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Saturday, August 20, 2011


           Students of Niccolo Machiavelli or Jean Jacque Rousseau?
        Can you imagine a world without the United States of America?
I believe that the Cameroon People Democratic Movement ( CPDM) officials have spent a great deal of their time in power to study the works of Machiavelli especially his portrayal of the Prince as cynical and wicked. If you know Iago of William Shakespeare’s Othello then you might have a perfect character portrait of who a Prince is.That is why I came up with the Democratic Federal Union  for Cameroonians  in order  for us to seek a more perfect union than the imperfect union we have endured in the last 50 years.
Just as Iago was bent to see about the downfall of Othello as a General, so too is the Prince bent to see into it that all his enemies and opponents are destroyed in anyway so long as that will make him retain political power and avoid being held accountable. One of the most cynical ways to mislead the world is by creating this façade of democracy under a political party, which they call CPDM.
I want to discuss this to enable us identify some of the root causes of the abuse of power by the CPDM Party as perfect students of Machiavelli. This will be in contrast with what would have likely happened if they were rather students of Jean Jacque Rousseau or the Founding Fathers of America. I wish they had taken only a moment to explore the works and life of Statesmen around the world who were instrumental in building their nations. 
These ordinary people never necessarily became extra-ordinary because of political power. What made them famous is their extra-ordinary leadership marked by the fact that they did not change the Constitution. They fought hard for political leadership in order to use that platform to change their countries and the world. They knew exactly when to exit power following the Constitution because they were answerable to it. They knew they were imperfect servants of the State and people and embrace political leadership as a noble calling.
Therefore, it is incongruous that today some human beings would encourage people to rely on    people like Machiavelli to rule others these days. Why don’t they draw inspiration from the 17th century leaders of the free world who distinguished themselves from rulers through a system of government, which was decentralized and accountable to the people? Can you for a while imagine a world without the United States ? Then why don’t we copy their good examples to help build and foster a free and prosperous society in our backyards? A free Cameroonian within the free world must learn how to be smarter than the Prince (Ruler of the CPDM State ) or continue to face his unpleasant music of dictatorship and tyranny. We must always put on the jacket of freedom and remember the United States of America is in this world for a reason.
So who was Niccolo Machiavelli?
Niccolo Machiavelli who was famous with his celebrated work “The Prince” was an Italian Aristocrat who lived from 1469-1527 in the City of Florence . He had a bad reputation for being insidious with his take on the character of rulers known as Prince. He painted a true and realistic picture of what was happening as opposed to what ought to. He observed that men by nature were either avaricious or miserly; a giver or rapacious; one cruel, another merciful, one treacherous, another faithful, one effeminate and cowardly, another bold and courageous, one humane, another haughty, one trustworthy, another cunning, one harsh, another lenient, one serious, another frivolous, one religious, another unbelieving etc. Then he argued that it was impossible to find a Prince who embodies all the good qualities because of human nature. According to him it was up to the Prince to be prudent enough to escape or avoid the human vices, which led to his bad reputation.
He was very conflicted about the method and procedure of the Prince (ruler) in dealing with those subordinate to him and keeping power according to human nature. That is to say he advised his Prince to do whatever within their means to keep power even if it meant to do immoral things like torture, murder and killing of those he believed were a threat to his lust for power. Since he was cynical, he supported questionable means that will make someone become a Prince forever. In other words, “To remain in power the Prince must learn how not to be good”. However, he was criticized for perpetuating the vices of the Prince that led to the abuse of power and human suffering.
Application of Machiavellian’s doctrine of abuse of power by the Prince of the African Dictators
The Italian mafia was inspired by Machiavellian’s duplicity with power. This mafia translates into the French-Francophone dictatorship and tyranny in Cameroon spearheaded by the CPDM Party. They have been out to do whatever it takes to keep political power. They have no regards for the welfare of the civil society because it is not their preoccupation. The flagrant violation of the human rights of Cameroonians especially minority Anglophones is a living testimony to the determination of the CPDM Party to crush Anglophone power, spirit of resiliency and sense of belonging to their own society. In order to remain in power the Prince (President Paul Biya and his government) has definitely learned not to be good at all.
When you hear that University Chancellors have issued threats against Student strikes, that is a mark of betrayal of democratic principles. Instead of educating the masses with the appropriate methods of free and peaceful expressions they resort to repressive measures because they do not care about the civil society. If they had a vision for nation building they would recognize the civil society and educate them about how to express their grievances against the State.
We are a society of tribes and thanks to colonialism, which only attempted to help us find commongrounds through modern forms of government and governance. If the CPDM thinks that it is normal to continue lying to the ordinary Cameroonians that Colonialism was evil why is it that ever since they gained independence they are still holding onto power? At what point do they realize that all people who were born Cameroonians are entitled to know how they govern the country? If we cannot hold the government accountable then why are we a country?
All the societies, from which colonial masters came from have evolved tremendously and moved on. They are not perfect but there is enormous evidence, which shows that the people do hold their leaders accountable. We have all turned to these societies to seek solace, security and prosperity because we have lost faith in our own societies! How does anyone blame innocent people for being part of the civil society? If government does not function in ways that meet the needs of the people then such a government ought not to prevail. Government (The President and his Cabinet, Parliament) is supposed to be the product of the civil society in order to be accountable to them.
Majority of government officials studied in France and also in North America and I am wondering if they did not learn anything from France , Britain , Germany , Canada and United States ? As for me, KI am writing and seeking a peaceful political transition through a transitional government because I have learned about better forms of government within the United States . Consequently, the Cameroon government does not agree with the Social Contract, which was one of the major works of Jean Jacques Rousseau during the 18th century enlightenment (an age of commonsense and reason).
So who was Jean Jacque Rousseau?
The Social Contract was about his political philosophy and he would not agree with Machiavelli. He wrote about the origin of the civil society and focused on the way people who belong to body politics of the State established relationship with one another in order to secure social cohesion and justice for all. Gerard Hopkins who translated the Social Contract said;
 “By emphasizing the fact that each member of a society forfeits a certain amount of personal freedom for the greater good of the whole, and by emphasizing that the sovereign has immense responsibilities to the people, Rousseau conceived the structure of government in a novel way. Today we think of that way as democratic, since Rousseau constantly talks about certain types of equality, which he expects to be found in a well-ordered society. Equality before the law is probably the most important element of that society. Equality before the law, a concept we approve today, was a very revolutionary view for 1762”.
No wonder the French Revolution of 1789 was inevitable because Scholars like Jean Jacque Rousseau inspired the civil society to be conscious of the abuse of power and the injustices of the State and French Aristocrats who lived in opulence while the masses were subjected to poverty. The excessive materialism of the King and Queen of France became clear to the French people through Rousseau that not all French people were equal before the law. Consequently when it dawn on people that others were not more entitled to the State and State property than the rest under misery, they stood up
Jonathan Awasom

Friday, August 19, 2011


         This vision was written in July ,2009 and it has stood the test of time.

            The Democratic Federal Union of Cameroonians (DFUC)
This is a moment in history when the hearts and minds of Cameroonians who care must be fused together. We are flabbergasted and overwhelmed by black-Africans colonizing their own Africans and pointing-fingers at the West; we are bamboozled by Cameroonians colonizing Cameroonians and blaming the French, Germans, British and North Americans. No.

“The Arrow of God” must point back at the CPDM regime, which is solely responsible for our plight. That is why DFUC comes to bear. This is an innovative idea to help us establish a platform on, which to forge ahead with a collective conscience. In order for people to dream in any country there must first of all be a vision to inspire a dream. The ability to dream brings opportunity and possibility for prosperity.

There is absolutely no way for all these to happen under the tyranny of President Paul Biya and CPDM regime of Cameroon. The Biya’s Code must be debunked as another hypocritical political propaganda imposed on innocent Cameroonians by ruling junta. It is not different from Rigor and moralization, which was published in 1985 whereas Mr. Paul Biya has presided over one of the most corrupt countries in the world.

DFUC stands for Political and Civil Rights Action of Cameroonians in the Diaspora and in Cameroon   against the ruling Cameroon Peoples Democratic Movement (CPDM regime, CPDM, Diaspora). This is open to Cameroonian asylees, refugees, DVD lottery winners and sympathizers of our movement to transform Cameroon from tyranny to a free and open society. We have already painted CPDM as anti-democracy, unpatriotic and intransigent because they are suffering from a conspiracy of silence and dumb. We have not had any response to our questions and concerns posted to them, yet.  We are waiting to hear from them.
Our motto: Justice and equality under law for all 
Our Values: Free Speech, dialogue, public debates on issues and respect for human rights
Our Right to know: All Cameroonians are entitled to know the assets of public servants in keeping with the provision of the law
Goal: To promote the peaceful co-existence and advancement of the commongood through a transparent Federal form of government.   
Our pledge of allegiance to God: All tribes and cultures are made equal under diverse people and one God. “In God, We Believe”
Our Status in the Diaspora: Surviving victims of the CPDM tyrannical regime and now moral agents (voice for the voiceless, voice of conscience, political activism, advocates, and Civil rights for all people)
Our motivation: To be nation builders under a well-crafted vision cast below.
Our time has come to make a difference and free Cameroonians. We are standing up on behalf of the downtrodden and voiceless political Science Professors within and without Cameroon. They have been forced against their will to become intellectually dishonest because of the tyrannical political system of CPDM, which they are not allowed to critique.So, what is the essence of political science within a political tyranny and dictatorship? President Paul Biya and his CPDM Party have reduced our country into a charitable organization.

This is unacceptable. How can the President and his wife become Philanthropists and Humanitarians while still in power? “Where there is no vision, the people perish" They run the country and live in opulence at the expense of the people. It is not Ok. We are sending a strong message to CPDM and President Paul Biya to step down by 2011 and be accountable to a transitional government. These are key points to consider;
1) The Constitution of Cameroon definitely falls within the spectrum of objective Principles, which centers on patriotism and should have been inspired by Patriots and should have the capacity to inculcate patriotism. Consequently President Paul Biya and his government should declare their assets by respecting Article 66 of that constitution. They have violated it for more 27 years now and it is not Ok.We say NO to that. We want full compliance with the provisions of article 66. 
2) The CPDM-USA must respect the same broad Principle of free speech, which they are enjoying within the United States regardless of their abuse of other Cameroonians by the CPDM regime. They must release prisoners of conscience within Cameroon and obligatorily respect their rights to expression. These are folks who have been arbitrarily arrested and locked up illegally into squalor cells. Majority of them are members of SDF and SCNC. These are Cameroonians who do not have to agree with CPDM but that must not translate into violation of their basic human rights.
 3) CPDM-USA must account for all their political activities within the United States since there are operating as a foreign political party within a different sovereignty. What is their non-profit status about? Fund-raising and funding sources must be disclosed. We must hold CPDM within the United States accountable following the tax-exempt and non-profit ethics rules in terms of their funding sources and financial Statement.
4) We must believe now or never that the CPDM regime is not different from the former Taliban regime of Afghanistan, which tortures and murders innocent people. They have the same characteristics like Taliban accentuated by the violent human rights record against them. Therefore, they should not be embraced among free people unless they change their horrible abuse and violation of human rights of Cameroonians. Amnesty International and US State Department have denounced the human rights situation in Cameroon. Many Cameroonians have condemned it, too from their own personal tragic experience and eyewitness account. Now we must act and prevent/stop further abuse of our lives by CPDM regime. They have lost their meaning and purpose in life. We, must not fold our arms and watch at them continue to hurt our fellow innocent Cameroonians anywhere in this world.
5) We must take ownership of our country now or never.  Intensify the war against corruption by making sure that corrupt Cameroonians are punished within the United States as well as in Cameroon. We must ensure that their ill-gotten wealth is confiscated and given back to the people. Stop bogus bank Statements and accounts SOLD by corrupt Bank Managers in Cameroon to corrupt Cameroonians to enable them obtain visas to travel to US. We must stop political asylum scams and if possible change the Country for good so that it will not lead to such fake asylums. In the same spirit, advocate on behalf of Cameroonians awaiting deportation or who have lost their political asylum cases and living in the shadows.
Charting a visionary path into the heart and mind of Cameroon
"Afterwards I will pour out my spirit on everyone, your young men shall see visions and old men shall dream dreams” Joel 2:29
Our vision centers on the enduring values of Freedom, Justice, Peace and Prosperity as well as Equality under law. This vision to reclaim our country must be defined by;
  • Revision of the Constitution of Cameroon with emphasis on the Bill of Rights. Therefore, we must also impose a limited two terms for the Office of President. I suggest a one term of four years and two terms of at most 8 years. After, which the President must never run again for public Office. The amended constitution should embody the independent three arms of Government typical of the United States of America as an example par excellence. 
  • We need national dialogue through a two years transitional government against, which backdrop we will move to explore the present and future of our country. We have too many problems and divisions and there is a cry for Federal form of Government in wake of our crisis.
  • We support a Federal system although we don't yet know exactly how it should look like. Ensure that there is a peaceful transfer of political power through free and fair election. So, we don't agree with ELECAM.It is a bogus Electoral Commission. We propose a pledge of allegiance to God as seen above
  • President Paul Biya and his government must declare their assets before we have another election in Cameroon.  In the meantime, DFUC is proposing a two years transitional government during , which time we, the people  will reorganize Cameroon and then swing in real democratic elections. The CPDM regime must answer to all the accusations and charges against them by DFUC and other Cameroon schools of thought. We are doing this to proof to CPDM Party that we are not on the same footing with them. They are under investigation by the people for all the crimes against humanity. This is not the appropriate time to clown or play over the intelligence of Cameroonians again. No Presidential election in 2011 until the CPDM regime tells us how they have run that country for 27 years.
  • We must recognize and explore our rich cultural and religious diversity in a deliberate effort to prevent "tribal violent conflicts"  , genocide or civil war, which is characteristic of all tyrannies and dictatorships especially within Africa. Therefore, empower Cameroonians to become nation builders through mutual respect and peaceful co-existence.
  • In this light, we see a vision for Cameroon where our leaders will serve as Public Servants and not Masters. We oppose the CPDM tricks of lifetime positions to some ministries. It is motivated by tribalism but it is unacceptable for CPDM regime to treat Cameroon like a private plantation. Enforcement of Democratic Principles includes the house of chiefs/ traditional rulers within the dynasty in order to avoid mediocrity, misrule, misgovernment and mismanagement. Enforce Social Justice Reforms in all forms and shapes. Movement: Political Revolution( new constitution to reflect federated States, separation of powers, reparation for neo-colonial enslavement , campaign for release of capital flight, Free Trade, autonomous currency, ban traditional rulers from indulging in partisan politics except they give off their positions as traditional rulers, separation of church and state, end tribalism and lawlessness and enforce stringent moral principles to curb abuse of any sort especially corruption, end the colonization of Cameroonians by Cameroonians.
  • Nation builders must capture this vision and promise for Cameroonians and their friends to live under acceptable human conditions; create an environment for possibilities and opportunities through Science and technology, Economic industrialization for job creation, education, health care and insurance, urban and rural electrification, road reconstruction and "waterfication", Urban and Rural planning and remodeling of subjugated communities, foster a diplomatic and international peaceful co-existence with other nations under the universal human principles ,which governs other nations. Cameroon must not be an exception to the decent human principles.
DFUC is a force to advance the commongood for all people that dwell in our country. We must see them as Stakeholders whether they are whites or blacks, foreigners or citizens. All of us must come together and rebuild Cameroon society to sparkle and shine like the stars and moon. This is our time and we must mend or mess. We cannot afford to waste this time and opportunity. President Paul Biya has ruled Cameroon for 27 years without regards to the law. It is not O.K. It is time for him and his party to pave the way for the birth of a new Cameroon.  Thanks sincerely
Jonathan Fru Awasom
Political and Civil Rights Action


Wednesday, August 17, 2011


My Fellow Country People and Concerned Citizens of the World. Why a transitional government for 24 months is necessary for Cameroon.

                               THE GLOBAL CALL
                                Sincere greetings.

I have consulted with many of you ,Cameroonians as well as placed some important phone calls to US officials and  the French Embassy in USA about Cameroon. The stakes are very high and we don't want to see our country intentionally set up for a civil war or any form of violence that will jeopardize our civilization and families because of any form of resistance to change by the Government and her foreign investors/stakeholders that  we know too well.

 There should be no Presidential elections in Cameroon under the CPDM regime and Cameroonians must avert any civil war and unnecessary bloodshed as a result of vaulting ambitions or blind compliance of a selected few to the cynicism of the past. Cameroonians who know fully well that they cannot rise up to the level of competing in any elections in Cameroon and yet seeking millions of frs CFA from the government are on the wrongside of history.
We should be certain that such a deliberate act of dishonesty and self-deception is betrayal of our country and people. In order words accepting money to participate in an election that one knows he or she cannot compete from the get go is aiding and abetting embezzlement of State funds. So, if Mr Paul Biya is accused of corruption, then they, too are also corrupt as well as misleading the masses to engage in falsehood.

Mindful of the fact that we have identified recipes for potential conflict and violence within the Cameroon socio-cultural society,

Taking cognizance of a large continuum of diplomatic presence within Cameroon for more than 50 years today regardless of their relationship with our beloved country,

With due respect for our nation , the people and the larger human community that we are an integral part of

We are oncemore calling on everyone involved directly or directly in Cameroon to put the interest of the nation, children and women, seniors and posterity above their personal interests.

As you know, based on the principles of good governance and the rule of law, we have hardly attained the dream of  free and fair elections in Cameroon. That is why we must not allow President Paul Biya and his friends at home and abroad to call for Presidential Elections in, which he will participate again with his Presidential majority well known as one of his tactics to rig elections and reward those who make him remain in power. 

Why is President Paul Biya not eligible to run for President? 
Please, download a copy of the Cameroon constitution and read detaily.

CONSTITUTION of the Republic of Cameroon

Adobe PDF - View as html
Law No. 96-06 of 18 January 1996 to amend the Constitution of 2 June 1972 The National Assembly has deliberated and adopted; The President of the Republic hereby enacts the ... Cameroon.pdf

1) President Paul Biya and his foreign allies  have made it impossible for anybody to compete with him fairly in any elections in Cameroon since he became President in 1982. He is untrustworthy with the destiny and future of our country.It is impossible for one person to win all Presidential elections conservatively for so long  when such elections are taking place in a virtuous and free society. To argue that he is popular and likeable is absurd because it only a propaganda since the playing field is uneven.

2) President Paul Biya singlehandedly altered the constitution of Cameroon to suit his selfish ambition to become life President.His ELECAM ,which  is supposed to be an  independent election commission are made up of the same people who have always helped him to rig all elections.

3)President Paul Biya has been appointing governors to all the provinces and regions of Cameroon since he became President in 1982.This means he refuses to allow Cameroonians to elect their Governors. By imposing people of his choice on the Provinces, they are  directly responsible in perpetrating cronyism, corruption and election fraud and rigging.This system of government is not acceptable.

4) President Paul Biya also appoints Government Delegates to the Cities and Councils who have engaged in destabilizing the local communities, depriving the civil society of civic engagement and participation in city, and community development.

5) President Paul Biya has destabilized auxillary traditional institutions, which pre-existed colonization as custodians of our tradition and communal solidarity.These traditional institutions and their representatives are very much an integral part of our cultural heritage that is dear to our families.

Yet, his totalitarian policies have injected seeds of division and hatred among families, tribes against tribes and regions against regions. His divide and conquer politics has resulted into creating a very tense and dangerous environment that is ripe for violence, civil war or genocide at the expense of civilians.

6) On the international and global  front, his foreign representatives including but not limited to Ambassadors and spies are heavily financed to execute his totalitarian policies against Cameroonians abroad. He has intentionally planted the CPDM Party in every country that has diplomatic ties with Cameroon.These political activities are not in conformity with the democratic ideals of those countries except that his only motive is to perpetrate the facade that Cameroonians are democratic and love his CPDM Party and his government.

All the above totalitarian and  politically motivated activities of President Paul Biya are not consistent with the universal principles of human dignity.Based on the above analysis, we cannot stand by and see our country run like a private plantation through organized tyranny and dictatorship when we know it is wrong.

We are calling on the Cameroon opposition and Civil society including but not limited to the Religious institutions and people of faith communities, traditional authorities and the youth that we must not fall into the trap of President Paul Biya again and be stuck with them( Paul Biya, the CPDM regime and Presidential majority who have received bribes to pretentiously participate in an election) .

What we mean is that President Paul Biya is not competent politically to organize any elections in Cameroon since his past history of organizing elections has never met the requirement for a free and fair elections.

Consequently,we strongly believe that Cameroonians and the international human family who have learned about this strong call since 2009 should take this moment for all us to usher in a transitional government to avert bloodshed and unnecessary lost of lives and property but most importantly to rebuild our country to rise up to the standards of other pragmatic democracies.

Making the Case before the court of public opinion
 Neither President Paul Biya nor members of his government  have declared their assets according to article 66 of Cameroon's constitution. We expect lawyers and attorneys to understand the implication of this law as regards our human rights. That is why they were trained in the law.

We ,Cameroonians deserve to be treated with respect and dignity per our country's constitution and we want Justice to be done. Yes, it is our hope that sooner or later, we will all rise up and state with joy that "Justice has been done"
The clock of history is ticking on our side and the spirit of  a free God is hovering all over the world and settling on  the souls of those who  believe and trust in God for liberty. Liberty will shine from shores to shores to conquer oppression.

Our common humanity is forever more tested by the trials and temptations we are facing but we must not encourage the reinvention of slavery and colonization again by being silent over  the noisy confusion and denial  of our time.Being or seemingly powerless and helpless before powerful people is not an admission of defeat for we have no reason to fear or slide into defeat.

I speak to you as an expert on preventing civil wars, genocide and post -Presidential elections conflicts like in other places.I want to take this unique opportunity again to reiterate that all Cameroonians and stakeholders of Cameroon including but not limited to the civil society  and Cameroonians within the Diaspora must put country above selfish interests.

We all know that  it is patriotic to love country and exercise our full  rights and privileges to participate in any kind of elections  for public office of our choice. This is very unprecedented in the history of our country and thanks to the unmatched political advocacy that many of us mounted here in the diaspora.

However, it  is unbecoming and rather  too ludicrous if  some of us who appear educated  knowingly indulge in some buffoonery organized by the corrupt tyranny and dictatorship guarded by both supremacist and aristocratic mentalities.

This is an age of enlightened  enlightenment where reason will triumph over denial at the end. The truth is  Cameroon is ripe for a  transitional government  with respect to more than 50 years of dictatorship and over 450 years of slavery, colonization and neo-colonization. 

That said, we must come together and reason like reasonable human beings who have the propensity to distinguish ourselves from primates. Nothing is more dangerous than living in denial.

This has ruined society because some people spend more time on denialism than on strategic planning and capacity building toward upholding and improving civilization.Yes, the idea for a transitional government captures the principle of strategic planning and capacity building for a way forward.

Denial stands in the way of change and it must be exterminated before we can truly become agents of change and transformation. Talk is cheap , they say but truth is powerful.Change starts when the wheel of truth is spinning on the conscience of those who truly love humanity and believe that we must prevail.

All of us short or tall, small or big , white or black even with  an apparent complex anthropological and ideological differences residing  at home or abroad are an integral part of the socio-economic and political processes for systematic change in any given complex society. Cameroon is not an exception to this rule.

There is absolutely nothing wrong to take pride to contribute to nation -building even after one has been persecuted and forced into exile or political asylum. Oh yea, we must be free to express ourselves and nobody should be persecuted and suppressed for doing so.

It is very rewarding to live overseas and have such a profound love for one's country and people that are left behind under a  collapsing political system. We must  reap where we have sown and be blessed with what we are blessed with.

On this note before I ever walk into the Federal Court to argue against the CPDM regime and other stakeholders encouraging injustice, I must assert unequivocally that the situation of my country confronts me daily ever since I have been within the USA on political asylum. I strongly believe that we can solve our problems reasonably and move on without hurting each other.

" The task of making leaders is really one of creating an attitude of mind.When some new situation arises, the reaction of most people is to ask; when is someone going to do something about it? The spontaneous reaction of the trained leader is once to ask himself or herself: what do I do in this situation"

Douglas Hyde , from his book Dedication and Leadership.
Thank you all  and pass it on
Jonathan  F. Awasom
1) Pastor, Reformer and voice of Truth
2) Freedom Fighter and Politician/Statesman
3) Civil Rights Advocate
4) Human Rights Campaigner
5) Peace Advocate for Peaceful Transition of power
6) Senior Community Organizer and voice for the voiceless
7) Scholar, Consultant and Truth Speaker to Power



----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jonathan Awasom <>
Subject: Fw: A Rallying Cry : President Paul Biya must step down for the sake of progress

                   Fellow Cameroonians and members of the International Civil Society

This is our Rallying Cry for Justice and transparency to the  men who have held our nation's progress hostage

We call on President Paul Biya and others to step down and pave the way for a 24 months transitional government in Cameroon. We have insisted that they should not impose themselves again upon Cameroonians in this very dramatic moment in the history of our country. We, Cameroonians are peace loving people and are not interested in their political gimmicks and games because we are very educated and matured human beings who deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. These two people have outlived their usefulness and should move on. We are not living anymore in the dark ages to be ruled by tyrants and dictators.

These two Cameroonian  men are now friends and have stood in the way of the freedom of Cameroon for too long. We believe that they are more interested in protecting their powers within their political parties and institutions that they represent than working for the commonwealth of Cameroonian people. Neither have the CPDM MPs respected article 66 nor have the SDF MPs. This is what both men fear most and have been trying hard to manipulate the constitution in order to continue their firm grip on the destiny of our people. We, strongly condemn the actions of President Paul Biya and Ni John Fru Ndi and call upon them to put the interest of the Cameroonian people and humanity above their selfish interests. To learn more about article 66 download the Cameroon constitution from this site

CONSTITUTION of the Republic of CameroonAdobe PDF - View as htmlLaw No. 96-06 of 18 January 1996 to amend the Constitution of 2 June 1972 The National Assembly has deliberated and adopted; The President of the Republic hereby enacts the

In this memo once addressed to the International community and Cameroonians we called upon President Paul Biya to step down but now we are also adding the Chairman of the SDF Party to step down, too because he has been chairman of the SDF for more than 15 years now. This is too long for a political Party that claims they wanted genuine change in Cameroon.The truth is , I do not know of any democratic  country on this earth, in which the ruling Party( CPDM Party) and the supposedly  main opposition Party( SDF Party) have no candidates for their so called Presidential elections  barely two months into elections. We do not like to be treated like dull babies that do not have any sense of human feelings. This is the memo calling on President Paul Biya to step down since 2010.
  1. Cameroon diaspora for change ... the declaration by Cameroon diaspora for change ( camdiac)calling on president Paul biya to step down immediately and for a 33 council ... calling-on... - Cached
  2. ... Obama has called on President Paul Biya of Cameroon to step down ... of Obama's alleged call to Biya to step down. They argue that although US investments in Cameroon now ... index.php?option=com _content&amp;... - Cached

Any declaration by CPDM and SDF candidacies will be a total disaster for democracy because it will only be one more evidence to Cameroonians , Africans and members of the International civil Society including but not limited to  France, Britain , United States and Canada that the Presidential election is only a smoke screen set up by the CPDM Party and SDF Party to manipulate and continue to dupe Cameroonians into  great lies about democracy.

Experience has shown that no person can successfully campaign and compete fairly in any Presidential elections only for a period less than 6 months. In most cases Presidential campaigns lasts for about a year or more. So, I am very convinced that there is something that President Paul Biya and Mr Ni John Fru Ndi have been hiding from Cameroonians during the last 7 years. I am here to reiterate that Cameroon is not ready for this type of manipulation and oppression again from President Paul Biya and Ni John Fru Ndi.

When Ni John Fru Ndi  met with President Paul Biya lately, many of us were skeptically optimistic!
But we were concerned because  he never disclosed the agenda of his meeting with President Paul Biya.Most importantly, even after he met with him, there was no account to the Cameroon people as to the detail discussions of such a political encounter apparently, something, which many Cameroonians wanted to see happen for the sake of peace.One fact that we all agree upon is this, there can be no peace without Justice.

Ni John Fru Ndi has always felt that he was not supposed to be answerable to the Cameroon people for strategic reasons, which does not make sense because he is only a leader of his political Party and does not hold the keys to the future and our destiny. Therefore, President Paul Biya must announce his resignation and hand over to the transitional government so that we can rally together and rebuild our country and forge ahead under an appropriate democratic climate that will usher Cameroon into an era of good governance and the rule of law.

Now, look at what is happening and be sure you are asking some tough questions about the fraudulent ELECAM ,which is an instrument of tyranny and oppression. Where on earth would two political Party leaders who have met for dialogue but do not have candidates for their Parties in the wake of upcoming Presidential elections, which we have blasted as fake and unconstitutional?

Oncemore we stand united for the truth and nothing but the whole truth. We, call upon all these Cameroon strong men to honor our peaceful demands and step down and step aside for us to build a new Cameroon under a new political paradigm to enhance  a Federal system with separation of powers. I urge you to listen to a complete interview about the fake Presidential elections coming up on this Diaspora Voice on Cameroon

Click and listen

Yours sincerely

Jonathan Fru Awasom
Presidential Aspirant for the 24 Months Transitional Government of Cameroon
The complete vision and a way forward for Cameroon during the transitional period can
be found on the people's blog

Monday, August 15, 2011


My Fellow Cameroonians, Africans  and members of the International Civil Society

Cheers to all of you who have been following up with the struggle to free Cameroon from corrupt tyranny and dictatorship. There is something that is bizarre, I mean the 200 political parties in a society like Cameroon that has only about 19 million people. This kind of liberal factionalism has been sanctioned by the system, which  we must change. All the men and women behind this kind of confusion and insanity are not different from President Paul Biya because all of them are participating to undermine the Constitution of Cameroon as well as shatter our effort to promote good governance and the rule of law. If I have come this far since 11 years ago in this struggle with amazing feats, it is because I unintentionally had been empowered by my faith in God through Jesus Christ never to condone the conspiracy against silence and the intimidation to fear or what I call the audacity not to fear, which is the caption of my letter to President Barack Obama coming up very soon.

I am calling your attention to this because it will be a huge mistake if  I continue to blame only President Paul Biya and leave out the stakeholders in Cameroon like France, Britain, United States of America. Truth be told once and for all .Also, all the leaders of the 200 political parties including Paul Biya  know that they cannot deliver but also misleading the masses just as they are blaming Paul Biya of the CPDM party. Unless, one is very sincere about the  truth and nothing but the whole truth, I am afraid the whole world will be misled again. On this radio interview, which I granted on Saturday 8/13/2011, I speaketh the truth and nothing but the whole truth. All you need to do is click on this site and listen to the voice of the Cameroon freedom fighter and advocate.

One of my determinations in this struggle for freedom and democracy (change) in Cameroon is to appraise situations objectively. By the same token, my deep believe in the truth and nothing but the whole truth is derived from  my faith in God ,which has inspired and empowered Cameroonians and the world to pay an unprecedented attention to  the state of affairs in Cameroon and Africa. This is exactly one of the main objectives, which I wanted to achieve with honest awareness and no-nonsense advocacy and activism. I will give you  a detail account of how this has happened subsequently. For now, let me speak about my faith in God through Jesus Christ.

I do not hide my faith in God at all but I do not intend by any means to force my belief on anyone. Therefore no offense is intended here except that I wanted to make a point about what drives me to stand up for the truth. My believe in a virtuous and free society is rooted in my faith belief system because I know that somebody up there is immortal and invincible whereas I am the one who is mortal and capable of being extinct . I must never feel that I have come this far on my own. Talking about the truth ands nothing but the whole, I questioned Dr Rexon Nting who said the Cameroon Opposition should keep trying hard to united and defeat President Paul Biya at the ballot Box of corrupt tyranny and dictatorship. I thought it was strange that anyone who is educated would fail to think outside of the box.

However, we must always put up a good fight trusting in God's divine intervention because once the moment comes, victory cannot be stopped or postponed. I know people have been praying for this vision and all those who share in it  for years and I commend all of them. Sometimes, I have been surrounded by wild sharks from high places with power, in this ocean of my political advocacy, activism and cyber revolution, just out to devour me into pieces for daring to speak truth to power as well as claim my first amendment rights but only God alone knows how I have always been spared. But I implore those of you who are very enlightened now by the truth I have shared with over the years not to ever cave in to fear or silence.

Fear Not Cameroonians and Africans. As I speak, I have more than 100 articles on this blog now. It is unbelievable that I have churned so much energy with a deep and abiding faith in God and passion for truth, justice, freedom and democracy. God is great and when God is for us who can against us?

This struggle has come this far because of the war against the conspiracy of silence and fear. As I look back, I know God has been part of this tireless effort. Wow, what a fight of good faith we have fought! What a labor of love and courage of resilience! I praise God almighty for His love and mercy. I sing songs of joy as a see a new Cameroon in African being birthed during the 24 months transitional period .

We must win. Come on board and let us keep marching on until the walls of corrupt tyranny and dictatorship in Cameroon fall down to pave way for freedom and democracy. Pass it on. Yes, I have touched the untouchables and suffered persecution and retaliation but I am not crushed in my soul and spirit. My political asylum was a statement to the United States government and Congress and everyday, I seek to press on them to know that I never took it for granted. I must help my fellow Cameroonians oppressed so that they are free from the corrupt tyranny and dictatorship of President Paul Biya, ELECAM,  Parliament and over 200 confused opposition political parties leaders.

Thank you and pass it on

Jonathan Awasom



Sunday, August 14, 2011

Jonathan Awasom on Radio: "The Ballot Box" Clink and listen to the APPRAISAL

Fellow Cameroonians, Africans  and Citizens of the World

Following our call for no Presidential Elections in Cameroon this year,2011 until Cameroon is free from corrupt tyranny and dictatorship, oncemore,I had the opportunity on 8/13/2011 to participate in the Ballot Box Radio program with respect to fake Presidential Elections in Cameroon where I reiterated the vision of Cameroon virtuous and free society as well as the stance of other true Cameroon Diasporans who share in the same vision.

Please ,click on this link and listen to the voice of reason and conscience. Full and complete x-ray and a final nail on the coffin of fake Presidential elections in Cameroon.


Jonathan Awasom