the philosophy and science of education. What I mean is education is very important when it is carried out within a particular context where the circumstance demands an occasion for people to be educated or set on the path to be enlightened against ignorance.
Suppose I was to pursue a Ph.D in Education in terms of policy making, it will be only relevant if I speak from the inside of the society where I was born into the new society where I am being groomed as a future Statesman. I call this strategic learning, which enhances effective diagnosis of the perfect threats to good governance and development of my country and people.
Osvaldo Schenone and Samuel Gregg write in their book " A Theory of Corruption" The Theology and Economics of Sins also considered as a Christian Social Thought Series that;
"There is perhaps no greater problem that handicaps the flourishing of developing nations than that of corruption.Though corruption is associated with the original sin that marks the heart of every person, corruption is also a social scourge that debilitates the daily economic and legal transanctions upon which all of us ultimately depend for our material survival.For many people, corruption is invisible, as it is often limited to specific sectors of the economy.For others, it is an omnipresent feature of their existence.In all cases,howerver, corruption is ultimately derived from the personal choices of individuals to violate the law that, as Saint Paul reminds us, is written on our hearts, Romans 1:15" ( That law to me is also article 66 of the Cameroon Constitution,which calls for all Cameroon government officials to declare their assets but they are trying to hijack both the law of Saint Paul and the laws of Cameroons and it is not permissible)
The stolen assets and ill-gotten riches of corrupt Cameroon officials and their children within the United States and other parts of the world must be ceased pending enforcement of article 66 of the Cameroon Constitution as well as investigation into all their pro- Bernie Madoff and Pondi Schemes.
In 2004, President George W. Bush of the United States introduced the No Safe Haven Law against corrupt foreign nationals and their children from being allowed within the United or admitted into the United States if there were found guilty and charged of corruption. I believe that Cameroon officials and theirr children overseas are not only corrupt but have been instrumental in the gross violation of the human rights of Cameroonians as far as killing innocent citizens in order to protect their corrupt life styles at home and abroad.
This law still exists and as the voice for the voiceless, I am calling upon the Supreme Court of the United States, the White House, Congress and the US Council on Foreign Relations to cooperate with us , Cameroonians living wihtin the United States on political asylum to enforce this law against the Cameroon corrupt foreign nationals and their children living within the United States of America and other Stakeholder nations around the world.
The number one embezzlers and corrupt Cameroonians in recent history are the men and women who have usurped the civil rights of Cameroonians and trying to make themself President,Chief Justice and Parliamentarians for life in the person of Mr. Paul Biya as President of Cameroon, the President of the Constitutional Council, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Cameroon and all the CPDM majority Parliamentarians, Ministers, Ambassadors and Governors of all the ten regions of Cameroon. These individuals are on the wrongside of history.
Mr Paul Biya has no moral capacity as well as the political mandate to stamp out corruption as well as effectively prosecute perpetrators because he is also as corrupt as those he pretends to prosecute. It is an act of injustice for him to think that he is invincible and beyond prosecution. Even so I have been very troubled by the fact that he thinks that the more corrupt Cameroonians are the better for him and his sole ambition to be President for life as a strategy to avoid prosecution.This is bad news for governments around the world who adore good governance and the rule of law under the canopy of strategic planning and capacity building with respect to the SWOT analysis theory. What about the Thermodynamics theory in physics?
I can explain all these later but I am very clear that government and political power is about the people and should not be hijacked by a clique of individuals who send their children overseas into flamboyant living and at the sametime killing, murdering and oppressing the rest of the citizens who are not in control.I am strongly against the CPDM regime as well as some Church leaders who have taken advantage of our people as though they ever had to choose what country to belong to during and after colonization, whatever that was!
Consequently, I strongly disagree with his cohorts and followers at home and abroad who are erroneously or intentionally trying so hard to convince us that an illegitimate and illegal President MUST be allowed to rule us again by the use of force! No, Mr. Paul Biya and his Constitutional Council and Supreme Court hijacked our constitution and conspired to usurp our sovereign human rights and constitutional civil rights, which are enshrined into the Constitution of Cameroon as well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other International laws. His rubber stamp Parliament became toothless bull dogs because they are also corrupt.
I have the profound moral obligation to ensure that the CPDM regime and party, which is also illegally operating within the United States of America, to understand that my position against their illegality, illegitimacy, injustice and abuse of power has never been altered by any form of propaganda, threats and intimidation. I was very clear since 2009 that Mr. Paul Biya and any other member within the CPDM regime and CPDM Party were never going to be eligible to run for President and that if any of them used any means necessary to do so AS THEY HAVE STUBBORNLY DONE, it would be considered illegal and criminal.
I have been consistent and time has proven that I was absolutely right. Long before the 23 Cameroon opposition got entangled into all these, I had also warned them not to participate in an illegal elections organized by a regime that has no legitimacy and mandate to so do.
Yet, the defied reason and commonsense until the truth prevailed as they have turned out to be the hunted( because the 23 opposition leaders participated in a corrupt, fraudulent and illegal Presidential election for money and not out of the political goodwill to ensure that Cameroon is changed from bad to good governance) instead of the hunters. I applaud my fellow Cameroonians from all walks of life who listened to the call for all of us to boycott from the said fake Presidential elections.We, the people have own way of rebelling or revolting against the statusquo.
While other people rise up in their huge numbers on the streets in protest, we Cameroonians chose a different revolutionary path,which was MASSIVE BOYCOTT galvanized through the cyber revolution with endless protest letters, memos and castigation of the said horrible regime ,which culminated into an unprecedented awareness about the uncivilized activities of the CPDM regime and Party all over the world. In this light, I am once more urging all Cameroonians and the world again to continue to cooperate with us until Mr. Paul Biya and his CPDM regime and Party leave power immediately.
We must all stand with the oppressed and those who choose to sympathize with brutal dictators and a criminal regime with corrupt officials like the CPDM regime of Cameroon, either directly or indirectly for convenience must know that they are guilty of destroying the destiny and future of a whole generation of peace loving citizens bubbling with energy and enthusiasm to build a new Cameroon. AS THIS YEAR 2011 COMES TO AN END, I MUST MAKE IT ABUNDANTLY CLEAR THAT WE, CAMEROONIANS HAVE SAID ENOUGH IS ENOUGH TO THE CPDM REGIME IN OUR OWN WAYS AND WE LOOK FORWARD TO A BETTER FUTURE AS FROM 2012
The mentality of the beneficiaries of the Paul Biyaism CPDM regime: They really think that he is invincible !I just have a serious problem with this individual who projects his Master and Boss Mr Paul Biya whom I truly believe is the number one embezzler and thief as some sort of invincible human being in this world who is above every law of man and nature! This is what this new propagandist of the regime states;
...then His Excellency Paul Biya may need to go beyond words, to make some very serious decisions regarding the fate of the same people he appointed to serve in his Administration. Individuals who may have abused the President's trust by behaving like common criminals and fools"
All members and supporters of the CPDM regime of Cameroon at home and abroad do not believe that their number one man, Mr Paul Biya has done anything wrong! They are constantly separating him from others within his regime, government and Party who are partners with him in abusing power and behaving as criminals and fools in their own words, of course!
The first thing that all of them must understand effective immediately is, no Cameroonian was going to be invincible and above the laws of our country and laws of nature. That is why we have mounted a very active and ongoing non-violent revolution against anything and anybody that is CPDM or associate with such an endemic vicious system of government. Truth be told because we must never condone.It is our moral duty to stand up to every evil, injustice and bad that threaten our common humanity together. I have never thought about a Cameroon society isolated from the rest of world but one must not be preyed upon because the people are well enlightened but lack the means to stop Mr Paul Biya and his corrupt regime.
The current status of Mr Paul Biya of Cameroon
Mr Paul Biya has been told over and over again that he and his CPDM regime, Government and Party are on the wrong side of history. I mince no words when I state categorically that I DO NOT recognize Mr Paul Biya as President of Cameroon and most importantly that he should not be allowed to continue their insanity on a whole generation of innocent citizens who deserve better.
He has not earned the mandate of the people of Cameroon at all and this is because we, the people believe beyond any reasonable doubts that Mr Paul Biya is bent to die in power because for over 29 years as President of Cameroon , he is;
•The number one embezzler and thief of public funds
•The number one corrupt Cameroonian who has not honored article 66
•The number one murderer of Cameroonians
•The number one abusers and violator of the human rights of Cameroonians
•The number one hijacker of the constitution of Cameroonians for sefish ends
•The number one dictator and tyrant among all of his cohorts within his cycle of corrupt power
Consequently, in order for any change to be effective and meaningful in Cameroon and among Cameroonians, the number one enemy of humanity and the progress of Cameroon and Cameroonians must be changed.He is not above the laws and we must stick with the facts with respect to the constitution of Cameroon and international laws that frown against crimes against humanity by the CPDM regime.
How moral escapism is injected into the debate to kill the effort.Then comes another uneducated fellow who states as follows;
"It is not just the government even the people are corrupt. The assumption from the Reverend is that if you remove CPDM from power, the society will be free of corruption. That is not true and I am sure even he knows that. The problems in Cameroon are systemic and require a radical reorientation of the society itself, not just the government" CPDM-USA
This is what is called in literature Moral Escapism. The government is corrupt and the people are also corrupt.Therefore, nothing should be done so that the blame game continues while powerless and helpless people remain oppressed and decieved to believe that they are indeed corrupt! What he is actually talking about is called situational corruption just as a police officer would pose as a prostitute to arrest a married man addicted to sex to the extent of paying a prostitute to have sex.
Those who pay prostitute must stop their immoral and criminal actions because when there are no pay masters, there won't be any more prostitutes on the streets.This is pure and simple. What I mean is if we get rid of a corrupt and immoral government like the CPDM regime of Cameroon, then we are less likely going to raise more corrupt and immoral Cameroonians in the near future. This is what I know .
These kinds of people are in this usual business of blaming the victims for their moral and spiritual failures. They don't ever realize that they are perhaps most responsible for their circumstance. We must save our children from this generation of very corrupt men and women whose immoral leadership has corrupted and pollutted the atmosphere of sanity in Cameroon and among Cameroonians.
Morality is taught and learned while immorality is unlearned
Nobody in this world was born with morales. We do acquire morales and as time goes on we build our own moral values based on a lot of factors but one thing is absolutely clear about being a member of a society.The fact that every soceity is expected to have laws, rules or a set of rules and principles by, which everyone agrees are decent and modest, and ethical enough for a good and healthy co-existence changes the conversation about trying to blame someone else for our own moral failures.
So, if we have rules or laws, they must be enforced. If those who are supposed to enforce those laws are not truthful to perform their duties, well, they must be a reason why they are obstructing justice or standing in the way of good governance and the rule of law.When we are born into this world, a good society expects us to be taught while we are are on the recieving end to learn to the extent ,which it boils down to a give and take mutual responsibility.
Tell me how kids can acquire morales on their own without some role models or father or mother figure in their lives? It is a rare tragedy to see how some of these Cameroonians tend to reason so subjectively and sefishly when confronted with hard facts.
I was born and raised in Cameroon and while a student from elementary school through college, our teachers taught us morales so that as we grew up we would make informed decisions between right and wrong. They taught us because they were fully conversant of the fact that if we were not taught, we would be exposed to the immorales that are more prevalent than moral norms because of human nature.
They made us to learn and understand the difference between right and wrong and expected us to conduct ourselves in that light in society, school, church and at home/community. By the time I was back at home, my parents, too had some very serious moral lessons to offer and back and forth these lessons impacted my upbringing till date. It is frightening when any Cameroonian is trying to downplay on these simple truths about life.
How can one blame a child who is born and raised under a culture of corruption as a result of a very corrupt and egoistic politicians who do not care about the moral and spiritual failures of their fellow man because it does not affect their stolen and ill-gotten wealth and the wonderful lives they are offering to their children overseas at the expense of other children held in bundage in Cameroon?
The moral responsibility to ensure that government functions with an appropriate code of conduct guided by ethical principles /rules is a shared responsibility provided that government does not use the military against its own people. The citizens of Cameroon did not ask the CPDM regime and folks to be corrupt.
This is a choice they made consciously because it was part of a grand scheme to frame up every other Cameroonian to get entangled in their vicious cycle. What I am saying is that if government as parents cannot provide or create a safe and free environment for children to play with the hope that they would have the liberty to develope appropriately, then any form of abuse by the parent as government must be guarded against.
The metaphor for protecting the vulnerable people
Government is to a county and citizens just as parents are to their kids. Does it ring a bell now into their head about proper parenting skills and the moral responsibility of parents to ensure that their children are well nurtured in a safe and peaceful environment? How dare they blame children for being corrupt when their government did not offer the choice for them to be righteous in their behavior.
Instead their government used every covet means to render a sense of morality irrelevant by empowering criminals or rewarding those who do wrong. What has become of cognitive perceptions in upbringing? Corrupt leaders most definitely inspire corrupt citizens or followers until someone with the moral compass, moral clarity and moral consciousness and moral audacity comes forward to differ from the rest. Then at that point all hell broke loose!
Framing up children to grow up corrupt is dangerously evil and misleading
To me , this is even yet another crime against innocent children who have been poisoned with corruption right from birth by an inept government. The CPDM regime and Party intentionally created a corrupt environment in order to destroy Cameroonians with their bad blood political system. It is a very bad blood government that nobody in their normal senses should identify with.
This is even punishable by the life sentence penalty with the possibility of no parole because they did it on purpose. I will seek the life sentence penalty for all these CPDM officials if the investigation shows that the corruption is intentionally enabled. Of course it is very true following the statements of Mr Paul Biya in favor of his Prime Minister.
It is alleged that Mr Paul Biya said, his PM did not steal too much money as compared to others.So for that simple reason , he was not liable to be charged for corruption, embezzlement and other corrupt crimes. The CPDM regime, Party and their President are enablers of corruption and have collectively ruined the destiny and future of our children in Cameroon born under their reign of corruption, terror and gross violation of human rights of Cameroonians.When we are focused on ways to solve a problem, those who are the initiators must do everything to blame the victims. The Cameroonian people did not ask the leaders of Cameroon to encourage, enable and allow corruption.
Human beings are born into this world with a sinful nature but everyone has an opportunity to make an about turn , what we call a U-TURN or TRANSFORMATION and it takes various dimensions depending on who, where, where, when, how and for what purpose one was born and raised.
Mr Paul Biya and all his fellow CPDM people had at least one of their parents as a moral figure in their lives who either influenced them negatively or positively. Their church, school and community was not left out in their upbringing and must have played a very vital role in their lives.
So, what became of their childhood days in Cameroon and how could they forget that they were once kids? There is no other better way to solve the endemic corruption in Cameroon and among Cameroonians other than to start enforcing the constitution of Cameroon under violation.
I have already suggested very clearly what steps we must take to build a virtuous and free Cameroon. Those measures must be taken into consideration ,which include but not limited to change of President and the system of government. When we change these two things, we will replace them with a new generation of Cameroonians who will rise up to the moral standards we deserve in order to give a new face lift to Cameroon and Cameroonians.
This is what I am working towards because there is concrete evidence to support any claims against the criminal and immoral regime of the CPDM regime ,which has tolerated and enable evil , injustice and corruption as a means of moral escapism. Again it means that when they steal 100 millions frs CFA and someone steals 1000 frs CFA according to the CPDM regime, everyone is a thief by that action whereas it is only a ploy for self-defense and narrow escape from accountability.
The truth is, all CPDM government officials who have taken loans and never paid back as well as failed to declare their assets according to article 66 should be charged with serious crimes and obliged to pay back all stolen and ill gotten wealth.
If anyone of them have directly or indirectly caused the moral downfall of any Cameroonian child by their corrupt influence, they should be sentenced to life without the possibility of parole. We need real rigor and moralization in that Cameroon and among Cameroonians and we will do it. It is only a matter of time.
THE CPDM PEOPLE MUST STOP BLAIMING THEIR VICTIMS and respect our constitution especially article 66, which calls for all government officials to declare their assets. This is the constitution and article 66 is well embedded into it. The possible names of such individuals who have stolen loans and never to pay will be forwarded to the International Community very soon.
Thanks for your Cooperation and Pass it
CONSTITUTION of the Republic of Cameroon
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Law No. 96-06 of 18 January 1996 to amend the Constitution of 2 June 1972 The National Assembly has deliberated and adopted; The President of the Republic hereby ...
Jonathan Awasom
The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village
Blog: http://virtuousandfreecameroon.blogspot.com
On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 7:06 AM, WANDA MISORI <misoriwanda@bellsouth.net> wrote:
Hello Brother Esale,
I am very convinced, after reading Rev Awasom's contribution here, that he may be out of touch.
I was in Cameroon in 2010 and the system is very corrupt. It is not just the government even the people are corrupt. The assumption from the Reverend is that if you remove CPDM from power, the society will be free of corruption. That is not true and I am sure even he knows that. The problems in Cameroon are systemic and require a radical reorientation of the society itself, not just the government. Plato's allegory of the cave suggests that people who have been in darkness for too long prefer darkness rather than light.I went to Cameroon and even my own family was encouraging me to give a policeman money for no good reason. When I asked why they told me that is how we live here. Rev Awasom should be reminded that it is not just the government. We all have to take responsibility for reshaping the country.
Misori, charles
Huntsville, AL
Friday, October 18, 2013
The Church and the oppressed: Why Pope Francis must not succumb to the dangerous tricks of Cameroon dictator Paul Biya and his regime
My fellow Cameroonians and concerned citizens of the world
There cannot be peace anywhere on earth without justice no matter how silent and quiet it may seems. This is true of Cameroon and we should not fail to raise awarness about the fact that Cameroon is a travesty of peace, justice, democracy, transparency, accountability, good governance and the rule of law. In this age , we have learned to speak out for ourselves because we know it is the right thing to do. A virtuous and free Cameroon on google will lead anyone reading to substantive information about our struggle to free Cameroon from dictatorship+tyranny =kleptocracy
For these reasons, we urge the Vatican officials to know that we do not agree with their shocking disclosures about Cameroon because Cameroon is off the path that God has charted for humanity through the Church. Mr Paul Biya's regime has targeted and murdered Priests, Nuns , Pastors and unarmed civilians since he came to power. In 2008 , he ordered the execution of over 200 unarmed civilians who were protesting against the high cost of living especially fuel prizes.
This is a dangerous humanity to everything that sounds Godly and virtuous and we should never encourage evil. The Vatican is called upon to investigate these murders as well as distant themselves from any government that is against human dignity. Dictator Paul Biya of Cameroon is the post-modern Hitler , Stalin, Saddam Hussein etc and we cannot pretend to be quiet or afraid to call a spade a spade because the Church is God's vehicle to lead people to freedom, liberty and social justice.
He has orchestrated the brutal murder and execution of unarmed civilians as well as ordered the arbitrary arrests and illegal imprisonment of his political enemies within and without his political party. He has no rule of law.He comes across as invincible and untouchable.
That is why the visit of this corrupt Cameroon dictator to the Vatican is under scrutiny.For those who already know where we stand on the rutheless and corrupt reign of Mr Paul Biya, we must speak out about this visit and call upon the Vatican not to yield to this tyrant and dictator.
However, since the visit has taken place already, we will like to see the Vatican play a different role in Cameroon with respect to our struggle for freedom. We call upon the Pope and the Vatican to support our struggle to free Cameroon and it requires Mr Paul Biya and his regime to be removed from power immediately. He has ruined the future of Cameroonians and he should not be allowed to die in power at the expense of a vibrant generation that he has held hostage.
Mr Paul Biya is not a Priest in Cameroon to represent the Roman Catholic Church at the Vatican. The growth of the church is the work of God and not of man. The fact that he is using the church as a guise to manipulate the Vatican as well as the Catholic Christians in Cameroon is a pointer to the twisted mind of Mr Biya and his regime. But we are not weaken by his manipulations because the truth will prevail one day.
There are many of us who wil like to honor an invitation from the Pope to visit and also share our own side of the story because this move undertaken by Biya is a cloak of a dark design to cajole the Pope to endorse his regime so that he would continue with his dark activities against Cameroonians.
Is Pope Francis being misled?
Pope Francis may be misled but we will get to the Pope through some other means to ensure that the Pope knows the truth about this murderer and embezzler ruining the destiny of Cameroonians.Mr Paul Biya and his CPDM regime are a LIE and we will undertake a mission to eduate the Pope about the LIES of Paul Biya!Those Cameroonians within the United States who are part of these lies should be ashamed of themselves.Unfortunately for some of them this Pope will not endorse thieves.
Why did Mr Paul Biya precipitate a visit to the Vatican? Did the Pope invite him or he asked to meet with the Pope? Paul Biya thinks that the Vatican should be protecting him to sleep in power while God's people are suffering or what is this man doing at the Vatican for heaven sake? If this is a matter of grace, well, let him have his grace but grace or no grace, we cannot endure for too long again.
We, the people urge the Pope to ask dictator Paul Biya of Cameroon these questions;
- The Pope should ask Mr. Biya why he murdered his first wife , First Lady Jean Irene Biya and two Catholic Nuns. The present wife, Chantal Biya is the second wife he married after the murder/assassination of his first wife , Jean Irene Biya on July 29th, 1992. He paid his propagandists to say that the story is a rumor in order to cover up. He planned her murder and then left the country , otherwise why did he leave his wife behind while on an official visit to Dakar ?
- The Pope should ask him why he has been reigning in power for more than 30 years without respecting the constitution of the country?
- The Pope should ask him why he has amassed over 250 millions dollars while our people are suffering and deprived?
- The Pope should ask him why he wins all elections in Cameroon since he came to power ?
- The Pope should ask him what is the Catholic Church 's teaching on social justice and freedom in relation with our faith in God?

Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Understanding pro-dictatorship/colonial christianity as a hindrance to the freedom of Cameroon
Dear Dr. Tumansang Martin ( International law expert) ,
Understanding pro-dictatorship/colonial christianity as a hindrance to the freedom of Cameroon like pro-nazis , pro-apartheid,pro-slavery and pro-segregation christianity
Wow, your academic and professional credentials make me look "very little" but I believe that I have the moral credentials by virtue of my ability to capture and articulate the truth. In every struggle, the moral dimension is shaped by the propensity of activists and advocates to hold onto tested truths which is a moral compass as an integral part of their faith in God with the determination to seek and win justice. You constantly propagate a notion of Southern Cameroons Restoration but what has happened to West Cameroon? Is it morally just to inject a Southern Cameroons narrative into the debate without explaining to us what happened to West Cameroon?
I am unwillingly sick and tired of your legal literature and jargons against the background of addressing Cameroon's problems because I am looking for the truth and substance but cannot find one. There are universal principles that should govern every nation and race regardless of where we are in this post-modern global economic and political village where humans should be free from oppression, tyranny and dictatorship. Let me remind you that pro-nazis, pro-apartheid , pro-slavery and pro-segregation Christianity did not last and by the same token, PRO-DICTATORSHIP/COLONIAL CHRISTIANITY being practiced in Africa is the main problem.
Those who have been perpetrating pro-dictatorship /colonial christianity are on the wrong side of history and truth must be told before the law can be applied. What is pro-dictatorship/colonial Christianity ? I will address this in the future but you definitely have understood the point.We have to restore the truth to its original place before we can forge ahead. Is dictator Paul Biya a Christian? So, too was Hitler and others. These tyrants, dictators and murderers brag about being Christians .So, too was Pa Muna, Pa Foncha , Pa Achidi Achu, Pa Musonge and many others.
For this reason, let me share with you my own personal perspective and frustration with the hope that you and others might be sensitive to the sentiments that shape our activism and advocacy for a virtuous and free Cameroon. Only the truth should be the guiding moral compass in this struggle and regardless of our different level of moral , spiritual and intellectual consciousness, we must never embellish the truth or distort the facts of the past and present to suit us. You write as though all the West Cameroonian leaders were saints victimized by La Republique but like many others who wallow in your shameless denial, I am bewildered by your deep seated dishonesty to the greed and wickedness professed by these leaders that remain a stumbling -block to the self-actualization and self-fulfillment of the Cameroon people. If you don't come to terms with their role in our plight, God will punish you for that.
The notion that a separate Cameroon entity will be a solution to the problem of Cameroon is a fallacy.I am now very convinced beyond any reasonable doubts that the exponents of the theory of separation have not dealt into the doublestandard and hypocrisy of West Cameroon leaders since 1961 to 2011. I have chosen these dates because by 2011 we came to the conclusion that we could no longer be manipulated and fooled by the Biya's regime and these thief West Cameroon leaders. That is why we condemned the fake and fraudulent 2011 Presidential elections. Since then we have stood our grounds and continue to distant ourselves from any political ambition of the CPDM regime along with their allies because it is absolutely clear to us that Cameroon is a lawless country run by a bunch of thieves and liars.
Let me reiterate a very familiar diagnosis of our problem . Cameroon is not owned by Cameroonians since it is still under the control and domination of colonial and post -colonial masters with unethical vested interests in the country. This is good enough for everyone to know that under this circumstance, it poses a serious problem of legitimacy and ownership which explains why we have thieves and plunderers governing the people. The current kleptocracy orchestrated by Mr Paul Biya and his CPDM gangsters has been perpetrated by foreign companies/corporations that have more stakes in Cameroon than Cameroonians.
While we cherish the notion of celebrating our common humanity and working together in partnerships across nations and regions , the unethical business practices of some foreign companies/corporations in Cameroon has fallen short of the virtue of transparency, accountability, development, progress and respect for human dignity. It is a big sin to deprive a people of their right to be stakeholders in their own God- given land endowed with abundant natural resources. To this end, I am of the opinion that we deserve reparation without any qualms. This has been underminded by the supporters of the kleptocracy residing overseas and lying to the West. Over the years we have reviewed our strategy by going after the children and supporters of the kleptocracy in Cameroon ( a government run by a bunch of thieves)
One of the foreign stakeholders is Great Britain where you are resident. I am afraid, you are addressing the wrong audience because the problems of West Cameroon were created by Great Britain and West Cameroonian leaders at the time. In order to start solving our problems, Great Britain, France and Germany have to come back to the table of reason and commonsense to explore their role and involvement in Cameroon during the last 50 years. Most importantly, we have to hold all the WEest Cameroonian leaders in the past and present accountable. That is why article 66 of the constitution is very pivotal since we need to know how they acquired their assets and ill gotten wealth into feoign countries. We cannot continue to fool ourselves and pretending to be serious in theory with no grounding in the litigation arena.
If these countries have been operating under the virtue of freedom and democracy wherereas we, Cameroonians are under oppression due to their post-colonial policies of domination and control, then someone needs to bring charges against them before the International Court of law. We have the right to know the nature and scope of their involvement as well as the part played by the Cameroon authorities with regards to the exploitation of the natural resources and riches of Cameroon. I am very convinced that there are laws out there that need to be evoked and brought to limelight for this matter.However, it requires lawyers who are well trained and conscientized to stand up and file legal charges against these foreign corporate investors who are supporting dictator Paul Biya.
I am honestly amazed at your legal capabilities in theory but I lack admiration for you because you are not courageous.To me, you 're a noisemaker because you don't have the stamina and skills to litigate on any of the problems affecting Cameroonians in the former West Cameroon territory being dressed in borrowed robes as Southern Cameroon.If you could match words with legal action, I will consider you a lawyer. In the meantime, you seem only interest in displaying your knowledge of the law which is extremely inadequate and deficient from an impirical standpoint.
Therefore, you need to practice the law by taking on issues in the court of law where you are granted the opportunity /chance to prove yourself. Lawyers who step out of their comfort zones and embark on tough issues in the area of civil and human rights have always earned a great reputation for their commitment to humanity. If you are not in this category, then you may end up as a colonial lawyer like many others.
The Southern Cameroon that you represent legally in theory is not convincing to your readership. To begin with how many legal cases have you pursued since you became an international lawyer?. Here are some issues that may fall under the international jusrisdiction .
- Is it the Buea University Crisis where the human rights of students is under violation?
- Is it the crimes against humanity committed by the Biya's regime in 2008 resulting in the murder/massacre of over 200 innocent and unarmed civilians?
- Is it the Herakles Farms saga?
- Is it the hijacking of the universal suffrage of Cameroonians by the thief CPDM regime?
- Is it the murder of the former first lady Jean -Irene Biya and the two Nuns ?
- Is it the rights of Cameroonians under political asylum overseas?
- Is it the human rights of Cameroonians to good roads and public safety?
Monday, September 2, 2013
My fellow Cameroonians and well-wishers, friends of Cameroon
For many years now, I have been a voice for the voicless for equality on different important causes that are dear to the definition of human dignity . I always believe that being a fearless warrior for truth, freedom and justice like many others past and present, has been a very noble commitment that humbles me as a servant leader. I don't know about you but here is my opinion and perspective that I share with you with the hope that if you are with me on the same wavelength, then we are partners. I have labored in love for more than a decade against those who labor in evil because it is the right thing to do.
Therefore, on this beautiful Labor day here in the United States, we are blessed and privileged to be part of the celebration marking this day set aside by the Congress of the United States as an opportunity for us to appreciate our capacity and propensity to labor, which means contribute to the work force of the country and humanity. I want to take a moment to thank the Congress and Presidents of the United States, past and present ,who labor in love to defend our freedom as well protect the rights and freedoms of the American people and others around the world. We, Cameroonians fighting for a virtuopus and free Cameroon have tapped into the magnetic energy in this country due to the spirit of courage and humanity because we believe that America is right and we owe a profound moral duty to defend and protect this amazing civilization that unfortunately is also a breeding ground for truants, twisted psychopaths and enemies of freedom. There are some people who don't know how to lead and yet don't want to be led either. They are obstructionists and enemies of progress. We must figure out a way to stop them.
Those bad governments and their representatives who gas their own people, kill some with chemical weapons or order their brutal military to arbitrarily and ruthlessly kill innocent and unarmed citizens are not fit to exist and if possible they must be uprooted from power and held accountable. Right from the onset, President Thomas Jefferson advised and urge citizens of any given country to consider altering or abolishing any government that is no longer laboring for their best interest and to replace such a bad government with a new one ,which they deem fit to govern according to their consent and constitution.
That is why I have never been so proud of a nation like the United States and the people before as each passing day reminds me of the endless dedication of this unique people on the face of this planet to uphold the labor of creation against,which backdrop emerged the human race with an ever increasing and deserving need to life liberty and pursuit of everything including but not limited to happiness, prosperity, good government, employment, good health care, good roads, good education and good schools, and above all ,good and responsible citizens / leaders. The idea of labor day could be understood to mean giving back to creation in deep gratitude for what creation has given to each and everyone of us every blessed minute of our lives.
It is not uncommon to see the human race as busy as ants from one destination to the other moving back and forth at all times. It is hard to say what we are all looking for since we cannot read the minds of people on their faces except we know them in person or work with them as a team or may be authorized to check on them giving them the opportunity to disclose their identities .Either they are serving us or we are serving them to the extent, which a clear evidence suggest that many earn a living through what is called " gainful employment". This means, volunteering is definitely not gainful financially but definitely it is a labor of love. However, armed robbery, shoplifting and all those negative things that others indulge into, which are not approved under law are a source of misery for those who labor in hate and evil.
On this labor day, con artist, embezzlers, scammer, hackers, corrupt leaders and thieves of public funds and murderers like the Cameroon kleptocracy and their paid supporters hidding abroad and insulting freedom fighters must be aware that their labor day is in vain and useless because they do not add to the laundary list of things that contribute to edify humanity. The CPDM regime under dictator Paul Biya and his government who have stolen, embezzled and murdered arbitrarily are as bad as those who order chemical weapons against their own citizens and to me prevention is better than cure.
We must labor in truth to prevent brutal dictators like Paul Biya of Cameroon from laying his hands on chemical weapons or gas to kill the Cameroonian citizens who seek freedom. The Biya 'regime is so desperate that they would do anything foolish and evil to stay in power and we must be extra-vigilant and keep insisting on the removal of Paul Biya and his CPDM regime from power before it is too late.
There is a lot of secrecy as to what a lot of people do for a living and yet we also know that we are surrounded by million of people who put in more than 8 hours on their job because we either see them or meet them on their job working.Our elected officials definitely have a clear job description that is no secrecy because we see them on TV and learn about them in the newspaper and other media sources but on the flip-side of the coin is a disturbing trend of some around the world who labor in vain because they idle on their jobs or assume positions that they don't live up to.
Well, if you value labor, then be mindful of your cause of labor because someone is watching you and you shall one day be accountable for what you labor for. History is definitely colored by the amazing memories of humble and yet great people who poured their all in the service of humanity by giving their talents, skills, resources and time to make a differencce and by so doing changed the world forever.The world is a wonderful and beautiful place to be and we all have a chance to labor but what are you laboring for?
On this labor day celebration someone is working at the hospitals saving lives, someone is signing a check to help someone across the State or country, someone is going to the food bank to donate food or to soup kitchen to feed the hungry , someone is offering their car to assist a friend in need, someone is hiring people to work for them. Of course, great thinkers are inventing and creating something different that will improve upon the current civilization and if you are still wondering, someone is writing a policy that will influence social justice, human rights and prevent abuse of women , children and vulnerable adults as well as handicaped citizens of the world. Truth be told, if you are a human being with a conscience, be proud of the labor you offer or are considering to offer in whatever form, shape or manner and most importantly, you are a citizen of a global human village where freedom rings and life exists because everyday there is a new birth of life and we must never stop laboring until we reach that noble place where all people are treated with respect and equality .
I love the human race because I have never known anything more than being human and loving humanity for their contribution to my life,which makes it worthwhile even when those who labor in evil hate to see me happy. I write to let you all know that I am so proud of your good thoughts about me or your role in making sure that I m meaningful and doing what I believe in.
I thank you all
Be Blessed forever
Jonathan Awasom
The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Fellow Cameroonians and well-wishers we must continue to fight for the civil rights of all Cameroonians and well-wishers
My fellow Cameroonians and well -wishers
Join me to promote civil rights in Cameroon and for all people living in Cameroon
We humbly pay tribute to all the protagonists of the civil rights movement especially to Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr and Mother Rosa Parks. We thanks this present generation of luthers with an unending zeal and determination to keep fighting for what is right in America and in other parts of the world.
As we continue to celebrate the victory of the civil rights movement within the United States and South Africa, let us not forget that we have a moral obligation to cultivate both the civil and human rights of all Cameroonians regardless of region , gender,creed and professional orientation so that all people who work and live inside Cameroon will have their civil rights protected under law .
Since 2009, we have called upon Cameroonians to emulate the non-violent principles of the civil rights movement especially owing to the fact that American embassy in Cameroon is named in honor of Rosa Parks, the mother and icon of the civil rights movement.
The civil rights movement eventually culminated into what was later known as civil rights act of 1964 and 1983 making it unlawful for people violate the civil rights of fellow Americans and legal aliens with title 7 being a famous discrimination statue and more.
This means the civil rights was not just about talking about rights but lawyers and advocates/activists worked together with politicians,lawyers, religious leaders and community leaders to write down new civil rights laws that embodied the dreams and aspirations of the new generation of American citizens and immigrants to pursue the American dream without race or color or national origin being a hindrance as it was in the past .
As for Cameroon, We will establish civil right laws by emulating and improving on the example of the United States so that all Cameroonians will be treated with respect and dignity .
That is why we advocating for a 24 months transitional government with a 33 transitional councils. Indeed, that is why we calling upon Cameroonians who have read and studied law with practical experience to work with us to make this happen.
All of the civil rights could be summarized into a dying quest for equality under law, equality for voting rights, equality to seek public office, equality to be educated, equality in housing, equality in public transportion, economic equality etc Equality is a mark of justice that leads to a better understanding of humankind's search for happiness through the systems that have been created in his or her environment to guide them reach their full potential in life.
This is what we are fighting for because without the civil rights movement, no Cameroonian or African would be free inside the United States with all the opportunities and possibilities that come with being free from bondage and dictator out of Africa. Let us never stop fighting for the equality of all Cameroonians and wherever you are, please, do not relent your effort and do not bow to distractors especially those who are paid and planted in our midst by the Cameroon CPDM regime to serve as shameless attack dogs for the corrupt Cameroon authorities.
While I am appealing to all people with a good conscience to think outside of the box for a moment and explore the significance of the civil rights movement to them and humanity, we will not also fail to reprimand those who have demonstrated to us that their role in the diaspora is to destroy any noble initiative we are undertaking to free Cameroon from dictatorship.
I am compiling a prelimary list of these Cameroonians here in the diaspora who are driven with the worst form of negativism,lies and distortions, yet ! You have to be extremly careful with these individuals because they are possessed with bad spirits and demons of corruption to the extent, which they have become very violent. Be careful when dealing with them because we are doing our best to enlighten and train them with the hope that they can change and become civlized and respectable men and women
The following notorious and kanterkarous Cameroonians in the diaspora stuck with camnet focus their own marches against CIVIL RIGHTS and HUMAN RIGHTS OF CAMEROONIANS by insulting ,slandering and persecuting Cameroonians in the Diaspora who are marching online and fighting for freedom, democracy, civil rights and human rights of Cameroonians under dictatorship. The Cameroonian troublemakers( truants and social misfits) in the Diaspora otherwise known as obstructionists and spoilers who have severe mental disorder, sadistic Personality disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder turning them into twisted psychopaths include the following individuals who should be well watched by us due to their violent activities;
- Mishe Fon Lucas
- Kenneth Fru Ndeh
- Rosemary Lum Atanga
- Samira Edimensumbe
- Dr Louis Mbua Egbe, the croccodile eater
- Manu Tayong
- Sam Fungwa ,bareen tutu
- Divne ryhme, FEN
- Sam Esale
- Dr Tumansang Martin
- Agbor Augustine
- George Jules Owona , Joe Fru Awah
- Dj Eric
- Michael Lesong
- Suh Ade Fobuzong
- Fuh Ngwa
Martin Luther King III: We can and we must do more
Thousands gather to commemorate the march
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: James Ashu <jamesashu@yahoo.com>
From: James Ashu <jamesashu@yahoo.com>

Reuters: James Lawler Duggan
Students of Howard University march from campus to Lincoln Memorial to participate in the Realize the Dream Rally for the 50th anniversary of the March in Washington.

Tens of thousands of people participated in a march Saturday, one of the 50th anniversary events for the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.
— Tens of thousands of marchers kicked off the 50th anniversary commemorations of the March on Washington, honoring the civil rights progress made since Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I have a Dream" speech, while lamenting what they called new attacks on racial and social equality.

Organizers of Saturday's march hoped the anniversary would serve to inspire people again to educate themselves about issues they see as making up the modern civil rights struggle.
The Aug. 28, 1963 March on Washington drew some 250,000 people to the National Mall, ushered in the idea of massive, nonviolent demonstrations and helped bring about the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Saturday's event was the precursor to the actual anniversary of the march. On the day of the anniversary, President Barack Obama, America's first black president, will speak from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, the same place King stood when he delivered his stirring speech.
On Saturday, Eric Holder, the nation's first black attorney general, thanked those who marched a half century earlier. He said he would not be in office, nor would Obama be president, without them.
"They marched in spite of animosity, oppression and brutality because they believed in the greatness of what this nation could become and despaired of the founding promises not kept," Holder said.

Marchers gather along the reflecting pool on the National Mall during the 50th anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington on Saturday.
Holder said the spirit of the 1963 march now demands equality for gays, Latinos, women, the disabled and others. Keeping with that theme, those in attendance represented a grab-bag of causes advocating gay rights, organized labor and voting rights.
Congressman John Lewis, who was severely beaten in the 1960s while marching for voting rights, denounced a Supreme Court ruling in June that effectively erased the most powerful part of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, whose enactment marked a major turning point in black Americans' struggle for equality.

"I am not going to stand by and let the Supreme Court let the right to take our right to vote from us," Lewis said. "I'm not tired. I'm not weary. I'm not prepared to sit down and give up."
The Supreme Court argued that the provision — which had required states with a history of discrimination in voting to get federal approval before changing the way they hold elections — relied on 40-year-old data that does not account for racial progress. The ruling has unleashed a string of restrictive voting laws and rules in several states.

Other activists cited persistent unemployment among African-Americans, which is about double that of white Americans, and the Florida shooting death of unarmed black teenage Trayvon Martin and the acquittal of his killer, George Zimmerman. A jury found Zimmerman acted in self-defense.
"It's very difficult to stomach the fact that Trayvon wasn't committing any crime. He was on his way home from the store," Sybrina Fulton, Trayvon's mother, said Friday as she prepared to participate in the march. "Don't wait until something happens to your child. ... This is the time to act now."
Saturday's event was being led by the Rev. Al Sharpton and King's son Martin Luther King III. After several speeches, participants will walk the half-mile from the Lincoln Memorial to the 2-year-old memorial.

Students of Howard University march from campus to the Lincoln Memorial to participate in the Realize the Dream Rally for the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington.
On Friday, a coalition of black leaders issued what they said is the 21st century agenda for the nation. They named economic parity, equity in education, voting rights, health care access and criminal justice reform as national policy priorities.
Alice Long, a NASA administrative assistant, traveled from Alabama with her grandchildren to give them a close-up view of African-American and civil rights history that she said isn't being taught in schools.
"I'm here supporting this march because there are so many injustices in this country," Long, 59. "I'm very concerned about it because I have a 5-year-old grandson and a 13-year-old granddaughter."'

The Washington Monument is lit up before the 50th anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington.
Associated Press writer Suzanne Gamboa contributed to this report.
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