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Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Mr Dr Louis Mbua

I have the right to defend the rights of students because they are the weaker ones. I am a voice for powerless and voiceless. Where the students have a voice and appear powerless, I will speak out! Where the people don't know and are voiceless, I will speak out ! You will never stop me from speaking out ! This is how it has been for a very long time until we reach that place where all Cameroonians and people will be treated with respect and dignity under the rule of law that governs everyone so that some people are not invincible or above the law. By the same token, I won't encourage any violence against the Vice Chancellor or any other authority but they should never think that they should be above accountability, either.

My concern about the Buea State University crisis in Cameroon against , which backdrop, the Student Union President, Mr Minang is being falsely presecuted was very legitimate and it was not about the church ! Since you injected church issues into it, I decided that I will speak the truth and expose all your hypocrisy and bigotry ! I have profiled those of you who seem confused and angry as to why you can't succeed in burying the truth ! By the way the Church in Cameroon has a profound moral obligation to mediate in this crisis because the State has failed to do what is right and I don't see how dragging a student Union President to Court is a solution to their demand for students rights.

Your argument based on tribalism is only one of the excuses that corrupt people with their twisted minds seek in order to derail attention and focus on the main issues at stake ! As a Cameroonian, it is within my right to denounce any activity by some of you to inject unecessary tribal or regional tension into issues that require individual responsibilities based on the office of people regardless of their origin .As a Ph D holder, I expect you to have a better understanding of what constitutes a University! Your inability to perceive and declare that a University is a complex diverse community and family in a lot of ways demonstrate that you are more interested in inciting a warfare as opposed to educating the civil society and the University to understand the role and place of the university within the community and world. Has it ever occured to any of you perpetrators of hate speech amongst us that the University is a like a community of curious scholars who are bound to argue, debate and spar over a number of daunting issues in life obliging neutral people to meidate and help them negotiate in order to find common grounds? Where have some of you kept your knowledge and understanding of how common grounds is formed in a diverse setting wherein people are informed by different perceptions and perspectives? Why do some people always have to victimize , demonize and crack down on others instead of listening and appreciating their sense of curiousity to know and to understand?

My concern is that you lack respect for diversity, which is an obvious virtue that must be cherished and celebrated always in our world today! You have teamed up with Dr Emmanuel Konde of Albany State University in Georgia, USA to preach fear , spread hate and anti-diveristy amongst Cameroonians whereas none of you are even Cameroonians to begin with by law. For your information, Cameroon is a Multi-ethnic society where diversity and multiculturalism thrives on the conscience of the people. The citizens love and care about one another from all ethnic backgrounds and I have lived this experience while in Cameroon ! There are cross-cultural, transnational and transregional marriages and mutual interaction amongst Cameroonians in ways that animate the spirit of our common humanity never seen before . This is something I have come to love about Cameroonians who unfortunately are trapped under a wicked and corrupt polituical system.

As for me , I am embody diversity in my spirit and vision to ensure that the politics of divide and conquer that is perpetrated by the CPDM regime to indoctrinate and frame up Cameroonians to fight and kill themselves does not prevail. I studied in other ethnic societies in Cameroon and worked in a diverse community( CCAST COMPLEX BAMBILI) and besides , Mankon Town is a cosmospolitan City and is the melting pot of diversity in the North West Region of Cameroon. For this reason there is no room for one to be tribalistic because it is not possible to be and myself Jonathan Awasom could never ever be indocrinated by anyone or any system to condone tribal prejudice.

I treat people based on their character and purpose in life and you cannot force me to be who Iam not. When I became an imperfect Christian I knew that my faith enjoins me to love everyone no matter what and faith is grounded in the way we treat one another in real life.

I think you have lived outside of Cameroon for too long to the extent, which some of you have forgotten that Cameroonians have never been tribalists or tribalistic. Tribalism is a politically motivated vice by corrupt men and women who prey on vulnerable citizens in order to blinfold and manipulate them from holding them accountable. Consequently, not everyone is inclined to such stereotypes. I have called upon people within the CPDM and Church as well as political parties inside Cameroon who are corrupt from all regions of Cameroon without reservations to their regions to be transparent and accountable. This is a living fact that everyone cvan attest to except you !

I will continue to educate you and Dr Konde Emmanuel with the hope that you Ph.D holders can begin to transform your mentalies to be in touch with truth.The University is a diverse community and family! Conflicts are very likely in such a diverse and complex atmosphere.These conflicts should be anticipated and troubled shoot well ahead of time ! I have offered my thoughts and will continue to crave the indulgence, reason and commonsense of the University authorities to esxercise calm and be careful in the way they go about sensitive issues of this nature. There are various consultants out there who care about the success of both students and Professors but it is improper to unfairly target extra-ordinary students because of their exceptional courage .

Who should be be capable of discernment? The Chancellors and their co-workers are charged with the power to figure out things with a certain degree of maturity and clarity as proof of their scholarship and leadership over the students.The wisdom to deal with tough situations does not translate into tough talk and intimidation of students because Professors cannot lecture empty benches or chairs in any school or University ! When I was in High School we had students clubs and a student Government with our rights ! Our Principals and Teachers respected our rights to free speech and what more of a University? That is how I became the President of the Journalism Club in Government High School Mbengwi!

If there are no students, there cannot be Professors. For this reason, Professors earn their job because students attend the University! Is n't it proper that students be treated with respect and dignity? If students abstain from school, what and who would professors and Chancellors teach or administer? Students can always study at home or go elsewhere to study ! Socrates and co started a University under a tree ! I wonder why some of you lack the reasoning and commonsense to analyse situations in a bid to set the stage for a peaceful resolutions? President Abraham Lincolne did not study in a University but he was not less than a University Scholars in his life ,which is one of the main reasons why he is most remembered and celebrated in our world today ! Come to think of it very well.

Now, just as I was victimized by the PCC Synod sponsored by the CPDM regime for free speech in the PCC, so too is the Student Union Leader who is now being tormented by a corrupt CPDM regime and their corrupt judicial system ! This is definitely an issue that is very familiar to me because this mentality of demonizing people because of their right to free speech inside Cameroon is sickening and I will make the case for those students very well to the world ! You cannot intimidate me and you cannot fool humanity ! This issue is a storm in a tea cup ! The University Vice Chancellors and Professors are not dependent on the University as a structure, in fact they depend on the students and if some of you are still not clear, begin to look at things from this perspective in order to stop misleading the Vice Chancellor !

I am clear about the Church. Justice will come one day ! God is not yet asleep.Those Church thieves, scoundrels and suckers in the PCC Synod led by Rev Dr Nyansa-ni-Nku have tried over the years to intimidate people into submission in order to hide their criminal attrocities in the church ! They have gone as far as paying crooks like you Ntemfac Ofege, Mola Njoh Litumbe, Dr Louis Mbua to manipulate the public with all kinds of lies but the truth is still steering at them right in their faces and you can spend the rest of your life trying to fabricate fake stories that don't exist, this issue is going no where ! If you want to speak for them, then present your credentials as a PCC Synod Officer or a member of that clique because I am a Presbyterian and very privy to the issues I have raised over the years as well as has employed my knowledge and academic backgroud to address the issues !

You are right to hide your own corrupt behavior due to the scholarship money you took from Cameroon government and escaped with it ! You have a responsibility to pay back the Cameroon people ! That also applies to many of your other scholarship beneficiaries who live off of Cameroon tax payer's money to study overseas and yet Cameoron is still far behind in scientific and technological development ! The Univeersity of Buea is funded by tax payer's money as well as donations from the civil society and who knows what are the other sources! If students are charged some fees , then it is their right to know about the University expenditures including but not limited to the the services that they are entitled to.

I am not surprised because some of you seem to be regreting in life and rather than see us build a very humane and free society, you choose to become machines of slander and blackmail in the face of injustice and corruption.

Sorry, you are way behind the changing fortunes of our world

Let reason and commonsense prevail where there is knowledge and information

To God be the Glory

From: Jonathan Fru <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 5:14 PM
Subject: Rev Dr Nyansa-Ni -Nku is the PCC Church Thief and your Dr Louis Mbua know the truth ****Re: Louis Mbua why are you so unsettled with the truth?Re: Awasom Jonathan WAS never as an ex- member of CPDM-USA is playing games ****Re: ****Sam Esale mind your business ***Re: [camnetwork] Student association, University of Albany where Konde Emmanuel is Professor

Hmmmm ! Dr Louis Mbua you 're cursed with lies and the next stage of your violent anger is taking a huge toll on you !
I have always warned those of you who are falling into the devil's trap !
My point is simple , let people take individual responsibility and bear the consequences of their actions as individuals .
There is nothing like tribalism or regionalism when it comes to transparency and accountability. Some of you have failed to take advantage of the "excruciating vulnerability" of our people to hide criminals in the State and Church but we are determined to root out all the corrupt people in our society no matter their gender, creed, origin or whatever !
Why are you so troubled and delusionary like this? What is your problem in life? You have a Ph.D and why are you not happy and at ease?
Is something missing in your life? Turn to God and seek peace and forgiveness ! I told a long time ago that you were x-rayed and exposed and you have proven yourself these days without me saying a lot ! That scholarship money that you owe our people, pay it back ! It looks like some of are good at stealing and embezzling scholarship monies!
It is a good thing that the current Moderator of the PCC finally dec ided that they must crack down on church thieves! We, are watching as
the clock of truth and justice is ticking in the right direction. Why are some of you in panic? Tribalism or regionalism will not be used to cover up thieves and criminals in our society ! We will and I , Jonathan Awasom will continue to speak out against all the dirty games that some of you play because nobody should be above the rule of law regardless of their gender or origin
Rev Dr Nyansa-ni-Nku of the PCC stole , embezzled and defrauded my scholarship while I was in school for 4 good years and I was not the only victim ! We were 4 of us and there are more victims ! He has stolen from the PCC for decades because his father-in -law was Moderator and gave him privileged positions where money was involved and he ganged up with CPDM elites in the PCC and emptied the PCC ! Why is it taking so long for the PCC Synod Officials including but not limited to Nyansa-Ni-Nku to declare their assets?
Foreign mission money sent to the PCC passed through him while he was Communication Secretary and Synod Clerk and he stole from all angles manipulating and decieving the Church because he thought he was the smartess and brightest son of the Church! He was blindly trusted but indeed was one of the biggest embezzlers and thieves and even has stolen more than most CPDM people !
He has a secret bank account for his children just as CPDM thieves which he is hiding and it must be exposed when the time comes ! I see how you and Mola Njoh have tried to attack me with lies but for your information, I do not own any Hollywood like MANSION like Nyansa-ni-Nku who stole church money and built a big mansion in his village in Kumba ! The man took PCC and turned it into a personal property and worked with CPDM, tearing families apart, going after Pastors and Christians until God used me to exposed him but he is not yet X-RAYED! The time is coming !
He stole and bought cars while christians were suffering ! Mr Abange stole over 1 billion from Pressbook and Nyan-sa-Ni -Nku was part of that mafia ! The judgement day is coming like a storm ! Some of you like to pretend and cover up the truth with all sorts of intimdation and lies but I am steady and focused! For your information, Nyansa-Ni-Nku was not a Cameroonian when he MISLEAD PCC Synod and forced himself to become Moderator and while he was Synod Clerk he abused Christians for nothing ! Don't even attempt to open a can of worms here in public with your myopic ways !
Is this how the European Union trained you with Cameroon government scholarship money to graduate from school and become a very troubled man with nuclear intentions against people who are standing up to evil and injustice ? You see , why you are suffering because you have always been a LIAR and Corrupt man who was fooling people ! So, your Ph.D was for you to discharge NUCLEAR ATTACKS on Jonathan Awasom?
The Buea State University crisis was not about tribes or regions. We are focused on the rights of students and it does not matter from where people come from, all students are entitled to certain rights while studying anywhere in the world in a structured or non-structured institution. Cameroon is not the first nor the last nation to have people from diverse backgrounds. In a diverse society, good laws enforced check human behavior and attitudes in order to avoid divisions and retaliation based on stereotypes. So, why are you making a big deal out of something that has no bearing on tribalism or regionalism?
What has become of you ? You see there are immediate consequences on someone like you who has been lying and misleading Cameroonians and Europeans!
What has your attacks got to do ?
Are you a Cameroonian under law?
If you are not a Cameroonian then you have no business with me
Are we clear on that?
Jonathan Awasom 

From: louis <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 5:42 PM
Subject: [camnetwork] Awasom Jonathan

Cursed are you, a pretentious tribalist "pastor" who can comes to the internet, hi-jack a students' group email to show that he is of the Devil and SATAN. I feel sorry for these students whose organisation was used to carry out an evil ritual by this so-called Mr. Awasom Jonathan. That evil has returned to you in FULL. Warn me? You must be out of your evil mind, Mr. "Jonathan" Awasom. Go call your contri man Mishe Fon. I am prepared for you TWO. You are a Thief, a Liar and a Violent man, unrepentant Nazi-tribalist. You, Jonathan Awasom, have been cursed by the Church. Why you continue to slander the Church leaders to cover up your crimes and improper behaviour.