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Saturday, July 28, 2012

A New Cameroon Professional Outlook: How does CPS Addresses the future of Cameroon Professionalism and the CPDM Corruption and Corrupt political system? Some insights from Rev Jonathan Awasom and also an inspiration from "Professionalism Is for Everyone: Five Keys to Being A True Professional", by James R Ball

    Open letter to Cameroon Professional Society( CPS)

Dear CPS 

I sincerely congratulate all of you for your effort in celebrating professionalism since many of you  appear to be accomplished professionals within the United States of America. God has buttered your bread inside America and to God be the Glory and oncemore, kudos to all of you, CPS officials and members.

How can we build a virtuous and free Cameroon society by injecting the subject of professionalism into the bundle of ideas and ways through , which we must build and transform Cameroon? As you know, I recently published an article about reforming the Cameroon Government Scholarship Board and  this was because it was and is corrupt  in spite of the fact that we may have professionals on the board!

So, what is happening to Cameroon and Cameroonians , and why are most professionals leaving the country for good? 

I hope you are all going to give me your ears beyond prejudice and stereotypes for at least 15 minutes to address this subject of Professionalism as my own token healthy and productive contribution to progress and development of  Cameroon and humanity. As a professional , I am always very sick when I see Cameroonians acting unethically and unprofessionally eventhough many of them have graduated from some form of professional school with a professional degree or certificate/diploma.

Acting professionally guarantees efficiency as well as ensures that everyone is treated with respect and dignity with respect to execution of our duties.The lack of professional environment has enabled mediocrity and abuse of power, and all of us do question the sense and spirit of professionalism in our society and among ourselves as Cameroonians! Now, I wonder if we need to learn something new?

James  R Ball writes in his book , Professionalism is for Everyone: Five Keys to being a True Professional" , that 

" Why should you  make the effort to learn what its means to be professional and then to think and act professionally? Use the  PRO acronyms... When you are a PROfessional , you will enjoy Pride, Respect and Opportunities that others will not" 

Do you believe, as I do, that we need to introduce the subject of Professionalism into the Cameroon Educational System from elementary level to  the University and Professional Training Schools and Institutions in order to teach, equip and nurture a new generation of Cameroonian work force that will salvage our society from immorality? So,  we need a very special curriculum  for a way forward because unless we learn and then teach or inculcate the idea and ideals of professionalism into Cameroonians, it will be hard to come out of the dungeons of corruption affecting all the institutions and most families in

Cameroon and among Cameroonians

People have never been taught how to be free, transparent and accountable and most importantly to be professional because we were all born into a very bad and corrupt society. That is why I am more optimistic and forward looking because without this consideration, we will find it hard to establish the perfect diagnosis of our problems. If you do, then I am calling upon you all to join us to make this happen in a new Cameroon beyond the current corrupt establishments. If you guys say that you are apolitical, well, that is fine but we , all have to be able to hold both government and the civil society accountable regardless of our political leanings

Why do you think Cameroon as a nation and people lack( PRO) Pride, Respect and Opportunities ,which is why almost everyone is fleeing from the country including the children of the kleptocracy( children of the corrupt ruling government officials )? About 90% Cameroonians are very corrupt. The Cameroon society is extremely corrupt from top to the bottom to the extent ,which the few ones who have done their utmost to be professionals are the odd ones!  To begin with, the tragedy is that the political system is a corrupt tyranny and is highly responsible for the culture of corruption since it survives only under corruption.

Therefore, about 90 % of Cameroonian professionals  starting from the President down to the Principal  of Elementary Schools or  Post Office employees are corrupt. I am talking about lack of  the spirit of duty consciousness and professionalism, which leaves people the option to abuse their offices  without being accountable. So, how can we fix Cameroon so that there is a certain degree of professionalism and accountability by those who render services to us in both the private and public sectors?

Entrance examinations into the Cameroon so called Professional schools is corrupt beyond corruption, appointments to high positions of responsibility  is corrupt and too often sex and material offers  are traded to secure juicy government  appointments! There is a scary level of fraud and corruption at the Cameroon Higher Education with some University Professors and officials corrupt as they award diplomas to students who are not deserving especially to females that have affairs with  some male professors.

The Police Force  is even more corrupt as police officers are notorious for collecting bribes from  transportation vehicles instead of enforcing  laws that the drivers have violated! 

Before you ever think of   engaging us Cameroonians, my fellow Cameroonian Professionals, I wanted to introduce you to a very useful resource, which I find quite intriguing and well written to inspire those who believe in professionalism and are determine to apply professionalism in what they do everyday in the service of the civil society and humankind. This is just one of the numerous books, which I have read and understood, and working towards enforcing its principles and ideals in  a new Cameroon government.

James R. Ball oncemore, highlights the five keys of being a true Professional as follows;


As you all know, being a professional requires more than just a degree from a professional school because the concept  of professionalism is measured by the tasks we perform as assigned to us within a given work force whether  in the public or private sector. I tend to be very curious because many of you talk about Cameroon professional society outside of Cameroon and I wonder how relevant this is to Cameroon as a nation and people or  better still, in what ways are you connected with the effort to empower Cameroonians to   be  more professionals by STOPPING CORRUPTION  AND DISHONESTY, FEYMAN, FRAUD, LIES AND CROOKERY?


Can we  begin to  have an honest and frank conversation about a new Professional outlook for Cameroon society ,which is currently lacking in professional ethics  or professionalism? Where are you Cameroon professional society members located and what is your take on the state of tyranny and dictatorship against Cameroon by dictator Paul Biya and his criminal corrupt CPDM regime? 

Do you think you can become successful professionals inside Cameroon under the current system of government and if not, why not and what are your suggestions as to what we can do to transform the Cameroon work force into a team of meritorious professionals like those of you whose bread have been buttered by the United States free society? Can  you guys help me to understand exactly what this Congress is all about?

This organization has been around since 2009 shortly  after  the vision I launched  to empower a new generation of Cameroonians to focus on how we could work together to influence genuine change in our country, Cameroon. I have been waiting to see if there is any more substantive and productive works  from these group other than fanfare,ceremonies and awards ,which seem to characterize their annual congresses!

Thank you for your interest and consideration

Jonathan Awasom

The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century

The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for allEmpowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global 

--- On Sat, 7/28/12, Anne F <> wrote:

From: Anne F <>
Subject: [cameroon
ant to hear from you! Take our CPS Congress Surveys_sdf_party] We w
Date: Saturday, July 28, 2012, 6:16 PM

--- On Sat, 7/28/12, Anne Fombu, Congress Chairperson <> wrote:

From: Anne Fombu, Congress Chairperson <>
Subject: We want to hear from you! Take our Congress Survey
Date: Saturday, July 28, 2012, 10:10 PM

We Want to Hear From You!
Click on the link below and take our 2012 CPS Congress survey and provide us with feedback about the Congress.Your feedback is important to us as we strive to improve the Congress experience.

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Cameroon Prof


Tuesday, July 24, 2012


CPDM means Cameroon People Un-Democratic Movement under Cameroon 's long standing dictator  Paul Biya who has been chairman of his Party for 30 years now. 

He is also the dictator and tyrant of Cameroon who is fast loosing his firm grip on power and bound to fall very soon provided the US Congress , UNO and the international community of noble people and freedom fighters who believe in our common humanity for the sake of human and civil rights throw their weight and support for this sacred mission towards a virtuous and free Cameroon.  

In the wake of this, I have learned how to dismiss my distractors and confront negative propaganda with the truth. This is what this  rebuttal to the attacks of this Professor of History and their cohorts within the US  is all about. The desperation of the dictator is manifest through those they are sponsoring against this vision for a virtuous and free Cameroon.

These individuals are being paid and embedded wherever I am by the ruling CPDM junta to sabotage and destabilize the cause but I am not bowing to their mediocrity. One must be very vigilant because this is a just cause.See details below and thank you for allowing me to speak and write about freedom and rights. JAF
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jonathan Fru <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 9:06 AM


    Dr Emmanuel Konde,

    You are engaged in a MISEDUCATION of yourself and your fellow CPDM people!

    I don't take advice from CPDM people! I   had been well equipped morally, spiritually, intellectually and character -wise for this noble task for the freedom of Cameroon even before you learned about me. I am not going to become a coward to people who are flip-flopping because they are corrupted to blackmail, slander and spread  lies !

    It looks like you have forgotten that I have been your teacher since from 2009 till date. May be some of the archives will help you to refrain from insulting your teacher in public and humble yourself  so that this continuous education I am offering to you will help  you to change your guru mentality for mediocrity and intellectual dishonesty. I just googled "Dr Emmanuel Konde and Rev Jonathan Awasom"and this article below was the most befitting rebuttal I wanted to present. There are quite a great deal of others, which you can google on your spare time and get to  update yourself about what your fine teacher, the genius for truth ,knowledge and wisdom has for you.

    I have the profound moral obligation, as a matter of fact, to be firm as a champion for  truth and freedom .I won't condone lies and slander of any of sort from all of you who have been embedded on camnet to distract and try to sabotage. If you  were thinking that I was weak, you are just learning that I have a  far more thick skin and as much as I respect and value the rights of others to express themselves, blackmailing  of any sort must not be condoned.
    Am I clear on this , professor?  Click and download or read all below;


    Jul 25, 2011 – Jonathan Awasom on Radio: "The Ballot Box" Clink and listen to the APPRAISAL .... Are you morally awake now, Prof Emmanuel Konde? I wonder if you really know ..... The dismissal letter of Rev Warah Solomon by the P..


    EMMANUEL KONDE ENGAGE EACH OTHER OVER CAMEROON POLITICS / Fw: [camnetwork] Presidential ... Rev and furure president Awasom... Can the Northwesterners vote you (Jonathan Awasom from Mankon) as the fon of Mankon?

Jonathan Awasom 
The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free worldthe beloved global village

From: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 8:01 AM

I have advised you on several occasions to go back to school and study the subject matter of public discourse you seem to be interested in but currently have no appreciable knowledge of. Reading Wikipedia entries is no substitute for structured learning under the tutelage of accomplished scholars. Yes, you read and write at a very low level. This astute observation is based on my analysis of how you posit arguments and articulate ideas. There are standard rules the guide us in writing. Apparently, you are clueless about these.

I do not think you are "wacko"; you are simply ill-equipped educationally to discharge the tasks you've set up for yourself. I will not dare direct you to the sources because you will but not understand; and worse, you will definitely abuse and misuse them. I know it might difficult for a 45-year old man to submit himself to learning what most learned during their late teens and early-twenties. Well, you have to try or remained condemned in your current state of pompous arrogance of ignorance.

The Guru
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

From: Jonathan Fru <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 21:31:09 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Are you a Cameroonian citizen to be responding to me? Re: [camnetwork] Mishe Fon make sure you google Mishe Fon against Rev Jonathan Awasom

Mukoi first of all you are not a Cameroonian citizen .
You became an American citizen after your refugee status. So, just respect yourself and stop meddling and insulting me. 

I have never been involved with money issues like you who clearly has stolen from women and some of them have testified to this.

I do not know what is your issue with Rev Jonathan Awasom!
It looks like you almost don't have a life anymore because I am at the center of your being  keeping you very busy! I posted somethings about you because I wanted to x-ray your foolhardiness and greed. WHEN YOU PEOPLE HAVE BEEN PAID TO SLANDER ME, YOU BEGIN TO CHANGE YOUR ORIGINAL POSITION AND SUPPORT FOR ME BUT THE ARCHIVES ARE THERE TO X-RAY AND EXPOSE YOUR CORRUPT AND WICKED WAYS.

If this is about who is important and has personality, then why can't you just ignore me or stop responding to anything from me or about me?

You make me a very important personality when you continue to intrude.

Look at you this drunkard Mukoi, a woman abuser and exploiter!

I wonder who you are comparing yourself with for? 

We don't have anything  in common in life.

Your ways are too scandalous for one to be part of your life!

So, you need to avoid meddling because you 're unrepentant and untreated.


Jonathan Awasom 
The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village

From: Elkanah Mukoi <>
To: camnet work <> 
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2012 3:21 PM
Subject: RE: [camnetwork] Mishe Fon make sure you google Mishe Fon against Rev Jonathan Awasom

Who are you and what do you have that important personalities will be talking about a church thief like you? Refund the Presbyterian mission of the money you stole from them which caused your firing from the PCC.  Wandas.

"If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer." [Obama-Nov. 4th, 2008] 
Prof. Billy


Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 05:36:30 -0700
Subject: [camnetwork] Mishe Fon make sure you google Mishe Fon against Rev Jonathan Awasom


Cyber terrorist Mishe Fon

Make sure you google Mishe Fon against Rev Jonathan Awasom
Make sure you google Kenneth Fru Ndeh against Rev Jonathan Awasom
Make sure you google Samuel Fungwa against Rev Jonathan Awasom
Make sure you google all the names of the people who write diatribe against me in the same manner like above and see what comes up !

You're going to discover exactly what I am saying! I have been able to counter all the  stuff that you people spew out there against me so that at one moment the world will get to know the kinds of people you're when they discover the truth

I am a well trained advocate and fighter for freedom!

I know how to take adequate precaution against all your NEGATIVE PROPAGANDA  against me and this cause for freedom!

 Jonathan Awasom 
The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village

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