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Friday, August 12, 2011


        The Social Democratic Front Party moves on ?
          The struggle for social change fades out ?
 In all fairness, I am obligated to appraise the Cameroon Social Democratic Front Party(SDF) before the Socialist International as well as the International Civil Society. This is the Cameroon main Opposition Party that inspired many of us Cameroonian youths when we were in High School in Cameroon and witnessed as well as partcipated in the struggles and troubles of the SDF against the CPDM corrupt tyranny and dictatorship to bring about democracy. I have lived long enough to realize that democracy under a corrupt tyranny and dictatorship is very , very far fetched ,which is the main reason why I chose not to be fooled the third time in life because then I will be indeed a foolish human being.Why have Cameroonians who deserted or rejected the SDF as well as onlookers/sympathizers come to terms with the fact that  the Chairman  of SDF, Mr. Ni John Fru Ndi has ultimately transformed himself to another dictator we have not been waiting for ? Does it have to do with "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely?"
There is so much about the SDF to remember and relived today with mixed feelings; a sense of gratitude,frustration, disappointment, anxiety and hope all coming together as some form of  political mixed feelings. It is exactly 11 years today since I filed for political asylum against the CPDM regime of Cameroon to the United States government. My political asylum became a powerful statement to the US government against oppression of my fellow Cameroonians by the CPDM political system, which I have agreed with the Founders of the United States of America that it is a corrupt tyranny and dictatorship. I actually discovered the truth while studying within the United States of America where I have still under asylum.
There is no qualms  that it is always  human to rush into outright rejections and condemnations but it is more humane to be compassionately critical with the hope to preserve the good history that our fellow human beings have written on the walls of life.As we come and go sooner or later, let us always think of the coming generation to the extent, which our actions in this life, must seek to leave behind a better society to inspire, empower and bless them so that they will in turn pass it on in due season.  In fact,consider the overwhelming perfect human condition as a stag reality we must deal with, for me, it is packaged to us with merits and demerits. What lessons do we learn from our mistakes in order to improve? So  what lessons have we learned from the SDF Party and their leaders for ourselves, Cameroon and the world at large about power and leadership?
We have constantly known the conflict between right and wrong, good and bad, truth and falsehood, love and hate ,light and darkness, justice and injustice, freedom and oppression ,liberty and bondage and so on and so forth. At the cross-roads of these dualities looms a high  moral craving for virtue, values, principles, rules,laws and commandments to guide us to live  in harmony with one another and be able to pursue our common dreams and aspirations with or limited control.I say so because not everybody pursue these positive virtues like you and me,which justifies why we are constantly at war against these negative vices since some people either consciously or unconsciously to be vicious.
Why has the SDF finally decided to participate in the Presidential Elections against our wish?

I thought that the decision of the Chairman of the SDF Party  Ni John Fru Ndi with his National Executive Council( NEC) not to participate in the Presidential elections in Cameroon this year,2011 due to the irregularities and unconstitutionality of ELECAM was driven by the spirit of Diaspora to free Cameroon.Then when Ni John Fru Ndi changed his mind lately to enter the Presidential race after decrying ELECAM for months, that came as an unpleasant surprise to me.It is said that according to SDF NEC the CPDM government has made most of the changes they asked for to enable ELECAM become a viable political instrument for democracy! There are two points to explore;
a) But I see this political decision differently. I believe that the SDF is bound up with the system because of the SDF Parliamentary group in Parliament.If SDF had failed to be involved, then the SDF Parliamentary group would lose legitimacy and the would have been asked to pay back the large sums of money the CPDM government has paid out to the SDF Party to participate in the elections under the cloak of some dark design called democracy. It is needless for the SDF NEC to give some weird excuses other than the political reality in ,which they are.
b)There is something that the SDF NEC have been hiding from Cameroonians and the world, which has made them to change their original position about ELECAM. May be to protect the SDF Parliamentarians who could be dismissed from Parliament if their Party fails to participated in the debatable and fake democratic process. This is what I am thinking about. Legitimacy is very important in politics and once you have dined with the system, it is hard to be a product or agent of change. In spite of any short coming of the SDF Party, I stand correct before humanity, I will like to offer a note of thanks before I continue to till the end.
 A note of thank you to the SDF Party for a great struggle
First of all, I will like to thank the Social Democratic Party, SDF NEC for their attempt in the past to bring about democracy in Cameroon. I cannot forget the 90s when as a young man we were always present at all SDF events and participated in public demonstrations and protests.I believe that the SDF has its place within Cameroon history for their impact on the political landscape.I am only giving a brief appraisal in a bid to move on because of the need to pursue our vision to free Cameroon in the immediate now.However, I must applaud the SDF for the role they have played in paving the way for many of us who have become involved in politically with an unmatched resilience to complete the unfinished business of our foe fathers and mothers. To God be the Glory and thank you again SDF.

The SDF events in the 90s, ranged from peaceful marches over long stretches over the cry for democratic reforms with serious operation ghost towns. Apparently, to a certain degree SDF succeeded in most of their strategies to force some semblance of  democratic reforms in Cameroon,which finally brought about multi-party politics. What happened thereafter was quite interesting as for the first time in Cameroon history, Cameroonians began experiencing more than one Party in Parliament with SDF being second to the CPDM Party ,which has remained in the majority Party till date. This meant that they could join any Political Party of their choice as well as exercise their democratic power of one vote.

To me it is quite laudable that SDF succeeded in empowering many Cameroonian families  athome and abraod who are now very successful  Parliamentarians and City Mayors but one might ask , what has become of social justice reforms in Cameroon ,which is the political platform of the SDF? Can the SDF Parliamentarians boast of any social justice policy that they have introduced and accomplished while in  Parliament for the Cameroon people? What difficulties have they encountered and why has it been a rather daunting task and lack of democratic dialogue and collaboration to enhance change? Will the SDF Party with me that they would have succeeded if we had first of freed Cameroon from dictatorship and corrupt tyranny?

The SDF had fought a good fight and like aging, it has run out of steam, unfortunately when they have not been able to cause any major social change in the light of the real issues that affect Cameroonian families. We still depend solely on charities overseas because government officials are not accountable according to article 66, police officers are still taking bribes, civil servants still take bribes before processing dossiers, senior citizens have no health care, no transportation and no program that meets their needs where they are, single parents  are neglected and left at the mercy of chance, there are no parks for recreation and no federal programs for college tuition, housing, health care and investment into sustainable entrepreneurial business initiatives, the roads and transportation system either by air, water or land is all either broken or lacking,armed robbery, fraud and unprofessional activities of government employees who hardly put in 8 hours on the job is still a pestering sore.
These social problems and more could not be handled by the SDF Parliamentarians in collaboration with other opposition members in Parliament. SDF has fallen short of expectation.They have lost their voice again even though they desire to be in the first place as Cameroon's main opposition party. This leaves much to be desired because one must ask some very tough questions nowadays, is there any opposition party in Cameroon opposing the CPDM Party in the true sense of opposition? Let me leave this subject for the end as it is not too important now but mark you very clearly that the real opposition to President Paul Biya and the CPDM regime and everything and everybody that is connected with the government of Cameroon has come from among Cameroonians in the Diaspora.This is well explained at the end.
 Why is Ni John Fru Ndeh Chairman of SDF for Life : TIME OUT?
I do not believe that Ni John Fru Ndeh does not know that his time is out, too as chairperson of SDF Party just as President Paul Biya of the CPDM Party. So, what is going on? SDF insiders argue that being life Chairman for SDF Party is not the same like being President for life of Cameroon. Well, if someone can be chairman for life, then he , too is very likely to become a dictator if made President. Terms limits for any political organization of government of free countries is imposed constitutionally because of the collective consciousness of the propensity of people to be easily corrupt by power.

The SDF is Ni John Fru Ndi and he has hardly listened nor contemplated retirement as the Chairman of the SDF. From my eye witness account, there has been some very critical voices from within that has tried in good faith to drive some commonsense into the brains of Ni John Fru Ndeh but he has failed to have any connection with the SDF militants. So, why does Ni John Fru Ndeh who was very admired adamant to changes within his own Party? Is it very easy to bask in the glories of the past and forget about a new generation of people who were never in the past and can't reckon with it the way eye witnesses do?

No other person within the NEC has ever been chosen to be Chairperson or Presidential candidate other than the Chairman Ni John Fru Ndi. One can only be very amazed how democratically united the SDF NEC can be to the extent that SDF Militants all over the world have never been able to alter the statusquo of tyranny and dictatorship that has beset SDF during the last lap of their existenceBystanders have not been able to influence the SDF Chairman at all because according to him and a handful of NEC members, SDF was and is his Party. It is not for every other person, which perhaps, is the reason why many party members have simply deserted the Party after failing to share in the top leadership position of the Party.At first I was convinced that Ni John Fru Ndi was holding unto the chairperson ship for life because had transformed himself into a freedom fighter for life like Nelson Mandela of South Africa.
The expectation of Cameroonians in the Diaspora for freedom and change

The SDF requested Cameroonians in the diaspora to ensure that the various embassies respect the Electoral laws! Well, it depends on who SDF is referring to as Cameroonians in the diaspora because there are about two schools of thoughts. One is pro-CPDM and the statusquo while the other is for freedom and change. Cameroonians in the Diaspora who do not want any Presidential elections to take place under President Paul and the CPDM Party and regime have the following set of expectations;
We want Paul Biya to step down peacefully and pave the way for a 24 months transitional government, establish the Cameroon Truth Commission and in the end introduce the President James Madison's Constitutional Federalism consolidated with the separation of powers leading to the  three arms of government as well explained by the Federal Papers.The reason is simple,we have endured one of the worst brutalization of our  common humanity through gross violation of human rights, arbitrary arrests, tortures and illegal imprisonments, extra-judicial killings, corruption, retaliation and over all lack of respect for the sacred and inalienable rights of every Cameroonian to live in dignity and uphold free speech. Over the years we have raised a great deal of awareness within the Diaspora in a bid to underscore our modus- operandi for calling on President Paul Biya and his government to step down and step aside because we cannot continue to afford corrupt tyranny and dictatorship in this century.

Our big picture is to proceed towards re-organizing and rebuilding the country for 24 months to suit all the various ethnic factions that characterize our  unique multi-ethnicity or cross-tribal diversity.We will then launch democratic elections under a free constitutional federal democratic system with separation of powers and independent states or regions to undermine liberal factionalism.We believe that  a new political paradigm in Cameroon  will  truly enable Cameroonians to freely pursue their common dreams and aspirations toward fulfilling their purpose in life under good governance and the rule of law.
The argument for Good Governance and the rule of law under a free and democratic Cameroon
Democracy is borne out of freedom/liberty and this was well articulated by President Abraham Lincoln during in 1863 when he delivered the Gutenberg address and inspired humankind with the American doctrine for democracy.Humankind must be free before they can become democratic.It is not possible to achieve democracy under any political system that looks like the one that the founders of American rejected prior to 1776. In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln oncemore reiterated this sacred truth about the relationship between freedom and democracy when he said;

" This nation(United States) under God has a new birth of freedom, that government of the people , by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth( Democracy)".
So, you see he said new birth of  freedom and then he defined democracy as government of the people. So, if people aren't free we should not try to force democracy on them because it won't work except lead to insanity and brutalization of their humanity as President Paul Biya and his government have been doing.
Cameroonians in the Diaspora replaced SDF as the main opposition to the
Since 2009 till date, Cameroon's long standing dictator ,President Paul Biya and his cohorts have never seen something like this from the Diaspora. They have spent more money in the Diaspora to corrupt many Cameroonians not to support us but that notwithstanding, we have miraculously been resilient, consistent and focused with our empty stomachs while our adversaries are well paid and fed to fight against us.We have endured name callings and all sorts of insult for our unflinching dedication and commitment to our highest self for the noble cause for a free and better world.

The Diaspora opposition through practical advocacy, activism and free speech sparking a cyber revolution , yet has happened with an unprecedented force that is shaking the foundation of falsehood under corrupt tyranny and dictatorship in Cameroon.The impact of the opposition from abroad is so huge that perhaps with the passing away of the SDF into the annals of history, the God of Freedom and democracy here in the United States of America where one has been embolden and propelled, I mean that the United State as the stronghold of opposition to the CPDM regime of Cameroon,had known long before we started this movement for a virtuous and free Cameroon that even the SDF would not be consistent till the end.

The SDF parliamentarians have been just a tiny minority in Parliament up and against an unpredictable CPDM large majority.So, could they really effect any meaningful change in Cameroon when the CPDM is still operating openly as a corrupt tyranny and dictatorship? Sometimes, we are told that one of the best ways to bring about change is to inside the system and not outside the system! How far is this true?If change must come only from the inside involvement and not from the outside pursuits, why then has the Cameroon opposition that are in parliament failed to bring the change we are fighting today from the outside?

It seems to me from what I have observed over the years that if the Chairman of SDF , of course, we know only one chairman, was opened with his NEC members to choose Presidential candidates from the Militants other than Ni John Fru Ndi, may be they would not bother to fight for the chairmanship. They wanted the Chairmanship because the constitution of the SDF and also CPDM Parties probably state that the Chairman of the Party must also become the Presidential candidate in any given election season.That is wny both Ni John Fru Ndi and President Paul Biya have been both chairmen and Presidential candidates for their Parties as well as refused to pass on the chairperson to any other member of the Party.
Concluding Remarks
Every Political Party and people have their moments in the cause of events. It usually does not last for too long. Political experts like the founders of the United States knew about this natural truth about the attention span of people with respect to enthusiasm , interest, excitement , passion and involvement,and concluded that no single person can be President or chairman of a Political Party for more than two terms.I believe that this is one of the major reasons why American constitutional federalism has flourished on the face of this earth since after 1776.

In order to turn political precepts into action, President George Washington even categorically refused to be President for the third term when Congress members begged him to finish a third term. He refused because he did not want to be the one to cause a situation within the new political culture of America that might end up in another corrupt tyranny and dictatorship.

Either way, when I started the Diaspora opposition and revolution and advocacy campaign against the corrupt tyranny and dictatorship in Cameroon, I knew that we could not quite rely only on Cameroon opposition leaders to free Cameroon because they do not really have a clear knowledge about the oppressed and political prisoners. If they did, they would not be acting like this all the time but it is very understandable that all these insane liberal factionalism encapsulated with over 200 political parties is sponsored and perpetrated by the stakeholders in Cameroon to the extent,which we ,Cameroonians in the majority must continue to think outside of the box and keep up the good fight of faith with the same energy, passion, focus and consistency that has brought this far.

Therefore, we bid SDF farewell and thank them so far for trying very hard enough. Now the rest of this struggle is for us to complete it and as you can tell, we have never looked back since 2009 when we placed our hands on the plough of freedom and democracy.It has to be freedom first and then democracy.This is how it has always been and whatever are the mistakes of the SDF leadership today, we will never look back until Cameroon is free from corrupt tyranny and dictatorship.

Thak you all for your cooperation. Pass it on
To God alone be the Glory
Jonathan Fru AwasomThe leader of the Diaspora opposing force to reckon with.
Presidential aspirant for the 24 months transitional government for Cameroon

Tuesday, August 9, 2011



--- On Thu, 12/30/10, Jonathan Awasom <> wrote:

From: Jonathan Awasom <>
Date: Thursday, December 30 the 2010  @ 7:47 pm

Dear Cameroonians and friends of Cameroon
It is essential that I wish you all a hopeful and prosperous new year, 2011. This is a very defining moment for Africa and we must be resolute and determined to navigate the complex hallways of corrupt tyranny to  good governance and the rule of law.
President Paul Biya and his government are  expected in all fairplay to wrap up his reign of corrupt tyranny on Cameroonians by December 30th,2011 to hand over to the transitional government all things being equal to the rules and enforcement  of our laws.
The unfolding political upheaval in Ivory Coast is a reminder that any complex society that is founded on the rule of law will never see its leaders fighting over power. A free and better political system that reflects the reality of the people in terms of ethnicities and regions will  gurantee appropriate procedures for entrance to power and exit from power.
Therefore, those who contributed to inject bad governance into the Africans societies with the complicity of its gatekeepers must also shoulder the responsibility to prevent conflicts from escalating. We are sick and tired of two elephants fighting while the grass is trampled and crushed.
The Ivorian and Cameroon governments must respect the law because this is our time for opportunity and prosperity. If someone comes to power in good faith, they should be willing to leave in good faith, too. This is pure and simple.
10 years ago, I became a political refugee and prisoner within the USA because of the corrupt and cruel CPDM regime. When President Paul Biya delivers his final New Year Speech to Cameroonians and the world, it will be up to him to embrace the peace plan to enable a smooth transition of power but the CPDM government cannot fool us again. Article 66 is the law and there is no dispute over this.

We are undertaking a very powerful underground move, yet to ensure that the world understands our position against money laundary, fraud, corruption and gross violation of the rule of law by any member of the CPDM government. Make no mistake about this.The world will continue to witness the powerful tornado of truth in exposing the corrupt tyranny and dictatorship of the CPDM government with a compelling argument to be chronicled as  wikitruth.
Then during the past 4 years within the USA, our quest for the freedom of Cameroon has taken an unprecedented dimension forcing  the CPDM regime to hit the USA based ABC News Media for propaganda. Concomittantly, the " Motions of Support to the head of state" by a group of CPDM youths in Yaounde is outmoded and unconstitutional. There is a practical  way of holding public servants accountable and article 66 provides a good clue to this.
I have made a very practical request to the Congress of the United States to allow all of us under political asylum or as refugees to have the opportunity to testify. This is because some pro-government Cameroonians have been very  sneaky by cutting ahead of us to misrepresent us. I have insisted to the Congress that they cannot speak on  our behalf.
I  also  want to take a moment to reiterate to all of you that we will never ever compromise our advocacy and fight to free and change the political system of Cameroon. The CPDM regime must respect our human rights and dignity by complying with article 66 of the constitution.
It is clear that we want change very badly after the last Presidential elections in 2004  was yet another fiasco, which retained Mr Paul Biya as President of Caameroon.Now again he has began his usual tricks by stretching their tentacles of corruption and tyranny all over the world to cajole people for motion of support! .
Unfortunately, the world is no longer what they have always conceived in their egocentric political mind set.We are on rampage. This is the fact about life.We understand our plight and know exactly how to solve our problems under the canopy of our constitution. The fact that Mr Paul Biya signed the Constitution into law does not mean that the signer should undermine its sanity and sacredness.
We must be bear in mind that each of us with a good conscience have stakes in the future of Cameroon as a young nation that deserves to grow up. The proposition for a transitional government, which I opted for since 2009 as President for the transitional government continues to shape the political discourse among Cameroonians and anxious onlookers.
The manifesto for the freedom and change of Cameroon has been particularly defined by the spirit and wisdom of the founders of America. The clarity and conviction of FREECCAM'A's stance on the destiny of Cameroon in terms of political methodology drawn from the parable of the sower speaks volume about Jesus Christ's and Socrates' unmatched wisdom, which inspired the founders of America. It is amazing how, we, too are inspired by the same principles and ideals toward rebuilding Cameroon
While Free and Change Cameroon, Africa ( FREECCAM'A) has trapped the head of CPDM government with article 66 of the Cameroon constitution, it is now very clear that the Social Democratic Front Party( SDF) is also consciously clinging unto its tail with the unconstitutional ELECAM. You need to know something about this powerful home and domestic political strategy that will strangulate the CPDM government and pave the way for a new life for us all.
We cannot afford to miss this kind of political opportunity reasons for ,which all Cameroonians who have been vigilant and celebrating our advocacy and activism for a very long time now must begin to have great hope and a sense of greater involvement and commitment.We cannot always agree with the SDF party on everything but we can find common grounds and unite to free and change our society.This has been my plea and you will see more of this happening as we connect all the dots in the days ahead. 
Our goal is to forge a proactive partnership that will galvanize and unite the civil society within and without around our common dreams and aspirations to ensure that good governance and the rule of law begins to manifest within the Cameroon new political system.ELECAM is crucial to the SDF Party, which is right on the home front and have a proper understanding of the electoral fraudulent system from  the experience of being hurt in the process.
Meanwhile Article 66 is crucial to FREECCAM'A. FREECCAM'A is preoccupied with the principal subject of a republic, which is the rule of law ( The Constitution).Most importantly, very soon, the document on " The Nation of Thieves" will be released explaining why our nation's thieves must be held accountable, which means all their assets and monies overseas and at home must be confiscated and frozen pending a complete investigation into their ill-gotten and stolen wealth.
The   recent Political Romance sought by Mr. Paul Biya with his incompatible partner Mr. Ni John Fru Ndi must have been triggered by the scary best man article 66 of the Cameroon constitution, which calls for Mr. Paul Biya and his CPDM government  to declare their assets to mark  a new beginning in our struggle for freedom and change of the Political system in Cameroon. The political cynicism of  the CPDM government  which can only be compared with that of Machiavelli as a ploy to avoid article 66 will never work.
We are very observant. We do not need emergency institutions to be created by decrees, with the hope to cajole and mislead people. A free and organized political system won’t have to wait for so long to be granted Universities and Hospitals. These institutions will only have a meaningful impact  on the lives of Cameroonians if the political system is free and transparent with high regards and respect for human rights of all citizens especially University Professors who live under fear
There cloud of fear over the refusal of   CPDM party officials and public servants  to declare their assets as public servants in order to set the stage for good governance and the rule of law is only being deepened as Article 66 sharpens our teeth for freedom and change.They have every reason to be afraid because they never listened to the voice of God when they were advised from several fronts to stop corruption and foster good governance and transparency
It is important for Mr Ni John Fru Ndi and SDF party to understand that 20 years after, we Cameroonians seeking the freedom and change of the political system as well as individuals who embody that system will never be blind folded by any strange political window dressing. If a stretch of handshakes do not represent the dreams and aspirations of the Cameroon people as dictated by the constitution and the new world order, then we must say “thanks but no thanks for the handshake, please, Mr President, declare your assets”
It is true that Ni John Fru Ndi is serious about transparent elections  reasons for ,which he constantly alludes to ELECAM as a farce. But ELECAM is not embedded into the constitution like article 66. ELECAM was a creation by Mr. Paul Biya and CPDM regime to suit them. It can be scrapped off just as he signed a decree and established it but Article 66 is the law.
By all account the rule of law must be enforced accordingly. This is the case we are making to the human race at this awesome moment in history because we shall never go to sleep until Mr Paul Biya and his government understand that they should never have taken us for granted as if  they were and are anymore entitled to this life than any of us. We, the people were born free and entitled to know how they have managed the country following article 66.
Thank you oncemore and have a great New Year Celebration
Jonathan Fru Awasom